Like The Seasons, Changing and Coming

Chapter 4

Spring, when at first, it's downright atrocious, but it ends up being… alright.

(3rd person POV)

"God's plan is like a movie. All the good and bad things are arranged together for the good ending."


As Ally exits the room that now held her father's dead, lifeless, stone still corpse, she sees a short-haired brunette girl come back of the room across from the room she had exited in tears, and when the brunette girl sees Ally, she immediately goes to Ally sobbing, "I want him back!"

Ally stiffens at the contact, but quickly unstiffens, and pats the girl on her back.

"Shhh… It's alright, what happened?" Ally soothingly asks.

"My dad… H-He died!" The brunette girl wails before she starts up another round of tears.

"It's okay, my dad just died too. We just need to remember, both of our dads will always be watching over us, and guarding us throughout life," Ally comfortingly states as she rubs circles on the other girl's back, "At night, when you look at the stars in the sky, one of them—the brightest one—is him watching over you."

"Really?" She asks, a small smile on her face.

"Really." Ally says sweetly, looking straight right into her eyes, as she pulls away from the hug.

"Thank you…" The other girl says in a slightly nasal voice due to her crying.

"Ally Dawson," Ally says with a small, sad smile.

"Thank you Ally!" She says before running off towards the exit doors.

Ally frowns in confusion before shrugging and leaving. Little does she know, that brunette is still there, pulling off the brown-haired wig she had, which had concealed her long, silky, luscious blonde hair.

"Boy, have I ever got a good juicy gossip bit for the week. Ally Dawson's dad died of cancer…"

Every good thing has their price to pay. Some people just back down from the price of it while others scoff and defeat it. Then, there are those that put into it neither easy nor hard, a good mixture. They're the ones whom benefit the most…



"Hey look! It's Rabbi Gabbi Ally!" Cassidy and her posse laugh and sneer at Ally's disappearing figure. Ally's shoulders slump in exhaustion from working the afternoon and late night shift at Sonic Boom, and her eyes are devoid of any lively glow that until lately, had always illuminated her eyes like fireflies in the night sky.

Even though he doesn't want to admit it, Austin notices these drastic changes in Ally, and even though his body is convinced that Ally is the enemy, his mind always screams out at him to help Ally since he's known her longer. Sadly though, his mind is quickly taken from Ally, and onto how hot and sexy Cassidy looks in her cheerleading get-up. Ah, the minds of hormonal teenage boys…

For Ally, the day quickly passes by in a gray blur, devoid of any vibrant colors that would spice up her day.

She walks into her dad's old bedroom, looks at the mirror, and sees her reflection, or what she sees herself as: A weak girl who can't do anything.

She starts sobbing angrily, cursing at herself and the world, and starts banging on the big, pristine, shiny mirror on her father's bedroom wall.

"WHY COULDN'T I HAVE BEEN BORN TO BE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING?!" Ally shrieks angrily, brokenly, wallowing in her grief as she bangs the mirror one time too many and too hard, and the mirror slowly breaks into jagged pieces, and it starts falling down one by one. Ally then starts sobbing once more, because now everything inanimate object falling apart is starting to remind her of her own life, and that scares her more than she happens to let on.

Her knuckles are bloody, and her blood's tainted the edges of some of the messily broken mirror pieces, but at that moment, her grief's swallowed up all of her other senses, and cast a thick, gloomy, numbing fog on them.

If only this were one of those problems that ended just as quickly as it started… Alas, not all of us are meant to get away that quickly.


Now, Ally usually thinks of her life in three categories: The Good, The Bad, and the Plain Out Ugly

As she thinks of what memories should go where, she bumps into someone, and she feels two pairs of lunches spill on her clothes.

"Watch where you're going, you mediocre dimwit!" Cassidy shrieks at Ally, feeling grateful that at least the food hadn't spilled on her. It was Ally's fault for having bumped into her, Cassidy thought.

"Well! Go, scram, shoo! You're acting like a special ed kid…" Cassidy sneered at Ally as Ally ran off into the bathroom.

