Hey, all. I had an idea for this, and felt like giving it a go. I think it should work good. You Are My Friend and South Park: The Later Years are on hold for the moment, as I'm stumped on what to do with those. In the meantime, I had a hit of inspiration, so here we go. And before you say ANYTHING: No, I'm not a brony. This is just kinda my secret guilty pleasure. Reading FiM fics, I mean. IF they're well-written. And the few I've read have been, so yeah.

Anywho, this is basically a story about a one-night-stand between Applejack and Rainbow Dash, with angst and doubt afterwards. Juicy, no? :P

Well... Here goes nothing.

I do not own My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, or any characters.


Chapter 1: Confessions of a Teenage Farmer Queen


So. My name's Rainbow Dash. And, um... One of my best friends came out of the closet to me a while ago. I was half-expecting it, as she IS a little bit of a tomboyish farm pony. I wasn't expecting what happened next, though. I will be telling you about a nice little patch of Hell I went through when she told me. Does it all work out in the end? Well... I wouldn't wanna give anything away. Just listen.

Anyway... I was walking with my friends through Ponyville. Well, I was flying with them, but I digress. Anyway, apparently Applejack wanted to tell us all something. Thinking it was something that wouldn't really make a difference to me, I had initially refused to go. Don't get me wrong, AJ's one of my best friends. But that's why I thought it wouldn't matter. See, no matter what she told us about herself, my opinion of her would never change, because again, best friends. Man, was I wrong... But Pinkie Pie insisted. "It'll be good to have ALL her friends there! She said it was really important!" "Fine," I said. "I'll come too."

So, there we were, heading to Sweet Apple Acres. Whe we got there, AJ greeted us and led us inside her house. I'm not really into her house. Not because there's anything wrong with it, just... It's too damn humble for someone like me, who lives among the clouds. Sorry, AJ.

"Howdy, girls. Glad ya could make it." That familiar Southern drawl. Somehow, she made it sound good. Kinda cute. Before I go any further, I had a crush on Applejack. Yeah, I know. Of course, Rainbow Dash is a dyke. Shock, right? Whatever. I like guys too, just not as much. A LOT of them aren't my type. Something about AJ, though... Damn. She was pretty fine for a farm girl. But that wasn't it... Something about her personality, too. Maybe it's her honesty? I dunno. Anyway, I'm rambling.

"What did you need, Applejack? Is something the matter?" Fluttershy, ever so caring. Love her too. Not in the same way, though. She's just a really good friend.

"Well, uh... To be honest, ah'm a bit nervous tellin' y'all this, but... Ah discovered somethin' about me." I raised an eyebrow. 'Huh? Discovered what?' Twilight Sparkle walked over to her and smiled, putting a foreleg around my farmer friend's neck.

"You don't have to be nervous, AJ. Whatever it is, we're here for you." Aforementioned pony smiled back, something else I liked seeing on her face. She has a REALLY cute smile. I had to hide the slight blush I felt on my cheeks. Wasn't hard, as all eyes were on my orange friend.

"A-Alright... Thanks, Twi." Deep breath. "Okay... Ah figured out that... M-Mah barn door swings the opposite way that everybody thought it did..." Silence. As I said before, I wasn't too shocked to hear that. She seemed like she never tried to get a guy. I even caught her staring at my flanks once. The blush that graced her cheeks afterwards was adorable. And I swear to God, if you tell anyone that I used that word, I'll hit you. Hard.

Anywho, back to AJ's confession. Surprisingly, Fluttershy spoke up first. "C-Congratulations, Applejack." She smiled and pulled the farm pony into a hug, which AJ returned with much enthusiasm.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. That means a lot ta me." One by one, we all congratulated her. Except me. I had other plans to show what I thought of her revelation. GOOD ones. Hehe... Yeah, I'm a perv. Shut up.

