Ten years ago…

The sun was burning down on the city of New York. Streets were bare and empty. It was the worse heat wave in thirty years. But underneath the city, four young turtles roamed the sewers in a game of hide and go seek.

"… 27, 28, 29, 30. Ready or not here I come!" a young Donatello called.

He wandered along for a bit until a piece of red dangled just above his line of vision. The infant turtle turned and pointed.

"Found you Raph!" Donatello cheered smugly.

"Awww man, I'm always found first!" Raphael pouted sourly. His tiny hands crossed over his plastron.

Donatello chuckled. "Come on Raphie, we gotta find Mikey and Leo!"

The young Raphael rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever lets go already!"

The two brother set off together to find their other siblings. A little further south from their position was Leonardo and Michelangelo, who were arguing over where to hide.

"No way dude; I saw we hide behind those pipes!" the youngest turtle squealed.

"And I say we hide on the ceiling!" the eldest turtled replied.

"Oh yeah! Well I think your hiding spot stinks!" Mikey pouted.

"Yeah well guess what," but Leonardo was interrupted.

A gurgling sound emitted from around the corner. Leo and Mikey glanced at one another before taking a step forward. Donatello and Raphael came running up towards them.

"Hey, why aren't you guy hiding?" Donnie questioned curiously.

"Yeah," Raph added.

"We heard something," Mikey replied nervously.

"And it's coming from over there, come on. Let's check it out," Leo prompted maturely.

"I don't know Leo. Master Splinter always says that we shouldn't mess around with things," Donnie reminded.

"Come on you scaredy turtles. It could be nothing!" Raph exclaimed in a annoyed tone.

The younger two brothers looked at each other before agreeing. Together all four turtles snuck carefully up to the end of the wall. Then they jumped out screaming and howling like banshees. They looked up to find nothing but a bundle of blue rags. Another gurgling noise sounded from it, and then it began to wail. Raphael walked over to it and picked it up gently. Removing some of the rags he got a glimpse of its face.

"No way!" he gasped quietly.

He other brothers came up and surrounded him and the same reaction ensued. It was a turtle, like them. A baby no less.

"Dudes, what should we do with it?" Michelangelo inquired staring down at the newborn.

"You mean her," Donnie stated simply.

"What?" the three other brothers exclaimed.

"You mean her; look it has hair,"

"So? It could be a boy," Raph replied

"Would a boy have flamingo pink hair? Besides we're all guys and we don't have hair," Donnie reasoned irritated.

"Alright guys that's enough. We'll take her back home to Splinter. He'll know what to do," Leonardo commanded gently.

All four turtles gave up their game of hide and seek and walked home, only stopping every now and then to swap who held the baby mutant turtle. Upon reaching their home they were greeted by an angry old rat.

"I hope you are all aware of the time. I instinctively remember telling you to be home an hour ago," he reminded them.

"We understand Sensei, but you see we got a little um, side-tracked," Leonardo spoke as Donatello stepped forward with the newborn turtle.

Splinter smiled gently and took the baby from Donatello, its bright pink hair spilling out somewhat. "I see," he said. His sons crowded around him.

"Can we keep her? Please!" they begged together.

Splinter chuckled. "Of Course, but we must name her first,"

"How about Super Stella!" Mikey screeched making his brothers wince.

"Keep dreaming shell head," Raph growled.

"I like Florence," Leo stated softly.

"Me too," the others agreed.

Splinter smiled once more at his sons, then at his new daughter. "Florence, welcome to the family; my daughter.

Florence reached out with a three fingered hand and entangled them in Splinter fur. She gurgled with delight and faded off to sleep in his arms.