I glanced at Alexa one more time before trying the food on my plate. To my surprise, it actually tasted real good. The concoctions of spicy, sweet and tantalizing wrapped into a splat of noodles in front of me.

"Told ya you'd like it" Alexa said. It felt good sitting in the restaurant with Alexa, Aaron, Ginny and all of their friends. This cool place was right across from skate park, where lot of my other classmates were hanging out at.

I found myself not watching them skate, but this one, who was amazingly good at it. I bit my lip watching him on the half pipe.

"Hey, Rose" Ginny shouted. "Anyone home" I glanced away from the window. I knew exactly who had been staring at.

"Oh, sorry, just looking at the skate park" I mumbled. "It looks pretty cool" I laid my head down on my gloved hand.

"So you just looking at the skate park" Alexa teased. I felt a small blush creep on my face. "Come on, like you didn't almost run into a locker gawking at him in the hallway today"

"I wasn't gawking at him" I said.

Ginny perked up in her seat. "Who was she gawking at?" She asked in sheer glee. The last thing I needed was for my sister to bug me about this.

"Jake Long" Alexa answered. Ginny nodded her head while giggling.

"Jake Long?" A voice came from near the arcade bit of the small restaurant. It was that blond jock, who called himself the Bradster. "What a dork"

Aaron shrugged his shoulders. "I think he's kinda cool"

"Yeah" Stacy said. She was sitting at the table behind them, along with her posse. Their table was stacked with home coming dresses magazines. "But he hangs out with that a creepo Spirg"

"His name is spud" I said without thinking. A small flash of us back in eighth grade filled my mind. Yes, Spud could be a bit not normal sometimes, but he was funny, and had helped me through a time in my life when I was completely stressed out. He was one of my best friends. But before I could stop myself, I got up and walked over to Stacy.

"His name is Spud" I told her. "And yes, he has his moments. But he is also a loyal friend, especially to Jake, something I doubt your friends could say about you"

I remembered how she had been the one to start that viscous rumor about her friend, Casey, because she was jealous of her friend's popularity. Then the one time back in Seventh grade, when she had purposely made out with one of her friend's boyfriends, and didn't even bother to be nice to her friend when the two broke up.

What is with me? I thought. I wasn't around for all of that to happen. There was no way I could've known half of the flashbacks popping into my mind. Yet at that particular moment I couldn't care less. That spoiled little witch needed a tiny dose of that.

Then there was silence. Everyone in the room was staring at me. Heather began clapping, and Ginny joined in shortly afterward. A few other kids clapped, most went back to whatever they had been doing before. Stacy and her posse glared at me. Great, I just made our school's Regina of the plastic's mad at me.

"Wow" Aaron said, as I plopped down in my seat.

"I don't know what came over me" I said. Alexa laughed, holding out her hand for a high-five. I glady high-fived her and sunk into my seat.

Heather leaned over the table, laughing. "Thanks a lot" She said while laughing. "Now I won't hear the end of it during practice"

"and I thought I was the temperamental twin" Ginny said.

"You are" I told her, joining in on the laughter.

Ginny and I left awhile later. She was going to a friend's house to work on her audition for the school play and I was tagging along. It came with being a sister, I guess. We had to take a short cut through a park.

The park was buzzing with people today. A group of kids surrounding a picnic table singing happy birthday to some kid named Billy. The only one who didn't look too pleased amongst them was an angry looking blond girl.

"Oh, come on, Mandy, isn't this fun?" The kid named Billy said, digging into his birthday cake.

Not far across them, a group of kids were communicating to each other on strange devices. They kept muttering words like "Father" "Delightful Children" "2x4" and calling each other "Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4 and Number 5". The young bald kid wearing the sunglasses seemed to be the leader of their small club.

I hurried Ginny along down the side walk as we passed two adults who didn't seem to be paying any attention to their toddlers who were wondering off. One of the toddlers, the one with the red hair and glasses looked frightened. It as if he was trying to tell the others not to do something, while they crawled away.

Also catching my attention was another pair of twins that looked vibrantly familiar. "Oh, my gosh, their twins, just like us" Ginny shouted, dragging us over to them.

"Who them?" I asked. "I know them, they're names are Kara and Sara, They oracles. " I clamped a hand over my mouth, hoping Ginny wouldn't notice.

"Hi" Ginny greeted them, pulling me along. "I'm Ginny and this is my sis, Rose"

"Hi" The one with a flower in her hair smiled at us. She had to nudge her grumpy looking sister to even say hello.

"Congratulations" The grumpy looking twin said in monotone towards Ginny. "You'll land the part of the Queen of hearts, whoop de doo".

I glanced at Ginny; that was the part she was trying out for in the upcoming auditions. "It was nice meeting you" I said in my sweetest voice trying not be rude. "But we're kinda late for something, maybe we should all meet up next week"

The perky girl nodded her head. "Sounds awesome" She said, twirling around her hair. A small light flashed in her eyes. "Especially when the one thing you love most will be taken from you" She giggled, looking directly at me.

We met up with Ginny's friend Emma awhile later. I sat on the couch as the two girls went over lines. Emma was a short, but petite blond girl, and was a shoe in for the part of Alice. I kinda hoped she would get the part, as her competition was Stacy.

Ginny bellowed out the lines of the Queen of Hearts, causing me to laugh. "Are you sure you don't want to read some of the lines for us."

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm good just watching" I said, smiling.

I couldn't shake off what that girl had said earlier. The one thing I love most…That could mean a lot of things. I love my family, my friends. I loved the fact that I was fitting in at my new school, could it be that. Or was it like a possession, like the necklace my grandmother got me for Christmas last year. I knew it couldn't be a boyfriend or anything like that… I didn't have one.

