A/N Watching Percy Jackson the movie. It seems so stupid since I've read the books and I found myself correcting what happened until my dad yelled at me to stop I was so mad when Grover said he hated country music because it's my favorite. Future gods will be underlined dragons will be italicized.

Disclaimer- don't own Percy Jackson. Sadly.

Third pov

It was the Winter Solstice and the gods were fighting again and Hestia as sitting at her hearth.

Hestia pov

Oh how I wish my family could get along, they are always fighting except Dionysus all he does is sleep. One day I swear I'm going to light is throne on fire, or have Jordan do it she seems to like pranks. That would be hilarious. But seriously what is with all the fighting Artemis is smacking Apollo, Zeus is pretending to listen to Hera as she yells at him once again, Hermes is thinking of his next plan, Athena and Poseidon just glaring at each other, Hades is thinking of his wife as Demeter yells at him. Ares is being an idiot and Hephaestus is glaring at him. Aphrodite is trying to convince Artemis that she is stupid to forsake love.

I was about to turn them all to flame before a gold portal appeared out stepped 7 people 5 wore cloaks. Immediately Zeus became aware of them.

"Who are you and how dare you come here?" He thundered lightning flashed outside. He always was dramatic.

A bright light shone then a letter floated down to one of the non-cloak wearing ones, she was blonde with gray eyes. A daughter of Athena.

"I can't read it." She looked like she was going to give it to one of the gods when a cloaked one spoke

"You can give it here." He was wearing a sea-green cloak. The girl seemed angry.

"I have a name and how do you know how to read."

"Does it seem like I care and Artemis taught me duh." Did he say Artemis; he must be talking about someone else because I know our Artemis never would. He read the note.

Dear gods, Demigods and weird thing we call Jordan,

It has come to our attention that you guys need to see what will happen in the future. So we brought back theses demigods to read the life of the hero Percy Jackson. All demigods must put in full title sorry Percy. Gods may join them soon so be prepared.


Artemis, and the awesome Apollo and Hermes

P.S. Future Poseidon would like to say to his younger self NOT to destroy Athena as things will change but Zeus will always be paranoid heartless bastard.

Most of us laughed at the last bit but Zeus just fumed.

"Nice to know I'm a thing." I knew that voice I turned to its owner a saw another cloaked this one had stars, the moon, lighting, a trident, and every other sign of the Olympians. I noticed each of the cloaked figures had a crest on them. Instead of a lion and unicorn it was a dragon and Pegasus.

"Anyways who wants to go first?" the green cloaked one spoke again. Everyone looked at him.

He sighed and pulled back his hood. His black hair was thrown in all directions and he had sparkling green eyes which reminded me of some one.

"Hey my name is Percy Jackson my tittles are slayer of Kronos, Hero of Olympus, one of the seven, destroyer of Gaia, bane of the Minotaur, Leader of the Warriors of In Scutum, brother of Jordan, God of Tides, Time, and acids. Everything else shall be revealed in the books."

Now another stepped up this one with a blue cloak. "My name is Thalia I'm daughter of Zeus, co-goddess of the hunt, and honorary warrior."

Before anyone can ask what she meant two cloaked ones stepped up.

"Travis and," one said "Connor Stoll" together "Honorary members of the Warriors, children of the awesome Hermes who, by the way is the best of the Olympians." Hermes seemed pleased at this but the others had something else on their mind.

Percy and Thalia saying "No way Artemis and Poseidon are the best." This was all I could discern from the noise. Though I heard my name said a few times. Soon a boy in a black cloak stepped up.

"My name is Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades who locked me in the Lotus Casino so I'm not evidence of him breaking the oath, Lieutenant for the warriors, and Nightmare's rider." Two more stepped up one in a gold cloak and the other bearing our various symbols, the one in gold went first when he flipped his hood It was obvious who his father was.

"My name is Will Solace Son of Apollo, immortal healer of the Warriors, honorary warrior." Then the other one stepped up.

"If yall don't know who I am I'm tacking ya to a mental facility." We gaped at her only 1 person would talk to us like that.

"Jordan" Apollo said she grinned at him.

"Yep" She popped the P she looked at me and saluted.

Then the remaining two stepped up neither was wearing a cloak.

"I'm Annabeth Daughter of Athena and architect of Olympus." The next one stepped up.

