Um… this is my first story EVER. Pls be nice with your criticism. I finally had the courage to post at least one of my stories so um.. yeah. Suggestions are welcomed. And this is for my love of the Persona 4 game. I hope you enjoy!

Sometimes it's okay to rest

He should have stayed home today. He knew that when he woke up feeling tired, no wait scratch that he felt EXHAUSTED after days of working hard on his part time jobs, going in and out of the TV to train, keeping his grades up. And most of all spending time with his group/team to raise his social links and friendship with them. But still he pushed himself and was now in school trying his best to listen to Kashiwagi screech about her life and what not. He sighed as he rubbed his temples hoping it would help ease the growing pain in his head. He noticed Chie looking at him with a confused expression on her face. He gave her a soft smile hoping it would make her stop worrying. He was relieved when she smiled back and went back her her business. He was able to go through the morning classes unnoticed. Proud of himself he gave himself a break as he slept through the whole lunch period. Yosuke shook him awake when the bell rang. But as the afternoon classes started, he was having a hard time keeping himself awake as he drifted on and off from sleep. Yukiko noticed this and offered to cover for him while he rests. He nodded his head before drifting back to sleep.

Meanwhile as he slept, Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko were looking at their leader with worry obvious in their faces. They carefully started to converse through passing paper during class.

Yosuke: Hey do you think he's ok?
Chie: I'm not sure. He never sleeps in class.
Yukiko: He looks pale and tired guys. We should keep an eye in him. And we should tell Naoto and the others about this too.

They all nodded in agreement before they crumpled their conversation as the final bell rung. They saw Souji slowly open his eyes as he yawned awake. They looked at each other once again frowning as they saw how pale he was.

"I'm gonna wash my face in the bathroom. Lets meet at our usual place" Souji said to them as he walked out of the classroom. Their faces grew more worried as they quickly went to tell their other team mates.

Souji looked at himself in the mirror, he was as pale as a sheet and was slightly flushed from fever. He remembered how hoarse his voice was when he told the others to go ahead. He knew he was sick, but his instincts as a leader clouded his common sense to just cancel everything and go home. He washed his face and tried his best to look healthy as he made his way to Junes to meet the others. Coughing slightly as he walked.

While they waited for Souji, Yukiko told the rest of the team what happened in class today.

"Sensei fell asleep in class? Um... What's so bad about that?"

"Teddie" Yosuke started facing the young blond boy "Souji NEVER sleeps in class EVER."

They looked at each other with uneasy expressions that were cut short when Souji arrived. As they took a good look at their leader the younger members saw what they meant, Souji looked absolutely exhausted when he arrived.

"Let's go" his command was brief but assertive but they could clearly hear the hoarseness of his voice.

"Sempai are you ok?" Rise blurted out unexpectedly. Souji who wasn't paying attention was caught off guard.

He knew if he spoke again he would be found out. So he just nodded his reply and quickly went to the electronics department. The others decided to just keep an eye on their leader for the mean time.

As they arrived to the other world they immediately started training at the old abandoned building nearby infested with powerful shadows.
As they went on they noticed that Souji struggled more battle after battle. As they reached the 6th floor Souji was already panting and dragging his feet.

"Sempai I think we shou-" Naoto started to say before she got interrupted yet again as a rather strong shadow ambushed them. Caught by surprise Souji used all his willpower to concentrate on the battle and in giving orders to his teammates. Too concentrated on the safety of his team he hadn't notice the shadow creeping up behind him as it attacked. Luckily he was able to dodge the strike but he fell on the floor dizzy. As it was about to strike again Yosuke was able to use Garudyne at the last second defeating the shadow.

Souji struggled to stand but he couldn't as he had reached his limit. His vision started to blur as he swayed and collapsed. Choruses of "Souji!" "Sempai!" and "Sensei!" filled the air as they rushed to their fallen leader. Their heart broke as they saw him panting and sweating both from exhaustion and sickness.

Naoto felt his temperature and gasped how high his fever was. Not having a second thought Kanji stepped forward and slowly lifted his Sempai flinching a little as he felt the radiating heat from his body.

"We have to bring him home immediately. His fever is very high and he is in no condition to stay here much longer." Naoto stated. Everyone nodded as they rushed to the exit. None of them cared when people stared at them as they ran from Junes to the Dojima residence carrying the unconscious Souji. As they arrived they barged inside loudly surprising Nanako who was as usual watching TV. She gasped when she saw the state of her big brother.

"Nanako, Souji isn't feeling very well can you prepare his futon please so he can rest" Yukiko gently said so not to scare the poor girl. She quickly nodded and ran upstairs to fix his futon. As they waited for her, Kanji layer Souji down on the couch. He groaned his face twisting in pain. Everyones frown deepened as they observed their leaders weak state.

"The futon is ready. Um... Is big bro gonna to be okay?" Nanako asked worry in her features as she looked at her big bro's face contorted in pain.

"He will be right as rain soon Nanako. He just needs a good long rest. And alot of tender loving care. You'll help us with that won't you?" Chie said reassuringly as Nanako smiled a little and nodded.

Slowly Kanji and Yosuke lifted their weak friend and made him all set in his futon. After everyone entered the room, Nanako came and brought a basin of cold water and a small washcloth to help with his fever. Rise slowly placed the cold damp cloth on Souji's burning forehead sighing In relief as his face relaxed feeling the coldness of the washcloth. As they waited for him to wake up they went downstairs and began to make some simple soup for the sick teen.

"Oh No! You girls just sit and don't touch anything! Souji is already sick enough! Don't kill him with your evil cooking!" Yosuke blurted out as the girls began to get ingredients from the fridge.

"H-h-hey! We just want to help! We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Chie protested but she knew deep in her heart that she should just follow Yosuke before they kill Souji with their cooking.

"Heck no! You guys remember Mystery Food X! There's no way are you gonna cook!" Yosuke practically shouted.

"Keep your voices down! Sempai gonna wake up at this rate. Stop arguing and let's think of the most rational way to do this. For Sempai's sake." Naoto said silencing the two.

There was a long pause before a small voice found it's way to the room.

"I can cook big bro's soup. Daddy taught me how to make it when I got sick. Maybe big bro's friends should just stay with him so he won't get lonely." Nanako said softly earning small smiles from the group.

"Nana-chans right. We should take care of Sensei for now. He's always helping us, it about time we do our part to help him." Teddie said as he stood up and ran to Soujis room.

"Are you sure you don't need our help Nanako-chan?" Yukiko turned to the little girl, smiling as she gave a small smile and nodded.

"I can do it myself! I'm a big girl now. And if it helps big bro get better then I'll put all my heart and soul in it!" Everyone smiled at the little girls determination as they stood up and followed Teddie. As they entered they saw him still sleeping and Teddie changing his washcloth.

"Hows he Ted?" Yosuke whispered the young blond smiled sadly.

"Sensei hasn't woken up. But I dont think his fever is going down." he took a cautious look at his Sensei before sighing sadly.

They sat there glancing every few seconds at the futon. Hoping and praying for their friends fast recovery.

Someone was able to point out a tiny flaw in my story. Whoever you are i am so grateful that you did! Thank you so much i was able to change it. :)