Underground Omniverse

Gammatron: Hey guys. I own no one in this story nor the series of Sonic Underground, Ben 10 Series, or the BlazBlue series.

My fault…

Thunder rumbled as he ran.

My fault…

The cold rain did nothing to deter his run, his chocolate-brown hair and soaked clothing sticking to his peach skin.

I did it…

He screamed as he tripped on a tree root, tumbling down a small hill at the end.

All my fault…

He ended up on his face at the bottom, mud splashing on him upon impact.

I killed them…

He pushed himself up to his knees and cried out in agony. Thunder rumbled as lightning flashed. He collapsed, sobbing into his hands, as it all came to an end.

I killed them all.

I'm dying…

Shaky breaths filled and choked her.

"So much for girl power…eh, Lieutenant?"

I'm really dying…

Her hair, clothing, and tail were caked in her spilling blood, a blade wound visible in various places of her figure.

"I think we've all learned a valuable lesson about not sticking our pert little noses where they don't belong."

Damn you…

"Now, what say you go on an acorn bender, or do whatever it is you Beastkin do…"

Her eyes began to close, her vision becoming blurry. Yet she could still see him. The green-hair…the black suit…His insane grin.

Damn you to hell, Hazama.

War has ravaged the land. Two opposing forces, one fighting for freedom while the other fights for complete control. For sixteen years, the warlord Ivo Robotnik, formerly Ovi Julian Kintobor, has ruled the planet Mobius with pollution of the air, land, and sea. Abducting the populace of the planet, he has been converting them into beings known as 'Robians' with his Roboticizer. His militia was comprised primarily of robots of various designs with his two top henchmen being flesh and blood known as 'Sleet' and 'Dingo.'

The opposition to this hostile dictator is the Freedom Fighters; a covert operations unit created by one Charles the Hedgehog a week before Robotnik's takeover as requested by the ruler and his sister, Queen Aleena the Hedgehog. The Freedom Fighters were designed to do five things; assault Robotnik's forces, destroy bases, build up ranks, rescue captives, and-the most important of them all-defeat Robotnik.

Sadly, twelve years after the Robotnik Takeover, Charles the Hedgehog, along with Thief Master Ferrell-a provider of stolen supplies to the Freedom Fighters in trade of helping his Thieves Guild be educated for lives outside of thieving once the rebellion won out-, and Lady Winnemier-a double agent that provided funds to the Freedom Fighters- were captured and Roboticized by an invention created by Charles to cure injuries that resulted in amputation before being reprogrammed by Robotnik into a machine that stripped away the free will of any that it was used upon.

Fortunately, the rebellion was still in progress being run by three special hedgehogs; the children of the Queen. The eldest was a blue hedgehog with red and white running shoes and known as Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest hedgehog alive, who was raised by two mouse Mobians before their capture and then raised by Charles himself. The middle child, and the only female of the trio, was magenta and wore only the latest in travel and combat fashion while keeping up the teachings of Lady Winnemier. The youngest, and actually the more ingenious of the trio, was a green hedgehog known for his spiky wild hair, red open vest, yellow fanny pack, and thieving skills that truly surpassed even the great Ferrell's skills, Manic the Hedgehog.

The three were part of a sacred prophecy, one foretold by a strange mage known as the 'Oracle of Delphius,' that they would one day, along with their mother, succeed in defeating Robotnik. However, Aleena had to do the one thing no mother would ever wish to do; separate her three children upon birth and gave them to those she believed would best aide their growth into fine Freedom Fighters. She also left them sacred object holding one of the greatest forms of power: Harmonic Weaponry.

Legends speak of the creation of the three Harmonic Weapons, crafted upon six different meanings. Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Loyalty, and Magic. The six meanings were split between the three Harmonic Weapons. Laughter and Loyalty were made to forge the Drums of Unity, capable of controlling the land itself with its beats or give the user a suit of armor. The Keyboard of Duty, forged from Generosity and Honesty, is capable of changing into wings for flight and a sound-based blaster. The Guitar of Destiny was forged from the power of Kindness and Magic, acting as the very center of the three Harmonic Weapons and capable of unleashing bursts of power from its top. Many say that it was a gift from the goddesses of sun and moon for giving aide in their time of need. Others say they were forged from Alchemy and the souls that strongly suited the six meanings. Only two were recorded saying that the three pieces were made by a tremendous beast of death, agony, revenge, and total destruction with an indescribable form and just that it had multiple heads on long necks.

Recent battles have shown greater dangers for the three siblings. It appeared to them that their weapons and skills would not be enough to take on the opposition. It was apparent when a broken Chaos Emerald almost caused the entire world to be destroyed and their weapons were ineffective against its rampage upon possessing a Mobian.

