Author Notes: This was is an RP between a friend and myself. The 'Xxx' are the separations of our replies. If I took the 'Xxx' away this would flow like a normal fanfic but I decided to keep it in it's original state. Please note that this will have themes that are not suitable for children. This isn't sugar coated in any way and as we go further this fic will get darker and smut will enter frequently. You have been warned.

Disclaimer: Don't own Hetalia.

The more days that passed and the more problems Mathias had in concentrating during classes. He had never been that nerd who always did great and had problems in the past in high school by failing stupid courses like Chemistry or Literature. No, Mathias' thing was more Physics, and even there, he had left Denmark for Norway to try and have a better life and study to because teacher for Elementary school. Things had gotten bad in Denmark and his family wasn't able to finance his studies anymore because they had 6 other children to take care of.

The Køhlers were destined to become carpenters, but Mathias was trying to flee the family circle.

And thus, there he was, in Norway, trying to get a life. Though, between the studies and work, the Dane had never been able to keep a girlfriend long enough to get laid and had in time to time gotten involved into hiring some prostitutes. Sometimes it was only once each week or once a month, depending on how he was doing with the damsels.

He was in his second semester in a university of Olso, doing is best with Norwegian which sounded funny, but he had learned to deal with it the second he had stepped in the country with his student visa. But Mathias never had problems with socializing. In fact, he was somewhat the party animal when he wanted and never refused a good beer.

But his drinking behaviors that he had dragged from Denmark had gotten the best of him when he was fired from of all his three previous last jobs, working in a convenient store, in a movie store, and in a grocery. He had taken the habit to go to his job a little bit dizzy on beer…

Though, he couldn't stay in Norway without an almost full time job, and had searched for another one and fell on a job at a library. He wasn't the reading type, so he had to lie to get the job. He was doing well though. Most of the time, people who came already knew what they were searching for and only asked for directions into the alleys or asked the Dane to find it for them. It was an easy and lazy job, and he was doing it almost only alone. They were few employees working at the place; he didn't know them quite that much and didn't really care. Most of the time, he was on the computer surfing for some videos or porn when it was in the evening and no one was watching.

Lately, he didn't have much time for himself. Exams were coming and he was very very nervous. He would either get to his classes, study or work, and even studied at work. He really disliked to study, and preferred to wander on the internet at his job's computer, leaving his books open next to him. And lacking of a good study method, Mathias was the type to read his things out loud to get them stuck in his memory. He would whisper them most of the time since he was in a library, but when no one was around, he would get a tad louder and distract his co-worker if there was one.

That evening was no exception. Exams were in two weeks and the Dane had just served a client before going back behind the counter to read on his books about children's psychology. Another guy was there, somewhere between the allies, another guy who worked with him. He didn't know him that much, only knew he was named Niels and was Norwegian, duh. But the guy wasn't that talkative and looked weird anyway, a tad antisocial he guessed. He looked like nerd too and would always be reading some very thick books that the Dane couldn't even read the title without breaking his tongue twice.


Niels woke with a shiver. The one bedroom apartment that he shared with his younger brother was not built well. Everywhere had a draft and the heating was poor. And one of the windows in the living room was broken and covered with just tape and layers of newspaper. Hence why Niels was so cold. When Eirik had moved in with him, Niels gave up his room for the living room. It was only right, he couldn't have his younger brother sleeping out on the couch shivering while the bedroom was relatively warm. Besides, Niels came home late often from late night job, as he preferred to call it.

Picking himself off the floor, he began to feel a cold panic. The bill for the power and heat was due today, yet he wasn't going to be paid for another week by his actual real job. He was a six hundred off and no one he could ask for a loan. It was bad enough that he had multiple marks against him for never paying on time. Niels needed money or he would likely be waking up to no power in the next few days.

Quickly getting dressed, he left for class without eating. Though, he made sure to put some order into his looks. Niels had a bad feeling that he would be searching out some fellow, horny classmate willing to pay for some services. Thus looks mattered.

The whole day he kept an eye out for anyone whom might be willing. Usually Niels picked people who weren't on campus, mainly guys who were a tad older and more rich. Niels would be lucky if he would be able to charge his normal price. Worst of all, he would be utterly sober during the event. Something he didn't like but learned early on that the campus had strict rules about drugs.

But his classes ended with no prospects, it seemed that all the guys weren't interested and all of the girls were taken. Not that it was normal for a girl to hire a prostitute, but there were rare occasions. Feeling defeated, Niels went to his job. He wouldn't have a chance to work the streets tonight, he had major test in a class he was struggling in. Niels would be staying up the whole night studying for school with no time for cash hunting.

