A/N: HI guys, this is chapter five of LUCY'S SACRFICE… I know I haven't even uploaded much, I can't concentrate too which fanfiction should I finish first, so that's why please vote the poll in my profile so that I would be able to finish my stories faster… But here is Chapter 5 :)

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail is not in my possession, it all belongs to Hiro Mashima sadly and gratefully :)

Chapter 5: Luca and new information


When I turned around it was so horrifying, so scary…Then for some reason, I felt like I already saw his face….Where did I see that face? WHERE? Then it hit me, I saw on the way town…This man is the most wanted by the council… He kills people by wearing his mother's costume for some crazy reason…I think he's called "The Lonely Murderer". Ipanicked, I just took the man with the awesome clothes and left…Why in the world is he here in this forest? Why?

After running so far, I looked at the man…

"Hey dud- AHHHH!"

The man had been killed…but why can it still move? Then I remembered a spell, a forbidden spell called Αναγέννηση των νεκρών, it's a good thing I learned to read, understand, talk and write Greek….

But how did that mage do it, to even just to know this is forbidden, I only learned it from a spell book from the celestial world, but how did he learn it…

End of Recap


Here I am now, still thinking about The Lonely Murderer and it's already been fifteen months since I saw him, I couldn't believe what happened, he had such impeccable magic, he was even able to injure me, I couldn't believe it. He was so powerful. He even gave me the shivers just by looking or even just thinking of him. He had those soulless piercing eyes that looked so scary that he could even just take away your very own sanity. I was so scared that I even became immobilized at the beginning of our fight. I was so scared. It felt like he was going to take me their right there right now and I couldn't do anything

about it. I felt so hopeless until I heard a voice that sounded so sweet, soothing, and determined at the same time telling me to man up and fight this beast, so one: I could get stronger, two: I could save the towns people and three: I can show Fairy Tail whose boss. It's just like hitting three birds with one stone. I didn't even defeat the guy that bad, Well, I did defeat him it's just that he got up and I needed to go back away from here…

Now here I am thinking about the possibilities of meeting The Lonely Murderer and tried to connect all the dots of what's been happening to me this past few days. Two weeks ago I felt a great magical power and that day almost killed me. Three days after that happening I felt the same magical power, and I got hit on the head hard. Funny thing was that after I got hit on the head, the magical power became a bit different; it felt like smushy, something icky, something pushy and something eerie? I don't know I guess the hit on the head did some amazing damage against my head…sigh… I wish this Lone Murderer would stop murdering already, but I guess the world is still against my wishes and wants me to be sad, what a sad story…

I was so into thinking about the possibilities and such that I didn't even notice that Seleis and the others were already looking at me worriedly…well except for Sting anyway, he looked like he was actually intrigued about what I was thinking, it looked like he could read my mind with those tantalizing eyes, those charming eye- NO LUCY DON'T GO THERE, HE'S JUST ONE OF THOSE EGOISTICAL BASTARDS….

"Lucy, where did you get that kind of colourful language? I am so disappointed of you!...tch tch tch…." A voice said in my head.

"Who's there?!" I shouted in my head…

"I'm your second spirit, dear Lucy" The voice said in my head…

"Do I look like I was born yesterday? I'm not that stupid to believe that." I shouted at the she-voice, it clearly sounds like a girly girl kind of voice. It sounds like an innocently sick sweet voice, don't forget to add creepy…

"HEY! I take pride in my voice you know, my voice is beautiful like canary singing, and yes Lucy, I really am your second spirit." She shouted a bit too loud…

"Do you seriously think that I would believe you? A second spirit, yeah right…. You know what? I also met a flying pig and he told me he was my soul mate." I said mentally with a sarcastic voice getting annoyed to a fact that someone is talking to me using their magic and is or possibly are thinking that I'm actually stupid enough to believe it. I'll kill that person who even thought of messing with me.

"Then kill yourself Lucy, you're the one who does not believe that I'm your second spirit." That annoying voice said again, that annoying voice doesn't fail to annoy me, I guess that's why she's annoying.

"Okay, I'm not your second spirit" The she-voice finally admitted.

"HA! I knew it…Then wait….Who and what are you?" I asked now really curious. I guess the curiosity took over me that I ignored everything around me making everyone, including Sting, though he was only worried a little about me…sigh-WHY AM I SAYING THIS? WHY AM I SAD THAT HE'S ONLY WORRIED A LITTLE ABOUT ME? WHY SHOULD I CARE? IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE HIM OR ANYTHING, IT'S NOT LIKE I WISH HE WAS MORE WORRIED ABOUT ME…RIGHT? Uhhhhhh, I'm seriously messed up.

"Oh dear Lucy, you might not know it, but your actually in love with this 'Sting' and to answer your question, I'm your inner spirit and my names Luca. And sweetie, you're not messed up, it's just that you're in love, nothing weird or unusual." "Luca" said. I just nodded at the information given, at least it's much more believable than second spirit, seriously who would believe that? You need to be born yesterday to actually fall for that trick. I kept nodding and nodding until I remembered what she said at the start and at the end. She did not just say that, right? right? I mean how can an inner spirit know you more than your own self right? right? I mean come on, who would actually believe that I would actually fall in love with Sting? I mean, that's just a sick joke, hehehehe….

