As Isabella Cullen was in the arms of her husband she couldn't help but feel like something was missing. More like someone, she thought with a soft sigh as she leaned up and kissed Edward softly on the lips. She had made her choice; Edward would always be her choice, but the fact that her best friend wasn't at her wedding cut through her like nothing else had. Her friends from school were here, their vampire friends along with Billy, Seth and Sue Clearwater who represented the part of her werewolf life. If only you were here Jake, she thought in longing as Edward moved her along with the music. She thought she heard Jacob being called from a distance but she couldn't be sure. Edward suddenly stiffened and she noticed his attention was focused on the entrance to the backyard for the guests.

"Seems like a surprise wedding gift just arrived," he told her as he kissed the side of her neck underneath her ear distracting her from the surprise that awaits her. When she turned to look where Edward's gaze was focused on her heart plummeted at the sight of Jacob looking down at Angela with the smile that once warmed her heart. Jacob now stared at Angela like he was a blind man seeing the sun for the very first time. The smile she liked to call her smile was directed at Angela and all Bella could do was look away with tears in her eyes.

Edward caressed her cheek and placed his finger under her chin lifting her face up to meet his gaze. "Imprinting is an interesting phenomenon when you are inside someone's head at the same time it happens," Edward told her and she felt the piece of her heart that belonged to Jacob, as tiny as it was, break into pieces. He imprinted? On my best friend? Anger and jealousy began to simmer but happiness took over those emotions. Jacob finally found his imprint, who was she to stand in the way of that?

"Can we go say hi?" she asked him as he glided her across the dance floor towards her two best friends.


I don't know why I have become stuck with this obsession.

Angela is my favorite human, and I see her with Paul, Jacob, and Edward (no not at the same time! LOL) and I am exploring each of the possibilities for these pairings. A short one shot… what do you think?