So this chapter is named after one of my favourite Allstar Weekend songs, I thought it was appropriate xD I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: abcdefghi(do not own pokemon)jklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Chapter 3: A Different Side Of Me


"Oh my god this weather is perfect," May smiled at Marina, who was positively glowing in the sun. Drew hadn't shown them the garden yesterday so they went out to marvel it for themselves.

It was gorgeous. It was a complete suntrap, with a large pretty-looking pool and various sun-loungers strewn around it. The backyard was also a stark contrast to the grassy front yard, as the floor was smooth and a white-ish colour around the pool. It was beautiful out here.

"It sure is..." Marina smiled, settling herself on a sun-lounger.

They were up earlier than everyone else, and decided that catching the sun sooner rather than later would be the best idea.

"Did we make plans for today last night? I can't remember..."

Marina opened her eyes lazily. "I don't think so. I'm just going to wait for the others to get out of bed and then decide later."

"I bet Misty's going to love this pool," May giggled. Misty was a keen swimmer, she had the competition medals to prove it.

"Are you two out here already?"

May turned around to see Gary and Jimmy stepping out of the door.

"Oh my god Jimmy, we need to start on our tanning!" Gary spoke in a ridiculously high voice, mocking the girls.

Marina just sighed. "Unless your name is Harry Styles, then I strongly suggest you leave me alone."

Gary scoffed. "What does he have that I don't?"

"Everything!" Marina sighed happily. "He's so cute, talented and I totally want to run my hands through those beautiful curls..."

"I think I'm going to puke," Jimmy muttered.

"Have you two come here just to annoy us? Because it's working," May stood up, only just realising that Gary was shirtless.

"Like what you see?" he grinned suggestively as he caught her looking.

She rolled her eyes. "No I don't."

May headed into the house and found some of the others all sitting in the front room. She grabbed a piece of toast from the side and joined them.

"So what's the plan for today?" Ash asked.

"I don't know, let's just see where the day takes us," Lyra replied.

"I don't know about you guys, but I might have to try out the pool outside," May stretched her arms out with a yawn.

"There's a pool?" Misty questioned, leaving her seat to walk outside immediately.

Dawn finished brushing her hair, before standing up to walk out of her room. The girls were already downstairs, and she wanted to see them.

The blunette only got as far as the hallway however, because she ended up walking straight into someone.

"Sorry!" she spoke almost immediately, before she realised exactly who it was she bumped into.

"I'm sure you're stalking me."

He was so awfully patronising. Her face twisted into something of disgust as memories flashed in her mind. "Stalk you? Please, I have far better things to do with my time."

Paul rolled his eyes, pushing past her on his way down the stairs. He wasn't in the mood for any drama concerning that BITCH any time soon.

Dawn watched him go, trying to compose herself. He's not worth it, she told herself.

Paul was a mistake. A stupid, stupid mistake.

As she watched him stomp down the stairs in annoyance of her presence, Dawn knew she was in for a very long summer.

As the time drew nearer and nearer to midday, Leaf sighed with content as she stepped inside the large pool in Drew's backyard.

She wasn't sure what the others were up to, but Leaf had decided for herself that she wanted to swim and laze about in the sun all day. Misty was already here, relaxing in the other end of the pool, so she wasn't alone at least.

The rays of the sun had warmed up the water so it felt comforting on her skin.

"What are you doing in there?"

Leaf turned around to see Gary behind her. Him, again? Just what did he want with her...

"Relaxing. What does it look like?" she giggled.

"Boring. I'm off out with Drew and the other guys soon."

Leaf stretched out her arms. "Where are you guys going?"

He grinned. "You could say we're picking up a few supplies for tonight."

Leaf blinked, what on earth was he talking about? "I assumed we were all going out tonight..."

Gary shrugged. "It's our first official night here, so I thought it would be a good idea if we all stayed in tonight and got to know each other a little know?"

Leaf laughed. "So what exactly are you picking up for tonight?"