I said to myself, not actually knowing that my inner spirit can actually hear what I think to myself. Since I was talking to Luca, I didn't notice that the others, specifically Mirna, Niina, Len, Mirku, Seleis, and Sting, were getting more worried, well most likely, I think that Sting was only getting more annoyed that I wasn't answering them, hehehehe…

I didn't actually notice that Mirku was about to cry, resulting of Mirna hitting me on the head hard, and that's the time when I got out with my talk with Luca and got back to the real world where Mirku was about to cry because of me, a mountain of interrogations from everyone, and a possible death coming from Mirna truly… sigh…if she wants to blame someone then blame the annoying Luca…

"HEY!" A shout from Luca was all I got as a response from her since I called her annoying, but hey it's true, if it wasn't for her being annoying then I wouldn't have been in a daze, and a possibility of making Mirku cry and me getting killed.

"What happened to you Lucy, you were in such a daze you didn't even listen to us, do you know something?" Niina said with her motherly tone. I wish she always had that tone instead of the bull tone, or the famous monkey-screeching tone of hers that can be heard across the land if used. But then again, the world does hate me so that can't be helped.

"I just remembered something from the past…before I met you guys." I added as an afterthought. I explained to them what happened fifteen months ago. About meeting the weird guy, than noticing his clothes; which made everyone sweatdropp, well everyone except for Mirna anyway, she totally squealed when she heard about the shirt made by Adam Lippes but totally changed her attitude when she heard that the shirt was covered in dirt. Than meeting the guy behind us, who I noticed he was actually the Lonely Murderer, me taking the guy, more like dragging, than me noticing the guy was actually a dead person. Than me noticing the kind of spell, Αναγέννηση των νεκρών, one of the most ancient and forbidden magic ever. After they were done listening to what I told them, they all became quiet, not saying anything because of trying to comprehend the information I just told them. The first to speak was actually, and shockingly, Sting. He asked me what the spell meant, I forgot to tell them the meaning of spell since I forgot they couldn't speak Greek. Everyone looked at me curiously, well everyone except for Seleis since she was the only one that understood what the spell meant, of course since it was from the Celestial Spirit World from the beginning.

I told them the meaning of it was Rebirth of the Dead. It was such a deadly spell that the council asked Lorelei Heartfilia, the first ever Celestial mage in the world and first ever female born in the Heartfilia family, to put that hideous spell in the Celestial Spirit World so that no one would be able to find, hear, know, or use it. Lorelei accepted it immediately not wanting to make history repeat itself, yet sadly I don't know how, someone in the Magic World actually was able to know and even use it which is very much bad…

Everyone including Seleis was shocked at the new found information. True, since Seleis is a twentieth generation dragon spirit. Let me explain, nobody knows how spirits began, where it all started, who created them, what created them, and why they are alive, so the Spirit King; who was the first spirit who magically appeared in the Celestial Spirit World; decided to "interrogate" the other spirits of their knowledge, and surprisingly his theory was right. Every spirit has a different knowledge. Others knew about Lorelei Heartfilia, others didn't; so since another of the Spirit King's theory was that before Lorelei became a celestial spirit mage, she always believed about different spirits, but because of her strong belief, they became true, so he gave her the privilege to name them, name their kind, name what kind they are, but surprisingly, since Lorelei was too kind, she gave them the right to name themselves, but she was the one that named them with the kind, which was the first generation dragon, second, third fourth, fifth, and so on until the end of time. The least number of spirits in a generation was five hundred and six which was the first generation spirits.

Everyone looked like they were in deep thought, which was so true. I looked at everyone's expressions. Seleis was still surprised, Sting with those gorgeous- STOP IT! Let's just skip him, Mirna looked like she was in a war and didn't know what to do, Mirku looked extremely worried, Len looked ready to kill for some reason, Niina looked like a mother looking for her lost daughter, yet she was also lost.

"So…" Sting was the one that broke the silence. "To-", but he was cut off by another voice. I noticed it was the Shadow Dragon Slayer.

"To put it simple, this "Rebirth of the Dead" spell is a very deadly magic that even made the magic council-"But I cut him off…" Nope, not only the magic council, but also the dragon and the spirit council were afraid of it."

Everyone looked afraid, even the other councils that didn't live in this world was also afraid of this spell, just made it even more deadly. As I said those words, the Shadow Dragon Slayer was also in our "little" "party", but nobody minded him, because they knew this was getting serious already.

"I'll continue your sentence for you, Rogue." I said with a bit of worry and understanding voice kind of expression. "As he was saying, the "rebirth of the Dead" spell was so deadly, that it made all the councils afraid of it, so they asked Lorelei Heartfilia, one of my ancestors, to seal that magic and place it in the celestial world, but after many centuries, a person, mainly the Lonely Murderer, was able to use it- Everyone was looking more scared, but I just continued, "but, he still isn't able to use the spell to its full power." After I said the last sentence, everyone looked at me with curious, expectant eyes, letting me know they want me to clarify it more.

I did as just what they wanted me too.

"The Rebirth of the Dead spell is a very powerful spell that made every council afraid, so of course it's not only about Rebirthing the Dead, if rebirthing is even a real word-"

"But doesn't the name give off the meaning already?" Len asked me. I just continued without answering his question because it would be answered later in my explanation. Len seemed to get the massage and shut up.

"True that the name seems to give off the name and effect of the spell already, but more or less, the name only gives off more like a side effect of the spell, if you use it the full power. The true power-"

But we were cut off when we heard a loud screech, and I can recognize that screech anywhere. It was the screech of the Dark God Dragon, Adonis.



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