It was a mere two weeks after the battle when Sonic, resting in his bed, was dreaming. He stood within a strange realm, the hedgehog unaware of where he was. It was…chaotic, to admit. It was a strange shade of azure at times before flashing into a sickly venom/emerald green for just an instant. Inscribed upon a door floating before him were four simple words.

"Um… 'Help me! Professor…Ko-ko-no-ay?'" Sonic read, having to sound out the last part.

"Very well. Lost child of the day…you may enter!" a voice called out from the other side of the door.

It opened up, revealing not more of the strange realm, but a dirtied laboratory of sorts. Sonic slowly walked through the gate and it slammed shut behind him, causing the hedgehog to flinch and look back in shock.

"Hey, I told you to get in here!" the voice snapped.

Sonic gulped before continuing deeper into the lab. It was there he met a fairly young adult catgirl with a slim build. Her eyes were a golden-amber with visible bags under them, due to working overtime in the lab they were in most likely in Sonic's guessing. She had pink hair which she kept tied in a specialized style consisting of a long ponytail backing up longer tufts resembling large cat ears which tended to overshadow her actual animal-like ears-the hedgehog barely seeing them-, which faded into white at the tip. Her attire consisted of an altered, scientist version of the usual Kaka jacket with a white coloration. How Sonic knew that, he'd never figure out. A hole at the lower base provided room for her twin, cat-like tails. She also wore a pair of small spectacles, and held a blue lollipop in her left hand.

The over-sized sleeves were cut at the sides to make it easier for her arms to slide in and out of them. She wore a pair of red capri pants with a black belt adorned by a large cat bell. The attire was completed with a pair of white mules with heels similar to the boots the Kaka Clan wore, but with no vamp, allowing her to take them off almost reflexively.

"Now this is interesting. I was expecting Makoto Nanaya, but got a blue anthromorphic Hedgehog, instead," the catgirl noted.

"Uh…Where are we?" Sonic asked, "And who are you?"

"Didn't you hear what I said earlier?-!" the catgirl demanded, a tick mark appearing on her head, "You're making me say it again?! Son of a…!" she paused to sigh in annoyance, "Mysterious room, sad little lost children, Avalon, nutbars, flowchart, piss off."

"All I heard was 'Very well. Lost child of the day…you may enter,'" Sonic replied with a shrug.

"Son of a bitch! The damn door's too think to hear the beginning part of it then?! No wonder those idiots never heard me earlier!" the catgirl growled before adjusting her glasses, "Well…"

"Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Nice name. You probably got that name because you can run at supersonic speeds," the catgirl noted.

"Wow. You're right on that," Sonic pointed out.

"Now let's see here…'Sonic the Hedgehog,'" the catgirl began to press something on her clipboard, "Hm? Oh! So you're a prince from Mobius. Your soul must have been in deep need of help then if you came here."

"Huh? Look, lady, can I just get your name and where we are? Because I'll just le…"



"You can't leave this place until you hear my excellent advice. Kinda creepy once you think about it," the catgirl informed.

"…You're that 'Co-co-no-hey' that the sign said, aren't you?"

"It's 'Kokonoe,' but yeah. You got that right," the catgirl adjusted her glasses, "Now then, seems you just recently saved your world from a broken Chaos Emerald that possessed Dingo, am I right?"

"Uh…Well…yeah? How'd you know that?"

"Oh, I'm a goddess while we're here, so you can't keep a secret from me," Kokonoe replied with a cat-like smirk before resuming looking at her clipboard, "Now let's see here…Your siblings are Sonia and Manic with Sonia being the middle child of the triplets. It seems you'll be enduring some deep shit later that you three alone won't be able to handle."

"What are you talking about? My sibs and I can take on anything!" Sonic growled.

"Except Robotropolis at your current levels of strength. You haven't even awoken the true potential of your Ars Magus, or 'Skill Formula,' even! I mean, they're still only at twenty percent. What kind of damn idiots are you three?!" Kokonoe demanded.

"Hey…!" Sonic scowled.

"Whatever. Anyways, just listen to my advice for you," Kokonoe informed as she showed Sonic the clipboard, revealing a map, "Follow this map to the 'X.' There, you'll find two poor lost souls that will aid you in the war against Robotnik if you're able to help them find a way to heal their poor lost souls."

She pulled the map off and shoved it into Sonic's hands. Sonic looked at it for a moment before putting it into his head quills.

"My head just hurts right now, so I'm leaving, okay?" Sonic sighed.

"Okay then. Oh, and Sonic?" the hedgehog turned to Kokonoe once more, "I hope you find that special girl you've always wanted."

Sonic blushed at that. He quickly ran out as Kokonoe began to laugh at his embarrassment. She eventually ended her laughter once Sonic slammed the door shut. She turned to a large figure in the shadows.


