Ok, this is the last chapter and if I´m honest it´s a bit sloppy. I just…feel a bit guilty you know, like I´m perverting the characters I love so much by doing this, so no sex in this chapter, at least not explicitly. Oh well, enjoy I guess, review please and above all thanks for sticking with me to the end.

Her father had gone out on a hunting trip and it was just what Merida was counting on. When she entered her mother´s room she was sewing.

-Merida? - The queen asked a bit alarmed –Is something wrong?-

-No mother- she answered –I just wanted tae…- she stopped, she really hadn´t thought of a plan this time. All Merida could do was play along and hope for the best.

-Tae wot?-

Merida sighed –Mom, do ye remember the other night? The lesson ye gave me?- She looked at the ground, feeling guilty and almost knowing the answer to what she would ask for next –I need more-

She waited, the tension grew an Elinor stared at her gravely until she stood up and hugged her sighing –Oh my Mhaighdean Bhan Uasal, wot happened that night can never be again-

Merida broke the hug –But why mom?-

-Merida that was a lesson, nothing else so that ye may use et if ye ever need tae-

Suddenly the truth was spurting out without Merida even trying to stop it –I tried mom, by myself and then with young Macintosh and even with a girl from the village…but et was never the same-

Contrary to what she expected Elinor didn´t yell at her or even grew angry, instead she continued to speak calmly –Of course et wasn´t Merida, I should have explained tae ye; wot makes that moment special is…-

-Love- Merida interrupted –I know that mother, that´s why I came here, don´t ye love me?-The queen looked at her sweetly –Of course I love ye Merida, but not like that-

-THEN WHY SHOW ET TAE ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!? - She yelled enraged, like she hadn´t yelled since the day she cut the tapestry, then she realized what she was doing and calmed down, breathing heavily -Please mum, just give me a chance, one last time…please-

Elinor took a hand to her face and ran her fingers through her bright black hair, looking down, then back at Merida –Very well, one last time, but that´s all-

Merida got rid of her clothes and then walked towards her mother and began untying her dress.

-Merida wot are ye doing?-

-Ye will see mom, I have learned quite a lot- Once Elinor was fully naked Merida pushed her softly over the bed; her hands were trailing softly over her mother´s body when a gust of wind turned out the candles, leaving the room in pitch blackness…

-So Merida- her father asked a few weeks later during sword practice –You seem a little tired lass-

-I am Da, last night lesson with mum was exhausting- Merida answered delivering three consecutive blows the king expertly blocked

-I see- It was Fergus´s turn to attack now and Merida defended the best she could but in a few seconds her sword went flying out of her hand and landed several feet away – But I still can´t understand why ye chose tae switch yer lessons tae nighttime-

-Well et is easier fer me tae concentrate that way, otherwise I´m just thinking of riding off with Angus tae the forest-

-Hmm- the king stroke his beard – Well I wouldn´t know about that but tae be honest yer mother has been on a much better mood since ye started taking lessons at night-

-I wonder why- Merida lied. –Well da I better get going, I don´t want tae be late for mom´s lesson-

She walked anxiously into the castle leaving a very perplexed king Fergus behind, her mother had said it would be the last time; but it had turned out that Merida had improved, a LOT...