Freaks by Midorianna Dollis

A/N: This is something that I cooked up. Please note that I have no beta reader, nor did I edit this - I just scribbled it down and published. Enjoy!

AU - Sirius Black tried to escape much earlier, but he was caught by a Dementor-in-training, who brought him back. But the Dementor didn't come back without befriending little Harry Potter, first. Because freaks have to stick together.

Little Harry Potter always had a (perhaps stupidly) absent fear of what most of humanity would consider as 'scary'. 'Scary' and 'strange' things happened around him all of the time. He should be used to it by now, after all. The 'scary' things in life were all so interesting, and they were just like him.

He was a "freak", so he fit right in.

So it should not have been a surprise when a ragged rascal stumbled down the Dursley's street, his face white and looking like Hell was on his heels. It also should not have been a surprise when he whipped his head madly towards Harry and yelled.


Harry, not at all bothered to be interrupted in his gardening (that was always a bore) blinked curiously as the stranger stumbled towards him, arms stretched out wide. Torn clothes dangled in the air, the clothing looking like it had survived an apocalypse.

"Harry, Harry," he chanted, closing in on the little boy. "It's so good to see you. I have so much to tell you!"

Just as Harry was feeling a bit nervous about this wide-eyed stranger who approached him like a family friend, the air seemed to grow dense. It was like he was swimming, something Harry found to be quite entertaining. While making "swishy" noises and happily scooping his hands thru the air, the stranger had frozen. The stranger's head turned slowly, so slowly, and wide eyes met the giant black ghost, its hands like talons and the blackness seemed to stale the air. A croaking groan escaped the creature. It was between a shrill and a scream, and nearly caused Harry to fall over from dizziness.

The stranger fainted all of a sudden, falling to the ground in what seemed to be exhaustion. Harry had stopped playing and realized that he was trembling.

The creature glided (or did it fly?) forward to the little boy and stared him straight in the eye. The skeletal hand reached forward ever so slowly. Harry bit his lip hard so he would not scream and shut his eyes, wondering if this was his doom.

Pat, pat.

Harry felt the cold hand petting his mess of curls that adorned the top of his head, and he slowly opened his eyes. There, before him, was the creature. It had not changed at all, but somehow looked… softer than before.

The movement was so soft, so comforting, that Harry nearly felt that he had a friend in the monster. He had never had a friend before. He could only think one thought.


The creature shifted and retracted its hand. Harry missed the comforting touch.

Because we are both freaks.

Then the creature turned, lifting the stranger and flew into the distance, where it disappeared shortly. The air grew easy again and the birds started to sing, but little Harry had not moved. He clutched his mass of hair and smiled.

Harry Potter had a friend.

A/N: I'll probably continue this and maybe edit in the future, so keep an eye out!
