To All My Awesome Readers,

I've been giving this a lot of thought for the past week and a half, and I have come to a decision. I am no longer continuing this fanfic, or at least will not update until I get my life straight. This was a really difficult choice for me, and I'm going to stick to my choice. I'm really sorry to all my readers. You all have supported me so much from the beginning, and I feel like I let you all down.

My reason is this: my life is a mess. I'm slacking off in school, my grades are slipping, my place in my math team is dropping from first to nearly last place, my brain is just muffled, the tension between my parents and I are growing, my friends say that I'm changing, and basically I'm a mess right now.

I'm ending all my social networking activities online like Facebook, Youtube, Google Chatting, etc. and I've come to a decision that unfortunately, I'm going to have to also pause Stardom. I'll continue to review other fanfics, but for some reason updating takes away a huge chunk of my time, and I can't afford that with the mountainous work I have. I promise to come back to this fanfic once I get my thoughts in order. Whether that will take 2 hours, 1 week, 3 months, 8 years, I really have no idea.

Thank you to everyone who has read this fanfic. I really, genuinely am sorry that I'm doing this, but I feel like this is something I have to do. Maybe this is too much to ask, but I hope when I come back, you guys will be as supportive as ever. You guys were truly the best.

Until Next Time,
