Hey Wassup guys! I know you haven't heard for me in awhile! My Apologies! I've been so hooked on PC games I've stopped writing! That's….very bad actually, anyways. I've decided to make an Elsword story! The characters in all are so fun and interesting it would be really nice to write a story! Its not to many Elsword fanfiction writer's out there, Might as well help expand it eh? Anyways this is going to take place in High School. I'm going with I guess the most common used couples? Elsword x Aisha (Being my favorite!) Raven x Rena? It may be a bit teasing here and there on but I may keep them more at a friend approach. Finishing it with Eve x Chung! Of course~ I'm putting the classes!


Elsword - Sheath Knight~Infinity Sword

Aisha - Battle Magician~Dimension Witch

Rena – Combat Ranger~Wind Sneaker

Raven – Weapon Taker~Veteran Commander (Oh lovely class)

Eve – Code: Electra~Code: Battle Seraph

Chung – Shooting Guardian~Deadly Chaser

You may be wondering why I didn't choose 3rd classes for Rena and Chung. For Rena, because Trapping Ranger/Night Watcher seem to revealing to me. For Chung Even though Shelling Guardian is out Tactical Trooper is only on the Shadow stage.

Anyways Lets get this started shall we~?

Velder High school is a boarding school made for more combat-orientated students who may want to learn to battle along with their learning part. With separate buildings for dorms and buildings for Freshmen, Sophomore, Juniors, and Seniors. You can say this was a University by the size.

Elsword dragged his self out of bed, getting prepared for his First day. Being the ambitious and yet sometimes egotistic guy he is, nervousness and peer pressure wasn't a issue. Though drowsy, he was beaming with excitement. He put his red hair up in a pony tail quite lazily but awkwardly fitting him. Dressed in a casual white-collared shirt and blue jeans and sneakers he headed out his dorm.

Elsword scanned his surroundings taking note of how unmotivated the students looked. Shrugging off this knowing people weren't always as enthusiastic as he was. Walking through the hallways bag over his shoulder. He spotted a purpled haired girl With ponytails on each side of her head. She looked smart. She was standing next to a White long-haired girl with golden eyes, along with a Blue gem on her forehead. It seemed unusual but it fit her so he couldn't argue about that.

"Is there something I can help you with Red-head?" The purple-haired girl spoke with extreme confidence and arrogance. Elsword scowled. But he couldn't help but think "Was I staring?" He immediately went off focus of his thought as the purple-haired girl scowled at him.

"Hey red-head! Its rude to not pay attention when someone speaks to you!" She said in a annoying high-pitched voice that made Elsword cringe. He looked at her ferociously with his red eyes. Flashing with the threat of possibly attacking. She didn't back down. Surprised but didn't show it, He did give her props for not at least showing fear.

He couldn't think of anything to say. But he only could just stare at her, he was intrigued by her aura. It was odd. He was feeling something he never felt before but he couldn't tell what it was exactly.

"Aisha it's time to go, do not associate yourself with such ignorant people. Now come, we must make it to class." The White-haired girl spoke. She spoke with high authority and pride. Emotionless tone and absolutely serious. "Aisha is her name huh? I have a feeling we're going to have more encounters..".

"Alright Eve," Aisha turned to stare at Elsword defiantly. "You better not cause any trouble around here Red-head." Then she turned off. Elsword cursed his self for allowing her to look so down on him and him not saying a word. It wasn't like him. Those two I'll remember for sure.

Heading off to class. Elsword was seated by the window. He drifted to staring outside in a trance, chin resting on the palm of his hand. From the side he noticed a sight of White. He turned forward noticing the same girl from this morning was seated in front of him. Now being more aware, Elsword looks around the class room and notices the same purple-haired girl sitting next to him. Oh this is going to be a Joyful year. He thought bitterly. He grinded his teeth silently as he stared angrily at her, She looked up with a surprised expression but quickly fading to anger as she realized who her eyes had set down upon.

"So we're in the same class and seated next to each other huh?" Aisha spoke, venom dripping from her voice.

"It seems so eh, Aisha?" He smirked as he saw her surprised expression. It made him laugh on the inside seeing how he knew her name even though clearly her friend spoke it out loud.

"You got some nerve talking like that to me." Her eyebrow twitched in anger, this only made Elsword's smirk widen a bit. But seeing they both shared the same fury of a forest fire. He decided to cool things down.

"Oh my apologies Ms.Aisha,"Elsword putting heavy emphasis on her name just for the amusement. "My name is Elsword, might as well be fair." He said lightening his tone to a more friendly level. Her facial expression softened at his more friendly tone. Elsword held his hand out but with a more competitive look on his face. "I can tell this year your going to be my Rival, of course if you deem me worthy " He said jokingly. Aisha rolled her eyes and literally smacked his hand into a handshake sharing the same competitive look. "Why of course Red-head, I wouldn't consider you much of a Rival," she gained a smirk on her face, "your to easy to read.".

Elsword twitched at that sentence. Closing eyes, making a irritated smile and eyebrows twitching, "Alright Aisha, Game on then!" Both of them smiled at each other and went back to their own worlds and thoughts.

She sure is an interesting one, not like most girls, I wonder if she'll be the only person I'll talk to. Well with her around things surely will be more fun than expected. Elsword yawned and leaned back into his seat. He couldn't help but think what type of fighter she was. He was a Swordsman. But, she didn't seem to look much of a fighter.

Elsword looked over from his leaning position at her, gaining her attention. "Hey Aisha, what type of fighter are you?" He asked curiously, she smiled at the confusion in his voice and giggled slightly. Elsword found it kind of, cute. He shook that away and stared at her waiting for a answer.

"Battle Magician." She said softly but brightly. She seemed to carry a much lighter attitude now, since they have been properly speaking now.