So shoving books into shelves, Niels haughtily worked. Of course he had to work with the Dane, who spoke garbled Norwegian and occasionally even poorer English. Why he left Denmark for Norway was a mystery that he didn't particularly feel like solving. All he knew was he wished the man would stop reading out loud and watching porn. Even from his isle he could hear the obscene noises. What quirked his ears was the change of moans. Niels had been so used to the sounds of women making a lot of racket, but now distinctly he could hear only men filling the empty library. The wheels in his head were starting to turn.


The Dane really needed some time to relax and thus he watched porn. He was pretty oblivious of the fact his co-worker could hear the sound on the computer. Well, Mathias had plugged tiny earphones and put them close to him on the counter so when he wasn't watching the screen where two young men were getting laid in a sauna, he would at least hear their soothing sounds. Mathias had rarely gotten into gay intercourses, though he knew he liked to swing that way too. Mostly for his image he would hang out with ladies and have sex with them; he really loved their softness and to caress their chubby bodies. But, for the rare times he had tried guys, he loved the manliness in the act, the testosterone and all that stuff.

He didn't mind both in fact, and he didn't like to limit himself to anyone either.

But only in Norway had he ever tried having sex with guys, but never in a real relationship. Thinking about how long it lasted with girls, he couldn't even think about guys. No. Those had all been one night stands and he didn't mind. He wouldn't care about going out with a guy, but at the moment, he wasn't even able to take care of his own self.

And so, trying to concentrate on both his studies and the very arousing sounds, he continued to babble words he didn't even assimilate. No. He simply couldn't concentrate. The entrance door flung open and a client walked in and the Dane rapidly turned the sound off and minimized the window to welcome the man who was returning a book and left right after. Smirking, Mathias sighed in relief as the man left and returned to the computer screen to turn his stuff on and pushed the book aside, "Niels, there's one here…" he simply mumbled, staring at the screen and forgetting about the other guy who would eventually come and clearly see what he was doing as he went to find some more.


Niels practically rolled his eyes out of their sockets. The new worker should have known by now that they were BOTH supposed to put the books away. But, going out to the front for the book was a good enough reason to engage with the Dane. Finding his reflecting in a window, Niels smoothed his hair down and made sure that he didn't have any imperfections. He had to look just right to entice the male.

Though from experience, foreigners were the easiest to bag.

Walking out from the shadows, Niels had a slight swagger and the smallest of smiles. To his disappointment, Mathias was concentrating on the video in front of him missing Niels' entrance. He was so used to hooking people with just the right a look or a smile. Covering his disappointment, Niels silently walked around the desk and peered over Mathias' shoulder. In the sauna? Niels would never. He wasn't one for saunas. Oh well, it was Mathias' sexual orientation that was important.

Leaning a little too close, Niels asked in his usual quiet voice, "What are you watching."


Mathias stiffened and automatically closed the window, silently cursing at himself for having lost the website. Damn it.

"Nothin'" he said, hoping the other male hadn't notice what he was watching. In fact, he didn't really care, but he didn't know the Norwegian's point of view about weird sexual orientations. Stretching to grab the book he wanted Niels to go put back into the shelves, he turned around to come face to face with a too close Norwegian, which made him back up a bit as he handed the book over.

"There," he over slowly said, staring at Niels out of surprise. He realized he had never stood this close to the guy and, in fact, he was looking very good. More than good, he was really beautiful. He was probably also around his age and a student too. He looked like a nerd in fact, and if he wasn't a student or had already gotten a diplomat, this guy was wasting his life.

Mathias smirked and stood from his place behind the counter, grabbing his psychology book and fled to the book allies where there was a trolley with books read to be put away. Giving one last smirk to the Norwegian, he headed there and began to place some book while holding his own with his other hand and trying to study a bit. He was still very distracted, the Dane wasn't used to fixating on something for long periods of time, and he always needed to get his mind changed. And damn it, he couldn't wait to get back home and fap while watching some porn movies on TV since, well, he was too poor to even think about having at least a laptop.


Cocking an eyebrow, Niels instantly knew that he could get Mathias interested. He had clearly reacted in some small way to him. But Niels was starting to worry that Mathias was one of those guys that were long term projects and not short term ones. Though he might as well try for he was out of options financially. Seeing him at the other trolley, Niels had to alter his game.

Heading to his own trolley he placed a stack of books that belonged in that isle and pushed himself over to the section Mathias was working on. Pushing it to the isle next to his, Niels could see Mathias through the gap, clumsily placing books while reading from his text book. Glancing at the clock, Niels also noticed it was getting close to the end of their shift. If he wanted that money he needed to hall butt.