He smirked. "Now that would be telling. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself."

She watched as Gary walked away to where Jimmy and Ash were waiting for him at the door.

As she watched him leave, Leaf couldn't help but wonder exactly what the gorgeous brunet had up his sleeve...

"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, I'll be waiting all that's left to do is run, you'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, it's a love story, baby just say yes."

It was dark out, and as the boys had been out for the majority of the day, the girls decided to make the most of it, blasting Taylor Swift songs and having a sing-fest.

"We haven't even done anything today but I'm really happy!" Dawn laughed.

"Let's hope the boys get kidnapped or something on their way home, this is so great," Misty smirked.

"Isn't it just?" Lyra agreed. "Especially now there's no Silver telling us to turn the music down..."

"...and no Gary to flirt with me..." Leaf rolled her eyes but blushed at the thought.

"...and no Drew to hate my guts."

The girls stopped laughing and singing for a moment, looking at May.

They all knew that May and Drew didn't get along but they couldn't understand why.

Neither did May, she spent a lot of her time wondering why every time she passed Drew he'd glance at her with disgust before walking even faster, as if she had some sort of contagious disease.

He didn't want her here. She knew it, yet somehow she didn't feel unwelcome.

"May..." Dawn spoke. "I can talk to him if you want."

She felt tears sting in her eyes. It didn't hurt that Dawn and Drew were best friends...or at least that's what she told herself.

"No it's alright, it'll just make things even worse..." she sighed.

"Come on you guys, we're on vacation!" Leaf tried to build up momentum within the group. "May, we know Drew is a complete asshole to you, but just ignore him."

May nodded, the fake smile still playing at her lips.

She didn't care about Drew. She was here to have a good time with her friends and that was exactly what she wanted to do.

All she had to do was ignore his existence. She had ten other people to talk to...or eight if you don't count Silver and Paul...

Either way, eight was better than one.

"Thank you Leaf," May smiled, hugging her sweet, flighty friend. It was reassuring to know that all these girls cared about her.

"Group hug!" Lyra chimed and the four of them dived onto May and Leaf, a collision of giggling bodies all over the place.

They were laughing so much, they didn't even hear the sound of the front door opening.

So boy did they get a shock as they saw six figures towering above them.

"God Lyra, pull your fucking skirt down a little," Silver grunted, averting his eyes.

Lyra looked down and, to her horror, her skirt had risen up so high that her panties were clearly on show. She angrily flushed red, before getting up and straightening it out.

"Shut up you stupid freak!"

Lyra could tell that Silver was pissed with her. "I'd rather be a freak than a damn slut," he spat, staring at her with his intimidating eyes.

Like hell was she going to back down.

She opened her mouth in shock. "Jerk-off!" she snarled angrily, stepping closer to him.

They were still on shaky terms from yesterday's argument, and this was definitely making things worse.

He was outright glaring at her now. "You know what? I'm done with you. You can fuck right off you stupid bitch!"

Oh snap.

"Bastard!" Lyra shrieked like a banshee as she leapt at him, she was so angry.

Silver smirked nastily as he simply grabbed her wrists. He pressed her against the wall, and she seemed to freeze in place.

"Let. Go," she spoke slowly.

While all of this was going on, the other ten were just staring, shocked by what was happening. Silver never usually fought back against Lyra, and now here he was, somehow managing to control her. The redhead himself definitely knew that he liked it.

"No. What are going to do about it, Lyra?" he spoke her name with a such a patronising touch.

She simply smiled, before lifting up her knee and pounding it into his gut. He let go almost immediately, clutching his stomach as she pushed him away.

"Bitch!" he roared, but was unable to get anywhere near her as the five guys were holding him back before he did anything too drastic.

Lyra laughed tauntingly, sticking out her tongue at him with a smirk on her face.

Lyra: 1, Silver: 0.

Silver seemed to calm down, but not before he gave Lyra the meanest looking glare.

She smiled sweetly, before turning away.

