Drabble #13
Theme: Dining like a pro
Pairing: Makoto X Ragna
Requested by The Twin Judge of Gemini

~ x x x ~

"We're tired-"

"Now give us some goddamn food!"

The waiter blinked owlishly at the two customers who barged their way to the front of the line. They were quite the spectacle. A scantily clad, well-endowed beastkin furiously waving around some money, accompanied by a scowling man who looked far younger than his white hair suggested.


Almost every restaurant in Orient Town was fully occupied due to some festival celebrating a local event. Squeezing in or even ordering a take-out was impossible, so the options were either 1) give up and cook at home, or 2) wait around in line till closing time. For Makoto, the favourable option was neither. And someone in particular seemed to have the same opinion, for she had caught a glance of the same flashy red coat at each joint.

It was if the fates were urging them to team up if they ever hoped to get a meal.

"This is getting ridiculous," she sighed, scratching her cheek as she came up to the young man.
Ragna seemed surprised that she approached him, but nodded in agreement. "I don't know what's going on, but there's no way I'm trekking through another level to get something to eat."
"Same here."

This is when the brunette suggested a collaborative effort. At that stage, Ragna felt he might as well raise hell as some form of compensation. And so, they approached the next restaurant as a duo.


"Listen, you're making a scene!" the waiter spouted when it looked like neither of them was willing to budge. "Furthermore, letting you in wouldn't be fair to the other customers."

Makoto's voice overpowered what sounded suspiciously like a "aha, bullshit" coming from Ragna. "So what are we then? You're basically telling potential customers to leave!"

"Now, miss, there's no need to raise your voice. Return to the queue area and wait a while until the other customers have been served. The rules stand for everyone, we're not allowing anyone else in until things have calmed in the kitchen-" At that precise moment, a young woman adorned with jewels glided into the restaurant with a trail of four servants, only to be greeted warmly by the manager. The waiter feigned ignorance at Ragna's glare.

"Let's take this to the manager," Makoto said, clearly ruffled, as she tried to ignore the protest of customers from the line behind her.

"Way ahead of ya," Ragna stepped forward, and the wimpy waiter moved to block him from going any further. In a rare moment of clumsiness, Makoto stepped on her own foot and stumbled into Ragna, who then stumbled to the side, allowing the waiter to fall frontwards mid-push, his hands cupping something soft and suspiciously plump.

Makoto squeaked, eyes widening in shock. Witnesses gasped. Ragna raised his brows. And the waiter, he squeezed for reassurance.

"RAPE- RAPE!" the beastkin shrieked, capturing the attention of everyone who wasn't aware of the spectacle beforehand.

And that was how Ragna the Bloodedge found himself being lead to the V.I.P section, the rich and noble having to wait in line, as he shared a secret fist-bump with one hell of an impressive girl he wouldn't mind getting to know better.

~ x x x ~

AN: Fist bumps are awesome! I know it's been forever since I last updated! However I found the last two drabbles and thought I might as well post them so I can finally put this story to rest.

Although I didn't get to write all the pairings I planned, it was fun~
Thanks for reading!