"So." he spoke slightly, making Mathias' jump. "You're new to Norway, correct." Niels gave him a small smile as he placed a few more books in their right spot. "Do you have anything to do after work? Want to go out for some coffee, or something." It'd be so easy to get Mathias hooked if he could get him to feel comfortable enough around him. Watching Mathias place a sewing book in the history section made Niels cringe. No doubt, Mathias was the cause of all the misplaced books in the library.

"No, that doesn't go there." he spoke as politely as he could before coming around the corner and taking the books still in Mathias' hand. Niels made sure to graze his fingers underneath the man's wrist. "I have to go to this section before tonight so..." Niels eyed Mathias from head to toe. The man seemed nervous and definitely had a very hetero air to him. Probably never bothered coming out of the closet. Shrugging, Niels spoke coolly, "You know I'd be a hypocrite if I was disturbed about your sexual preference. So, is that a yes or no on the coffee?"


Mathias's heart stopped many times whenever Niels would look at him or brushed his fingers against his skin. Damn it, he didn't know if the other man was aware of what he was doing, but it was making the Dane even more nervous. Ok, he had clearly seen what he was watching… this was no good. But sincerely, it wasn't like the Dane really minded; he only wanted his lonely time in his apartment to masturbate and then go to bed.

"Well, I have to study so…" he said nervously, waving the book in his hand and gave a sorry look at the Norwegian. Shrugging, the other guy returned on the other side of the shelf, continuing to put his books away. In the end, Mathias gave up on trying to read while working and only took the book and tried to placed them correctly, crossing the Norwegian's sight multiple times. Each times were like direct hits in the heart. He had some magical powers or he didn't know… a magical look that could shatter the Dane's mind every time.

What was it that he had said earlier? That he wasn't disturbed by his sexual preference? What did he mean by that? Well, the Dane still had some problems with Norwegian in the first place, but did this mean Niels would be interested into him? The reasons of all those very sexy looks toward him…

"'kay, fine. Let's go to the corner's coffee. I pay," he finally said with a corner smile, avoiding crossing that look again. Well… if he could eventually get laid with a gorgeous man instead of fapping…


Niels had to hide behind the bookcase to hide his smile. He had most certainly bagged Mathias. For the remaining minutes, Niels tried to finish up his trolley. Though whenever he could Niels stole glances at Mathias. The man was different from his usual run of schleps he often slept with. Mathias had a messy and gruff look to him, but the bright smile and obviously clean skin proved otherwise that he was not a dirty slum. It may be the drugs that he often took, but most guys he slept with were on the greasy side. Having a sexual endeavor without a little help from the cocaine wouldn't be so bad if Mathias looked as good as he did now naked.

Clocking out, the two of them made their way to the street corner cafe. The two of them entered and settled into a booth, which Niels promptly slid in next to the male. If the Dane didn't get the signal that he was interested, then he didn't know what would. But there was still the matter of talking prices. But Niels would wait a little longer before revealing the whole devious deal.

Placing their orders, Niels turned to Mathias, a sensual smile on his lips he asked, "What brings you to Norway? Denmark is not a slacker in universities." In fact, Denmark had really good colleges just like Norway, so he found this odd to have a Dane studying in his country. Not that he really cared, in fact he just wanted the male to loosen up a bit and snag him deeper into his trap. Turning so their knees touched, Niels made sure that his foot ran down the man's calf, though pretending it by accident.

Niels really did hope this man would start doing all the talking. Acting like a bright and cheery person was really putting its strain on him. He was so used to being reclusive and keeping to himself. But that was not a job description of a prostitute. To sell himself he had to be out going.


Sitting at the café, right next to Niels and a tad- no, really too close for only two guy going out for a coffee, the Dane tried to relax a bit. He was most of the time oblivious of how the Norwegian would accidentlytouch him, taking all the advances as accidents, and simply look at him with the corner of the eye.

Shortly, their order arrived; some coffee for Niels and a hot chocolate for the Dane. He would look like a prude drinking so, but he couldn't order a beer, which he would gladly drink back home before going to bed. He didn't want the coffee's effects with his holy drink.

"Well, I got into problems with many of the schools in Denmark and Norway offered me a better chance; couldn't skip it!" he shortened, taking a mouthful of his hot drink.

