"Mommy, Mommy, guess what?" said a small voice coming from the front door. Kioku turned away from the dinner she was making just in time to see her son, Sora, plow through the front door, leaving it open. Her husband was close behind, brushing off his feet from the sand and closing the door in his child's wake.

"What happened, Sora?" Kioku giggled. Her son had just returned from a day on the island where he and his friends played. Her husband had brought them back on his rowboat.

Sora was beaming. "Me and Riku saw a lady with blue hair!" he said. That was odd. Kioku didn't know of anyone with blue hair on the islands.

She quickly gave her husband a kiss on the cheek before answering her son. "Are you sure she didn't have grey hair, like the lady from the library?"

Sora adamantly shook his head. "No," he squeaked. "She wasn't old. And she was really pretty!" Kioku knew she had to teach him that words so blunt could be insulting, but she decided against it for the time being.

"Did you talk to this pretty blue-haired lady?" Kioku said to her son.

"Yep!" Sora answered. "She said I need to keep Riku safe, and make sure he doesn't go the wrong way."

"'Go the wrong way?'" Kioku said, scooping her son up into her arms as he giggled. "You mean, make sure he doesn't get lost?"

Sora thought for a moment and replied, "Yeah, something like that!"

Kioku gave her son a kiss on the top of his head and set him back down on the ground. She watched as he ran up to his room, a ball of energy.

She had been noticing something different about Sora in the past few weeks. While he was obviously the son of Kioku and his father−with her blue eyes and his father's light brown hair−there was just something about him−from his looks to his mannerisms−that she knew Sora didn't inherit from either of them.

A few days later, a girl Sora's age with ruby red hair washed up on the island.

A/N: Ok, so upon finishing KH3D, I found that I had maternal instinct sense tingling for Sora and Riku. Which, of course, led me to remember the "Dinner's ready!" line and how Sora never once thinks of his mother throughout the course of any of the games. And then feels happened. And then this happened.

This story will focus on Sora's mother, Kioku, and her thought process as she waits for her son to come home. I chose that name because, according to google translate, Kioku means "storage" or "memory," which will become important later on in the story.

I'm planning on making each chapter correspond to a game in the series, going in chronological order. I hope you like!