"Yes, Kokonoe?"

"Makoto's not showing up," Kokonoe informed.

"Really now?"

"Call it a gut feeling. Better start getting things a look-over…Damn it, Tits McGee. I even had a Bust Chart set up for explaining yourself for that shelf of yours…"

Sonic cracked an eye open and yawned. His eyes shot open all the way when he found a scroll in his left hand. He unrolled it and gawked in shock. It was the map that cat lady, Coconut-Hay, gave him (With Kokonoe, she began to rant about her name being misspoke as Tager moved slowly away from her so as not to be pulled into it). He rolled the scroll back up and clenched his free hand into a fist, adopting a determined expression. He pulled on a lever and the bed he was on shifted into a driver's seat. He turned the keys and turned on the motor. He proceeded to start driving, paying close attention to the map. It was strange. It was starting where he had parked the place for the night. Was that Caw-Caw-Norway (Kokonoe Note: Damn you, you blue rat! Tager Note: *hiding behind a brick wall with me*) a goddess or something?

"Sonic the Hedgehog!" the blue hedgehog flinched in the driver's seat as he sister stomped up to him, "Why is it that we are not in a city that we just got into?"

"I think he's obsessed with treasure," Manic pointed out to the map on the dashboard.

"A map? Really? Sonic, I swear if I get an ounce of mud on me because of this, I'll…" Sonia began.

"Shh," Sonic hushed, the bags under his eyes barely noticeable since he had been driving since three in the morning and it was seven now, "If you'd pay attention to to surroundings, sis. This is a forest."

"A forest? Great. Now I have to deal with sap…" Sonia mumbled.

"…Pancakes?" Manic asked after a moment of silence.

His two older siblings facepalmed. Yes, they both knew Manic was raised by thieves and didn't mind it after a bit of time. But if there was one thing Manic loved more than anything else, something that-from what the other thieves that they met via Manic-he would break an arm or nose for, was maple syrup-coated pancakes. His adopted teacher/father-figure, Ferral, only made them once a month and it was first come-first serve. It explained why he was the one with more combat training than them both put together…and how he knew how to fight large groups to either incapacitate or knock out.

"If you can get the syrup, then we can have p…" Sonic began before Manic held up a bucket filled with maple syrup, "…I fear for your addiction to those things, Manic. I really do."

"Are you sure this is where they were heading?" a gray and ashen-cobalt-furred coyote with a pale, tainted blue nose, sickly yellow and red eyes, and wearing moderate purple and pale grayish-gold armor with a purple cape connected by a rat's skull stood before a Hulk-sized and muscled, orange-furred dingo with a pair of tiny moderate violet glasses with moderate grayish-gold frames, black tattered fingerless gloves, and deep forest-green Australian shorts.

"That's right, Sleet. I saw their bus head on off into this here direction," the dingo replied.

"Not too bad, Dingo. Maybe that exposure to the broken Chaos Emerald was a good thing," Sleet noted.

Sleet recalled the day after his partner had been changed back from the incident. His head seemed to be a bit more…clear, to the coyote. Still had the stupidity in there, but there was just something…else. He had actually tracked down and captured five Freedom Fighters and thieves in their vents…all from just putting his ear to the floor. It got stranger when he adopted a new accent, 'Australian' as he put it. He smirked as he recalled how their quota had been made just yesterday on capturing Freedom Fighters from just Dingo's new tracking skills.

The two sat down and looked out the window of their flying, scarlet, scorpion-themed hovercraft as a legion of robots 100 strong began to arm themselves with lasers and nets to apprehend their targets. Sleet chuckled as he began to lock his hands together over the lower half of his face.

"I am going to quite like this," Sleet informed, "Today, we finally capture the Sonic Underground."

"So good…" Manic mumbled happily as the trio walked along a path, Sonic leading with the map.

Sonia rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses and sunhat. Sonic just had to make pancakes. Now Manic's going to be all giddy the rest of the day…unless Robotnik attacked. Then he'd go back to normal in terms of Manic's normalcy. She glanced up ahead at the eldest of the trio. It was almost as if that map was controlling him.

"Sonic? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," Sonic replied, barely looking up from the map.

"So…what are we looking for exactly?" Sonia asked.

"Something. I don't really know. It's just supposed to be something that shouldn't be in a forest," Sonic waved her off as he looked up, "Duck-shaped hole in-between the trees…Huh. If I didn't know any better, this thing was made just last night…"

"So what are we finding? Is it treasure? Or the motherload of syrup trees?" Manic drooled a bit.

