The eyes have it

chapter 5

I do not own Dean, Sam and the others I do however have the rights to Aeryn. She is all mine. I do a twisted sense of humor. I post ideas and tidbits behind my stories in my group in fb so if you want to join its called the twisted world inside mysticalunicorn32s head. Anyways here goes next chapter. Not beta'd or anything. I will be going back soon and correcting mistakes that I have found and replacing the old chapters with the edited ones. Oh and Twilight fans forgive me for the knock in this chapter. I love twilight myself but I couldn't help it. Watching an episode of Supernatural inspired me and no it wasnt the one with the twilight references. Virtual cookies to those that can name the episode. Or the part I took from one of the episodes. As always constructive criticism welcomed as are reviews. Reviews are like pie to dean. Happiness makes the updates come faster.

"Bobby says there's this psychic named Pamela that can help me. So he's going to take us to see her."

"Great Dean. When are we going?"

I tried to stay out of the conversation because as much as I was glad Dean was pulled out I really don't know if I had a hand in saving him or not. I don't know if he would be happy that I may or may not have helped who or what ever it was that pulled him out. Hence my apprehension at going to see a psychic. I kept quiet hoping they would dismiss the idea.

"You coming Aeryn? We're leaving in 5 minutes." Dean said as he walked through the room we were in.

"Yeah, Yeah. Just let me finish throwing my stuff in my bag." I grumbled.

"Hey. What's wrong? You haven't been your happy go lucky self since I returned. Are you not happy to see me? Would you rather I stayed in hell?" Dean asked as anger flared in his eyes.

"Nothing's wrong OK! I just don't know how you got out. It was supposed to be me to get you out. IT was supposed to be me that kept you out. I failed OK? I failed you. I failed Sam I failed myself."I shouted at him.

"You didn't fail. You tried as hard as the rest of us. Look Candy girl no one is perfect. Im sorry I got mad at you. I just don't know what's eating you here lately. We are family. You can talk to us. Finish packing and lets go."

I threw my clothes in the bag and grabbed my makeup bag and stalked out of the room. I threw my stuff in the trunk of the car and slid into the back seat behind bobby as Sam slid in beside me. I glared at him and stared out the window as Bobby took off down the road headed to see the psychic.

We arrived to the small town where Bobby said that Pamela lived and worked. Everyone got out of the car and turned to look at me.

"You guys go ahead. I think I need to stay out."


"Well, Dean, for one i'm an angel. Psychic shops are up there with strip joints. I'm gonna walk around town a bit. I'll meet you back here in an hour."

"You are part angel but whatever."

I walked around the town, my pride still stinging from Dean's anger before noticing a tattoo parlor. I was standing inside at the counter before I knew it.

"Hello. How can we help you?" said the young girl behind the counter.

"I want a tattoo."



A young man walked up to us and sent the girl away. "Forgive her she's always rude. But she's my niece so I have to be nice to her."

"Oh. Alright."

"What's bothering you?"

"My friend is mad at me because I won't help him find out some information he is looking for. I may or may not be a part of that information. I just don't know for sure."

"He'll find it one way or another and either way won't be mad at you. I'm sure of it. What kind of tat are you looking for?"

"I was thinking a piece of pie."

"Any particular kind of pie?"

"Cherry, of course." I laughed.

"Ok let me draw something out for you."

"Can you include the initials DW?"

"Sure. Just have a seat over there and I'll be back with you shortly."

I took a seat at the couch he pointed to and got lost in my thoughts and before long he was back.

"Wow that didn't take long." I said.

"I was inspired. What do you think?"

"I love it."

"Where are we putting this?"

I held up my right hand and pointed to my wrist.

So in no time at all I had a new tattoo and was waiting out by the impala when an ambulance came screaming by and stopped at the psychic's shop.

I watched as they carried the woman out on a stretcher. Her eyes had been burned out of her skull.

"What's going on?" I asked

"She asked to see the true form and this happened." Sam whispered as the paramedics passed us by.

We followed the ambulance to the hospital and waited to make sure she was ok.

"What the hell did you do to your wrist Candy Girl?" Dean asked after all the commotion had settled down.

"Nothing." I replied

"Then why the bandage?"

"I got a tattoo OK? Is that OK? I mean do I need to ask your permission?"

He threw his hands up and walked out to the car.

"What is it with you? Here lately you've had a bug up your ass." he said all of a sudden turning on me.

"I don't know ok? I really don't know if you should be looking for what ever pulled you out ok. What if they don't want you to know? What if I may have helped?"

"What?" the guys said in unison.

"I can't remember much of anything after the fights Sam and I had then I remember waking up outside his hotel and finding you there. But, there is a piece of me that thinks I was supposed to help someone pull you out. It kills me because I don't remember if I helped or not." I said as I slumped to the ground beside baby.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Dean asked

"Because I wasn't sure. I'm still not sure if I'm hallucinating or I'm remembering."


"Dean, I don't know if we should be doing this. What will Sam say?" I asked as Bobby finished with every known devil trap known to man.

"I'm gonna find out."

It wasn't long til the walls were shaking and there was thunder and lightnening . I was shaking because I knew what was coming and before I could warn him a man in a trench coat walked in.

"Hello Dean." he said as he knocked Bobby out with the touch of his finger. "Hello Aeryn. It's been a while."

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Castiel. I'm an angel of the lord. I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."

He started discussing how he tried communicating with Dean in his true form while I just stared at him.
"Aeryn thank you for your help. You succeeded in your mission. You won't die this time."

"You're lucky I didn't kill you when I had the chance." I grumbled

"Now if you killed me you wouldn't have been able to free Dean."

"You've met?" Dean asked me

"Yeah, after you went to hell, this group of angels cornered me. I managed to kill them all but him. He struck a bargain with me. I barely remembered it until I seen him just now." I growled.


We had recovered from the shock of meeting Castiel and had moved on with our jobs. We were walking through Hollywood when we met the back of a huge crowd.

"What the hell is going on?" Dean asked

I picked up a flyer on the ground and turned it over. "Apparently Robert Pattinson is doing a signing here today."

"Who?" Sam asked

"The lead character for Twilight." I replied.

"Please tell me you didn't read that book? Let alone watch the movie." Dean grumbled

"What? It's a good love story. A little sappy but all together a good love story."

Sam's laughing hysterically at this point.

"Candy girl. Gun. Mouth. Now." Dean said as he walked past the crowd.

"What? Like Big Busty Asian's is any better?" I countered

Dean's steps faultered a little but he kept walking.

"Where's the vamps supposed to be hiding anyways?" he asked Sam.

"The building that the crowd is gathered around."

"Shit that means all these people are in danger of either becoming vamps or dying."

"Yeah, Aeryn that's what that means."

"Well I guess our job is done then."

"WHAT?" Sam and I yelled in Unison.

"Kidding. We will see what we can do."

We proceeded in distracting the crowd and getting them to take Robert Pattinson to another venue to sign his autographs for his biography "Life after Edward Cullen."

"Well another good Success." Dean said "What's the next job Sam?"

The guys haven't been talking a lot because of Sam using Demon blood to exorcise the demons from the meat suits and Dean trying to help Cas figure out what God wanted with him. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride most of the time.