This is my first Power Rangers Fanfiction and I really hope you like it. I'm still starting out in the Fanfiction Author universe and would like some constructive criticism now and then. I've noticed there should be more Jayden and Mia stories and I can't just stand by while the pairing plummets deeper into obscurity and I appreciate for all those who support Jaymia. I don't see how Jayden and Emily being a couple anyway but they are free to support that couple. We are all free to ship any couple we want. So I hope you enjoy this story.

Evagelina Jade Shiba analyzed the odd device in her hands in curiosity.

She was enjoying a moonlight stroll on the beach , finally taking some relaxing moments off from training. Even though no major threat had been detected ever since her parents sealed off the Nighloks and Master Xandred years ago, a little precaution such as training long hours and learning tons of Kanji symbols wouldn't hurt.

Eve was about to retire back to the Zen House when she tripped on something. She dug through the sand to reveal a futuristic object. The base was a sphere with a tube sticking out from the center. The tube seemed to have some sort of liquid inside and the entire device was unfamiliar to her.

"Eve!" She heard a voice call out her name, "Are you out here?" Eve sensed a presence on each side of her. On her right, a dark-haired boy with an unkempt appearance of torn yet wearable clothing stood towering over her kneeling figure. And on the opposite side was another boy crouched next to Eve. His curly blonde hair made it impossible for anybody to look at him directly into his eyes and he preferred it that way.

"Whatcha got there Eve? That better not be a bomb. I don't think your parents would like it if their daughter blew herself up," The dark-haired boy joked while looking at the device.

The other boy scoffed, "I don't think it's a bomb Ryder. All bombs today are in chips not in those old fashion sticks of dynamite or black orbs that needed to be detonated with a match,"

"Then what do you think it is?"

"I'm not sure," Eve said while giving the 'bomb' contraption to the other boy for safekeeping, "But we should get back to the Zen House right now."

"Should we tell Mentor?"

"No, Lewis," Eve said, "We should do some research on this before we involve the other Samurai. I bet it's probably some junk. We don't want them to get alarmed over nothing. We still need to prove ourselves in training,"

"But isn't it part of the Samurai code to be honest?"

"We haven't been exactly living the Samurai life, have we?" Eve looked at Ryder. He stiffened at the mention of what his father did to change the way the Samurai Rangers live. His relationship with his father was all but loving, in his point of view anyway.

"Plus, I have a weird feeling that we should keep this to ourselves. Got it?" Lewis nodded his head more than needed to. Ryder was hesitant before agreeing.

"Fine Eve!" But you're going to be taking the blame if we're ever getting caught. I've just been reunited with my hoverboard and I do not want to lose it again," Ryder said stiffly before marching off the beach floor to where the Zen House stood, on a steep cliff not that far away.

The beach lay near the rock formation so the trio didn't need to walk very far. Rickety and hackneyed wooden stairs led to the very top, giving the impression of a haunted and abandoned hike trail, something to ward off any unwanted guests, any unwanted human guests that is.

Although, the Samurai knew a different and safer way. Leafy plants and moss-covered the secret elevator that could only be opened with symbol power. On their first day at the Zen House, their first test was to learn how to run it. Ryder was stuck at the beach for hours before learning the symbol for 'open' and 'up'

The three kids took out their Samuraizers and with a few dashes, the rocky cliff side rumbled and split apart to show a grand interior of a classy hotel elevator. Once they stepped inside, Eve glanced at her two friends. Ryder leaned against the wall with his arms crossed in a brooding way while Lewis was observing the device intently, "I wonder what kind of power is contained in this thing,"

"Whatever it does, I hope it won't cause us any trouble,"

Eve had a feeling, the same strange feeling she had when she picked up the device, that Ryder had just jinxed it.

Jayden scrutinized his opponent, searching for signs of weakness. There weren't any...yet. The practice fight didn't even begin but he was more than ready, he had been all his life. He circled his teammate before positioning himself on the mat. He tightly gripped his shinai, the practice staff, then the fight commenced.
He blocked the first attack in a split second, it was too easy to foresee. He took his opponent by surprise by rolling off to the side and swipe at the feet. His teammate performed a perfect gymnastic aerial to avoid it before turning back to face him and engaged in more combat. The shinai was aimed at his calf but Jayden, again, deflected it. The rest of the practice fight went on like that, with the two opponents having a close chance of beating the other.

It had drawn out for so long, the other Rangers began spectating since their practice fights had already ceased pretty much ages ago.

"How long do you think they've been at it?" Mike, the Green Ranger and resident joker asked Kevin.

"Since training started, I guess. We've already switched partners, three times!"

"I've never seen them like this," Emily marveled at her friends' determination, "It's as if they-"

"-know what they're going to do next," Mike finished off for her.

"Yeah, it's like-"

"-they're so in sync-"

"-the attacks are too-"

"-predictable to each other,"

"Easy guys," Antonio commented, leaning on his shinai casually, "You both sound like Gem and Gemma," He recalled the time when he and the other Rangers (excluding Jayden) were transported to another dimension where a destructive computer virus had taken over the Earth with robot foot soldiers and had met the RPM Rangers. It was a surreal yet very strange experience to find out that there was another Gold Ranger even though he was a childish pyromaniac.

Mike and Emily turned red at the comparison and paid more attention to the fight that was still going on, "I think Mia is almost as good as Jayden."

Jayden overheard Antonio's statement and couldn't help but agree. Mia had adapted to the Samurai lifestyle pretty well and was a challenging and skilled opponent but still had a lot to learn.

"Let's make this more interesting," Mike called out the sparring duo.

"I'm close to beating Jayden, how more interesting could this get?" Mia could barely believe what was going on now, slowly gaining the upper hand. But there was a still a chance Jayden could beat her.

Mike racked his brain for a good deal then finally got it, "The loser will have to do the winner's chores for the next 24 hours,"

Mia grinned but still maintained enough focus to go ahead with the fight, "Deal."

'Deal," As Jayden said this, he shifted into a position where his shinai and Mia's made an X formation. He noticed how close Mia was and his focus wavered for a moment when he made a discovery. He had never realized how Mia's eyes twinkle with such drive, such tenacity. Mia took this moment to her advantage and brought her shinai down on Jayden's abdomen. He stumbled a bit and processed what happened.

Mia Watanabe had just defeated him.

The team cheered and congratulated the Pink Ranger on her victory and giving Jayden pats on the back.

"Great job, Mia," Jayden said to the winner. She smiled and thanked him while shaking his hand.

Jayden accepted the defeat and knew that from this day forward and with the rate of such progress, the team would become unstoppable. Mia had hit a major milestone and was an example to the others that training really had paid off.

And then the GAP sensor rang.

The team rushed into the Shiba house living room in alarm. Ji brought out the city map, "There's Nighlok activity down by the elementary school, hurry."

Jayden turned to his team, "Let's go Rangers."

I'm sorry with my attempt of a Jayden and Mia moment. That is something I need to work on. I'm psyched for the rest of Super Samurai season and can't wait for Jayden's secret to come out.

Tune in for more chapters!
