"Henry stay back" James warned, Henry rolled his eyes and waded through the crowd that were beginning to part like the red sea.
"No! You can't hurt her, one she's not who you think she is and two she's my mom!" Henry pleaded looking between Emma and Regina, Regina couldn't help but smile which made Snow tilt her head in confusion. She then stepped forward to James's side.
"What's going on Henry?" Snow asked leaning down to her black curls tickling his face, Henry sighed in relief seeing people were ready to listen.
"It's a long story but you can't hurt my mom! Otherwise you'll hurt them both and not just because they aren't in the right bodies" Henry said with a smirk turning to his mothers who turned away from each other not making eye contact. Snow shook her head in confusion looking up to James who just shrugged back but hearing Henry's words he lowered his sword. When James dropped his sword Henry jumped around him with a smile and grabbed the two women's hands.
"You guys have got to start being more honest to each other" Henry said sweetly, he then joined their hands together and backed away with a short but sweet smile. Regina's eyes snapped down to Emma's hand automatically, although she stayed silent and felt like she wanted to run. Now she was all too conscious of the crowded room.
"Henry…" Emma began pulling away her hand from Regina's. Regina felt her heart wince as Emma dropped her hand, "I can't do whatever you've thought up" She whispered. Henry sighed.
"Emma I know you both love each other" Henry said, "I've heard you at night and the way you two look at each other, well you might as well have a neon sign!" Henry laughed. Regina shifted uncomfortably glancing at the shocked but confused expressions of James and Snow.
"Henry?" Snow asked her head shaking with confusion. Henry raised his finger to silence her.
"Come on you two, you know the only way to get your bodies back is true loves kiss, I'm only a kid an yet I've worked it out!" Henry chided folding his arms, Regina and Emma both shook their heads automatically laughing nervously.
"Henry, I know you want us both in your life but that doesn't mean we are soul mates, you need to get your head out of the clouds" Emma said slowly trying to get her message across. Henry exhaled in frustration rolling his eyes to the heavens.
"My mom admitted it!" He said poking Regina's arm, Regina froze as Emma turned her gaze onto her.
"Regina?" Emma asked stepping forward. Regina stayed silent looking everywhere but Emma's eyes, Regina bit her lip with nerves. Suddenly Emma grabbed her chin forcing her to look at her- Brown eyes melting into green.
"Is it true?" Emma whispered softly, Regina stayed quiet and she continued to stare.
"Give up your pride!" Henry whined almost jumping on the spot. Regina looked back to Emma and simply nodded not saying anything and then tried to look to the floor. Emma leant closer forcing Regina to keep her gaze.
"Say it" Emma whispered with a burning gaze searching Regina's eyes. Regina shifted again.
"I can't because it will only break my heart when you don't return it" Regina whispered nervously,
"I've had my heart broken too many times" Regina said sadly trying to pull away from Emma. Emma rolled her eyes.
"Maybe this will tell you" Emma whispered. Suddenly her lips crashed into Regina's, she placed her hands on the side of her face holding her close their chests pressing together, their heartbeats becoming one. Regina smiled as she felt energy burn between the two, she too placed her hands on Emma's face making the kiss stronger pulling her so much more closely. Henry clapped his hands together as a surge of energy filled the room-the power of true loves kiss. The two pulled away from each other staring into each other's eyes. Henry watched as a pale white wisp exchanged from each of the women's eyes. The two were suddenly pushed away gently by an invisible force making them gasp as their bodies convulsed gently. Henry bit his lip as he watched the dazed expressions of the women waiting for one of them to speak. The brunette stood back and looked at her hands speculatively, suddenly a grin appeared on her face as she studied her well-manicured nails
"I'm me again" Regina whispered in shock stroking her glossy brown hair, she looked up to Emma who was doing the exact same thing, Emma ran her hands through her golden curls smiling with bliss her green eyes twinkling,
"It's good to be home" Emma laughed tapping her forehead. Regina nodded finding the laugh infectious. The two then hugged each other deeply their two grins practically touching their ears. Emma sighed and breathed in Regina's rich spiced apple scent closing her eyes as she rested her head on Regina's shoulder-she would never tire of Regina. Regina did the same and the two stood like that for some time until Henry cleared his throat making the two women look at him.
"Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?!" Snow said stepping forward anger almost flashing in her eyes. Regina went to speak but she was quickly stopped by Emma
"Allow me" Henry said stepping in front of Snow, "these guys need some time alone" Henry said turning back to Regina and Emma who laughed as they realised they were holding each other's hands subconsciously. When they were gone Regina spoke.
"Wow you wore my favourite dress" Regina stated looking down at her clothes, Emma smiled.
"That's because it's the one I loved to see you in" Emma said.
"You know I am sorry for those awful things I said" Regina said sincerely raising Emma's hand and kissing her knuckles softly. Emma nodded.
"I understand why you said it now, you were just trying to save me" Emma smiled placing a hand on Regina's cheek which Regina leant in to.
"Will this work?" Regina asked her voice with a hint of nerves. Emma sighed and smiled softly
"You know I think it will, it won't be easy but whenever is anything good easy?" She said pulling Regina in for another kiss.