"Jacob, Son of-"A tiger appeared out of nowhere and jumped on him stopping his words.

"Finish that sentence and I will rip your body to pieces." It said growling. The boy Will ran up and I was about to yell at him to get back when he laid his hand on its body.

"Jordan calm down." I realized it must be Jordan in her animal form. She growled at him but he refused to move he put his hand out palm up.

"Bells…." She relented and jumped on his arm in ermine form.

The remaining demigods were also glaring at Jacob except Annabeth who immediately helped him up. Zeus seemed amused at this but was in for a surprise when Love seats appeared and couches. Percy took a love seat to himself, Jordan and Will shared one (this had Apollo in protective father mode while fighting inside since Will was his son.), Thalia, Nico, Connor, and Travis shared a couch as far away from Annabeth and Jacob, on their love seat, as they could.

"So shall we start?" Athena asked she held 5 books and brought out the first one. We all nodded yes so she read on.

Third Pov

"I accidently Vaporize my math teacher"

A bright flash of light filled the room and out stepped a dragon, a demigod, and Artemis.

Artemis yelled out "Perseus Jackson why in hell would you agree to this thing without talking to me personally?" He paled and stuttered out

"Because Apollo said you agreed and I wanted to get it over without any one being attacked by Jordan." She seemed to like this answer because she sat down next to him on the seat. When the gods looked at her strangely. She sighed and said

"I'm guessing that Percy didn't tell you we're getting married." This caused a horrible uproar during which the dragon settled its self behind them and the Demigod join the ones on the couch. Finally Jordan shouted over the noise.

"It was either him or Triton and Percy is better in every way and while we're on the subject I'm dating Will so if anyone has any problems they can take it up with me." She looked so annoyed that not even Zeus dared go against her. The others introduced themselves.

Luna Percy's dragon.

"Clarisse Daughter of Ares, drakon slayer and honorary warrior." Ares beamed at his daughter but she ignored him which confused him.

Athena repeated the title and everyone gave Percy weird looks.

"Really Wimp what was your first monster a baby mouse." Jacob said.

"Shut up boy" It was Artemis this time but before she could do anything else Percy put his hand on her shoulder and drew her back. She motioned for Athena to read.

Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.

"None of us do" muttered Clarisse

If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now.

Athena slapped away Apollo and Hermes' hands as they tried to close the book

Believe what-ever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life.

"Wouldn't work Kelpie." Jordan and Artemis smirked; Percy groaned "The one time I show you a kelpie and you to never let me live it down.

"Tell Us, tell us please." Apollo and Hermes pleaded. Thalia took pity on them and said "Long story short Jordan and Artemis went with Percy to see a Kelpie and it beat his butt and Artemis had to save him since Jordan just sat down and ate a chocolate bar." Everybody laughed at him as he hid his face in Artemis' hair.

Being a half-blood is dangerous.

"Check" said the Stolls.

It's scary.

"Check" This time Thalia and Nico

Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.

"Check" now it was Clarisse.

If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think its fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for being

able to believe that none of this ever happened.

"Why would a mortal read this." Demeter questioned. Percy just shrugged.

"That reminds me can we bring Persephone up here." Hades asked.

"Yea can we." It was Nico and he was getting a lot of weird looks.

"She's like my mom now." He shrugged and Zeus sent Hermes to bring her up there. When she arrived instead of going to her mother she sat down next to Hades.

But if you recognize yourself in these pages—if you feel something stirring inside—stop reading

immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they

sense it too, and they'll come for you.

"Who" it was Apollo, Hermes, Jordan, Will, and the Stolls

Don't say I didn't warn you.

"You didn't warn me" guess who.

My name is Percy Jackson.

I'm twelve years old. Until a few months ago, I was a boarding student at Yancy Academy, a private

school for troubled kids in upstate New York.

Am I a troubled kid?

"Yes" Every one of the future people said.

"Thanks guys" Percy mumbled

Yeah. You could say that.

"You even admit it" Artemis said.

"Shut up"

I could start at any point in my short miserable life to prove it, but things really started going bad last

May, when our sixth-grade class took a field trip to Manhattan— twenty-eight mental-case kids and two

teachers on a yellow school bus, heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at ancient Greek and Roman stuff.

"Sounds fun," Annabeth said it this time.

"I don't know about you but it sounds like torture to me" Artemis and Poseidon looked at each other

I know—it sounds like torture.