"Apparently, if what that crazy cat-lady goddess or something told me, we're supposed to find 'two poor lost souls,'" Sonic informed, "She also said something about 'Mysterious room, sad little lost children, Avalon, nutbars, flowchart, and piss off.' No clue about it, though. A bit fuzzy still."

The two other hedgehogs slowly looked at each other while Sonic progressed ahead. Sonic continued his walk until he yelped and fell onto his face. The hedgehog slowly got up as his siblings ran over in concern before skidding to a halt. The trio stood before a clearing in the trees expanding for a decent half-mile. In the center of it was a strange structure. The middle of it was made of a scarlet sphere with a window depicting a strange azure-colored energy. At the left and right sides of the dome stood a pair of tube-like pods, both twice the size of Dingo, and colored in the same scheme as the sphere. On them was a pair of clear panel doors, fogged up to hide the items within.

"This is it!" Sonic grinned as he zipped over to it in a blue blur, "Okay, now let's see…How does this thing work?"

"It's simple, really," a voice noted, "We catch you and take this to Robotnik."

The trio barely tensed before three orange tentacles shot out, entangling them. A large, orange octopus emerged from the bushes, Sleet sitting on the top of it. Flying overhead were multiple humanoid mechanical warriors. Each was forged from a strange moderate ruby metal with bits of soft foam-green. Their heads were without mouths, only grate-like masks and a deep scarlet visor. Flying overhead was their flying vehicle. The octopus chuckled before dropping the three hedgehogs into a cage.

"Well, g'day there," the octopus smirked in Dingo's voice.

"Sleet and Dingo!" Sonic growled, attempting to grab the bars of the cage before moving back when they erupted in electricity.

"Ah-ah-ah~," Sleet tsked, "You won't be escaping that. The middle of the floor has been insulted while the bottom of it is electrified, so no chance of you escaping there with your little Spin Dash, Sonic. Plus, if you summon your instruments, our SWATBots will open fire on you three," he turned to a SWATBot that had an atom design on its shoulders, "Science SWATBot, activate it."

The robot nodded before approaching the device. A computer monitor and keyboard emerged from the sphere and the robot proceeded to start typing something down. Steam hissed from the two pods. The panel doors flipped upwards at a one-eighty degree flip. Two figures fell from the containers, one male and one female. They all noted that they were human, though the female had a pair of squirrel ears and a squirrel tail. The boy's attire consisted of a green jacket with a pair of white stripes on the left side of the jacket's front with a '10' in a black circle over the chest part of that side of the jacket, a black shirt, and blue jeans. The girl's outfit was quite revealing in terms of skin. Her black thong was visible with the middle of it being barely hidden by an orange short-short skirt. Her only upper clothing was a strange orange and yellow piece that let the lower half of her breasts be exposed with the upper half hidden completely and connected to a black choker on her neck with black fingerless gloves on her hands. On her legs were a pair of black stockings that went up to just below her thigh and a pair of orange heeled running shoes.

What was truly noticeable about them was that both had bits of blood on them with some of the clothes on the male's body being torn. The teen groaned as he was the first to awaken. He shook his head before holding it a little.

"Huh? Wh…Wha's goin'…?" the teen mumbled before shaking his head, "Ow…"

"You there! Who are you?! I demand a reply at once or be destroyed," Sleet demanded, earning the teen's attention until he spotted the scene of the three hedgehogs and all the robots ready to fire at the caged trio.

"Name's Ben Tennyson. And guess what? It's Hero Time!" the teen smirked.

With that, he pressed a button on his device. The symbol on it rose up and a hologram appeared. He pushed down on the device and a green flash filled the room. It faded to reveal Ben had been replaced by something…something big. It was actually towering over everything in the area. It appeared humanoid, but was primarily white with red. His head had a red blade-like horn on it and green eyes. On his torso was the same symbol the teen had on his device. Manic fell over trying to get a good look at the face of the giant.

"Way Big!" the giant declared before looking at his hands and clenched them with a smirk, "Huh? I was going to go with Rath, but oh well. This is much better."

Way Big crossed his arms in an 'L' formation. A green light shined at the crossing point. It proceeded to unleash a blast of green energy, slamming into the ground and moved along a path, destroying the SWATBots in its path.

"You gotta be kidding me," Sleet gawked, seeing the army of robots being reduced significantly, before pressing a button on his left wrist before it he and Dingo were beamed onto the vessel, "Retreat!"

Way Big just chuckled as the remaining troops scattered. He looked down at the cage before flicking the top of it, sending the top and the bars flying over the trees. Way Big nodded before the green light flashed and Ben looked over at the three, gawking hedgehogs. It was then he noticed the girl with squirrel ears and tail. He walked over to her and gently shook her shoulder.

"Hey…Up and at 'em…" Ben spoke softly.