"And, well, I could've stayed, but my parents couldn't help me anymore; ye know, with six younger siblings, the older one needs to leave the family nest someday!" he laughed, shrugging. Mathias was a lot more talkative normally, and well, normally, he was a lot warmer due to alcohol too. Though, there and now, he was sober and felt rather strange to be out with another male for a coffee, which was clearly not a normal coffee, but the Dane couldn't understand the subtlety of it.

The Dane finally turned the head completely to look at Niels and was taken aback by the look he was giving him; damn it, it was like he was sending him direct arousal through them. This man was a witch of some sort. But looking back at him and rapidly wandering his look around him, Mathias told himself that this person right next to him was probably one of the most beautiful guy AND girl he had ever seen in his short life. He had slept with countless women and some guys, had hung out with even more of them, and never had he met such beautiful person.

There was nothing in particular he loved in his look, but the whole thing was perfect. Everything was rather unique in him and his dark mysterious look was the topping and was turning him very sexy and even erotic…

"And ye?" he asked back, "What 'bout ye? Ye're studyin' right?"


Niels nodded taking a sip of his coffee. His career choice had nothing to do with what he liked, he simply hated being poor. "Studying law, though I have yet to pick what I am going to do within that field. Being a lawyer doesn't sound too appealing except for the pay." Lightly, he placed his hand on Mathias thigh, not too high, not too low.

"So Mathias, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Please say no, his brain screamed. He really did need that money... If he had no one, then it would make things much more easier. Nothing was worse than trying to real in a fish that was guilty about cheating.

It was hard juggling all the expenses and going to college. Eirik didn't know what Niels did on the side, nor did he really know they had financial problems. Niels wanted to keep it that way. But he wouldn't be able to if the heat and electricity suddenly turned off. And it didn't help that the house was so drafty that the heaters struggled to keep the house at a somewhat comfortable temperature causing the bills to be expensive. So eying Mathias, whom was so embarrassed that he couldn't look at Niels properly, he flirted and flaunted himself at the man.

Sure, Mathias probably wasn't that rich, but a hundred bucks was pretty cheap considering. Hell he might toss in a few extra services to make it seem more worth it. After all, Mathias more or less had the same wages as Niels.


Mathias knew this guy was a nerd. Compare to his own field he was studying in, law was something very… boring if he could say, something he would never do because it needed too much studying.

Ok, now clearly, either Niels was interested into Mathias or… or nothing else. That question was proving a bit his suspicions. That didn't mean he thought the other guy was interested in long term relation, but about a night together or something. Slightly frowning and curling one corner of his lips, Mathias chuckled and shook the head, taking a sip of his drink without looking at the Norwegian.

"Nope, can't keep them long enough… I'm too busy."

He giggled and downed his chocolate, looking at the clock; it was getting pretty late. Not yet midnight, but almost and he had an early class the next day with a stupid test. But between studies and sex… the choice was pretty easy.

"Why d'ye ask?" he hesitated, looking at Niels by the corner of the eye.


"What if I said I had a proposition?" Niels asked leaning in while keeping the best luring smile he could muster. "For a small fee I could give you the best night of your life." God he wanted to wash out his mouth for saying such a blasphemous line. Mathias wasn't exactly his type, though he did look very appealing. But from the way Mathias smirked, he seemed to have his attention.

"I really need the money, so you'd be helping me out. I don't ever do this. I figured it'd be much safer to ask a co-worker than some man off the street." Niels lied, trying to make him sound like a normal person in a bind. He wasn't sure how Mathias would stand it he believed that Niels was a prostitute and it was easy to lie.

Leaning even closer so his hot breath was on Mathias' skin, Niels asked in a sultry voice, "So what do you say?"


Slightly shivering, Mathias held his breath. Ok, this guy was really hot and his proposition was very interesting. Though, he would have thought someone who really wanted to have sex would simply get laid for free and… but well, if he needed money, he wasn't going to spit on that. Though, even Mathias needed money at the moment, reason why had hadn't hired a prostitute for months and would prefer to lurk around and flirt with the pretty Norwegian girls which weren't running the streets.

Slightly frowning and still not looking at Niels, Mathias deeply breathed in, "Depends the amount ye need…" he said, peeking at that oh so sexylook of Niels, "I haven't made the grocery yet…"

His heart was beating full speed. Only the idea of having sex with a beautiful guy was almost already arousing him. It wouldn't take long for he would have a hard erection poking the fabric of his pants.