Snow stepped back into the throne room dismissing the guards watching as Emma sat on Regina's lap on her throne kissing her tenderly with a smile on her face, Snow had to admit to herself that this was the happiest she had seen Emma like for months. Snow cleared her throat gently breaking their focus from each other.
"Henry told me everything" Snow said quietly. Emma nodded not moving from Regina's lap now she had her she didn't want to let her go, Regina chuckled quietly knowing this as Emma wrapped her arms around her waist as Snow stepped forward.
"So this is?" Snow began pointing gingerly between Regina and Emma.
"Yes" Emma said resting her head on Regina's claiming her. Regina smiled and hugged Emma closer. "I love her mom" Emma said. "And I have done for some time, even when she was being a bitch" Emma said gently raising her eyebrows at Regina who simply smirked back at her.
"But I'm your bitch" Regina mouthed playfully, Snow in haled in uncertainty looking between the two women.
"I don't know" Snow said looking down. Regina bit her lip and shifted Emma off her lap who went unwillingly with a small groan.
"Snow I am so sorry for everything that has happened and that's why I have stayed away for so long but it seems that fate keeps bringing Emma and I to each other, I understand that the curse was despicable but I was far too angry at the world and maybe if I did truly listen to my heart I would have understood that Emma was my one" Regina said stepping in front of Snow, Snow looked up meeting Regina's chocolate brown eyes which did seem full of an apology. Snow felt herself relax as she and Regina forgave each other silently. Emma smiled and appeared by their sides.
"So we are cool?" Emma asked putting an arm around Regina. Snow looked sceptical for a moment but softened.
"Yes we are" Snow said nodding her usual smile returning. Regina grinned feeling a warmth surge through her thawing her heart, Henry appeared in the doorway and ran to his mother's hugging them close winding Emma
"Whoa kid, easy" Emma said breathlessly. Henry stood back and looked into his mother's eyes.
"Wow your eyes have changed" Henry giggled. Regina arched an eyebrow,
"How so?" She asked turning to Emma, she then laughed softly as she noticed some small brown flecks had appeared in Emma's eyes. Emma giggled as she noticed some green flecks in Regina's eyes.
"I guess we are more alike than we thought" Regina said pulling Emma into a kiss,
"Hey!" Henry laughed as he was softly crushed between their bodies. The two women broke their kiss and looked down smirking.
"So are we a family?" Henry asked with a large grin.

"Mom I'll be back soon I promise!" Emma laughed looking into the mirror at Snow White's reflection.
"Look I know you don't live here and you need your space Emma but I hate not being able to see you every day" Snow said. Emma rolled her eyes a grin appearing on her face as she met Regina's gaze.
"Mom I gotta go but I promise I'll see you soon" Emma said cutting the conversation short as she noticed Regina adjusting her dress seductively.
"Emma wait!" Snow began but Emma wiped her hand across the mirror ending the conversation.
"Miss Mills are you trying to seduce me?" Emma asked crawling onto the bed and kissing Regina on the cheek softly, Regina smirked and looked at Emma with molten brown eyes.
"You saw" She purred leaning in and kissing Emma softly on the lips, Emma nodded and stroked Regina's arm.
"It didn't work" Emma joked making Regina grin fully.
"I'd beg to differ" Regina said lying backwards on the bed pulling Emma with her. Emma giggled as she and Regina landed on the soft red silk sheets.
"Well we are alone" Emma said pulling the lace on Regina's dress. Regina nodded running her fingers up and down Emma's back. Suddenly an excited screech filled the room making the two women look towards the window that opened onto the balcony as Cora appeared with Henry riding her. She growled playfully as Henry climbed off her and jumped onto the bed breaking Regina and Emma away from each other.
"Wow Cora just did a 360 turn with me, it was awesome!" Henry beamed. Cora grunted in response hoping for recognition. Regina looked to Cora and nodded.
"As long as you were careful" Regina said being the ever protective parent, Emma laughed.
"I imagine he's better at riding than me" Emma grinned kissing Regina's hand.
"Perhaps we could ride together?" Regina asked, Henry jumped up.
"Yeah that would be so cool!" He shouted. Emma rolled her eyes gently.
"Umm Henry" She began but Henry nodded.
"Oh I get it don't worry" he said with a wink jumping off the bed and running to the mirror.
"Should I have dinner with Grandma and Granddad?" Henry asked, Regina smiled.
"If that's ok with you" She smiled. Henry nodded. Regina then raised her hand which glowed with light swishing it over the mirror.
"Perhaps we can have dessert" Emma whispered ever so quietly making Regina flush.
"I'll see you later!" Henry said jumping through, Regina smiled and when he was gone she turned back to Emma who was sneakily undoing her corset.
"You know white magic suits you" Emma whispered. Regina nodded.
"I have you to thank for that-my saviour" Regina giggled, she then looked to Cora and raised an eyebrow. Cora nodded and swiftly left disappearing into the sky. Emma looked up now seeing they were fully alone.
"So where were we then?" Emma whispered. Regina ran her hands through Emma's golden locks and smiled down at her.
"Oh my Emma, the princess who became queen. I love you" Regina purred. Emma smiled and rested her head on Regina.
"I love you too and you'll always be my queen" Emma whispered sitting up suddenly and silencing Regina with a tender kiss.

Thank you guys for reading I hope you enjoyed it! Keep an eye out for some mini sequels I'm planning for this story :D xxxx