From the jocks and cheerleaders table, Austin watched this all with a worried expression. For the past week, he had been fighting and arguing with Cassidy, non stop, and he felt like his nerves were extra sensitive this week. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cassidy and Dallas too close to each other at the lunch line, flirting, and he felt his insides burn up with red-hot burning anger. He had had enough… It was time for him to end this, once and for all.

"Cassidy!" Austin called out loudly, and everyone seemed to turn around to face Austin as he strode towards Cassidy.

"Yeah, Austi boo boo?" Cassidy asked.

"For the past week, you've been flirting with MANY other guys, you've called my stuff ridiculous, you're being way too overprotective of me, and you're acting way more bitchy this past week than you have the whole year up to now. We. Are. Through," Austin says in a calm voice devoid of any emotion before he strides off.

"Excuse me? Did YOU just break up with ME?" Cassidy's loud voice seems to magnify and grow even louder as the lunch room grows very quiet, waiting for Austin's answer.

"Yeah, I just did," He coolly replies, and then he heads off. Now that he's broken it off with Cassidy, he surprisingly doesn't feel as bad as he thought he would feel. Sure, he felt sad that he had to break up with the girl he had pined after for years, but he felt… free, light, triumphant, and he liked it like that. Still, he felt like he needed to cool down, and so he headed down to the rooftop.

The rooftop was a garden paradise complete with five rows of many various types of blooming and thriving flowers, and the scent here was always known as one of the best school scents ever. As Austin reached the rooftop, he felt the sweet and light aroma of Miami's very well-known white gardenias being carried around by the light breeze, and he smiled, inhaling the sweet scent. His sweet mood immediately crashed once he saw Ally holding white pills in her hand, putting them into her mouth, and then she climbs up onto the wall, and proceeds to attempt to fall down.

"NOO!" Austin yells, eyes as wide as saucer plates as he frantically runs towards Ally and grabs her petite torso right before she falls. Then, Austin squeezes her stomach, making her retch up the white suicide pills, and he's thankful that she never truly swallowed it.

As Ally leans against the wall, looking haggard and paler than usual, Austin lectures her. "What were you thinking Alls?" He asks, looking into her dull looking brown doe eyes, trying to somehow find a suitable answer.

"Why would you care? Last time I checked, you hated me and were gaga over Cassidy," Ally bitterly retorted.

"Because I broke up with her, and I know I've been the crappiest best friend in the whole wide world, so I'm already starting to make it up to you!" I said, adding a cheeky grin at the end.

Ally rolls her eyes, but he gets down to the big question immediately: "Were you trying to commit suicide?"

Ally sighs dejectedly, and starts staring at the white, clean, fresh sidewalk.

"Ally? Why would you want to commit suicide?" Austin softly, gently, caringly asks Ally.

Then, Ally turns around, eyes blazing with pure anger and disbelief. "Why would I want to commit suicide? WHY would I want to? Austin Moon, in all the time that I have ever known you, that is the STUPIDEST thing that has ever come out of your mouth. Why wouldn't I want to commit suicide? My life's a living hell since my dad is dead, everyone treats me like crap, all of my closest friends—even you—turned their backs on me at the worst possible time, and throughout all of this, I've had to endure it without any love or sympathy. So tell me, what part of that does sound suicide-worthy?" Ally rants, her eyes blazing with passion, and her voice is sarcastic at the end.

Austin's mouth is agape, and he's certain that he's about to start bawling at this moment from hearing that much pain come from Ally. Ally was such a sweet person, and she of all people definitely didn't deserve this much pain.

"I'm sorry Ally…" He softly says, going in to gently hug her, but she backs away.

"No, I'm sorry. You've already shattered my heart as it is, and I don't want it shattered again," Ally says, her voice lacking any emotion, and Austin's almost positive he's about to shatter.

"Fine… Just, one cheek kiss. Completely platonic. Please?" Austin asks, staring into Ally's eyes.

Ally swallows, and readies herself to say 'no', but somehow, her soft side makes her say fine, and even thought she's positive she'll end up being hurt, she walks over to Austin, and gently and slowly leans in to kiss Austin, her eyes fluttering shut.

Right when Ally's lips are about to touch his cheek, he quickly moves his head so that instead of his cheek getting the honor of Ally's lips, his own lips do.