"Gary? What did you guys get?" Leaf asked. She'd been dying to know ever since he told her he was going out.

"We're...going to play some games tonight. Are you girls willing to co-operate?"

Marina spoke up, "Games? What kind of games?"

"Games that involve dares, confessions, and a whole lotta' drinking," Gary grinned.

Misty's face lit up, "Sounds like my kinda' thing. I'm in."

"What about you guys? You can't back out now," Drew smirked.

The girls laughed, like hell were they going to back out. "We're in," May stared right at Drew with a determined glint in her eye.

"Good," Gary smiled, taking the majority of the things out of the bags.

"Hey!" Dawn said, "What about that the other stuff?"

"You might see it later," Jimmy began to laugh.

"Whatever, so what first, Gary?" Misty asked, pretty much raring to go. She could handle her drink well, compared to her friends anyway.

"I said to Leafy before that we were going to try and get to know each other let's play Never Have I Ever."

They arranged themselves in a circle with plenty of shots.

"I wanna go first!" Leaf giggled, "Never have I ever two-timed somebody!"

Gary took a shot immediately, as did Drew. Then Dawn quickly took one.

"That stuff is nasty," she laughed.

"Dawn?! When did you ever two time someone?!" Lyra was shocked.

"Talk about that later, Marina it's your turn!" Leaf smiled.

"Alright...never have I ever had sex."

Misty, Gary, Drew, Paul, Jimmy, Leaf, Dawn, Silver and Lyra all took a shot.

"May? Ash? You've know?" Dawn asked.

Both of them shook their heads.

"We're all virgins together!" Marina grinned, putting her arms over the shoulders of Ash and May.

"You guys!" Ash whined, going bright red in the face.

A little while later, after Never Have I Ever, Truth or Dare and Spin The Bottle, Leaf felt almost weightless. She'd been downing shots and drinks simply for the sake of it, and now she felt all...weird.

All she could see was bright lights and swirls, she was in her fantasy world. Leaf giggled to herself, standing up and spinning around on the spot. "Yay!" she beamed.

"Leaf, sit down," Misty sighed, although she was finding the situation at hand to be very humorous.

"I think we're done here," Gary smirked, although he was feeling a little woozy. He leant over to Jimmy, "Let's just see what happens now..."

The group all stood up and May headed over to the music, putting on a party style playlist.

"I'm like, batman or whatever he's called!" Leaf squealed, she was standing on the dining room table doing the superman pose. Gary left Jimmy and walked over to her.

"I think you mean superman, baby," he purred.

"Yeah, him!" she laughed, completely oblivious to his flirting as she almost fell off the table.

"Leafy! Get down from the table!" Misty yelled.

"Sorry, mom," the brunette replied, jumping down and almost tripping over her own feet.

"She's such a lightweight," Gary smirked.

Misty sighed. "Don't I know it, I feel like I have to babysit her!"

Gary replied quickly, "You don't have to do that, let her have her fun."

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "It depends what your idea of fun is, Oak."

"'re pretty protective over her, aren't you..." Gary felt his stomach flip. He couldn't try anything with Leaf right now, or Pitbull Misty would attack.

"Of course I am. She's like my little sister."

Gary smirked. He had to get rid of her.

He tugged on Drew's arm and both of them headed to the kitchen. After explaining everything, the Drew ran a hand through his chartreuse hair and grinned.

"Misty is going to hate you for this," he laughed, downing the last part of his drink before settling it down on the side.

"Who cares, besides it'll be worth it in the end," Gary smirked.

Drew simply chuckled, walking to the living room with Gary as they both went their separate ways.

Drew waited a little while for Gary to finish speaking to Misty. The brunet gave him a nod, so Drew walked over to Ash immediately, pulling him away as he was dancing with most of the others in the front room.

"Hey Ash, Misty told me that she wanted you to meet her in the bathroom upstairs."

Ash blinked. "She did? Oh, uh...I better go then."

As both Drew and Gary watched him go, they laughed, giving the other a hi-five before slowly following him upstairs.

