Just a Check-Up

AN: Just some minor revisions for this chapter. Nothing too big, a few missing words and some other stuff. Other than that, it's all the same.

"Pinkie please!" the orange-maned baker pony said as he dodged muffins and other confections.

"NOOO!" the usually peppy pony yelled as she continued tossing all sweets in the shop to keep the two bakers at a safe distance from her. "I'mnotgoing!"

"It's just a check-up, dearie," Mrs. Cake said, trying to calm the pink pony.

"NOOOO! I'm… not… GOING!" Pinkie Pie screamed as she realized she had run out of ammo.

"Now that you've had your fun, won't you please just come with us to get your check-up?" Mr. Cake tried reasoning with her, but unfortunately, he had chosen the wrong pony.

"NOOOOOOO!" with that outburst and in a brilliant pink flash, Pinkie was gone.

"Oh dear," the light blue baker pony said as she and her husband cleaned the mess her daughter-like tenant made.

"Hello, oh! What happened here?" the purple unicorn said as walked into the frosting covered bakery.

"Do you really have to ask?" the dragon said as he hopped off her back.

"Pinkie…" both said in unison.

"I'm afraid so," Mrs. Cake reassured them.

"What's gotten into her now?" Twilight said as she watched her young assistant "help" pick up the mess.

"What? It's still good," Spike said as he licked up the frosting and small bits of sweet bread.

"You see, Pinkie's due for her check-up," Mr. Cake said as he continued wiping off the frosting from the counters.

"It goes like this every year. She's terrified of visiting the doctor," Mrs. Cake continued as they finished cleaning.

"She gives us such a hassle but usually we manage to get her to her appointment," the orange pony said as he wiped his forehead clean.

"But we've been so busy with the twins lately, I don't think we have the energy to get her over there today," Mrs. Cake said as readjusted her disheveled hair.

"Well, don't worry. I'll go talk to her, I'm sure she'll be willing to listen to a friend," the unicorn said as she headed up to the pink pony's room.

"Wait, Twilight, dearie!" the blue, motherly pony called out to no avail. "Ooooh!"

"Aren't you going, Spike?" Mr. Cake asked the purple dragon.

"No thank you!" Spike answered as he stood his ground. "I don't want to be in that line of fire."

"Hey, Pinkie! Are you in there?" the purple pony said, knocking on her door.

"TWILIGHT!" the pink pony said as she quickly pulled her unicorn friend into her room. "Thank goodness it's you!"

"Pinkie…" Twilight tried speaking, only to be interrupted by her frantic friend.

"I was afraid that my only backup would be Gummy!" Pinkie continued.

"Pinkie!" Twilight said, still trying to get her attention.

"I know that you know all the bad things that happen at the…" Pinkie's mouth was stopped by Twilight's hoof.

"PINKIE!" the unicorn yelled. "You have to go to the doctor's. Regular check-ups help keep everypony healthy!"

Pinkie's eyes turned to slits as she realized that her friend was not there to support her but, instead, to convince her to go to her doctor's appointment. "Oh, so you're on their side."

"I'm on no pony's side; I just want to help…" Twlight said as Pinkie walked away.

"Gummy, please show Twilight the way out," she ordered as her pet alligator only stared blankly at nothing in particular.

"Umm… Pinkie?" the purple unicorn called out to her pink friend.

"I'm sorry, but if you're not with me, you're against me. Next time, we meet, it won't be on such friendly terms," Pinkie said as she pushed Twilight through the doorway, the door slamming behind the unicorn.

"Oh, Pinkie," Twilight sighed.

"Gummy, you guard the door. I have some planning to do!" the pink pony ordered as her pet chewed on the doorknob.

"So I'm guessing she didn't listen," Spike said as he saw the purple unicorn descend the stairs.

"No, Spike. Looks like we need to call in the cavalry," Twilight said as she levitated her young assistant onto her back.

"Oh, boy," the young dragon said as he braced himself for what was to come.