The left ear in her hair twitched. The girl slowly got up and Ben blushed. Her orange outfit didn't hide the lower half of her rather large breasts. They were almost as big as her he…Ah! Ben looked up at the murky skies with a blush. The girl yawned as stretched a little, accidentally hitting Ben in the face with her chest. Manic developed a little nosebleed from seeing her breasts jiggle a bit from the stretching until Sonia slapped him on the back of the head. The girl's eyes snapped open, revealing hazel as her eye color, as Ben moved away, blushing harder than before.

"Hazama!-!-!" the girl screamed out in anger before pulling out a pair of tonfa.

The tonfa were strange in design. They were a solid black and shaped like holy crosses. The ends of the 'crosses' ended in spikes while a gold ring was attached over them. Leather straps were on the opposite sides, attached to her wrists.

"Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!" Ben yelped as he ran in front of the livid squirrel girl, "It's okay. Just calm down."

"Who are you? Are you with Hazama?" the girl growled as she entered a fighting stance.

"Uh…" Sonic gawked.

"Who's Haz…?" Ben began before ducking under a swipe from her.

"Go down!" she barked before slamming her other tonfa on the ground, causing a small explosion.

"She's gone nuts!" Manic yelped as the three hedgehogs barely avoided a boulder from the impact.



Ben quickly activated his device once more. He spun the raised part and the hologram changed until it landed on one. He pressed down and the flash of light appeared. For the others, it was an instant change. But for Ben, he felt time come to a halt around him. His device sunk into his skin as blue fur started to cover him. Two of his fingers on each hand sunk into his hands as the remaining limbs turned black. Two more arms emerged from his body as his feet turned black with three long, finger-like toes. His head reshaped into a simian-like appearance with six green eyes and two green sashes, the symbol on his device on the middle where the two sashes intersected with each other (A/N: think of a fusion of his appearance in Alien Force/Ultimate Alien with the eyes and outfit from Omniverse. I'll be using a blend of the series where they first appeared and in Omniverse).

"Spidermonkey!" the new form declared, chittering.

"A shape shifter? Are you like Arakune? A human that spent too much time in the Boundary?" the girl demanded with a scowl.

"The Boundary? Ooh-ooh. What are you talking about?" Spidermonkey pondered before screeching in fear as he flipped over a jab she sent at him.

"Hold still!" the girl growled as she released a flurry of strikes at the monkey.

"Monkey see, Monkey do!" Spidermonkey chattered as he jumped over her and nailed her in the face with a shot of webbing from his tail, "Spidermonkey just made a fool of you. Ooh-ooh-ooh!"

"Ew!" Sonia stuck her tongue out, "That is gross!"

"Not really? It's fun!" Spidermonkey grinned before pinning the girl to a tree with more webbing before jumping onto the side of the tree and looked at her face upside down, "Now I'll let you go if you just let me talk, okay?"

The girl's eyes narrowed but nodded.

"Okay. I do not know who this 'Hazard' guy is," Spidermonkey informed as he grasped one of the webs and pulled it off, "And why did you try to attack me? Honestly, you save the universe a ton of times and aliens all over want to challenge you all of a sudden…"

"Aliens?" the girl repeated as the webbing over her mouth was removed.

"Aliens?" the three hedgehogs repeated as they walked over.

"…What kind of Beastkin are you three? You look more animal than human," the girl noted once she was freed.

"Says the chick with her bo…" Manic began before Sonia slapped him on the back of the head.

"Can you please cover yourself a little? My brother's a bit of a pervert," Sonia informed.

"What do you mean?" the girl tilted her head.

Spidermonkey chose to look upwards, or downwards since he was looking 'down' at the tree's branches in his position, blushing. He had only just realized what she was wearing since she wanted to pummel him.

"Look, can we just talk for now? I think we're all on the wrong tracks," Spidermonkey informed as he removed the last of the webbing and jumped down, changing back into Ben, "I'm Ben Tennyson."

"…Who now?" Sonic asked.

"…Ben Tennyson? …Ben 10? …Really?! You don't know me? Holder of the Ultimatrix? Guy who's saved the universe dozens of times?" Ben gawked.

"The Universe? Really?" Manic raised a brow in disbelief.

"Ugh…" Ben sighed, "Well? What about you guys?"

"Ahem!" Sonia cleared her throat as she motioned to herself and Makoto.

"Sorry, I was kinda directing it to these two," Ben apologized as he pointed at Sonic and Manic.

"Name's Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Name's Manic, dude," Manic greeted with a shake of his hand with Ben's, "You've got a nice watch there."

"It's not a watch, it's the Ultimatrix," Ben frowned.

"Is that what let you turn into that giant and that cool monkey spider?" Manic asked.

