The next day we (Norway and I) met up with the others. They wanted us to explain what happened. I hoped they had a lot of strong alcohol. I felt like I needed it. I was, after all, going to pour my heart out in front of them. It was mostly me talking and boy if I had a lot to talk about.

I decided to be lazy and let the both of us rest so they were coming over.

Norway decided to spend a night at my place. And no, nothing happened. It took a lot of time for the both of us to be okay with some things.

I will never forget that day. Their reactions were hilarious. They were confused (by Norway's more open behavior) and scared (of me). I burst in laughter when I saw they all had tears in their eyes after my confession. Iceland was sniffing and trying to still himself before I pulled him into a hug. He did care. Otherwise he wouldn't call Greenland and Faroes frantically asking where I disappeared. He was tense at first but then he slowly relaxed and even hugged me back.

They apologized many times.

Norway only gripped my hand. But when they were finally gone he cried for hours on my chest begging for my forgiveness. I could never stay angry with him, especially knowing that his behavior was not really something he could change by himself back then. He lost his emotions, after all.

So I tried to soothe him.

'Norway, it's okay! Don't cry, love. I hate seeing you sad.' But every time I said his name he only cried harder.

Then I remembered.

'Norge.' Bingo. 'Shhhh Norge. I love you. It wasn't your fault. Stop crying, Norge.' Hearing his pet name he started calming down and soon he was only occasionally sniffing, still lying on top of me.

'I'm sorry.' He whispered hardly audibly. 'I... I love you too...'

How many years I've been waiting to hear these words?

My lips slowly stretched into an honest grin. I smiled fully and truly, bigger smile than any I've ever smiled.

He lifted his head and looked at me, brightening upon seeing the change in me.

I've never seen a more beautiful smile.


That's how it all ended. And now...

I throw the doors open and smile upon seeing Sweden and Finland standing outside. Iceland is already here.

'Hi guys!' I say (yell) letting them in.

'Hi Denmark!' the Finn says and Sweden just locks his eyes with mine for a fleeting moment. He "smiles" (you know how it looks like, right?).

A lot of things changed...

It's been a year. Since... you know. I don't like talking about it. I much more prefer focusing on present.

'DENMARK, YOU IDIOT! YOU'VE MADE A MESS OUT OF THE KITCHEN AGAIN!' Iceland's furious shout resonated through the house while my (MY!) beautiful boyfriend entered the hall to greet the newcomers with a smile.

Suddenly Iceland runs in as well to stare at me with anxious eyes. They still fear I may go back to what I felt for so long. That I'll forget what they said and did. And they said many things. Mostly that they are so, so sorry and they'll never ever let me slip into depression again. They'll always be there form me. They'll never leave. I also learned that Norway never wanted to leave me but Sweden took him and he didn't want for me and Sweden fight again for him because he knew that'd destroy me. Also he didn't know how to cope with the flickers of emotions that he felt so he left without anyone knowing.

I almost suffocated him with my wet with tears hug when I heard this.

I had a hard time believing the rest of them at first and when Iceland or Sweden glared at me or said something hurtful like they always do because that's how they are, I had flashbacks and restored to the mask so that they won't see the change. Norway always knew when I used it. Now though I believe them. They are always here for me. So I learned not to pay attention to their antics. That's how they are. And I'm obnoxious. These are facts.

So when Iceland appears distressed I meet his eyes with my own and ruffle his hair saying 'Sorry, Icey!' cheerfully, not feeling sorry at all. He knows that.

Iceland huffs but I can see he's relieved. Then he greets Finland and Sweden and goes back into the kitchen to clean what I left. I think it's bear that I spilled accidentally when I observed Norge in my too-big-for-him-shirt (only in that shirt) this morning…

'So how's Sealand doing?' I ask leading them to the living room and Finland brightens instantly.

'Oh he's doing great! Right, Su-san?' He's so excited and happy I'm getting jealous. It'd be nice to raise a child with my Norge. We'll think about it. Now we still partially take care of Iceland. He still pretends to be fully independent and that he doesn't need us but at the same time he spends with us every moment he doesn't need to be home.

Now he and Norway come out of the kitchen and sit a tray of food and beer on the table, then make themselves comfortable and join the talk.

The place is, I realized lately, a little too small for the five of us. I think I need to rebuild it again.

This time I'll make it bigger and brighter place though. And I'll rebuild it from the ground. Just like my faith in our friendship.

I don't want to build it on the base of depression and solitude.

This one will be full of laughter and good things, only good memories will be made.

And I'll do anything to keep it that way.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Norway takes my hand.

Oh, yes. I was supposed to tell them today if he felt okay with it.

I smile at him and then grin mischievously looking at Sweden. He lifts one brow. We had a challenge. I was so nervous before that he challenged me to do it. He helped me a lot with this though.

'We have something to tell you.' I say happily. They look at me curious and I lift Norway's hand turning it so that they'll see it's back.

Norway immediately frees it embarrassed but it's too late. They already saw the silver ring. I spent hours looking for it with Sweden's help.

'No way!' Finland gasps. 'You guys are getting married! Oh I'm so happy for you two! Congratulations! When is the wedding?' Then he happily starts to plan our future. I chuckle at him and pull Norway in for a kiss.

Sweden smiles.

Iceland sighs. 'Well it was inevitable, wasn't it?' He attempts to look disgusted when he sees our kiss but fails and a very big smile stretches his lips.

'Good luck idiots.' He mumbles and I can't help but laugh.

I'm so happy. Sitting together with my family, holding my blushing fiancé with plans of new house that are soon-to-be-realized.

I can't wait for the future.


Whew! I wrote fluff! It must've been horrible as I suck at it. Oh well.

For your sake I hope it wasn't that bad!

I LOVE you for staying with me and supporting me through all this time. It means a lot to me. You are wonderful.

That's all for now. Bye~!

I don't own Hetalia. Hidekaz Himaruya does.