When Ally's lips come in contact with Austin's lips, Ally realizes how she's been bamboozled, but her struggles to rip her lips apart from his are relentless as he has an iron tight grip on her waist. So, finally giving in, she finds herself softly kissing him back.

When Ally kisses him back, Austin knows that he's finally found the girl he's dreamt of his whole life. A smart, sweet, beautiful girl who's also a good kisser. Ally was all of those to him, but only a million times better.

When they finally break apart, Ally gasps, and then she runs towards the door, slamming it shut behind her.

Lucky for Austin, Ally seemed to be getting too much bad luck for Austin to have any… Hardships were plentiful though…


When everyone got to their last period, they sat down in their regular seats. Well, everyone except for one person—Austin Moon. Ally usually sat alone, but today, it was Cassidy sitting alone, since Austin was sitting with Ally.

Ally stayed solemn the entire period, and when it was time for locker break, Ally quickly stood up and was about to leave when Austin pulled her down, and murmured "Please," softly, gently, passionately into her ear.

Ally swallowed nervously, and softly muttered, "Stop," to Austin.

Austin however, was not a quitter, so he decided to take the shortcut: He kissed Ally on the lips again. Ally gasped, and her lips open was all it took for Austin to slyly slip his tongue into her mouth, and then she quietly moaned loud enough for only those two to hear. She started to kiss back, and Austin started smiling into the kiss.

"EHEMMM!" An angry woman voice said, pretending to clear her throat, and cutting into their kiss, making them break apart. It was the substitute for Mr. Bloom, Ms. Satkona, and she was frowning at them as she went up to the desk.

"Those ludicrous idiots and their constant offending of the strict and clear 'No PDA' rule…" She angrily muttered to herself.

"Please Ally? Please be my best friend, and my girlfriend," Austin hopefully asked Ally.

"I'm okay with being your friend again, but I just can't be your girlfriend right away…" Ally murmured to him, looking at him in a sorry expression.

"It's okay," Austin said, fake smiling.

Ah ah! Plot twist: Some bad misfortune comes to Austin after all… What a shocker!


Ally's working her butt off at Sonic Boom when her phone loudly blares 'Starry Eyed' by Ellie Goulding.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Ally? Ally! Come down to Saint Patrick's Hospital quick! Austin's been in an accident!" Trish and Dez's voices frantically and urgently call out to her before they hang up. Ally's definitely flabbergasted; she never expected Austin to get in an accident. It seemed to her as if all bad luck only had one target now, her.

Quickly asking one customer to take care of the store, who had been coming for a while and offered to help out if she ever needed it to man the shop for a while, she rushes to her local taxi station, and 20 minutes later, she finds herself once more at Saint Patrick's Hospital.

Since last time, the hospital had seemed to become even more sterile, if that was even possible.

"Um hi, my name is Ally Dawson, and I'm here to visit Austin Moon. Where can I find him?" Ally politely asks the clerk.

The clerk gestures to the room across, and so after quickly thanking her, she rushes into the room.

Inside, Austin's lying on a hospital bed in a hospital gown, and his eyes are closed. There's a bloody gash that has gauze on it, and his heart monitor is beeping at a very low-speed. Once Ally processes it, she realizes that Austin might actually be in a coma.

"Ally!" Trish and Dez exclaim upon seeing the petite brunette. They all look at each other, then at Austin, and the angst that's pounding out at all of them is enough to make them all hug each other, bawling like there's no tomorrow. Just like that, any hostility, any second thoughts about seeing each other, slip away.

Once they pull apart, they all look at each other, and immediately say "Sorry," apologetically.

"Why are you guys apologizing? I was the bad best friend that blew off my long-term best friend for some girls that were sassy… Well, more like badass than sassy…" Trish apologizes to Ally, a genuine apologetic look on her face. Ally merely nods, accepting her apology. For some reason, when they hugged, all the anger and hostility she had towards them just dissipated.

"Same for me. Even though we haven't been all that close, I still shouldn't have just abandoned you like that," Dez deeply says, surprisingly. Ally once more nods, accepting his apology. Even though she's sure they won't automatically step off as close as they were before the drought of friendship, they'll still all be close.

"Oh crap! Austin's doctor has to come in again for another checkup!" Trish exclaims. Then, while Trish and Dez go to get the doctor, Ally walks over to Austin's comatose figure, and begins talking to him.