They were both really close to Ash, but he was so damn gullible.

"Ash?" Misty called out, but the boy was nowhere to be seen.

"That's odd..." she murmured angrily. Stupid Gary, what was he talking about? She was about to walk out of there until she saw the door handle turn.

"Hi Misty!" Ash smiled as he stepped into the room.

"Hey. What did you want to talk to me about?" Misty asked quickly.

Ash looked confused. "Me? I thought you wanted to tell me something?"

Misty said nothing, until the bathroom door slammed shut and she heard a locking sound from the outside.

"Hey!" she shrieked, running over to the door and pounding on it.

She heard male laughter and instantly recognised one of the voices.

"Open this door Gary Oak or I will fucking smash your face in!" Misty screamed.

"Mist...calm down."

The redhead was on fire, but as she turned around to look at Ash, who was smiling at her, she seemed to relax a little.

She just stared at him. "Why are you not mad?" she asked, "He's locked us in the bathroom! What kind of idiot has a lock on the outside of their bathroom door anyway?!"

Misty sat herself down on the floor with her drink clutched in her hand.

"It's not all bad," Ash shrugged, sitting down beside her.

He quickly grabbed the drink out of her hand with a smile.

"Hey, give that back!" she laughed, leaning over to try and grab it.

"See? You're smiling!" he grinned, keeping his arm away from her.

By now, Misty was tipsy and past caring about her cool persona, letting her guard down. There was just something about Ash that really made her smile.

"Shut up and give me the alcohol!" she whined.

"No," he snorted. The two continued their little fight, until Misty realised the position that she was in.

"Am I crushing you?" she asked, her cheeks dusted with the lightest of pink.

"Not at all," he replied, downing the drink in his hand. Naturally, Misty was not happy.

"Bastard! That was my fucking vodka!" Misty huffed.

"You should stop swearing so much Misty," Ash spoke, throwing the cup to one side.

"Why?" she snorted.

"You don't have to put on this tough girl act, I can see straight through it."

It was then that Misty realised how close they actually were to each other. She could feel his heartbeat, each breath tickling her skin...

"I'm not putting on an act!" Misty tried to play dumb, but again, it didn't work.

Ash just laughed. "Mist."

Misty chose not to respond, sitting up. She was so lost in his eyes that she didn't even realise she was straddling him.

"I know there's a nicer side to you," he murmured.

"But why are you trying to find it?" she asked, her voice becoming softer as Ash continued to break down her walls.

"Because other people may be intimidated by you...but I'm not. I want to find the real Misty, because I know she's there," he stared into her cerulean blue eyes.

She could hear nothing but the beat of the music downstairs. She knew all of her friends would be having fun and partying...but Misty was more than happy where she was.

"You'll have to come a little closer if you want to find her," Misty whispered, her heart thumping in her chest.

Her mind was fuzzy and she had no idea what she was doing.

A slight smirk played at his lips as he pulled her closer. He put his lips to her ear, "You don't mind if this, do you?" he murmured, before kissing her lips softly.

He broke away before she could respond. "Hey...why'd you stop?" she asked, in a soft voice that even she didn't know that she had.

"Because I found her," Ash replied, referring to Misty's softer side.

Looking at Ash's grin made Misty so happy. She never expected to be locked in the bathroom with him tonight, but she wasn't complaining.

She wasn't complaining at all.

Authors Note: Hey guys. So how are you liking this story so far? I'm trying to make it as realistic as I possibly can, the party is actually based on one of my friends parties a few weeks ago. That was um...memorable.

Anyway, there's so much going on with all the ships right now. Ash and Misty are being all cute, Lyra and Silver are a very dangerous couple, Dawn and Paul are hiding something from the rest of the group and Leaf is drunk and Gary wants her, I wonder how that'll turn out? xD

They'll be more Contest and Quest as the story progresses too ^-^

Thank you for reading, and I hope you can drop a review too! I love reading them, it makes me so happy! c:
