I apologize for this huge delay. I don't want to get into any more details about my personal life but I am officially going into retirement after this. I have loved every minute of this experience, and thank you to every single person who has been a part of it.

One of my prereaders, cynosure23, is the one who finally persuaded me to give this story its ending. She has just published a story as well that, in my opinion, is worthy of some love. If you're hankering for more to read I highly recommend it. Only one or two chapters published now but she has allowed me to read her outlines and drafts and I think it'll be great.

Bella Swan-Cullen:

"She's so tiny," I cooed, touching my little girls angelic nose with the tip of my finger. "I can't get over it…"

Edward just smiled at me, snapping yet another picture with his phone.

"Stop…I look disgusting," I cried, reaching out to take it away from him. "Look at this little baby instead."

"Hmm." Edward swooped in closer, kissing the baby's head with a softness that made me love him even more than I thought possible. "She's pretty sweet. You did good, baby. I can't believe we're here, with a baby. After everything…" He trailed off, rubbing my arm gently. "Thank you, bella. Thank you for not giving up on me, even when I acted like I hated you, even when I couldn't remember. It means everything to me. And now you've given me another amazing gift that I can never thank you enough for."

My eyes filled with tears yet again, for what seemed like the millionth time in the past few hours since Baby Girl Cullen was born. "Thank you, Edward. You've given me everything, too. We make a pretty good team. You made our love so special that I had no choice but fight for it to come back to us."

We kissed again, and I cupped the head of our tiny baby, savoring every moment of the life I had won back.

"Do not tell me this kid still doesn't have a name." Emmett burst into the house, Rosalie in tow, with an armful of gifts and balloons.

"Ignore him," Rosalie laughed, kissing Edward's cheek, and then mine, and then the baby. "It has to be perfect."

"I'm telling you, go trendy. Give her a boy's name, like the celebs are doing." Emmett unloaded his pile and then came to embrace the three of us. "Emmett sounds fucking perfect."

I rolled my eyes, putting a protective hand over my girls' ears. "Language, Em. We don't want her first word to be an f bomb. But thanks for the gifts, guys. You really didn't have to, this little girl is spoiled enough already!"

"And besides, she isn't nameless anymore," Edward piped in, carefully unwrapping the gifts Emmett and Rosalie had brought. "And we can tell you, since we just got off the phone with our parents." He grinned at me, his green eyes sparkling just like they did when we were in high school and crazy in love.

Our guests interrupted our small gushy moment, begging to know the name of our baby, who was six days old already. We had been talking about names since I found out we were pregnant, but couldn't agree on anything. On our honeymoon, we started bickering about it so much that we had to make a truce, saying we wouldn't pick a name until after the baby was born.

"Violet Penelope Cullen," Edward said softly, reaching over and taking Violet out of my arms. For once, I didn't protest. I loved holding my baby but I know Edward has been itching for her all afternoon.

"That's beautiful, guys," Emmett said genuinely, reaching over and pinching Violet's cheek gently. "And she's beautiful, too. She looks like both of you."

"It is a beautiful name," Rosalie agreed, touching my hand softly. "I love it. And she looks like you, Bella. Just with those green eyes of Edwards. She'll be a heartbreaker."

I smiled at my husband, thinking about how this man had broken my heart once before, even though it wasn't his choice. Knowing what that felt like, and having to fight to make him realize that we were soulmates, taught me more about life and love than anything else ever has. And now that I have this sweet girl, I will tell her everyday how much she is loved.

"Bella? Bella, wake up." Edward's soft voice pulled me out of a light sleep, and I sat up, disoriented and confused.

"What? What…is it the baby?" I moved to get out of bed and to go to Violet's bassinet near the foot of our bed, but Edward reached out for my arm and stopped me.

"No, baby, it's not Violet. I've been thinking. About how much I love you, and how easily I could have lost you if you had given up on me-"

I laid back in bed, relieved that the baby was fine. "It was never an option for me to give up, Edward…I had to make you remember, because I couldn't and never will be able to let go of how much I love you. Even though you just woke me up in the middle of the night when I already have a week old baby who does that." I leaned over to kiss him, but he stopped me again.

"I'm serious. Thank you." He kissed me hard and sweet, and memories came flooding back to me. I savored him, glad that I had these to hold onto for the rest of my life. "You and Violet, you're unforgettable."

Thanks guys. Love you all.

Xoxo- Mel.