"Yes, and they're called 'Way Big' and 'Spidermonkey,'" Ben frowned before looking at the girls, "Name's Ben. A pleasure to meet you both, even though we kinda got off on the wrong foot."

"At least he's formal in some things," Sonia noted before giving a formal curtsy, "My name is Sonia. A pleasure as well."

"My name is Makoto, Nanaya Makoto," the squirrel girl smiled apologetically before tapping her chin in thought as she looked at the three hedgehogs, "Demo…I've never seen Beastkin like you three, though."

"Beastkin? We're called Mobians," Sonic pointed out.

"Guess that means I'm on another planet," Ben noted, 'Not surprising…I wanted to get away from it all and a planet that's never heard of me is as pretty far as it gets.'

"What?-!" Makoto exclaimed, her ears and tail shooting straight up and going nuts, "B-b-b-but how?-! Our world's spent years, even before the Black Beast, learning about everything we could about space and no world seemed to be capable of holding life!"

"Black Beast?" the other four repeated.

"We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?" Ben sighed.

"Most likely, dude," Manic nodded.


Starring: Professor Kokonoe, Kevin Levin, and Shadow the Hedgehog.

A red curtain lifted, revealing something of a dark unlit lab…Said lab being somewhat messy. Then a spotlight sparked to life, revealing a fairly young adult catgirl with a slim body, wearing a large scientist like jacket with abnormally long sleeves that end up looking like paws, with cuts made in them allowing her slender arms to slip through, red pants with two long pink tails with white tips coming from the back, and high-heeled sandals. Her hair was pink, tied in a style consisting of a long ponytail backing up longer tufts resembling large cat ears which tend to overshadow her actual cat ears. Her eyes were a golden-amber with visible bags under them, possibly due to over-working, and she was also wearing glasses. This was none other than Professor Kokonoe of Sector Seven, daughter of two of the Legendary Heroes who did battle with the Black Beast. With a certain elegancy, she began to speak.

"Hello lost children. For those who are unaware, namely those who were like 'OH MY GAWD! SONIC THE HEDGEHOG CROSSOVER!' And completely over-looked what it was a crossover with, and have no idea what BlazBlue or Ben 10 even are, I am Professor Kokonoe, lord and master of the Sector Seven laboratory," She paused to push her glasses back into place briefly, and then began to speak again, "…Well, OK, we aren't in the lab at the moment. This place can sort of be temporarily moved into the Boundary. Well, simply put, it's a mysterious room. A mysterious room where you can do anything you want. To be honest, it's a paradise for all those sad, little children who couldn't make it to the true ending. A sort of Avalon. Though not like the one from 'Sonic and the Black Knight.' I mean, really, the idea was good, but the development and implement of how to use its controls sucked. I would have preferred it to be on the XBOX360, myself. Along with a better story line…" She shakes her head, "Anyways, if you're one of those nutbars who's all 'I don't need help,' or 'I want to unlock hidden stuff,' or 'I'll just look for a flowchart online,' then you can piss off."

She proceeded to sigh.

"Anyway, my job here more or less is to do three things every five chapters, not including this one, so don't worry. I'll be back here on Chapter 5. Now then, those three things. First: Answer common questions that I believe most people are asking. Second: To do a little re-cap of what happened in the past five chapters for you idiots who decide to skip them to get to the good parts in later chapters. And finally, give out supporting information to further your understanding of the terms of BlazBlue and Ben 10," Kokonoe bnproceeded to glare at you, "One thing I would like to make clear now, is that none of the actions in this segment are considered cannon to the story, regardless of how crazy, funny, or even lovey-dovey it is. If I get one message asking about if this was cannon or not, I'm castrating the sender of said message with a cattle prod and a rusty knife!"

Kokonoe proceeded to sigh once more. It was rather repetitive for her at that point. She began to speak yet again to you, the reader.

"Very well. Now that that's out of the way, lost children of the day…you may enter," She ordered, and suddenly the whole lab lit up and Kokonoe took a few steps back.

As if on cue, the sound of a metal door sliding open echoed in the area. Kevin and Shadow entered, walking into the middle of the lab.

"Wow! This place is pretty hi-tech," Kevin noted as he looked around.

"Tch," Shadow snorted as he glared at Kokonoe.

"Hey…What're you looking around for? You're making me nervous," Kokonoe informed and earning the attention of the duo.

"Huh. Who's this cosplayer?" Kevin pondered.

"Did you just completely ignore the opening monolog, you Human/Osmosian Hybrid?-!" Kokonoe demanded in anger, flailing her arms, "Damn it!"

"What was that?" Kevin frowned, a tick mark appearing on his head.

"Ugh! Boundary! Avalon! Lost Souls! Nutbar! Flowchart! Piss off!" Kokonoe growled, "It's official. I need to thin the door a bit!"

