A/N: So, here's a new story. I hope you like it! Enjoy reading. The update on my other story will come up next! Please review and tell me what you think. Without further delay...

Little Miss Independent.

It's a very sunny day as I drive to Takumi's office. I just called up Jessica, Takumi's secretary. She says he's not busy today and I thought maybe a little visit won't bother him. I smile to myself, knowing that it would surprise him to have me over. It's been a week since he resumed work after a very very very long vacation from our Europe escapade. I miss those days. It was when the world revolved around him and me alone, no one else.

This is the first time; I'll be coming over at his work. Ughh. I just can't stand to be alone at home. The penthouse seems so empty without him. We would usually spend the day together, laughing, playing around. I blush, recalling all those stuff. I've been at home all week and it honestly bores me. Takumi tells me to go shopping while he's away. "Go enjoy yourself. Use your credit card. ". He expects me to go enjoy myself and spend his money while he works very hard as CEO, seriously. Never did I purchase anything with my credit card. I keep telling him, it's his money and I can work too! I finished medicine and am a licensed doctor.

We fought over this, again and again. But single time, he finds a way to distract me and we end up, well, keeping ourselves occupied. I park my car skillfully in the building's underground parking lot. I step out in Gucci, from shades to killer heels. Apparently, marrying him comes with a brand new closet of designer clothing- wedding gift.

Walking straight to the lobby counter, I ask a woman for directions to Takumi's office. She did not want to tell me.

"I can't give you the information, unless you have an appointment" She proudly says.

"Well, you don't understand" I explain to her 5 year old mind.

I've been asking her this for about 45 minutes already! One question. One answer. What can't she understand?

I pick up my phone and call Jessica. She's the only one I know here besides Takumi. He usually called her from home, asking for his schedules, appointments and CEO stuff.

"Jessica, hi, uhm, can I ask you a favor?"

She may be busy and I don't want to bother her. So, I tell her my current situation. Funny though, she apologizes for the woman currently giving me a headache. I thank Jessica over the phone and I look at the woman in front of me and smirk. I walk towards the elevator in my super high heels, ignoring the woman's annoying voice telling me that I can't go up there.

Too late! I'm already in the elevator! I'm all alone. Finally, after an hour of patience downstairs, I get to see Takumi. My lips turn into a silly smile. I can't believe I'm this excited to see him.

The elevator opens and I walk out, greeted by elegant marble floors. Everyone looks professional and within a matter of seconds, Jessica appears in front of me and tells me to follow her. Everyone looked at me then went back to their work.

"Usually, big time people who have meetings with Mr. Walker goes up using another elevator. You're actually not allowed to pass here" She explains the momentary pause and stare of everyone to me.

"Oh, thanks." I asked her if it was possible for Takumi not to know that I was here and I guess this was her only choice.

She knocks on the heavy, flawlessly carved doors and peeks through. I stand nervously wondering if Takumi would be mad.

She looks back at me and gives me the go signal.

"Thanks Jessica" I whisper.

"My pleasure, Mrs. Walker"

I froze. I'm still not used to being called "Mrs. Walker" It sounds so…old.

I take a deep breath, calming myself before pushing the doors open. Takumi sits down on his CEO leather chair, busy with his MacBook.

Even at unguarded moments, his looks are jaw-dropping. And I hold a smile, staring at his gorgeous self. He looks up; checking on the intruder but instantly is taken aback.

"Misaki" He says out of shock and I inwardly jump in joy for taking him off guard.

"Hi" I say, a bit embarrassed to pop out of no where.

"To what pleasure do I owe having my wife with me?... Wait, is there something wrong? Are you okay?" He suddenly shifts moods and stands from his chair then walks quickly to me. Seriously! He skeptically looks for any injures. And I dramatically roll my eyes at his over protectiveness.

"I'm perfectly fine! Uhm... I, I-I actually came here to visit y-you" I admit, blushing.

There! I said it! So much for humiliating.

"Really now?" His voice challenging me.

"I came her to negotiate with you" I'm surprised with my sudden boldness. But, it's now or never.

"And what may you propose, Misaki?" Both his eyebrows rise, trying to intimidate me. But, on some level, his CEO aura makes me feel like I'm crossing thin wire.

"I- I was thinking about applying for an internship" I sneak a glance at him. No, he doesn't look happy at all.

"Misaki, it's a no" He states for a fact.

"Listen, I did not marry you for your money! I won't spend a single coin unless I earned it! And if you still won't let me take at least an internship, I'm giving back everything you gave me," I sigh deeply" even if I have to go back to my old apartment." I tell him, not backing out on my stand.

The panic on his face makes me want to hold him close like a little boy. But I have to stand my ground.

"Misaki, why are you being so difficult?" He finally says with frustration.

"Because I feel so useless." I confess the truth with guilt.

He holds my face, making me look into his deep green eyes.

"How could you be possibly useless? You're the only reason I'm living"

"You're being too cheesy" I scoff playfully. His laughter fills the room and I can't help but laugh with him.

"I'll only agree at your internship if I could see you anytime of the day plus at least 1 body guard to keep you away from any harm"

"You mean to spy on me"

"No, I mean to keep you safe"

"Yeah, knowing your stalking tendencies, you'd have a daily report on who I bump to every time"

"And knowing my wife, and man who bumps into you would do anything to have you."

I laugh out loud at his unbelievable reason. We stay in his office, completely forgetting about work. I love his stories, whether about business or his embarrassing moment. Eventually, my stomach grumbles to ruin the mood but he just laughs it off. He tells me about a good restaurant nearby and I agree to go have dinner already.

Our hands intertwine as we exit his office. Everyone stares at us, disbelieving the girl who walked in earlier was his wife. My insecurities had me avoiding their eyes. Takumi being Takumi noticed this and you know what he did? He kissed me, right there and then.

I swear, the looks on every face were priceless. Some even had their jaws wide open. I kiss him back for a little while before he pulls away.

"Y-you idiot!" I mutter.

"I love you too" He whispers, loud enough.

"Okay, everyone, this is Misaki Walker, my wife"

He sounds so proud, as if I'm some trophy. I look at him then look around at 'everyone'.

"Hello" I address them, completely flustered at the unnecessary PDA earlier.

"Ready for dinner baby?"

We hear gasps and 'aww' but I don't think Takumi is paying attention to any of that. He looks at me like I'm the only one in the room.

"Yes, please. Let's go, before I melt in embarrassment" I whisper.

"I could make out with you, right now."


"Okay, okay" He raises his hands in surrender. Everyone else is still watching us, Takumi completely oblivious of it.

We go out for dinner. We talked, laughed and just enjoyed every minute together.

I smile at myself; I kiss his cheek when we were on our way home.

"Thanks for the allowing me; you're the best husband ever!"

And truly, he is.

A/N: How was it? Please review :) I highly appreciate them :)