A/N: This is my First HP fanfic please be gentle and review?

Minerva McGonagall sat behind her ornate desk quietly looking around at each of the portraits that lined the expansive office. As her eyes drifted to Albus a small wistful smile spread across her thin lips. It was truly an honor she mused. Just as she thought such a thought a knowing smile was on Albus' face. It was really amazing that this room had not suffered any damages during the attack. It had been a long day of clean up that day. There were still parts of the castle that were inhabitable because of the unsteadiness of the rock. Minerva sat back in her chair and sighed, it would have to be done before the next term started in September. She would NOT let the student's education slip even if the castle had taken on major damages. She took off her glasses and wiped her eyes, they were starting to sting from exhaustion that she didn't see coming.

"Tabby, why don't you go upstairs and head to bed. Things will be here in the morning for you to ruminate over." Albus commented, after seeing how tired she had become. She just looked up and nodded and headed to the metal steps going up slowly holding on to the rail tighter than she would have liked.

Minerva walked into her newly appointed bedroom, seeing that the house elves were still on their toes and redecorated it to her tastes. Her large king sized four post bed was covered in a scarlet satin down comforter, the drapes around it a shade of gold that almost hinted as if it were spun from the metal. The pillows the same shade. She walked over and pulled the covers down to reveal that the cotton sheets were the same shade of red as he comforter. She smiled.

She had started to take off her brown working robes when she noticed that she sustained a few cuts that needed tending to. They weren't too deep but could still use some dittany to clean them. She got up and went to her bathroom and started rummaging through the cabinets for her dittany. As she found some she pulled out the stopper and dropped a few drops into each cut. She winced as it burned slightly, knowing that it would heal very soon she walked out of the bathroom back to her bedroom. She stopped for a moment thinking she heard a knock at the office door. Not hearing it again she shook her head and took off her robes and put on a nice cotton shift that reminded her of days long since past. It was a spaghetti strapped shift that if pulled just slightly on those straps the whole thing would fall. Then she heard it again, a knock at the door. Turning to her closet she pulled out her tartan robe and donned it before starting towards the office door.

She quietly opened the door only to see Harry Potter standing there. He was kicking at the door jam as if he were nervous about something. She took in the sight of him and smiled inwardly, outwardly her face showed no emotion.

"Potter, Is there something I can do for you at this late hour?" She asked.

He looked up stammered and mumbled something she couldn't hear.

"You'll have to speak up Potter if you expect me to understand you." She could almost see the fear in his eyes.

"Harry? What's wrong?"

"I'm s..sorry Professor, I didn't mean to interrupt anything, I just was having a nightly stroll and thought I would come up and see how you were doing." Harry said.

"A stroll? I'm a bit far out of reach for a 'stroll' don't you think? So why don't you tell me what's really going on?" She motioned him to enter her office, he blindly walked in.

He started to pace back and forth not saying anything, looking as if he were debating with himself. Minerva started to feel frustrated, she was tired and didn't really want to talk to anyone if they were just going to stay quiet.

"Potter?" His head shot up as if he had just remembered she was in the room. He sighed and she could tell he had a lot on his mind. Waving her wand at her desk two tall stone mugs appeared and was steaming. She pulled her robe around her closer and walked behind the desk and took the mug on the right. Slowly she pulled the drink up to her lips and sighed as the hot chocolate ran down her throat. When she looked up she saw two emerald eyes staring back at her, a look of lust in them. She shook her head thinking she saw things. She motioned to the other mug for him to take it.

"Take it and sit." He did and started to drink. She watched as the calming effects start to work on the young man in front of her.

"So tell me, why come all the way up here?" She asked.

"Honestly Professor, I think I was just so used to coming up here that I didn't realize where I was going. I was thinking about today and the clean up when I was walking. I realize we have quite a bit to do in such little time. I was thinking about the battle, the losses that we have all endured, and in general my life and where it's going. I've been having problems well coping." He stopped for a minute and took another long sip of his hot chocolate. Then he continued.

"I was thinking about what I wanted to do. I know in the past I had expressed desires of becoming an Auror. But that was before all of this." He motioned around the school. "Now I've been thinking of doing something different, something that would impact the lives of others, of future generations, something a bit predictable."

Surprised at this turn of events and knowing where he was going with this Minerva stepped in. "You want to teach?" He nodded.

"Hogwarts has been my home for 6 years, and then when I was searching for the horcruxes, I realized how homesick I was. Its stone, the passageways, and most of all the people in it had made me feel safe, at peace. I never had that anywhere else. But there is something that I missed most, I should say someone." He looked intently over to Minerva hoping that he hadn't crossed any bounds. All she could do was stare.

She set down her mug carefully and looked at the young man that sat across from her. He surely couldn't mean what she thought he meant could he? She gathered up her courage and looked at him a softness going over her face that had only been there a few other times in her life.

"Pott…Harry, am I understanding you correctly? You have been harboring feelings for me?" He blushed greatly his ears and cheeks turning a crimson colour, and nodded. It was her turn to blush, as she did she turned away from him not letting him see. "I…I am truly flattered young man but aren't I bit..." she looked down over herself, "old for you to be feeling that way about me?"

She turned around as a tear escaped her eye and looked at him. What she saw in him was something she was never expecting from him, an understanding. He slowly stood up and walked over to her and took one of her thin hands into his strong able hands.

"Professor, I..."

"Min or Minerva if we're to be close"

"Min, I have been feeling this way for a few years now I think, I would watch you as you taught us our classes, as you sat up at the head table eating, even as you walked down the corridors. Then after I had been gone so long and you told me it was good to see me again, I knew then that it wasn't just something that was passing. That night it took a hold on me. I know that there's a huge age difference in us and to be honest, age is just a number to me. That is not what is important, what's important is how I feel, how YOU feel."

Looking down at their clasped hands Minerva was at a loss for words. How DID she feel about this…this man in front of her? She had always done what she felt was right by him, protected him, watched over him and even fought for him. Would it be so bad to get to know him? What about Ginny Weasley how was she going to handle this? As if sensing her questions he lightly squeezed her hand.

"Ginny and I have come to an understanding. She knows what I feel for you, and she doesn't object." Her head snapped up at this and she looked deep into his green eyes. Green was always her favourite colour.

"I don't know Harry, this" motioning between the two of them, "this is… I don't know. I would have to think on things." Again the understanding was there.

"I know Min, it's something to really consider. It's a big step, and I wouldn't want to push you away in any way. So, I can wait for a little bit. But don't take too long?" He pulled up her hand and softly brushed his lips into her palm and let go. He walked to the door and looked back at her a smile spreading over his lips as he shut the tall wooden door behind him."