A/N: This can be partnered with Poking a Sleeping Dragon (NaLu). Not sure if I can keep this story going while working on the other one as well. I'm willing to give it a shot though. This is just a short first chapter. The next one will probably be posted later today or tomorrow. Thanks! Please R&R!

The tune drifted in and out of his head like a lullaby as he took another bite of his breakfast. It's sweet chords and methodical rhythm were a great work-in-progress and would definitely knock their socks off once it was done. He hummed and smiled randomly as he began to fill in more to the song. Perhaps this was why he had a five foot radius of empty seats around him, as his guild mates abandoned their tables to get as far away as possible. He pretended he didn't notice as he swallowed his bite. The sound of tables snapping and glass breaking erupted behind him and he didn't even need to look to know that the guild monkeys were at it yet again. Gray and Natsu were probably fighting over something trivial as per usual, but it surprisingly ended rather quickly with Gray retreating through the doors with his proverbial tail between his legs. Sniffing scornfully at his nakama, he focused yet again on his food.

"Shoo-be-doo-ba," he sang softly under his breath as he took hold of another piece of delicious looking iron. It always managed to get his engine started, better than coffee in the morning. His wonderful solitude was rudely interrupted by a high-pitch, nervous voice.

"Gajeel!" He visibly flinched as he tried to make himself invisible. It didn't work. "Do you know where Levy is? I've been looking for her all morning!" Lucy cried a little too energetically as she seemed to beeline straight for him. That was when he got the first whiff. Not sure what it was, he snorted to get it out of his nose. The mentioning of Levy's name always made his ears perk up. It was an actual physical reaction every time and he was loath to admit it.

"How the hell would I know? I'm not her keeper," he grumbled, his good mood shattered. Where the hell was she anyway? Now that Bunny-girl mentioned it, he hadn't seen her in several days. Acknowledging her absence only seemed to irritate him further. Thinking he was safe from further inquiry, he proceeded to take a huge bite out of his breakfast only to be jerked out of his seat midway. He nearly bit his tongue off in the process and before he knew it he was standing outside, with Blondie still clinging to his arm.

"Do you mind telling me what's going on, Bunny-girl?" he growled after reclaiming his limb. Now without the other mess of smells to sort through, the odor assaulted him again. Half-coughing and half-gasping, he set out to investigate its source and immediately found it. It reeked of Natsu! And then the realization arrived with guns blazing.

"Wow, that's quite a scent you've got going on there. I take it that you and fire boy finally got it on and fairly recently I'm guessing." He knew instantly he had hit right on the head. His pride in rooting it out quickly vanished as he saw Bunny-girl lose it.

"Does EVERYONE know about this?!" she cried. Before he had a chance to react she was clamoring up his front and staring him dead center in the eyes. "You tell no one! Got it? Not a single word or I'll tell Levy I know where her panties have been disappearing to."

Gajeel's mind flat-lined. Panic set in. How the hell did she know?!


Levy had promised him lessons on conjuring iron as a word, something he would find incredibly useful during battle. In all likelihood he'd never be able to master magic outside his own expertise, but he was insistent that it could be done. Levy, on the other hand, obviously needed some convincing as she kept making excuses not to meet with him. His patience was near bankrupt by the time she dodged him yet again at the guild. He decided to take matters into his own hands. He would invade her territory and find the spell himself!

Gajeel had made sure the coast was clear before slipping into her apartment through the open window. Upon immediate observation he was shocked by what a complete ordered chaos the place was in. Books were piled as high as the ceiling, presumably in some semblance of order, and the couch and chairs were obviously not meant for humans to sit on because they were already occupied by more books. As if finding himself in a foreign country, he examined every single detail with a huge depth of curiosity. So this was how she lived…

The sudden sound of the bedroom door swinging open froze him in his tracks. Gulping and looking everywhere, including the ceiling, for somewhere to hide, he decided on ducking down next to some books behind the couch. Levy, who apparently was not out, strolled in fully absorbed in what she was reading. Absently making her way around her apartment with practiced ease, she fiddled with one thing or another. Her eyes never left the pages as she reached once for a towel hanging on the back of a chair, she missed and then tried again; still no loss of concentration. Once she had it in hand, she threw it over her arm while adjusting her glasses. Gajeel felt a warm wave wash through him as he saw her tuck her hair behind her ear as well. She was beautiful when she did that. His affectionate state disappeared instantly as he saw her slowly reach down and undo the buttons to her shirt.

Gajeel's mouth dropped open as he witnessed her preparing herself for a bath. He attempted to respect her by covering his eyes as sweat began to drip off of him in rivers. If he got caught now he was going to end up as road kill outside her apartment. He heard her throw her shirt over a chair across the room. Her shorts soon followed. There was a pause as she seemed to struggle with something. Gajeel's eyes flew open as he watched her bra in slow motion make a gentle landing on the other side of the couch. He gulped as quietly as he could as the saliva began to pool. Every so slowly, he began to raise his head to see her back was to him. He felt blood begin to pool in his lower region as he examined her silky smooth back and petite figure. She suddenly shifted a little and in a panic he ducked back down again. Suddenly, from nowhere a small pink clothe landed with a little plop on top of his head. A nuclear explosion seemed to go off inside of his head as he reached up to get a closer look at the discarded item.

Levy was completely oblivious as she shifted the book to her other hand so as to wrap the towel around her body. Very quickly, she snapped the book closed and placed it on a nearby table, making her way back towards the bathroom. The sound of water suddenly rippled its way in and Gajeel gave a sigh of relief before jolting upright. He had to escape! Right now! Just as he was tiptoeing his way towards his original entrance, he heard Levy step back into the living room. Grunting in a panic he dove out the window only to land himself in thorny bushes below. Levy's ears twitched as she had been reaching for her book again. Going to the window, she looked suspiciously around before closing it with finality. Gajeel crouched, hyperventilating underneath for a few moments longer. Once he felt he was finally safe, he let out his breath in a gust of air, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. It was in that moment he noticed he still clutched the little pink panties.

"Gaaaah!" His eyes popped out of his head as he looked around in a frenzy, not sure what to do with it. His attempts to dig a hole and bury it were quickly interrupted as he noticed Bunny-girl out of the corner of his eye making her way down the street. Panic took hold as she drew closer. Seeing he had no other choice, he shoved it into his pocket and attempted to act casual. Lucy merely quirked an eyebrow at him and continued on. Believing he was safe, Gajeel made a fast escape from the scene of the crime, not knowing that his cover was already blown.

End of Flashback

A/N: Hope that is a good start! Let me know what you think!