Annabeth glared at him which he ignored but Luna glared at her instead and she backed down.

Most Yancy field trips were.

But Mr. Brunner, our Latin teacher, was leading this trip, so I had hopes.

Mr. Brunner was this middle-aged guy in a motorized wheelchair. He had thinning hair and a scruffy

beard and a frayed tweed jacket, which always smelled like coffee.

"Sounds like Chiron" Everyone looked shocked to see Dionysus paying attention.

You wouldn't think he'd be cool, but he told stories and jokes and let us play games in class. He also had this awesome collection of Roman

armor and weapons, so he was the only teacher whose class didn't put me to sleep.

"You sleep in class" Athena yelled outraged

"Calm down Athena jeez" Poseidon tried to get her to shut up.

I hoped the trip would be okay. At least, I hoped that for once I wouldn't get in trouble.

Boy was I wrong.

"When aren't you?"

See, bad things happen to me on field trips. Like at my fifth-grade school, when we went to the

Saratoga battlefield, I had this accident with a Revolutionary War cannon. I wasn't aiming for the school

bus, but of course I got expelled anyway. And before that, at my fourth-grade school, when we took a

behind-the-scenes tour of the Marine World shark pool, I sort of hit the wrong lever on the catwalk and

our class took an unplanned swim. And the time before that... Well, you get the idea.

"No tell us more please, please." Hermes, Jordan, and the Stolls begged.

This trip, I was determined to be good.

All the way into the city, I put up with Nancy Bobofit, the freckly, redheaded kleptomaniac girl, hitting

my best friend Grover in the back of the head with chunks of peanut butter-and-ketchup sandwich.

"She was What!" Thalia was literally sparking in anger.

Grover was an easy target. He was scrawny. He cried when he got frustrated. He must've been held

back several grades, because he was the only sixth grader with acne and the start of a wispy beard on his

chin. On top of all that, he was crippled.

I'm sure Grover would love that. Luna commented.

He had a note excusing him from PE for the rest of his life

because he had some kind of muscular disease in his legs. He walked funny, like every step hurt him, but

don't let that fool you. You should've seen him run when it was enchilada day in the cafeteria.

"Grover's going to give himself up." Nico mumbled

Anyway, Nancy Bobofit was throwing wads of sandwich that stuck in his curly brown hair, and she

knew I couldn't do anything back to her because I was already on probation. The headmaster had

threatened me with death by in-school suspension if anything bad, embarrassing, or even mildly

entertaining happened on this trip.

"I'm going to kill her," I mumbled.

"DO IT" Ares and Thalia yelled before glaring at each other.

Grover tried to calm me down. "It's okay. I like peanut butter."

"So do I but not in my hair." Squealed Aphrodite.

He dodged another piece of Nancy's lunch.

"That's it." I started to get up, but Grover pulled me back to my seat.

"You're already on probation," he reminded me. "You know who'll get blamed if anything happens."

"Who'll get blamed?" Hermes said it.

Looking back on it, I wish I'd decked Nancy Bobofit right then and there. In-school suspension

would've been nothing compared to the mess I was about to get myself into.

Mr. Brunner led the museum tour.

He rode up front in his wheelchair, guiding us through the big echoey galleries, past marble statues and glass cases full of really old black-and-orange pottery.

It blew my mind that this stuff had survived for two thousand, three thousand years.

"Longer than that" Athena who would've guessed

He gathered us around a thirteen-foot-tall stone column with a big sphinx on the top, and started telling

us how it was a grave marker, astele, for a girl about our age. He told us about the carvings on the sides. I was trying to listen to what he had to say, because it was kind of inter-esting, but everybody around me was talking, and every time I told them to shut up, the other teacher chaperone, Mrs. Dodds, would give me the evil eye.

Mrs. Dodds was this little math teacher from Georgia

"I take offense at that" Jordan growled from her spot on Will's lap.

who always wore a black leather jacket, even though she was fifty years old. She looked mean enough to ride a Harley right into your locker. She had come to Yancy halfway through the year, when our last math teacher had a nervous breakdown.

From her first day, Mrs. Dodds loved Nancy Bobofit and figured I was devil spawn.

"Nope that's Nico,"

She would point her crooked finger at me and say, "Now, honey," real sweet, and I knew I was going to get after-school detention for a month.

