Hello world! It's been a while, several years roughly. I just wanted you all to know that I'm still around. This is chapter 10 of Thirdspace

and I hope you enjoy!


The Liandra, an Anla'Shok attack ship soared through hyperspace gracefully. It was a new ship, built and assigned to the Anla'Shok for the purpose of locating the Human's home world. She was currently travelling through hyperspace, just off of the beacons, trying to track the movements of enemy ships. It was the hope of the vessels Shok-na, that shadowing the human vessels would bring results and an end to this holy war. And by the looks of it, the ship they were following, was doing just that.

While the Anla'Shok couldn't tell the difference between a colony and the actual home world, results were results. The ship, identified at the Pollux, had travelled carelessly heading directly through a hyperspace lane from an unknown origin for an uncharted system in a corner of the galaxy that the Minbari had never ventured too. It was sheer luck that the Liandra had detected the ugly Earth ship at all.

As a jump point tore open into normal space, the Liandra registered and collected a lot of data about the system beyond. It sparked pride in the Shok-na, his crew had been the first to locate a human world in months. Quickly though, that pride turned almost to glee as there was mention of Earth from an intercepted transmission, the name of the humans home world. With a single order, the Liandra flipped itself and headed directly for Minbari controlled space as fast as her engines could carry her.

Within hours the warrior caste and the grey council would be informed of their findings, they would no doubt mobilise. This would be the true beginning and end of the war.

The EAS Repulse dropped out of hyperspace, its jump point tearing open normal space to release the ship. The Hyperion-class vessel been sent out on a scouting mission, in an attempt to locate the Minbari fleet and assess how close they were to Earth. The Captain of the Repulse, Charles Thomas, sat strapped into his chair, looking at the results from a low powered scan of the small and baron solar system. It held no inhabitable worlds, but mineral rich asteroids from failed planets and a single gas giant that floated around a yellow star. The orders to head to this system truly confused Captain Thomas, as it seemed closer to Centauri space than the Minbari offensive, but he followed them regardless.

'XO, launch fighter recon, let me know as soon as the jump engines are ready to go again.' Thomas ordered, looking over at the young man who'd been assigned to his ship a week ago.

'Aye, Captain.' The man nodded before activating his comlink and repeating his given orders.

From the rear of the ship, a single fighter dropped, a Tiger-Class Starfury. In the cockpit of this nimble craft was Squadron Leader Jeffrey Sinclair, a natural fighter pilot, or at least his instructors thought so. He wanted to one day command a ship of his own, but for now, during the war, he was a fighter jock.

'Repulse, this is Panther Lead, headed off for some sight seeing.' Sinclair informed as he powered his engines to maximum and headed off into the asteroid field.

'Roger that Panther Lead.' Was the stale reply from the ships flight control operator.

'Always miserable that one.' Jeffrey chucked to himself as he looked out at the sight in front of him. Chunks of rock, big and small floated around him, almost dancing in a ballet only they knew about. It was a beautiful sight to look out at, but a second of admiration was all he could allow as his sensors detected a faint energy burst.

His brow twisted as he tried to pinpoint its location, mainly because there shouldn't be anything out here. But he doubted it was the Minbari as his fighters sensors wouldn't be able to penetrate their stealth systems. So without reporting it, Sinclair turned to the area of the strange energy signature and dodged the asteroids in his path. As he neared the signature, his eyes locked onto its source. It was a Minbari fighter that seemed to be leaking atmosphere, clamped to one of the larger chunks of rock.

Sinclair approached suspiciously, his weapons powered and engines cut to half their speed. But neither of those facts helped him as a pulse of energy from the apparently disabled fighter slammed into his ship and caused the power to fail.

'Damn!' Jeffrey barked as began to franticly try to bring his fighter back online, pushing dead buttons and flicking unlit switches. All he could do was watch as the Minbari fighter somehow fixed its leaking atmosphere and moved towards him,quickly ensnaring him with its grappling device. He could only sit helpless as his fighter was dragged through the asteroid field towards the gas giant. Hours felt like days as he watched their journey progress. But soon enough, confusion became terror as they approached the gas giant and a large blue ship came into view. A Minbari cruiser moved towards its fighter and the captured prey, bringing both into its hanger bay.