Smoothly, he ran his hand up the man's thigh almost all the way up before giving him a sly smile. "Just six hundred kroner." Indeed just six hundred kroner. Niels was so used to charging nine hundred kroner, but once again, he had to take into count the job he and Mathias both shared. And he shouldn't be greedy, he didn't need the extra three hundred and shouldn't milk his co-worker any more. But from the way Mathias looked, the man was not so sure on the deal, as if it was cutting it close. Niels' heart began to drop, Mathias really was his best bet tonight. For if Mathias declined, Niels would have no choice to pick working over studying and he really needed the studying.

"But I can throw in a few extra services if you want." He needed to just keep sweetening the deal. "What do you say Mathias?"


The extra services sounded wrong in Mathias' head, and it wasn't the meaning of it but the word servicethat did sound weird. Though, he didn't think on it too long and sighed, "I don't have much on me now," he admitted, knowing he had only something like 300 kroner on him at the moment and he didn't have much more in his bank account. And deciding between having good sex and eating, he still preferred to eat. The Dane would never starve for things he could wait for, like having sex.

Though, he really really wanted to accept Niels' offer.

"Look, I'm broke… but for three hundred, we can like… exchange a blowjob if ye want?" he proposed, finally looking back at the Norwegian with a raised eyebrow. And well… in the end, when he was rethinking about it all, Mathias had always preferred to have those kinds of fun with people he wouldn't see after…

A blowjob was only really what Mathias needed now. He had planned on masturbate, and the idea of receiving a blowjob, especially from a guy, was really exciting.


Niels had to think on it for a moment. He could take the three hundred kroner and that amount should stop the electric guys from turning off his electricity for at least a week. Or so he hoped. Finally Niels agreed. "I accept. Three hundred will do just fine." Though, he didn't really care if he got a blow job back. The quicker he had the money in his hands the better.

Draining his coffee, he licked his lips for the remaining drops. Some of his sellers joked that Niels' true addiction was coffee and not cocaine. He had to agree. Standing he gave Mathias a reassuring smile. "Lead the way." It didn't matter where he did business, if Mathias lead him to his home or lead him to the back of some ally it was all the same. Though, he was slightly curious to see what Mathias' living conditions were. But cash was on his mind and pushed that aside.


Sure, both mentalities were very different at the moment since Mathias had no clue about Niels' real intentions behind this all; for the Dane, they were going to have sex together because they both wanted and needed it, though, Niels also needed money and well… maybe it was encouraging him to get laid with Mathias if he received some cash he guessed. And rethinking about it, the Dane thought really odd that Niels would do that… and thought that it was maybe because he wasn't the man's type but still needed it.

Anyway! He didn't want to think about it or create complicated thoughts. It wasn't his cup of tea anyway; he wasn't so good at thinking. He went to pay for the coffee and they left the café to walk outside by a fresh night. On the way to Mathias' place things were mostly silent, both walking next to each other with the Dane having his hands in his pockets. They rapidly arrived in front of a big apartment block where the Dane used a first key to get into the hallway, into an elevator, and a second key to his apartment. The whole place was pretty neat and smelled like old people. Though, it was another story in his own place.

It was messy. Very messy. Only containing a bathroom, a bedroom, and a kitchen with a tiny living room with only a TV and a couch, the whole place was untidy and messed up. Cans of beer were spread everywhere along with some spare food. But somewhat, under the thick layer of dirt, the place would be warming and perfect for a student. Though, it was a bit expensive and the Dane was lucky to be able to pay it every month. He already lived on some bank loans he needed to pay after the end of his school life…

Giving the Norwegian an unsure smirk, he let him step in, "Don't look at the housework," he joked, closing and locking the door behind. He made his way to the counter, throwing the key which slipped under an opened pizza box and removed his vest to throw it on a spare chair already full of clothes. He showed the bathroom, "If ye need it after me," and locked himself in. He needed to rapidly clean himself down there. Some guys didn't care, but he did; if he were to have some fun with Niels and wanted a rematch, he needed to give the man a good first impression for he would want to come back and do… more.

When he was finished, he rapidly looked at his reflection in the mirror and chuckled, messing with his hair a bit to give them a sexier messiness and left the bathroom.

"I'll be… waitin' for ye in my room," and he left for his even messier room, rapidly arranging the place, especially the bed, to welcome the Norwegian. At least, he would have room to walk and lay on the bed.


Locking himself in the bathroom, Niels opened his book bag and rummage through it. There, tucked away in a piece of cloth was a small stash of coke that he always kept on him just in case. He weighed his options if he should take some or not. It was a tricky case with Mathias, the man was his co-worker and it could end to bad things if the man blabbed that Niels was a user. If he snorted now it would be so obvious he was on something. Mathias didn't look that dumb.