One time, after she'd made me erase answers out of old math workbooks until midnight, I told Grover I didn't think Mrs. Dodds was human. He looked at me, real serious, and said, "You're absolutely right."

"Groverrrrrrrrrrrr" The demigods groaned.

Mr. Brunner kept talking about Greek funeral art.

Finally, Nancy Bobofit snickered something about the naked guy on the stele, and I turned around and said, "Will you shut up?"

It came out louder than I meant it to.

"Of course it did," Artemis groaned.

"Idiot," Jacob said smirking Jordan reached over grabbed the items Hephaestus was messing with and threw it at Jacob.

The whole group laughed. Mr. Brunner stopped his story.

"Mr. Jackson," he said, "did you have a comment?"

My face was totally red. I said, "No, sir."

Mr. Brunner pointed to one of the pictures on the stele. "Perhaps you'll tell us what this picture


I looked at the carving, and felt a flush of relief, because I actually recognized it. "That's Kronos eating

his kids, right?"

"Yes," Mr. Brunner said, obviously not satisfied. "And he did this because ..."

"Well..." I racked my brain to remember. "Kronos was the king god, and—"

"God, he isn't awesome enough to be one." Everyone stared at Clarisse before Artemis slapped Percy for it.

"God?" Mr. Brunner asked.

"Titan," I corrected myself. "And ... he didn't trust his kids, who were the gods. So, um, Kronos ate

them, right? But his wife hid baby Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. And later, when Zeus

grew up, he tricked his dad, Kronos, into barfing up his brothers and sisters—"

"Eeew!" said one of the girls behind me.

"Try living through it." Hera shivered

"—and so there was this big fight between the gods and the Titans," I continued, "and the gods won."

Some snickers from the group.

Behind me, Nancy Bobofit mumbled to a friend, "Like we're going to use this in real life. Like it's going

to say on our job applications, 'Please explain why Kronos ate his kids.'"

"And why, Mr. Jackson," Brunner said, "to paraphrase Miss Bobofit's excellent question, does this

matter in real life?"

"Busted" The Stolls snickered

"Busted," Grover muttered.

"Nooooo, You think like a goat." Nico pretended to cry but it got even Artemis and Thalia to start giggling.

"Shut up," Nancy hissed, her face even brighter red than her hair.

At least Nancy got packed, too. Mr. Brunner was the only one who ever caught her saying anything

wrong. He had radar ears.

"Or horse ears," Will muttered

I thought about his question, and shrugged. "I don't know, sir."

"I see." Mr. Brunner looked disappointed. "Well, half credit, Mr. Jackson. Zeus did indeed feed Kronos a mixture of mustard and wine, which made him disgorge his other five children, who, of course, being immortal gods, had been living and growing up completely undigested in the Titan's stomach. The gods defeated their father, sliced him to pieces with his own scythe, and scattered his remains in Tartarus, the darkest part of the Underworld. On that happy note, it's time for lunch. Mrs. Dodds, would you lead us back outside?"

"Happy note?"

The class drifted off, the girls holding their stomachs, the guys pushing each other around and acting like doo-fuses.

"When aren't they doo-fuses," Artemis commented, Thalia nodded her head.

Grover and I were about to follow when Mr. Brunner said, "Mr. Jackson."

I knew that was coming.

I told Grover to keep going. Then I turned toward Mr. Brunner. "Sir?"

Mr. Brunner had this look that wouldn't let you go— intense brown eyes that could've been a thousand years old and had seen everything.

"Not quite Perseus." Persephone said to him. He looked at her sadly.

"Can you please just say Percy, Perseus makes me feel like I'm in trouble."

"Is that why you used to flinch when I said your name." Artemis asked and Percy nodded

"You must learn the answer to my question," Mr. Brunner told me.

"About the Titans?"

"About real life. And how your studies apply to it."


"The best answer in the world."

"What you learn from me," he said, "is vitally important. I expect you to treat it as such. I will accept

only the best from you, Percy Jackson."

I wanted to get angry, this guy pushed me so hard. I mean, sure, it was kind of cool on tournament days, when he dressed up in a suit of Roman armor and

shouted: "What ho!'" and challenged us, sword-point against chalk, to run to the board and name every

Greek and Roman per-son who had ever lived, and their mother, and what god they worshipped. But

Mr. Brunner expected me to be as good as everybody else, despite the fact that I have dyslexia and

attention deficit disorder and I had never made above a C— in my life. No—he didn't expect me to be as good; he expected me to be better. And I just couldn't learn all those names and facts, much less spell them correctly.