As his ship landed with a thud, the Minbari fighter moving off to a different space, Jeffrey frantically pulled off his harness and jumped out of his cockpit only to be swarmed by Minbari warriors. While he managed to land a few blows to his attackers, they greatly outnumbered him. Punches, kicks and maybe even blunt instruments hammered his body into submission until his mind retreated into unconsciousness.

Michael Brown sat in the control room of the orbital mining platform, looking at a holographic computer model of the solar system they had taken residence in. It had taken a few weeks of late nights and early mornings, but the industry they would come to rely on for years to come was slowly taking shape.

Several automated mining ships had been assembled by his team of engineers from Rivendell as well as Navy volunteers. These ships had launched as soon as their final checks were complete and were currently combing the systems asteroid belt for raw materials.

He had even managed to convince President Sheppard to shut down Rivendell completely so his teams could begin the repairs on the main power conduits, which is why he was in orbit.

Of course, with the city being offline, it meant that the matter-synthesis bays of the fleet were trying their best to compensate for the temporary loss of Rivendell's industrial facilities. Materials and parts were pouring from the fleet, quickly being assembled into automated mining machines or assembly robots. All of which were being built to assist in the creation of the future.

While most of the fleet had become floating industry, orbiting Orban for easy material transfer to the mining platform, some of the smaller ships were scouting nearby systems for more mining sites.

With raw materials slowly coming in, Michael's next step was to get the Zero Point Module creation facility up and running, now that the solar collectors were in place around the local star. They needed the modules, a lot of their technology was so power hungry, especially the matter-synthesis bays. The sooner they were producing new modules, the sooner their future would be more secure.

Back in their reality, the Tau'ri were some of the biggest traders on the galactic market. Mainly material trade, but they did exchange minor technologies on occasion. Maybe one day, it would be the same here and he would help build it.

Sinclair awoke slowly, his mind cloudy, unsure of his surroundings and completely unsure of what had happened in the past twelve hours. He was in his cockpit, staring out at the asteroid field beyond. All he could do was assume he had blacked out as he powered his fighter. No doubt he'd receive quiet a chewing when he returned to the Repulse, if it was even still in the system.

With a frantic glance at his sensors, he sighed in relief as he detected the Hyperion-Class' transponder orbiting a moon near by. Without hesitating, he increased power to his engines and headed for his ship.

He wasn't challenged upon arrival, he was simply allowed to dock with the ship and felt the lurch as the Repulse jumped into hyperspace immediately. Confusion swelled in his mind as he climbed out of his cockpit, but he wasn't going to question it, they were at war after all.

Sinclair simply sighed and headed straight for the nearest shower.

Nayan was stood on the bridge of his assignment. He had quickly assembled his crew and launched the mobile shipyard from the surface of Tarellen, immediately jumping into hyperspace. But the message that had just came through from Shai Alit Branmer filled him with rage.

The Grey Council, the weak government of Minbar, had called an end to the war. Without explanation, the Minbari had stopped in their tracks during a holy march before returning back to their ancient borders.

His orders hadn't changed, he was to remain hidden with his resources. But he doubted that Branmer could bring the war back on track, the Grey Council were after all absolute.

Nayan would wait, he would build his power, prepare for the end of a war that might never come.

Thank you for reading, I'm sorry it's not a very good chapter. I just thought I'd try to end or complete the story. There's so much potential to this story and it's a shame that I'm so uninspired by it.

I honestly have been so busy working on an original project and it feels like I've lost my ability to write fanfiction. Now that my original project is finished, I've had so much free time on my hands.

I've got so many idea's for new fanfictions that I have an ipad full of notes. I may take it up again, but until I do, I wanted people to know that I'm still here and still reading reviews. Thank you all for your support.

I hope you've all had a nice holiday and are ready for the New Year! Here's to making 2020 a good year! Maybe filled with fanfiction!

- Spearhead