A/N:- Hello! I'm back with this month's story which will be another chaptered fic! Yay! (I hope!)

I want to say thanks to PhoenixNimbus.292 who looked over this just to tell me if it's worth a read and gave me the big thumbs-up for it!

So, hopefully this isn't too awful! I hope you guys enjoy!

Disclaimer:- I own nothing but the plot!

The Switch

Mai was late to work again for the fourth time that week. If only her teacher Miss Uchimura hadn't kept her behind to discuss her grades she would have made it on time for a change. Sighing, Mai carefully opened the door of the office, bracing herself for the inevitable scolding that was coming her way from a certain narcissist. As predicted he was stood in the doorway of his personal lair with his arms crossed and a displeased expression on his face.

"And just where have you been?" Naru asked, his icy tone enough to chill even a polar bear.

"Naru…um…well, you see…" Mai started blathering, trying to find the right words to appease her angered boss.

"Forget it. Make me some tea and then we'll have a little chat in my office about your work performance and future at this company." He spat, turning on his heel and returning from whence he came, closing the door as he did so. Dismayed, Mai did as she was told and entered the kitchen to make her boss and crush his long-awaited tea.

Upon finishing her task she made her way towards her doom, I mean Naru's office, and knocked on the door.

"Come." Naru's voice ordered with a hint of anger still present. Mai opened the door with a heavy feeling settling in her heart. "Mai, take a seat please and stop looking like someone just kicked a puppy." He ordered, gesturing to a seat he'd set up on the other side of his desk as she placed the tea she'd made next to him. Mai meekly took the offered seat as Naru took his time savouring a sip of tea.

"Mai…" Naru started. "…You have been with us for how long now?" 'Man, he's really dragging this out!' Mai thought, preparing to answer the question.

"About a year, Naru." Mai mumbled.

"Exactly! About a year and so Mai I would expect you to know by now the correct time to be here."

"But Naru it wasn't…" Mai tried.

"…Your fault? No, it never is. Mai continual excuses as to why you were late are not acceptable in my office and I will not stand for it. This is the fourth time in a week this has happened and should it happen again I'm afraid I will have no more use for your employment here." Naru interjected, sipping more of his tea.

"Like you would even care that I'm only late this time because my teacher kept me behind to discuss my grades." Mai muttered, angered by Naru's threat to fire her if she's late again.

"Mai, I have a company to run. I can't hang around waiting for my employees to show up whenever they feel like it, with or without a legitimate excuse before you argue. You could have at least asked to use the phone to inform me you would be late or is that beyond your intelligence?" He asked snidely.

"I did and was told I wasn't allowed." Mai informed him angrily. "Also it's not my fault I'm struggling with English, something you could help me with but choose not to."

"Yes, well, as I said I have a company to run and have too many responsibilities that go with that to help an ignoramus like you, but you wouldn't understand that would you Mai?" Naru shot back with equal heat.

"I am not an ignoramus!" Mai shouted. "Unlike you, you big-headed, narcissistic, egotistical Jerk!"

"Oh please Mai, don't hold back will you!" He replied sarcastically. "Besides, I could do whatever the hell it is you do in your life blindfolded and do better at it than you."

"Yeah? Well, I could say the same for you!" Mai yelled.

"You wouldn't last five minutes; you don't know how easy you've got it." Naru retorted.

"No, you don't know how easy you've got it." Mai insisted. At that moment they both yelled the words that would seal their fates at each other.


"I'm going home!" Mai spat, leaving Naru's office, gathering her things and exiting the building.

"Good riddance." Naru muttered, yawning and checking his watch. 'Hmm, six-thirty huh. I think I'll go home early for a change. That girl has really drained me!'

With Mai

Mai made it home just as it was starting to rain. She discarded her things in the entryway, entered her bedroom, chose a vest top and shorts to sleep in and fell into bed feeling oddly tired for some reason.

With Naru

Naru pretty much did the same upon reaching his residence, discarding his shoes and jacket in the hall and proceeding to his room. He stripped and chose a loose pair of sweats to sleep in and also promptly fell into bed and went to sleep.

Still with Naru

Naru stretched, knowing it was still quite early in the morning, but feeling better for the long sleep. He cracked his eyes open a little and moved about a little in preparation for getting up. 'Huh? That's strange! Why do my legs feel so bare?' Thinking nothing more of it he sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. 'Where the hell am I? This isn't my room! What the hell happened?'