I mumbled something about trying harder, while Mr. Brunner took one long sad look at the stele, like

he'd been at this girl's funeral.

"Probably was,"

He told me to go outside and eat my lunch.

The class gathered on the front steps of the museum, where we could watch the foot traffic along Fifth Avenue.

Overhead, a huge storm was brewing, with clouds blacker than I'd ever seen over the city. I figured

maybe it was global warming or something, because the weather all across New York state had been

weird since Christmas. We'd had massive snow storms, flooding, and wildfires from lightning strikes. I

wouldn't have been surprised if this was a hurricane blowing in.

Nobody else seemed to notice. Some of the guys were pelting pigeons with Lunchables crackers.

Nancy Bobofit was trying to pickpocket something from a lady's purse, and, of course, Mrs. Dodds

wasn't seeing a thing.

"Yours Hermes." Poseidon said disgusted.

"Not every kleptomaniac is mine."

Grover and I sat on the edge of the fountain, away from the others. We thought that maybe if we did

that, everybody wouldn't know we were from that school—the school for loser freaks who couldn't

make it elsewhere.

"Detention?" Grover asked.

"Nah," I said. "Not from Brunner. I just wish he'd lay off me sometimes. I mean—I'm not a genius."

"No duh Spawn your father is even stupider." Annabeth again. Percy snapped and drew a pen out.

"What are you going to do to her write on her." Jacob and Ares laughed but Percy ignored them.

"Annabeth I suggest you shut your mouth because one thing I won't tolerate is you of all people insulting my family." Percy had stood up and was in front of her as he walked back he saw his dad sit up straighter with smile on his face

Grover didn't say anything for a while. Then, when I thought he was going to give me some deep

philosophical comment to make me feel better, he said, "Can I have your apple?"

"Oh, Grover. What would we do without you."

I didn't have much of an appetite, so I let him take it.

"oh, but you won't let me borrow 10 bucks." Jordan said looking hurt.

I watched the stream of cabs going down Fifth Avenue, and thought about my mom's apartment, only a little ways uptown from where we sat. I hadn't seen her since Christmas. I wanted so bad to jump in a taxi and head home. She'd hug me and be glad to see me, but she'd be disappointed, too. She'd send me right back to Yancy, remind me that I had to try harder, even if this was my sixth school in six years and I was probably going to be kicked out again. I wouldn't be able to stand that sad look she'd give me.

"Such a sweet boy." Hestia said softly and he smiled at her.

Mr. Brunner parked his wheelchair at the base of the handicapped ramp. He ate celery while he read a paperback novel. A red umbrella stuck up from the back of his chair, making it look like a motorized

cafe table. I was about to unwrap my sandwich when Nancy Bobofit appeared in front of me with her ugly friends—I guess she'd gotten tired of stealing from the tourists—and dumped her half-eaten lunch in Grover's lap.

Thalia was growling now.

"Oops." She grinned at me with her crooked teeth. Her freckles were orange, as if somebody had

spray-painted her face with liquid Cheetos.

I tried to stay cool. The school counselor had told me a million times, "Count to ten, get control of your

temper." But I was so mad my mind went blank. A wave roared in my ears.

I don't remember touching her, but the next thing I knew, Nancy was sitting on her butt in the fountain,

screaming, "Percy pushed me!"

Mrs. Dodds materialized next to us.

Some of the kids were whispering: "Did you see—"

"—the water—"

"—like it grabbed her—"

Hades and Zeus roared in anger. "POSEIDON"

Athena yelled out, "Zeus don't yell at Poseidon when your own DAUGHTER is in the same room."

Thalia was glaring at her dad so hard it mad Hades' look like a baby's. Zeus backed down.

I didn't know what they were talking about. All I knew was that I was in trouble again.

As soon as Mrs. Dodds was sure poor little Nancy was okay, promising to get her a new shirt at the

museum gift shop, etc., etc., Mrs. Dodds turned on me. There was a triumphant fire in her eyes, as if I'd one something she'd been waiting for all semester. "Now, honey—"

"I know," I grumbled. "A month erasing workbooks."

That wasn't the right thing to say.

