"Neal, come on," Peter begged, tugging on the younger man's arm and resisting the urge to slap a hand over his mouth as he continued to keep up a constant stream of show tunes and babble. Peter still couldn't believe how careless Neal had been, allowing himself to be injected with God-knows what. If Peter hadn't shown up, god knows what would've happened to him.

Peter managed to drag his babbling CI to the lobby, telling any questioning eyes that he was an escaped psych patient. He might as well have been, considering the way he was acting.

Peter voiced his thoughts, "Wouldn't it make my life easier if I could just check you into a psych hospital?"

"Jellos no good there." Neal shook his head, as though the poor quality of the lime jello was the only issue with Peter's thought.

"Nothing but the best for Neal Caffrey, huh?"

Neal didn't respond, just continued to hum a medley of show tunes, ranging from "Keep it Gay" from the producers and "We All Deserve to Die" from Sweeney Todd. If circumstances permitted, Peter would have definitely pulled out his phone and taken some video.

"Neal, I'm begging you, please use your legs."

"Weeeee," Neal sang quietly, smiling as Peter dragged him across the carpeted floor.

"Sir, do you need a wheel chair?"" asked a concerned nurse, gesturing to the corner where three or four stood unattended. Peter nodded in thanks and dragged Neal, who was now mumbling under his breath, over to a chair.

"Sit," Peter demanded,

"Don't-don't tell me whadda do," Neal stuttered, stumbling slightly.

"Neal, I demand that you remain standing."

"No, I wanna sit," Neal retorted, confused eyes closing in relief as he landed in the chair.

Peter gave a smug smile as he speedily left the building, justifying the fact that he was stealing a wheelchair by promising himself he'd return it later.

"Two lovers kissed, and the world stood still," Neal continued with his original song choice.

Surprisingly, the one street they had to get down to get to Peter's car was empty enough that Peter and Neal could slide by on the side.

"Alright, get up, buddy," Peter insisted, dragging his partner under the arms and hauling him up into the passenger seat. Uncharacteristically, Neal didn't resist at all.

Peter didn't dare interrupt the silence in the car. Neal, however, did it for him as Peter began the route to the Burke house.

"I wanna go home Peterrrr," Neal whined, sounding more and more like a toddler.

"Neal, Elizabeth will kill me if I leave you alone in this state."

"I wanna go home," Neal repeated, eyes dropping.

Peter sighed. But he did turn the car around.

Blaine had never loved Kurt more. Only Kurt would sense that he didn't want to talk about the previous day's excitement. Only Kurt would be awesome enough to act as though nothing had ever happened and help Blaine get accustomed to NYADA. It was Kurt, however, who reminded Blaine of the meeting they had planned. It wasn't that Blaine had forgotten, exactly, just that he was terrified to go.

"What if he doesn't show up? What if he disappears again?"

"Sweetie, it shows that he loves you a lot. He's not going to abandon you again."

With that, Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and they grabbed a cab to June's house. Hey hopped out right in time to see a distraught Peter dragging a disoriented Neal Caffrey. More like half carrying, half dragging,

"Coop?" Blaine yelled, running over. "What happened to him?"

"He may be a bit….high," Peter admitted.

"Hey! Blainers!"


" 'S Neal," Neal corrected, slurring his words. "Cooper's dead."

"Cooper, you're my brother; you'll always be Cooper," Blaine replied quickly.

"Only f'you lil' bro," Neal agreed.

Kurt walked up, eyes scrunched together in concern.

"Is he ok?"

"Kurt! Hey!"

"N-Neal?" Kurt answered, as though the name felt uncomfortable on his lips.

Neal suddenly sprung out of Peter's grasp and flung himself at Kurt. Kurt stumbled, startled, but he remained upright. Neal pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Yeah, um, sure. For what?" Kurt staggered under Neal's weight, but didn't let him fall.

"For being there for Blainers. When I couldn't be. Thank you."
"It was completely my pleasure," Kurt answered confidently, somehow supporting most of Neal's weight on his shoulder.

"I love you, Cooper. You were there for me." Blaine blurted out, as though he desperately needed to say it.

"C'mon Neal," Peter said quietly, for once being emotionally aware of how tender a moment it was.

Instead of taking Peter's hand, Neal let go of Kurt and sank onto the pavement of the walkway.

"Love you too Blainers," Neal muttered, before closing his eyes and going limp.

"Neal, c'mon Neal, you can't sleep here!" Peter exclaimed, reaching down to tap Neal's cheek.

"He could always do that," Blaine laughed. "He could fall asleep anywhere, drugged or not. Almost killed himself shaving, one time…"

Peter, resisting the urge to laugh at this newfound information, just bent down and pulled Neal up by his arms, motioning to Blaine to grab his feet. Neal didn't stir once.

Sorry it's on the shorter side =( But I hope you like it! Reviews are appreciated =)
Oh and come chill with me on tumblr! mildlyirritatedcop . tumblr . com :D I'd love to meet new people!