They all left, having something to tend to. Fluttershy, her animals. Rarity, commissions for dresses. Twilight, her library. Pinkie Pie, her job at Sugarcube Corner. I stayed, though. Smiling, I walked up to her. This was it. Can I really do this? I'm outgoing... But I'm not too good at showing how I feel. And what if she refuses? No... A better time, maybe. And I gotta figure out how to tell her without sounding like a dumbass. "So... You too, huh?"

"Hehe... Yeah, ah guess... It's strange, though. Ah wasn't expecting it, really." I had to chuckle at this.

"I was... I caught you staring at me a few times, AJ... You weren't exactly subtle about it." She blushed and I laughed. She thought it was because I was making fun of her, but that wasn't it... It was because she just looked so cute to me in that instance.

"S-Shut up..." A smirk graced my muzzle and I turned around, setting my chest against the ground with my ass in the air. I looked back at her. "So, did you like what you saw? How about now, AJ? Wanna 'Applebuck' me?" This only caused her to blush more.

"S-Stop... Please, Rainbow..." I stood up normally and faced her, blinking. She sounded... Desperate?

"I'm... I'm sorry, AJ... I was just trying to play with you." I looked away from the blushing farm girl, scared I had gone too far. I wouldn't have blamed her for kicking me out. Fate had other plans, apparently, as I felt a pair of forelegs wrap around me.

"You're okay, Rainbow... Ah know y'all were just playin' around..." She smiled at me, that gorgeous tomboy smile... Damn it. She was breaking me, and I have no idea how! She wasn't even trying! I had to get out of there.

"Okay, good... Um... I gotta go, okay? Those clouds aren't gonna clear outta the sky by themselves..."

"It's too bad they don't." I gave her a 'what the hell do you mean' kind of look. She must've noticed. "O-Oh, no, ah just meant that it'd make yer job easier... That's all."

"O-Oh, yeah... Ehehe... Too bad they don't... A-Anyway, I'll see you, AJ. You know where to find me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Rainbow. Ah may just have a few things ta ask ya later on. 'Bout bein' lesbian an' all..."

"I-I know, that's what I... Um... B-Bye!" I took off out the window to the sky. 'Fuck! Now what? She may like me back... But I can't take that chance... If she doesn't, then...' I shuddered. No more sad thoughts. A few minutes later, a new thought started crossing my mind. '...What if she does, though...? We could be a couple... No one'd judge us... and we could... O-Ooh...' I blushed at the next few thoughts on what I could do to- I mean with that girl. With. Damn it...

I got to my house and hid from the world, blushing and heating up in... Places. I sat, trembling, on a cloud and, after making sure no one would see me, let out the breath I didn't know I was holding as my hoof wandered downwards. I couldn't believe myself, what I was doing, whose image I was doing it to, but damn it, I needed it. Badly. Like, so badly I couldn't even think straight.

A small moan escaped my lips as I let it come. Um... No pun intended. My hoof brushed the sensitive nub above my aching marehood, sending me into my own little bliss-filled world. "Oh, God... A-Applejack...!" Slowly, I circled it with the very edge of my hoof, moaning the name of the farm pony I had come to realize I MAY have a few more feelings for than I thought. But she could never know... No one could.

After a few minutes of rubbing and stroking the wet warmth of myself, I felt that long-awaited feeling, the tingle, the heat. "F-Fuck...! Ah! A-Applejack, yessss!" I let out a loud moan as my climax practically slammed through my now-quivering body, juices flowing from my marehood. I rode out my orgasm before collapsing, panting like I'd just run a marathon. It took a minute for me to regain my composure, then... It hit me. I just clopped. To my best friend. Oh. My. GOD.


So... How was that for a first attempt? It certainly was different... I can't imagine a hoof being used for that sort of thing. But I guess if it works for other people...

Anyway, there you have it. The first ever chapter of my first ever clopfic. That term's also new to me... Hm. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed. Review. Thanks, guys! Ah! My face is warm. lol That's a feeling I haven't had in a while while writing a lemon.

Peace out, yo!
