Never thought I'd be writing another fic. Oh well, whatever XD. My name is Arcanel, Arc for short, and I hope to please you with this story. My idea was to slightly change the normal plots on "Human on Equestria" stories. If you read the description, you might have an idea on how I'll try to do so. Speech goes in normal format, thoughts go on italics, and stuff I say whether to clarify or just a shoutout goes (in bold and in brackets). I hope you enjoy this, and I give you with no further ado, the first chapter of "The Night's Mind"!

As I normally say on anything I write, I own absolutely nothing of the characters used, except my human OC. You can be certain there would be more Spike in the show if I did XD.

Chapter 1: Welcome to the mind of the night itself

"Ugh…where in the world am I?..." I said, lying on the floor, feeling completely tired and lost. I tried to pick myself up, but I still felt too weak.

"What in the world happened to me? I…wait…I can't remember what happened…I can't even remember anything! What's going on?!" I screamed, starting to grab my head when I failed to remember anything. 'No no no…this must be a dream…why can't I remember anything? Wait…I remember…having a family…my name…and…I think just a few more moments…but that's it!'

"ARGH! Come on mind! Help me out here! Let me remember!" I screamed to my subconscious, trying to make sense of the situation. I don't even know where to start!

"Alright…I still know my name. I still know my family. So that's something…but what the hell did I do to make me lose my memory like this!? Or more importantly, what could I have possibly been doing that was stupid enough for me to risk my life AND make me lose my memory in the process!?" I yelled once more, criticizing myself. I normally don't do anything that takes risks…or at least so I remember. 'ARGH!…My head…'

"Ugh…I need something to make my head hurt less. Probably stop yelling. Yeah, I think that'd be nice." I concluded, regaining some of my senses, and started slowly rubbing my temples.

After some time of rubbing, I finally stopped when I felt my head wasn't throbbing anymore.

"Alright…I'm okay now…well, not so much, but I'm better than before. And with my mind back in the game, I can start to properly think. Okay…I can't remember most of myself, nor can I even get glimpses of it. Is there anything broken?" I asked to no one, as I started checking my body for possible injuries. "Nope, doesn't seem like it. Good. I have had enough with my lost memory. Now, to see…the…rest…" I trailed off, because for the first time, I had taken look of my surroundings…only there was nothing to look at.

"What the…I'm in a…void?" I guessed, seeing that it was black all around. The only thing that gave some sort of light was the gray colored floor, which at least allowed me to look myself well enough, but didn't allow me to look too far away.

"Okay…if I didn't know any better, I'd say that I right now, I was totally high, drunk, AND dreaming, all at the same time…let's try to test that." I concluded, putting a hand below my chin, and closing my eyes in concentration. 'Okay…how do I test if I'm neither of the three things I just said? …Hmmmmm…I know!'

"Alright, if I'm dreaming, then pinching myself should wake me up, unless this is "Inception", which means I'm screwed. Better pinch myself really hard then." I concluded once more, determined to see that my head was okay. So, I slowly grab my skin from my left arm, and pinched as hard as I could. One could guess what happened next.

"AHHHHHHHHH! Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" I started yelling, furiously rubbing my arm to make the pain go away. "Okay, bad news, I'm not dreaming. Other bad news, I pinched myself too hard and now my arm hurts a bit. Plan worked, but I'm still here…DAMMIT!" I cursed out loud. Next time, I clip my nails before attempting pinching my arm in a dark void that I don't even know where or what it is.

"Okay…my arm aside, it means I'm not dreaming. That means I could still be drunk. So…normally, if you are totally drunk, you shouldn't be able to think anything even remotely complicated." I thought. It was already a good sign, that I was able to think all this. "2 plus 2? 4. 3 times 8? 24. 75 over 12.5? 6. Square root of 546?...Er…let's see…20 times 20 is 400…21 times 21 is 441…23 times 23 should around 520 something…eh, let's leave it at 23.36 something and that's it…and this probably means I'm not drunk if I imagined all this…again, dammit." I cursed, lower this time, after finding myself STILL in the dark void. If I'm staying here, then something better happen soon enough, or I'm going to go insane!

"That only leaves if I'm high or not…only how the hell do I prove if I'm high or not?" I questioned, scratching my head in doubt. However, before I could think more, I heard a small noise…like a step.

"Who's there?!" I yelled, trying to call for my apparent stalker. This may well be the same person who put me in here. And I have a few words about me getting out of here. However, there was no response, only more steps. Only then I realized, that it sounded less like steps…and more like something else. Actually, they sounded more like hooves…the hell?

"That is what we should be asking you! Who are you…or what are you?!" Responded a feminine voice, a bit loud and almost demonic. Like with a sub-woofer or something like that. The steps- or should I say hooves-were coming closer, but I still couldn't figure out the voice. 'Wait…are there two of them? Is that why it sounds so…boomy?'

"Why should I answer you?! You were the one who put me in this place!" I countered, getting a bit angry at the one who probably trapped me in this dark void.

"What are you talking about!? We have not done such thing as putting you in our own mind nor would ever think of it!" The voice replied, annoyance clearly showing in her voice. 'Wait…did she just say in her mind?...Yeah, right, that's impossible. I may not have proven that I was high or not, but I'm SURE that I wouldn't put myself in this type of situation'

"In your mind? HAH! Don't make me laugh. I know that's absolutely impossible. Yeah, I must be on drugs or the like. There's no way all of this is real." I said, a small smug tone in my voice. What is she thinking?

"HOW DARE YOU CALL THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT A LIER!" The voice suddenly BOOMED. And I mean BOOMED. I had to cover my ears when she yelled. 'Ugh…my ears…hell, even my hair is all messed up…what's her problem?! Now that I think about it, how did she even scream THAT loud. Or is it really two people? But even then, it's impossible! There's no way she…' I was not able to think anymore once I noticed that the "person" in front of me had revealed herself, looking very angry…only it wasn't a person…rather a horse…WHAT?!

"What the hell?! Why is a horse in front of me?!...Wait…How can you even talk?! This isn't making any sense?!" I screamed. Alright, what the hell is going on?! Not even high I would think of THIS! A blue talking horse, with an unnaturally flowing blue mane, telling me that I'm in its mind!

What I didn't realize, was that something was glowing in the forehead of said horse…and that was the last thing I could see before darkness took my eyes.

Did I just put a human in Luna's mind? Yes. Don't ask how this came in my thoughts XD. Anyway, that's that, I hope you liked the little introduction. As I normally have, there's a catchphrase that I normally use, and I shall use it here. You know my catchphrase. Comment, R&R, let your inner Grammar Nazi out, throw WHATEVER ideas you have at me, haters ignored, flamers abhorred, etc, etc. Arc out.