"Look, if I'd known this would have happened, and that there was a huge chance that you could die… I would have rewritten history. I would have made us never fall apart this year, I would have gotten closer to you, and I would have accepted being your girlfriend. Well, I guess I just can offer you my best wishes for getting better soon," Ally rants, tears starting to form in her eyes as she gently yet passionately kisses Austin.

As soon as she kisses Austin, the craziest thing happens: the heart speed monitor suddenly spikes up in activity, and suddenly, Austin's heart is on the speed it should be. While Ally's kissing what he thinks is just Austin's body with Austin's mind elsewhere, she doesn't realize that Austin had just woke up to Ally's lips on his. He immediately smiles, and kisses back.

Ally's flabbergasted, and she immediately pulls away to make sure she's not hallucinating or anything among those terms.

"Au-Austin? You're awake?" Ally hopefully asks, smiling.

Austin nods and replies, "Yup, I'm wide awake."

Ally laughs and says, "Har har har… Very funny."

Then Austin's face turns serious, and he asks her, "Is that true though? Would you have accepted being my girlfriend?" Ally's only response is passionately kissing Austin, and when he kisses back, they both feel the fluttering, singing, cheering butterflies they'd always imagined when kissing their soul mate. They both smile before breaking apart, and then they start to butterfly kiss.

"Ah, Mr. Moon, you're up!" Dr. Sandovsky bellows in a ruddy tone as he enters, flanked by Trish and Dez.

"You're up Austin!" and "Hey bro, nice to see you up again!" is what he gets from Trish and Dez before he's tightly hugged by them.

"Well, how long will Austin be in the hospital?" Ally curiously asks the doctor.

"Well, once that nasty gash completely heals, he can leave. So, in about a week," Dr. Sandovsky replies informatively.

"A week?!" Austin whines.

"Hey, relax. We'll visit as much as we can, and at least it's not like a month or something…" Ally reassures Austin before encouragingly squeezing his hand.

Ah, finally… The balance of good and bad luck is finally starting to rebalance…


Once Austin returns from the hospital, he goes to Sonic Boom where it's a hectic afternoon, and Marvin, the voluntary working customer, gestures up towards the practice room, and Austin bounds up there. He sneaks up to Ally, and then he kisses her ear.

"Austin!" Ally happily exclaims, whirling round.

"Ally!" Austin says, mimicking Ally's tone.

Ally playfully pouts, and Austin continues, "No, but seriously. I get that I'm amazing, but I didn't think I was that amazing."

"Well… I might have thought that it was all a dream, and that I'd wake up and find you still snogging with Cassidy," Ally reluctantly admits.

"Why?" Austin curiously asks.

"Well, my life's been a rollercoaster of ups and downs this past year and it's mostly been down's…" Ally states, looking at the ground.

"Well, you know what? When you feel like your life's worth ending or something like that, remember this: 'No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it's the first page! And it is a beautiful one!'" Austin says, lifting Ally's head up so he can softly peck her lips.

"Did you just quote C. Joybell C.?" Ally curiously asks; a glimmer of laughter evident in her tone.

"…Possibly," Austin mutters.

(A/N: Now, since I can't think of a better way to end this, other than leaving it ended like this, I'm going to write a short epilogue! YAY!)


It was May 17th, 2016, and it had been a year since Austin, Ally, Trish, and Dez had graduated high school to truly begin their lives. While Trish was now majoring in fashion design, and Dez was majoring in filming and minoring in creative writing surprisingly, Austin and Ally were both famous worldwide in the musical aspect of the world, and still dating strong. In fact, high school seemed to have made it stronger, especially when they were voted 'Most Likely to Last' School Couple for their senior year.

They were sitting at a little café, and now they were just talking about good memories from high school.

"Do you remember when I got over my stage fright and sang 'Blow Me One Last Kiss' (1) on stage? Man, I totally exposed Dallas as being quite the douchebag that day…" Ally happily says. It was true though; at the end of their freshmen year, Ally had quite courageously sung her song about Dallas to their year, and in the process, had totally and completely humiliated Dallas. The worst part for him though, was that he couldn't rely on Cassidy to kiss it all away since she had moved away to go to a private school only a few weeks prior to that.

