[A/N So how have you all been? I know it's been forever but life is stupid. Feel free to insult me or kill me in my sleep or be happy that I'm back or all three.

Disclaimer: As if.]

Lisbon glanced in the mirror, pleased with how she looked. But not too pleased. Because, she reminded herself, this was not a date. Absolutely not.

She was wearing a simple black dress that went to her mid calf and had a thick white stripe around the waist. She tried to wear something both formal and casual, and she thought she did quite well at her attempts.

Lisbon was scared. Well, screw that, she was terrified. Of her feelings. She had had a lot of time to think before this, and she had tried to be honest with herself.

And the thing is, she thought that she might have feelings for Jane. Might.

Okay, so maybe not might.

Lisbon had feelings for Jane.

Great, she had thought, just great.

And now here she was, going on a date

that she had emphasized was not a date with the man that she had slapped after he kissed her that she actually did maybe love just a little bit.

Lisbon missed the simple days when there was only tension between the two of them.

Suddenly, there was a knock at Lisbon's front door. She glanced at her bedside alarm clock, noting that Jane was on the dot with time. She walked briskly down the hall, opening the door to see her gentleman caller.

"Hey Lisbon," Jane greeted. He glance her up and down. "You look great."

Lisbon smiled, trying not to blush. Darn feelings. "Thanks, Jane. You wearing your formal suit?"

"Ha ha. Shall we?"


Jane, being a gentleman, opened up the passenger door for Lisbon to his Citroën.

"Thanks," she told him.

"No problem."

They drove in silence to the restaurant, but it was a comfortable silence, not an awkward one.

Dinner went easily, which Lisbon was happy about. It seemed almost like it was the same as it always had been between the two of them, with Jane annoying Lisbon by reading random people and Lisbon attempting to talk about their current open cases.

Over dessert, Jane said, "There aren't any movies in the theater right now that I think you'd like, so I jut rented a movie and we can watch it at your house."

"Thanks for volunteering my house." Lisbon said sarcastically. "It's a mess."

"I don't care if it's messy."

"I do."

"Women." Jane shook his head in wonder.

When their plates were cleared and Jane had graciously paid the check, the pair drove back to the Lisbon residence.

"What movie did you pick out anyway?" Lisbon asked him.

"Some old military movie," Jane replied.

"Oh I think I've seen that one."

"You don't say."

Jane grinned at Lisbon and Lisbon grinned back. Life was good.

The movie turned out to be a boring old black and white film about the Revolutionary War, and Lisbon grew bored rather quickly.

"This is boring," she muttered about three quarters of the way through the film.

"You think it's boring? That's good because I thought you were enjoying it." Jane switched off the TV. "I didn't even know what was going on."

Lisbon stood up from the couch, and Jane soon followed suit.

"Thanks for the date, Lisbon." Jane said in a tone of voice almost daring her to deny it and say it wasn't a date.

"Nah, thank you." Lisbon replied, significantly not saying that it wasn't a date.

Jane's eyes lit up slightly. "Ah, so you're saying this was a date now, are you?"

Lisbon didn't meet Jane's eyes, busying herself with picking an imaginary piece of lint off her shoulder.

Jane tilted Lisbon's face back towards his. "I had a lot of fun." He told her sincerely. He leaned down, kissing her cheek gently, then pulling away.

"Aw, screw this." Lisbon said after a second, then stood on her tiptoes, capturing Jane in a kiss.

Jane, surprised, returned the favor, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her back.

Lisbon pulled back after a minute, embarrassed.

"Well that was pleasantly unexpected." Jane thought out loud.

"Shut up."

Jane picked up his suit jacket, heading towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow Teresa." He winked.

"Shut up."

He walked out backwards, still kweping eye contact. "You sure you don't want me to stay?"

"Shut up!"

"We're inviting the cashier from Walmart to our wedding!"

"I hate you!"

"No you don't!"

Lisbon slammed the door.

Jane was right though.

She didn't.