So Niels placed it back inside. He didn't need the high tonight, for his job's sake he didn't. Instead he unzipped the front and withdrew a bottle of lube. Sitting on the edge of the toilet, Niels began to prepare himself. There was no telling if things really would end with a blow job and Niels needed to be precautious. It was always so much easier to engage with a client already ready. The bathroom was crowded and small so that he could lean back with his feet on the wall. Niels had to cover his mouth to keep his moans silent. He always loved the preparation part of sex, but nowadays not as much. Besides, he didn't want a client to really touch him there. Niels had to learn the hard way that buyers were not gentle. To avoid sharp finger nails from injuring him, Niels began to do it himself.

Feeling himself ready, he withdrew his fingers and washed his hands with soap and water. Quickly he washed himself as well before stripping off all of his clothing. Folding them up, he placed them in his bag and left the bathroom. Entering Mathias' room, he tossed his bag on a chair that was piled with text books before looking over at the still clothed Dane. Looking at the man, he licked his lips. For once in a long time, Niels was happy he didn't drug himself up. Mathias looked sexy laying there with his shirt partly unbuttoned and hair messed up.


Mathias couldn't hide his surprise. Well, now he knew why it had taken so much time for Niels to get ready. Looking at the newcomer with big round eyes, he let his sight gaze on the Norwegian's body before letting his lips curl into a hungry smile. Oh yes yes yes yes… he looked very beautiful though, probably a tad- much too thin. He was a bit bony, but he wouldn't be the one to blame the Norwegian for not keeping his shape perfect.

Niels was still very beautiful, and Mathias felt like the naked guy here, not ready and shy to welcome Niels who was kneeling on the mattress in front of the Dane. Sighing in anticipation, Mathias looked up at the Norwegian with a slight smirk and moved his hands to brush his fingers on Niels' sides; damn it, he could feel his ribs and he didn't like it… not at all. But he was still excited and couldn't wait to get to what he had proposed, this being his wanted blowjob. Though, the Dane wasn't stupid and really wanted his blowjob, and he knew that to get it, he had to turn on the other person first.

Mathias leaned in front of Niels and leaned to trail nervous and clumsy kissed on his neck and shoulder, going down on his chest. He then guided the naked man on his back, his head resting on a pillow and parted his legs to lean between them. Straitening himself back, he removed his shirt, simply passing it over his head and messed with his hair while exposing his nude torso to the other male and leaned back between his legs to give his half hard member gentle strokes while darting baby blue eyes up on him.

Mathias was still innocent enough to believe everyone with who he would get laid with were clean. Clean on the infections side, though, himself, whenever he would get to penetration, he would wear a condom… especially with girls in fact.

So not really thinking about diseases he might catch, without warning he took Niels' entire cock in his mouth and slowly sucked on it. He could still count on his ten fingers the number of times he had sucked off another guy since, well, normally he was the one to receive it rather than give.


Niels sighed loudly as he felt Mathias' wet mouth slide over his cock. Grabbing a fist full of his hair and digging his heels into the mattress, Niels moaned loudly. He tried to remember the last time a guy had sucked him off, god it must have been years ago. Most of the time, Niels was doing the sucking and never received. As he felt the nimble tongue swirl all over his shaft, Niels concluded receiving three hundred kroner was worth it.

Keeping his eyes trained on Mathias, Niels watched as the man's head bobbed up and down. Niels absolutely loved the way that Mathias was looking at him. It made his chest build up with an intense heat. He almost lost it a few times when he saw Mathias pink tongue poke out and lavish the head of his cock. Swallowing thickly he tried to keep himself under control. He didn't need to be cumming now. Unless of course that was something his client was into. But cum did not taste good, no matter how used to it Niels was.


Mathias couldn't stop looking up at a pleased Norwegian. It soothed his ego to know he was doing well in his inexperience. Though, for a guy, it was a lot easier to have the right touch the first time they gave a blowjob since they knew exactly what would feel good. And just like the Dane, Niels' pubic hair smelled like soap, it was agreeable.

And yes, the Dane was one of those weird guys who wanted his partner to cum in his mouth. He didn't mind if the girl or guy who was sucking him swallowed, spat or simply pulled out before he would cum. But hewanted to know he had pleased the other to make him cum and wanted to swallow it down. Not because he liked the taste, far from it, it was rather disgusting and caused him to gag most of the time, but he thought it was very exciting to do so.

Thus he accelerated the bobbing of his head on the Norwegian's hard member, swirling his tongue around the crown and on the entire length, taking as much as he could down his throat.