"Yeah…" Austin absentmindedly said, fingering the small velvet box in his pocket. Then, the clock struck twelve o'clock, and it was officially their three year anniversary for dating, and then while his iTouch was playing the music to 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri, he got up and started singing the song to Ally.

"Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more..."

Then, kneeling down on one knee, opening the velvet box to reveal a diamond ring, he asks Ally, "So will you do the same?"

Ally's response is nodding frantically, and throwing herself into his arms to hug and kiss him. They both smile throughout it, and when they break apart, Ally slightly breaks the romantic mood by asking, "Seriously though? Christina Perri?" with a teasing edge to it.

This time though, Austin's distracted by what their wedding will be like, and the names of their future children. Of course, his main thought is, "I am so glad that I caught Ally before the 'seasons' became too much for her…"

Author's Note: Well, the last chapter of Seasons is finally up. This could have gone up earlier like yesterday, but I needed to make a Google Account to get the revised copy of this. Anyway, my final time doing these stuff for THIS STORY has come.

(1) Still don't own 'Blow Me One Last Kiss' since that STILL belongs to P!nk.

Now, before I get to review replying, I'd like to thank these people for their awesome actions:

LittleKitten816- Thanks for following and favoriting both me and the story! :)

cherryontop2000- Thanks for following and favoriting both me and the story!

831hulagirl- Thanks for following and favoriting 'Seasons'!

Marytheonly- Thanks for following this story!

Fatttyy4lifee- Thanks for favoriting this story!

Notebookinherlap- Thanks for following 'Seasons'!

daydreamerflyingfree96- Thanks for following 'Seasons'!

Princess-Girl12- Thanks for following and favoriting both me and the story!

bethreddingrocks- Thanks for favoriting me! :) HI RAC-RACH! I'll call you that on FF unless you're okay with me using your real name... :)

readinghottie16- Thanks for following and favoriting both me and the story!

GirTacoCakesR5- Thanks for following 'Seasons'!

micchir333- Thanks for following 'Seasons'!

Wow, so many people have followed or favorited this... :D Now, the ever so glorious and epically awesome review replying time has come!

My reply to queenc1- Yuppers, it got better. :)

My reply to LittleKitten816- I have a certain love for writing sad angsty stories... (-_-) It's Auslly as this chapter shows... But if I'm going to have a couple in my story, I always put some moments in for most of the story, and then near the end, they get together. That's how my stories work romance wise. :)

My reply to Jay- Thanks! :) This is the last chapter, as I'd planned.

My reply to HG Just Because- Don't worry, they're a lot nicer in this chapter! Awww... I'm sorry people even make fun of your name... See, I just have a weird parody of my name, and that's pretty much it. But one of my friends who's also Asian American (Indian wise) has heard people say bad stuff about Indians which pisses me off. Speaking of Asians, yesterday, my friend Janice, who's Korean American, she asked questions and two times, our band directors were like, "You're Asian, you're smart," and I was LOL'ing hard at that. xD

My reply to punette101- Angsty reasons... :P Well, they just got caught up in being cool in high school, that was it pretty much. The other question, the chapter answers it. :)

My reply to Awesomesauce325- Yuppers, dangerous pie! :P Yup, even I was sad about it...

My reply to Princess-Girl12- cutesickles? :) Meh, some people are rude like that to people that do nothing BUT good... Lester died because it would truly add to the angsty-ness...

My reply to micchir333- LOLZERS, glad to see I'm turned someone obsessed. Well, as long as you're obsessed in a non unhealthy way... And yes, this is an Auslly fic. :)

Well, thanks guys for sticking with me throughout this whole story even when I was slow on updating! I'd like to thank my beta reader, Auslly LoverN, for beta reading and being awesome for these 4 chapters! *claps and gives her standing ovation* Anyway guys, I'll probably post some new one shots up if I truly get inspired, and as for multi chapter... We'll see. If you're hungry for more by me, check out my new sci-fi rom com Auslly fic, Coming to Terms with Who We Are! It's my longest chapter/one shot ever written! :D Anyway, bye guys, and I'm sure to see you guys soon! :)

Yours Sincerely,