"How did we get here? Who are you?" Shadow demanded as he pulled out a gun.

"Really? You whip a gun out at me?" Kokonoe asked before adopting a cat like smile, "Kill me and you won't leave this place, got it?"

"…" Shadow holstered his gun and turned around, his arms crossing his body, "Hmph!"

"Never seen an alien like you before," Kevin pointed out at Shadow before looking around once more, "So what's with the messy room?"

"This is a counseling room. When your soul screams for solace, it calls to me, and this room takes form in the Boundary for a little while," Kokonoe informed, "And our moody ass of a test tube baby here is Shadow the Hedgehog, the supposed Ultimate LifeForm. Said to have immortality hidden away in his DNA. Not seeing it in a furry ass like his."

Shadow turned and growled at Kokonoe, a tick mark appearing on his head.

"Now then, tell me all your problems, you two," Kokonoe informed, her cat-like smile appearing yet again.

"Now what's that supposed to me, catgirl?" Kevin demanded.

"You're pissing me off," Shadow informed.

"Yippee. It knows more than just one-word sentences," Kokonoe exclaimed in a bored, blank tone.

"The last thing I remember was…"

"You shut it," Kokonoe informed, "Now then, I see you remember that."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Eh, if I try and explain all that crap, we'll be here forever," Kokonoe waved him off, "Besides, he should probably explain that in the actual story and not here. Anyway, you died."

"What?!" Kevin exclaimed, "Okay, girl, you're seriously messing with me or I've been doing acid by accident."

"Failed…? Hmm…" Shadow tapped his chin.

"And there he goes back into one word sentences," Kokonoe rolled her eyes and earning herself a threatening growl from the Ultimate LifeForm, "Ah…I see you're starting to remember a bit about it. Good. I was just about to shed a single tear and say something along the lines of 'How unfortunate,' 'His memory is shot,' and 'He's still so young in appearance and not soul.'"

"You're really annoying with that, you know?" Kevin pointed out.

"But you just said it," Shadow scowled.

"Oh, so very true."


"Listen; do you two at least know why you're here?" Kokonoe asked, receiving nods in agreement, "Good, now let's get started with the last segment."

"Hold on. What about the first two?" Kevin asked.

"Unimportant this time around since this is the first chapter and all," Kokonoe waved him off.


"Anyway, all the information anyone should need is really about Makoto Nanaya and Ben Tennyson," Kokonoe said as she adjusted her glasses.

"What about them should we know?" Shadow asked.

"Besides the squirrel girl having huge breasts that jiggle whenever she moves in her hot little number?" Kevin asked, grinning a bit at the photo of Makoto being displayed beside Ben's photo.

A tick mark appeared on Kokonoe's head. She walked over and pinched and stretched Kevin's cheeks.

"Owwwww! Rey! Shtop! Non't pull on my sheeks!"

"Shadow, you seem the more competent of the two of you, so you take care of Makoto," Kokonoe informed while turning away to grope herself, 'Why did she have to have a breast size increase this Continuum Shift? She was already a D-Cup, but now she's got big fat H-Cups. And I'm still the second-smallest in terms of boobs on BlazBlue…Damn you, author!'

"Hmph. Very well," Shadow turned to the audience, pulling out a pointing stick and poking Makoto's image on the belly, "This is Makoto Nanaya. She is a squirrel-type Beastkin and is considerably hyperactive with a short attention span, though she has proven to be rather cunning when she needs to be. She is outgoing and adventurous with the dangerous ability to wield tonfa strapped to the back of her wrists instead of having handles to hold. She has a few complexes about her race, but nonetheless, she acknowledges who she is and is proud of it. In BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, Makoto works for the Novus Orbis Librarium (NOL) Intelligence Department with Hazama but is actually a spy for Sector Seven. In the True Ending, she defects from the NOL after finding out what happened and leaves with Noel and Tager."

Shadow walked a little along the lab, his eyes closed, "In Makoto's arcade ending in Continuum Shift II, it is revealed that one of the reasons Makoto is in Kagutsuchi is because of her discovery of the several failed attempts by the NOL to create Noel Vermillion at Ikaruga."

"Who's Noel Vermillion?" Kevin asked.

"No one you'll ever meet," Kokonoe informed, earning a tick mark and annoyed expression from Kevin.