"Come with me," Mrs. Dodds said.

"Wait!" Grover yelped. "It was me. I pushed her."

I stared at him, stunned. I couldn't believe he was trying to cover for me. Mrs. Dodds scared Grover to


She glared at him so hard his whiskery chin trembled.

"I don't think so, Mr. Underwood," she said.



Grover looked at me desperately.

"Stupid brave satyr."

"It's okay, man," I told him. "Thanks for trying."

"Honey," Mrs. Dodds barked at me. "Now."

Nancy Bobofit smirked.

I gave her my deluxe I'll-kill-you-later stare.

"Probably not as good as mine." Ares boasted and Artemis shook her head as Percy glared at him, he visibly shivered as Jordan and Hephaestus laughed about him getting what he deserved. When Hermes asked Clarisse why she didn't support her dad she replied,

"I'd rather not support someone who will eventually wish I had died instead of his favorite son." She said bitterly, Percy, who was on the couch next to her, put his hand on her shoulder and raised an eyebrow but she just shook her head. Percy sighed and put his chin on Artemis' shoulder before motioning for Athena to continue to read.

Then I turned to face Mrs. Dodds, but she wasn't there.

She was standing at the museum entrance, way at the top of the steps, gesturing impatiently at me to

come on.

How'd she get there so fast?

Hades gulped and paled and so did Nico.

I have moments like that a lot, when my brain falls asleep or something, and the next thing I know I've missed something, as if a puzzle piece fell out of the universe and left me staring at the blank place behind it. The school counselor told me this was part of the ADHD, my brain misinterpreting things.

I wasn't so sure.

I went after Mrs. Dodds.

Poseidon groaned and said "You just had to go after it didn't you." Percy just grinned.

Halfway up the steps, I glanced back at Grover. He was looking pale, cutting his eyes between me and

Mr. Brunner, like he wanted Mr. Brunner to notice what was going on, but Mr. Brunner was absorbed in his novel.

"Great my son might die and Chiron is reading"

I looked back up. Mrs. Dodds had disappeared again. She was now inside the building, at the end of

the entrance hall.

Okay, I thought. She's going to make me buy a new shirt for Nancy at the gift shop.

But apparently that wasn't the plan.

I followed her deeper into the museum. When I finally caught up to her, we were back in the Greek and Roman section.

Except for us, the gallery was empty.

Mrs. Dodds stood with her arms crossed in front of a big marble frieze of the Greek gods. She was

making this weird noise in her throat, like growling.

Even without the noise, I would've been nervous. It's weird being alone with a teacher, especially Mrs.

Dodds. Something about the way she looked at the frieze, as if she wanted to pulverize it...

"You've been giving us problems, honey," she said.

I did the safe thing.

"You did something safe the world must be ending."

"Shut up Artemis, I think you're going to give Dad a heart attack." Poseidon had paled at her comment.

I said, "Yes, ma'am."

She tugged on the cuffs of her leather jacket. "Did you really think you would get away with it?"

The look in her eyes was beyond mad. It was evil.

She's a teacher, I thought nervously. It's not like she's going to hurt me.

"You keep thinking that." Apollo said weakly.

I said, "I'll—I'll try harder, ma'am."

Thunder shook the building.

"We are not fools, Percy Jackson," Mrs. Dodds said. "It was only a matter of time before we found you out. Confess, and you will suffer less pain."

I didn't know what she was talking about.

All I could think of was that the teachers must've found the illegal stash of candy I'd been selling out of my dorm room.

"Uncle P I love your kid,"

Or maybe they'd realized I got my essay on Tom Sawyer from the Internet without ever reading the book and now they were going to take away my grade. Or worse, they were going to make

me read the book.

Before Athena could remark Percy said quickly. "Actually I read the book later on but I hated it I had no idea what was happening."

"Well?" she demanded.

"Ma'am, I don't..."

"Your time is up," she hissed.

Then the weirdest thing happened. Her eyes began to glow like barbecue coals. Her fingers stretched,

turning into talons. Her jacket melted into large, leathery wings. She wasn't human. She was a shriveled hag with bat wings and claws and a mouth full of yellow fangs, and she was about to slice me to ribbons.

Poseidon gripped his throne.