"Battle Magician? So your actually in the fight and not in the background spamming magic spells like those other annoying mages?" Elsword said with the hint of a joking tone but also curiosity. She looked a tad offended but she blew it off understanding what he meant.

"That's why I decided to become one. Plus," she stared at him in smiled "Its boring staying in the back! I like getting my hands on someone," she grew a smirk "more enjoyable to see." She laughed as she saw Elsword's eyes go wide and surprise at how sadistic she sounded.

He knew she was serious about what she said. He just smiled and gained even more respect for her, though he'll never admit it. This girl was always impressing him more and more every time they spoke. It was strange to see that from a girl, at least from the ones he has met.

"I'm a Sheath Knight." He said calmly. She looked a tad, surprised and maybe a bit scared. Elsword smirked at this showing off his teeth at the expression she let out.

"Sheath Knight? You're a swordsman?!" Aisha spoke with utter shock. Apparently she wasn't expecting Elsword to be a Swordsman. A Sheath Knight at that. "You type are dangerous," She said quieting her voice down "That just means more of a challenge hm~?" She said.

"Watch your tone I dual wield two swords, If you let me catch you, your not getting away til I'm done" Elsword said all seriousness in his tone. Aisha couldn't help but think that it was a slight seductive tint added onto that.

Aisha scowled "I'll keep that in mind. Class is about to start soon." She sighed and stared forward waiting for the rest of the students to flood in. She stole a glance at Eve. Even though she was a Nasod it was hardly noticeable. Long hair and a pretty face anyone would've mistaken her just for maybe a model. How her and Eve became friends still intrigues Aisha. Knowing Eve for being extremely vague of emotions and not talkative it's a miracle that they even know each other. She was a really nice friend though.

Aisha could already consider Elsword as a friend. Doubt their rivalry it was friendly. He was never boring. Though annoying already it was fun to be around him. Now knowing he's a Sheath Knight that dual wields actually makes Aisha fear him slightly of his capabilities. "If you let me catch you, your not getting away til I'm done." The memory replayed in her mind. Slightly shaking her, he was surely someone dangerous. Though his casual look. His Red eyes and sharp teeth would make most people fear him.

Aisha looked over at Elsword catching him yawning. He's probably still tired.. She did take notice of HOW sharp his teeth were, it was, quite odd. Is he a carnivore? Aisha was sure her teeth weren't that sharp. She shook it away questioning why she was so focused on his mouth.

Then his eyes were interesting. Just by staring into what seemed like a sea of blood she can see the fire of ambition and fighting spirit behind them. It gave her a warming feeling. Having someone with that type of personality is always comforting. He sure has long hair, it fits him oddly. His hair did fit his face. She also noticed his eyes seemed. Darker? A more hint of darkness in them. It wasn't like other people's eyes. That worried her more of what he actually was, or what happened to him.

Aisha glanced towards the door hearing footsteps. She saw a yellow-haired girl come in. Beaming with happiness. She had long ears..Oh my an Elf! An Elven Warrior at that. Thought to have gone extinct. She walked up to Aisha and spoke with politeness and a hum that comforted everyone.

"Hello~! My name is Rena! Its nice to meet you~" She seemed so happy Aisha couldn't help but smile. Rena was a sweet person she could tell. She was very beautiful as well matching her nice personality.

"My name is Aisha! It nice to meet you too Rena!" Aisha responded with the same amount of kindness. It only seemed fair. Rena sat down in front of Aisha and she was humming a song. It made the quiet and awkward classroom have a softening warming atmosphere. Letting the song come out softly Aisha began to hear the lyrics.

"Asayake wo mitsumete kokoro de tsubuyaita Kimi ni mo dare ni mo tashika ni ai wa aru Wasurekaketa koe de kokoro ni yobikakeru~" Rena sung with so much enthusiasm. It was fitting since it was a morning song. Rena sighed happily as she stopped and waited for more people to come in.

A black-haired tanned skin male walked in. He looked extremely strong. He had strong fierce golden eyes. He looked very serious and almost as emotionless as Eve. Which Aisha found almost shocking. But his expression softened as he saw the 4 in the class and ended up sitting next to Rena. He didn't speak but he didn't need to. We would figure out his name later.

Next a blonde-haired male came in with darkened brown colors in some part of his hair came in. He looked serious. But nice as well, he had sky blue eyes and which if you stared in them they seemed like paw prints were in them. He looked quite cute actually, but he seemed to have a dangerous Aura, the same type of aura as the dark-skinned guy and Elsword shared. Given his soft, if someone could say baby face appearance. He sat down on the side of Eve. It was silent now.

Afterwards all other flooded in the class as the bell rang for classes to begin. Aisha yawned thinking more about the 4 people she saw this morning. Elsword, being a annoying yet fun to be around guy. She didn't mind at all. He was intriguing to her, his appearance and his personality. She couldn't also help but notice that she found him slightly…attractive. Memories flashed of their talk and the way Elsword had smiled and smirked at her. Her face flushed red but quickly got rid of it before anyone could notice.

Then There was Rena. She was a sweet and happy person. She could assure that just from speaking to her once. She had a warm aura that made Aisha relax on the spot. As if Rena would always be there as motherly protection. She could tell that Rena was easy to talk to and they could surely be good friends.

The other two she hasn't spoken to yet. Maybe later on today she should try and hope that they won't try to eat her eyeballs out. The dark-skinned male seemed very cold-blooded in Aisha's eyes. The blonde & brown haired boy,was possibly nice. But then again he wasn't a joker either. She didn't know How Eve felt on things, she would have to talk it out of her since she wasn't the one to open up easily.

Oh yes this is going to be an interesting school year…