When the two were finally done rehearsing, I got up from the cozy couch, and followed my sister home. She insisted on going back through the park, hoping to find those girls, as she felt they were psychics or something.

"They oracles" I reminded her, though how I knew I would never understand. It was getting late, and by the looks of the sun we only had a half hour before it got dark.

"Come on, can we just go now" I muttered, as Ginny pulled me into the park.

"I want to ask them a few questions" She told me. I rolled my eyes, following her around the park. Ginny sprinted off, away from me, in search of the girls.

I sighed, crossing my arms. She could be so frustrating sometimes. I found the nearest park bench and sat down on it.

It was then I was greeted by a familiar annoying voice. "Hey, look who it is" I heard him shout.

"Do you think she remembers?" The other asked. I looked up at them, I could remember the voice, and the same old annoyance they caused, I just couldn't remember how I knew them.

"Remember what?" I asked them. They were only a few years younger than me. I had spent so many times yelling at them to stay out of my room and not to read my diary. I froze, what wasn't I remembering?

"Oh, she doesn't know" The shorter one said.

I scoffed. "I may not remember everything, but I do remember that you two are annoying" I got up from the bench and looked around for a sight of Ginny.

The two boys whispered back and forth to each other before addressing me again. "Well, we all three were close friends once" The tall one said. "I guess we were just kind of hoping that you got your memory back after the accident"

"What accident?" I asked.

The short one shook his head. "Ugh, uh, I don't think you're ready to hear about it just yet. You're still recovering your memory"

"Yea" The tall one said. "I mean, we're still recovering our own."

"Listen" I said, once I spotted Ginny from over by the hotdog stand. "As much as I'd love to believe that we were all 'Best buddies', you have no proof, and I'm leaving"

The boys starting whispering again and the tall one called out. "Wait! I can prove it" He said. He pointed at the gloves they were wearing. "We both have dragon birthmarks on our hands"

I stopped walking, and spun back around. "Really, sounds cool" I said, trying to brush what they said off.

"And you have one too" The short one said. They pulled off their gloves to show the birthmarks, as I did my own. On my hand was a red mark, that in its twists and turns resembled a dragon.

Ginny came running at me a second later. "Come on, Rose" She said, tugging me. "I give up, let's go" I took one last look at the two boys and hurried off with Ginny.

"We'll be here tomorrow if you want to talk!" They called after me.

Ginny looked back at them. "What was that all about?" She asked as I placed my fingerless glove back on my hand.

"Nothing" I said.

The next morning, I was paranoid while entering the school building. My gut feeling told me that Stacy was planning something. I did my best to avoid her all day, which was tricky, as she was in quite a few of my morning classes. Thankfully lunch rolled around, and that was when the Wonderland auditions were.

I caught my sister and wished her good luck before heading off to lunch. Swinging my paper brown bag in my hand, I made my way over towards my usual table.

"Hey, Rose" I heard Aaron say from behind me. I spun around, to see him. "Listen, Alexa, Tristan and I all have an 'emergency' quiz bowl practice. It sucks, but Miss Rowe wants us to be ready to for tonight" He made a face. "Not like we need the extra practice, the other team can't even tell you what their school's name is." He said before taking off.

I glanced over at the empty table. Morgan was out sick, and with everyone else off at quiz bowl practice or play auditions, I was stuck with just myself.

Not watching where I was going I bumped into Jake. "Sorry" I said, feeling a small blush come on my face.

"I was actually coming over here" He said, his own face turning slightly red. "To see if ya wanted to come have lunch with me and my friends"

"Yeah" I answered a little too quickly. Get a grip girl, he asked you to sit with him at lunch not on a date. "I mean, yeah, sure, whatever" I said following him to his usual table.

I took the seat next to Jake and across from Spud, who was currently dressed up in a rabbit costume.
"Why is he…"

"Method acting!" Spud exclaimed. "You see, if one wants to obtain the role of the white rabbit, one must become the white rabbit"

"You got it down, alright" The girl sitting next to him said. "If you don't get a move on, you'll be late for the auditions"

Spud laughed, hopping (literally) away.

The girl then turned towards me. "Hi, I'm Trixie" I nodded my head.

"I'm Ro"She interrupted me before I could finish.

"Yeah, Rose, I know" Trixie said, looking over at Jake. "Jake talks about you all the time" She said laughing.

I glanced over at Jake, who had suddenly become extremely interested in his pudding.

"I saw you two over at the skate park, yesterday" I said, changing the topic. "Do you guys skateboard a lot?"

Jake scoffed. "Are you kidding, the macdaddy, Jake long, is the king" He said, grinning.

I grinned. Arrogant, cocky and smelled of tons of hair gel….typical Jake.

"Then how come your highness skated right into that trash can this morning?" I asked, recalling what had happened when Ginny and I arrived earlier that day.

"The sun was in eyes" Jake answered.

Lunch ended all too quickly, as did the rest of the day.

I sat in my room later that evening working on my history homework. Ginny ran in, carrying her laptop.

"Scoot over, Rose" She said, jumping up on my bed. I laughed, leaning over to watch as she typed up the school's website.

"Did you get the part?" I asked, scooting over.

The cast list came up. Stacy, of course, got the lead, followed by Emma who would be her understudy. Spud got the part of the white rabbit, and the list of names went on and on, till finally we reached spotted Ginny's name.

"Ah, I got the part" She squealed.

"I knew it" I shouted.

Ginny hopped off of the bed, and started dancing. "I'm the Queen of hearts, I'm the Queen of hearts" She said.

Congratulations, you'll land the part of the Queen of hearts, whoop de doo..The girl's voice ran through my mind. If what she said came true, did that mean her sister's prediction would too?

A/N: Sorry for the late update..Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, please tell me what you think of this chapter and what you might think is coming up in future chapter. Thanks for the reads, everyone!