I apologize for the lack of updates. New chapters will be arriving soon, and I'm aiming for over 2000 words a chapter. In the meantime, to fill in the wait for chapters, I will be writing short stories taking place during the events of Equestria Ho!, but aren't canon to the story. I hope you enjoy them!

Rarity stared in awe at her reflection in the mirror. A hairbrush surrounded by an aura of magic carefully removed any knots lodged in the mare's mane. Each stroke of the brush allowed her hair to shape into the beautiful curl she was known for. Another hairbrush gently stroked through her tail, matching the elegance of her mane.

Satisfied with her mane, Rarity placed her brushed down and levitated a case of make-up towards her. With very gentle movements, she applied the eyeshadow around those gorgeous eyes. A tube of lipstick left a divine shade of red over Rarity's perfect lips.

The unicorn mare couldn't help but admire herself in the mirror. She was downright fabulous in every way. Every part of her body was literally shining, much like the diamonds she obsessed over. Satisfied with her appearance, Rarity gracefully trotted towards the door of Carousel Boutique. She was ready to make this day hers, and show everypony that she was the pony everypony should know.

Rarity opened the door and set forth into the town of Ponyville. Napalm suddenly emerged from a bush, holding the water hose from the side of the building. A stream of cold water blasted into Rarity, drenching her mane and tail. The make-up dripped down her face as she struggled to fight the water splashing against her. Napalm smiled throughout the whole fiasco.

Five minutes later, Napalm hobbled away slowly while rubbing his sore flank.

"Geez, what a grouch."