Eventually, Niels could longer keep his mind together long enough to keep staring at Mathias. Instead he had to lay his head back and close his eyes as his tense muscles clench and shook. Before long, he let out one shaky moan as he felt the relief flood his loins as he released. His eyes glanced down to watch Mathias still bob his head and swallow his seed. Never had a man done that for Niels, and he felt it strangely thrilling.

Taking a few deep breaths Niels relaxed and enjoyed the lightness his orgasm had given him. But Niels soon shifted, quicker than most men would, and climbed onto the other man's lap. A strain of white cum lay on the corner of Mathias' lips. Slowly, Niels took his forefinger and removed it before bringing the tip of his finger to Mathias' swollen lips. Slowly, that same pink tongue that had brought him over the edge, lapped off the drop of cum before Mathias' lips engulfed the whole finger, sucking. Niels could feel his loins tighten and react, but he did not harden. His body was still too exhausted.

Removing his finger, Niels began to bite and suck a trail downwards before he slipped between Mathias things. He knew there was a huge smirk on his lips, for he knew he was about to drive this poor Danish student crazy. Lightly, he liked the very tip of Mathias' member that had a bead of pre-cum and swirled his tongue around the tip. Niels' ears could hear Mathias make a strangled sound and that made him smile broadly. Licking his palm, he ran it slickly up and down without his tongue moving past the crown.


Mathias' leg got into uncontrollable spasm as Niels worked down on him. Damn it, he was good, very very very good… it was incredible. He had never seen a normal guy, meaning a guy he would have met somewhere around, at school or in a club, work like this on him. Sure, guys were probably a lot better than girls into masturbating and sucking on a man's dick, but this was pure delight that the Dane's body reacted on its own and would move by itself, trembling and twitching.

Oh, he would cum fast, very fast if Niels kept it like this.

Dropping his head backward as he loudly moaned, Mathias moved a blind hand down to run his fingers into the Norwegian's hair, clumsily moving them to gently caress it and massage his neck and scalp as he would bob his head on him.

"I-I'm comin'" he warned the other in a shaky husky tone as he felt himself tense and tremble, holding his breath and release in a relief sigh, shivering.


Giving the cock a few more sucks, Niels parted his lips a resounding pop. He was pretty proud of himself, he never thought that he could get a man to cum that quickly. Amused, he watched Mathias' spread out on his back taking heaving breaths. The man looked like he was the happiest person on earth. And Niels concluded he probably was after the service Niels had just given him.

Stifling a yawn, Niels glanced around the room for a clock. There was one with a dirty shirt covering half of its face that read twelve-something. Niels really needed to wrap this up or he would be getting maybe three hours of sleep that night. His studies were waiting for him. But Niels wanted just a little bit more for his own pleasure. So returning to Mathias' body Niels rubbed the man's thighs before nipping and sucking a few key areas that Niels was certain would resurrect the man's cock.

It didn't take long before he felt Mathias' erection digging into his hip. Sitting back, Niels gave Mathias a smothering look. "So which one do you like? Top or bottom?" Niels knew he really shouldn't have to ask, the man clearly looked like a man who topped. But there were always those occasions where a male threw a random curve ball in his direction. It was safe to be sure than sorry.


Mathias cocked an eyebrow, blinking in confusion as he was coming back from his cloud and yet still aroused, "Ye're… alright with the three hundred?" he asked, unsure. Oh well, it wasn't like he was having a price sheet describing every little services he could receive from Niels, he was no prostitute. He simply needed money for whatever he wanted to do with it. Anyway, the Dane wasn't the overlooking type of guy; if he gave money to someone, he wouldn't want a refund and wouldn't ask what they would do with it. Giving was giving, even if at the moment he kind of really needed his money.

For such favors, he wouldn't whine.

Sure Mathias wanted more… oh yes, he wanted to fuck that little ass and make the guy moan and scream, but he had been ready for only a blowjob; that was his deal in fact.

Mathias shrugged and made a sensual sign at the Norwegian for he approached and sat on his lap. The Dane stretched for his night table, opened the drawer and fished for a condom envelope to give it to Niels. He just loved to see his partners unroll it on him; it was very sexy even thought troublesome since it was breaking the fun a tad. But seeing just how the man had made him reach his orgasm so fast, Mathias was veeery certainly not one of his first times, not even close to it.


Niels was enjoying himself was the partial reason that he allowed Mathias extra services at three hundred kroner. But what was more important is he imagined that if he preformed well that he could continue to return to the man when he was short of cash, which always seemed to happen towards the end of the month. Niels really needed to find one or two more clients to fill his end of the month schedule. Though Mathias was poor, he conveniently worked the same job and the same shift a few days a week.

