He smiled darkly and got their attention. So, his Père and his foolish friends had dared steal from his syrup factories. They were going to pay. He chuckled darkly and advanced towards the quivering trio.

Canada had gone a bit off his rocker, or so someone with a sane mind would think if they viewed the scene. Presently, it was Russia, England, Romano, Hungary, Austria and America watching. Seeing as the meeting was somewhat cancelled, Germany packing up soon after Canada had started his revenge on the trio, a sure sign that he wasn't going to even begin to try and settle them down, everyone had taken it as a sign that they were free to do as they chose.

Hell hath no fury like a raging Canadian.

The few that did stay, of course, had their reasons.

Russia because he loved it whenever a nation was uncomfortable, especially Prussia, since he still held many grudges against the former kingdom.

England because he loved to either watch someone beat up France or do so himself.

Romano was there to watch the Spaniards ass get beaten.

And Hungary and Austria were, of course, there to watch the Prussian get humiliated.

America was nearly on the verge of tears as he watched his normally passive aggressive bro finally take the initiative and stand up for himself. Albeit in a bit over the top, humorous way.

First, he had grabbed some chairs, slung the trio into one each, and got rope, from only the maple gods know where, and tightly secured them in the chairs.

Then, he started with France.

He did a number of... things to him. The most traumatizing for him probably being when he drizzled syrup on him, then sicking Kumajiro on him. Kuma is not one of the most gentle of bears, and the brand of syrup that they took, was one of the polar bears favorites. The end result being that he had many claw marks and polar bear fur and saliva all over his face. Not pleasant. On England's encouragement, he took the Frenchman and roped him so that he was hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Currently, England and Kumajiro were playing a perverse game, batting the Frenchman back and forth between them, pushing him in circles.

Next, naturally, was Spain. He was a bit more creative in his revenge, thanks to Romano also giving cruel and unusual ideas to the Canadian. The end result was the Spaniard spread out across the table and a giant tortoise laying on his chest with other turtles of various size and weight on the rest of his body. Romano was tickling his nose with a feather, taunting him and daring him to not sneeze, or else he would cause all the animals on his to fall. He shouted things as loud as he could, presumably pleading mercy, but who knew?

Hungary and Austria of course helped with the Prussian as England and Romano had helped with France and Spain respectively. Hungary had the Prussian pinned in a head lock. Canada paused briefly, wondering why everyone was joining in on his revenge, but than shrugged it off. As long as they were properly punished for stealing the syrup. He smirked as Austria did something very un-Austria like to the Prussian. Who knew the aristocratic man had it in him?

He decided that the rest would take care of the trio, and decided to go and retrieve the syrup that wasn't ruined by them somehow. It was a nice feeling to be recognized and somewhat feared. But most of all remembered. He called Kuma over and they left, wondering how long they would be at the others mercy.

A/N: I am sorry XP It took forever to update this, and it is probably unsatisfactory! I was at a loss at what to do to them, then this story slipped my mind. School keeps me pretty busy. I wasn't sure what to do to Prussia, so I sicked Hungary and Austria on him, I'm sure they have much pent up anger and annoyance to attack him with. And that alone should be enough for him, haha.

See ya' around then :)