Loud snoring filled the air and everyone turned to see Ares and Dionysus asleep. Jordan leaned over and whispered to Hephaestus who passed her some strange objects and she quickly placed them all around their thrones. Jordan nodded to Hephaestus and Hestia who both sent a small flame towards her, she created her own flame and put each one in a different part of the thrones. She yelled a quick "DUCK" and the items exploded and when the smoke cleared Dionysus' throne was on fire and had bunnies hopping on his head and Ares had a smashed pie on his face and his throne was gone.

Next thing they knew Travis and Connor were begging her to go pranking with her.

Then things got even stranger.

Poseidon's grip on his throne tightened.

Mr. Brunner, who'd been out in front of the museum a minute before, wheeled his chair into the doorway of the gallery, holding a pen in his hand.

"What ho, Percy!" he shouted, and tossed the pen through the air.

Mrs. Dodds lunged at me.

With a yelp, I dodged and felt talons slash the air next to my ear. I snatched the ballpoint pen out of the air, but when it hit my hand, it wasn't a pen anymore. It was a sword—Mr. Brunner's bronze sword, which he always used on tournament day.

Poseidon relaxed and his throne no longer threatened to break.

Mrs. Dodds spun toward me with a murderous look in her eyes.

My knees were jelly. My hands were shaking so bad I almost dropped the sword.

"You always were a wimp and a coward no wonder Annabeth dumped you, and at least Dad came to his senses for a little bit and said I was his favorite son. But he always was a fool like you."

The demi-gods jumped up bristling at the insult to their friend, Luna was growling along with Jordan, and Artemis looked murderous.

"You are no son of Poseidon and remind me again whose first monster was a baby hellhound and who had to have help to defeat said hellhound." At the look of cold fury on Percy's face even the gods were scared. Jacob backed down but remained glaring at them. Luna blew a ring of fire at him, as Artemis led Percy to the couch and tried to get him to calm down.

When he finally did he had Artemis' head on his lap and motioned for Athena to continue reading.

She snarled, "Die, honey!"

Suddenly Percy burst out laughing and when asked why he said "Just imagining Alecto attacking a jar of honey." That set off Apollo and Hermes

And she flew straight at me.

Absolute terror ran through my body. I did the only thing that came naturally: I swung the sword.

The metal blade hit her shoulder and passed clean through her body as if she were made of water. Hisss!

"You're powerful, demigod."

"Thank you Queen Hera," Percy bowed his head in respect.

Mrs. Dodds was a sand castle in a power fan. She exploded into yellow powder, vaporized on the spot, leaving nothing but the smell of sulfur and a dying screech and a chill of evil in the air, as if those two glowing red eyes were still watching me.

I was alone.

There was a ballpoint pen in my hand.

Mr. Brunner wasn't there. Nobody was there but me.

My hands were still trembling. My lunch must've been contaminated with magic mushrooms or something.

"No Hermes I will not grow you magic mushrooms." Demeter looked ready to smack him.

Had I imagined the whole thing?

I went back outside.

It had started to rain.

Grover was sitting by the fountain, a museum map tented over his head. Nancy Bobofit was still standing

there, soaked from her swim in the fountain, grumbling to her ugly friends. When she saw me, she said, "I hope Mrs. Kerr whipped your butt."

I said, "Who?"

"Our teacher. Duh!"

I blinked. We had no teacher named Mrs. Kerr. I asked Nancy what she was talking about.

She just rolled her eyes and turned away.

I asked Grover where Mrs. Dodds was.

He said, "Who?"

But he paused first, and he wouldn't look at me, so I thought he was messing with me.

"Boys give this satyr lying lessons as soon as possible." Guess who.

"Not funny, man," I told him. "This is serious."

Thunder boomed overhead.

I saw Mr. Brunner sitting under his red umbrella, reading his book, as if he'd never moved.

I went over to him.

He looked up, a little distracted. "Ah, that would be my pen. Please bring your own writing utensil in the future, Mr. Jackson."

I handed Mr. Brunner his pen. I hadn't even realized I was still holding it.

"Sir," I said, "where's Mrs. Dodds?"

He stared at me blankly. "Who?"

"The other chaperone. Mrs. Dodds. The pre-algebra teacher."

He frowned and sat forward, looking mildly concerned. "Percy, there is no Mrs. Dodds on this trip. As

far as I know, there has never been a Mrs. Dodds at Yancy Academy. Are you feeling all right?"

"Now Chiron, Chiron can lie."