So he took the condom into his hands and tore it open. Mischievously, Niels ran his hand lightly over the erection. He missed having sex without a condom, it felt infinitely better. But Mathias was wise to have grabbed one. Niels had not taken his test that month and even though this guy beneath him could probably count all of his sexual escapades on his fingers, Niels would need more than just his hands and feet to count all of his. Placing the rubber on the tip he began to unroll it slowly, eying Mathias as he looked intensely at Niels.

But as soon as the condom was in placed, the room echoed with the sound of a ringtone. Niels didn't have to look at his phone to know who it was; he had placed a special ring for Eirik. Climbing off the man's lap, Niels rushed over to his bag and grabbed the phone.

"What is it?" he asked coolly.

"The electricity is off." his younger brother answered with a very haughty tone.

Niels frowned. He had until tomorrow to pay the bill. "All right, I'll come home now and handle it. Is the heater still running?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes." Eirik answered. Thank god for propane heating, Niels thought to himself.

"Bye." he said snapping his cell shut. He returned to Mathias giving him a confused look. Niels found his eyes scanning the man's body despite the situation he was now in with the power company. God he looked sexy just laying there on his back with his erection standing proudly. But, Niels sadly did not have the time to get the man laid. He had a power company to haggle with in the early hours of the morning.

"Sorry, I'm going to have to take a rain check." he explained sadly.


Mathias let out a slightly disappointed sigh, hiding the deep disappointment boiling in his body. Damn that so fuckable ass he had been eyeing while Niels had been leaning in front of him speaking to the phone… The Dane shrugged, pulled on the condom to remove it in a slight slapping sound and basketball threw it in his over filled trashcan, raising an eyebrow, "Is everythin' alright? Is there somethin' I can do?" he asked, pulling his pants back on.

"Wait," he said, jumping up off his bed and stumbled on some discarded stuff as he ran outside his room and rummaged through his vest in the living room to grab his wallet. He took the three hundred kroner in it and stopped, staring at the money in his wallet. Niels seemed to have problems at home or something… and if he was desperate enough to ask for money while having sex, he supposed three hundred kroner wouldn't do. Mathias had gotten more than only a goodblowjob from the other male and he sighed. He took a bit more in his wallet and walked back in his room, stepping over a couple of stuff and reached his desk to search for an envelope in which he had kept his money to pay the next rent. He picked some of it and hid back the envelope to turn back and sit next to Niels who was dressing back in his clothes.

"There," he said with a smirk, handing over the six hundred kroner. It wasn't much, sure, but it's all he could give the man without being in deep shit, "Take it and shut up," he chuckled. He was supposed to have a pay in the next week and well, even if the money to pay his apartment was due in two days, he could make a deal with the owner and convince him to give him the money the next week, giving some boring excuses or something.


Niels sat there on the bed half clothed in amazement. He didn't have to count to guess the amount in Mathias' hand; he had seen the amount so many times after sex with some man. "I..." his throat was thick but he coughed to cover up the emotion and gently took the money. "Thank you, Mathias." he said after a moment.

He then pulled on the rest of his clothes but before he picked up his bag to leave, he unzipped the front of his bag. Rummaging he found a pen and sat next to Mathias once again and took one of the man's hands. Quickly, he wrote down his number in bold and neat numbers. Niels was not willing to look amongst Mathias' garbage for paper. Kissing the palm, Niels smiled ruefully, "In case you want to do this again. See you at work." With that, he slung his book bag over his shoulder and headed out of the apartment.

With the extra money Niels was able to convince the electric company to turn back on his power that same night. Then the lights flickered back on Eirik who stayed up to pester Niels with his grumpy, snide remarks about the loss of electricity finally left for bed. The extra money had also allowed Niels to trick his younger brother that he had simply forgotten to pay the bill. It was a lie, but he was just glad that he fell for it.

At 3 a.m Niels was finally able to open up his books to study. The sun came up and he didn't move from his spot, huddled on the couch with a pile of blankets stacked on top. As the sun rose, Niels could see his own breath billowing out like smoke. He really needed to fix the window. But when his alarm went off, telling him to start his day, Niels groaned loudly. Opening his bag back up, he grabbed his stash and opened it up. He knew he really shouldn't do it, that he should just go to sleep for a few hours and deal with the grogginess. But he had a test and he needed to be alert. So he took a pinch and snorted it. Shaking his head like he always did Niels then sat there and waited for the effects to kick in.

Hiding his stash back in his bag, he went to the mirror making sure he had none of it on him before he rudely went to wake his younger brother up for school.