Naru took in the room before his, now wide awake, eyes. It was a bright yellow with dark pink flowers. The bed was also rather florally decorated. In all it was girly, totally not to his taste at all. He got out of bed as fast as possible, not wanting to stick around this cheerful place any longer.

Searching for clothes he realized that only female attire was available in the drawers and closet. 'This can't be happening! Someone please tell me this is all a bad dream.' Giving in to the fact that he would have to dress as a female today he chose something demure enough to not draw too much attention, of course at this point he hadn't counted on his next battle. Female underwear!

Naru decided to take a quick shower to freshen up before dressing, finally noticing that something wasn't there that should have been. He paid the feeling no attention for now as he would find out the truth of the matter soon enough. After a little searching he managed to find the bathroom in his strange new abode and turned on the shower, stripping as he waited for the water to heat up. 'That's funny; I don't remember wearing a top to bed.' Naru just so happened to look down at himself then or at what was supposed to be himself. It turns out he was now a she.

"Ahh, I've got breasts and…no, please no…say it doesn't mean…" He shrieked in his new girly tone as he carefully looked at the contents of the foreign shorts he was wearing. "…NOOO, where's my parts…this can't be happening! This isn't right!"

Naru decided to look in the mirror to assess if there was anything else he should be concerned about and quickly figured out the root of the problem. Staring back at him from the reflective glass was not his own reflection or anything even resembling him. This visage he was now sporting was that of his female assistant. 'Mai! Just you wait; I'll get you for doing this to me!'

Naru quickly took his shower and stalked back to the room he'd woken up in, wrapped in a towel. He picked up the delicate underwear he had selected for the day, slipping the panties on quite easily, the bra, however, turned out to be his downfall.

Mai's phone rang at that moment and realizing it was she who he was supposed to be now he answered it without looking to see who it was. Luckily for him it was his counterpart as he recognized his own gruff tone coming from the other end.

"Naru, I assume you've realized what's going on." His voice asked. 'This is so weird; it's like talking to yourself only not.'

"Yes and I am not pleased." He replied in Mai's annoying tones.

"Well, you must have realized that we must live each other's lives in order to keep those around us from suspecting." Mai informed. "This means you have school today and you have to be there in about an hour, okay?"

"I see. One question." Naru said, defeated at having to accept the situation.

"And what would that be?"

"How do you put on a bra?" He asked, blushing at having to ask. Mai explained the mechanics of what he was trying to accomplish whilst trying not to laugh. "Oh and Mai? There are five reports that need reading and guess what they're all in English." Naru said with glee before putting the phone down to continue getting dressed so he could attend school in Mai's place.

With Mai

Mai awoke slowly and scratched an itch she had on her face. For some reason her face wasn't smooth but a little rough. She shrugged the feeling off though and rolled over to either go back to sleep or get up, she hadn't decided which yet. 'Strange! Why am I half-naked?'

Yawning, she decided getting up was probably the better idea. Mai looked around the room sleepily, vaguely noticing that the décor had changed drastically since she went to sleep. Everything was now a shade of black or navy blue. 'Huh, looks like this would belong to Naru if he owned it.' She giggled in her head.

She threw the covers off and got off the bed noticing a specific weight between her legs as she stood. Looking down to see if her clothing had gotten caught or something she noticed two more things missing from where they should be. 'What happened to my boobs? And my top, what happened to that?' Sighing, she decided that she was still probably half asleep and just needed a shower to wake up.

Mai tried making her way to the bathroom, soon discovering that it wasn't only her room that was different but her whole apartment. After trying a few doors she finally found her goal, growing more and more concerned at the weight between her thighs keep slapping one of them as she moved.

Mai switched on the shower and proceeded to relieve herself of what little clothing she was dressed in. She soon discovered the source of her strange discomfort and much like Naru let out a loud yell, noticing that her voice was now several octaves lower. Shocked, she decided to look in the mirror only to find her narcissistic boss's face staring back at her with a strange look of shock registered upon it.

Now intrigued by this sudden change in body, she elected to take a good look at everything, from the slight amount of stubble adorning her face to…well…her 'new goods'. 'It's not like Naru will mind, narcissist that he is and besides he's probably doing the same! Oh God, he's doing the same! I'd better stop him before he gets carried away.' Mai quickly showered and got dressed in something other than black before picking up Naru's phone and dialling her number.

After finishing conversing with him and confirming her theory about switching bodies with him she felt madder than ever. 'Five reports written in English to read; I'll show him! He'll regret it, trust me!'

A/N:- So, what did you all think?

Please review and tell me! It would mean a lot to me! See ya!