"In Makoto's True Ending in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend, it was revealed that during Makoto's time in Ikaruga, she had discovered a computer that was still gathering data from the cauldron. She also found a file on the 12th prime field device created by Relius Clover and that it was none other than Noel," Shadow continued, "Before Makoto could go back with the data she collected, the cauldron knocked her unconscious and sent her soul to a parallel world where she met an injured Jin and Hazama, who was out to kill Jin. They later met up with Bang Shishigami, who decided to heal Jin's wounds. She then met up with Tager and Kokonoe to give them a disk, but she failed to give Kokonoe the right password saying it was 'Gnu' when it was actually 'Baa'. Kokonoe asked her the date of the disk, and Makoto said it was January 3, 2200. Kokonoe said that disk was useless to them because today's date was December 31, 2199."

"…" Kokonoe looked away with a heavy blush of embarrassment.

Kevin began to point and laugh at the annoyed catgirl. Kokonoe proceeded to hiss and jumped on Kevin, pulling his cheeks once more.

"Shocked and confused, Makoto headed back to see Jin and found that he has escaped. She runs to the NOL where she met up with Tsubaki. Tsubaki told Makoto that she joined the zero squadron just to bring Jin back, and when she was done, she was going back to the 4th Thaumaturgist Squad. This caused Makoto to remember that Tsubaki joined the Zero Squadron out of her own free will after graduation," Shadow proceeded, "Then, Hazama showed up and told them that Ragna the Bloodedge was here. Jin ran after him. Makoto told Tsubaki to to go after him and that she need to talk to Hazama. Makoto asked Hazama where Noel was, and Hazama said she wouldn't find Noel anywhere on the planet and that her sudden appearance messed up his entire plan. Before he could attack Makoto, Rachel jumped in and saved her, explaining the situation and how she can get back to her own world."

"Bloodedge? Sounds like a punk's name," Kevin noted, rubbing his sore cheeks.

"That he is. Though his one brain cell is smarter than the one you have," Kokonoe informed, "I only had to to do that to him once before he got the True Ending."

"After Makoto returned to her own world, Rachel told her what caused her to travel back in time. Rachel pointed to the cauldron and three caskets of the failed clones of Noel Vermillion and told her that Noel is a human-made doll, just like Beastkin."

"Hold on there. You're telling me that Ben got boob-faced by a doll?" Kevin asked before he slapped his knee in laughter until Kokonoe pulled his cheeks again.

"Rachel asked Makoto what she plans to do now that she got to look at the truth that she was never meant to find out. Makoto said she was going to Kagutsuchi to save her friends," Shadow finished before kicking Kevin in the face, "Now shut it."

"My face huwtz…" Kevin got out through his swollen face.

"Ugh. Fine, I'll handle this one since the idiot's face has swollen up. Benjamin Kirby Tennyson…" Kokonoe began before Kevin laughed, "Yes, yes, we all know the Nintendo reference you want to say involving Kirby's eating anything and Ben having anything smoothie-made, so shut it."

Kevin glared at her as his face started to recede in swelling.

"Now then, as I was saying, Ben had been a hero since a fateful day when he was ten when the prototype Omnitrix crashed before him and latching onto his left wrist. With it, he could turn into ten different aliens, adding more and more as time went by until he turned eleven and gave it up for four years. It was then the Omnitrix upgraded its appearance and gave him a set of ten new aliens, one of which was shown in this chapter. The Ben here had a Continuum Shift of his own during Ultimate Alien where Dagon does not exist. Though I would like to learn how it could do that thing where it could go in and out of dimensions. It could help revolutionize Tager's abilities perfectly…"

"Get on with it!" Kevin called.

"Shut up or do Spidermonkey, got it?" Kokonoe gave her frustrated expression once more with the tick mark.

"Fine," Kevin rolled his eyes, "Spidermonkey is an Arachnachimp alien from a planet where his kind live in the trees due to predators on the grounds below. They can climb on any surface like a spider, yet have the dexterity and appearance of a black and blue monkey. Their tails can shoot out webbing they can use for just about anything. Though it's also a problem along with their levels of strength being a bit lower than most other aliens."

"I'd still like to test the limits of the webbing," Kokonoe noted mostly to herself, "That wraps up the last segment."

"Finally," Shadow snorted.

"Hold on now, blackie, I want to do a few tests on you," Kokonoe smirked as she began to approach the hedgehog.

"…" Shadow took a step back.

"So when do I get to be in it and tease Ben for getting boob?" Kevin asked.

"Piss off and get the hell out of my lab," Kokonoe scowled, pushing a button on a remote she had just pulled out from her coat, sending Kevin screaming off the screen, "Now for the tests on you, Shadow."

"Hmph!" Shadow raced off, causing Kokonoe to sigh.

"And that's how you end a new segment…I'll see everyone in Chapter 5's Omake Segment!" Kokonoe shouted as the curtain fell, signaling the end, as she ran after Shadow, "Shadow, you get back here so I can find out how you tick! Tager, get the elephant dart guns!"

"When have we had to deal with an elephant?"

"Just get it, you ass!"