AN: ILuvMyFangPlushie here!

First update after my haitus.

I'm sorry that it took so long after I told you guys I was back.

I just got so many PMs, favorites, and follows it made me so lazy to write the thank yous.

And I am writing the thank yous. I'd feel ashamed of myself if I didn't.

By the way, I've decided to call you guys 'my plushies', cuz they are my life and you guys are a big part of it.

Thank you Mister Moronic for everything and for following and favoriting this story.

Thank you NicotehMudkipz78 and marietheham for favoriting me.

Thank you my flock for favoriting this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride cuz if I did, I'd be James Patterson and at the moment I really don't want to be.

Enjoy the story.

Chapter 17: White House Part Dos

RECAP TIME! (Cuz I know you all probly forgot what the heck the last chappy was about)

So basically, Gazzy made a friend and they go on the White House field trip.


After a while, the tour guide man left us at the visitor's center.

"I'mma go look for my siblings, is that okay?" I ask Tyler.

"Yeah, sure. Catch up with you later," he says walking away.

I have a friend, I have a friend, I have a friend.

'Of course you would,' I hear Angel say in my mind.

I walk over to her. "Hi Angel, did you have fun?"

"Uh huh."


I look up and Nudge is walking over.

"Hi Nudge, I mean Tiffany Crystal," I say.

Angel smiles up at her.

"Hey Zypher, hey Ariel! Wasn't this fun? I thought it was really fun. I learned so much. And everything's just so pretty. Do you think Max would let us get anything? Let's look!" Nudge rambles pulling me with her to gift shop.

"Okay," I say smiling.

"Hey look, books. Wonder what they say?" Nudge says grabbing one.

We look at them for a while, not really bothering to read. We were just looking at the pictures.

"Thanks by the way, for helping me at the Vietnam wall. You're the best little brother ever," Nudge says.

"You're welcome. Pssh, little brother, I am so not little. Have you seen this?" I say flexing my awesome muscles.

"Mine are bigger," she says grinning and flexing her arms.

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Shut up guys, I can hear you guys from across the room," Iggy says walking over with a girl.

Sticks out tongue, but darn it, he can't see.

"Hi, Jeff. Who's the girl? Hi, I'm Tiffany Krystal. I'm his adopted sister. Who are you? You're really pretty. "

"Hi, I'm Tess. Just showing Jeff around. Thanks. Jeff, your sister's so nice!"

"Yeah, she is, sometimes. This little guy's almost never," Iggy says ruffling my hair.

"I am not little and please, this boy right here is an angel," I say crossing my arms and pointing to myself.

He laughs. That jerk.

Tess is smiling. "He's so cute!"

"See? Jeff? I'm adorable."

"Please," Nudge says folding her arms glaring at me.

I stick my tongue out at her.

She sticks it back out.

Tess is laughing still.

"So, what was all the shouting about?" Iggy asks.

"Jeff, who has bigger muscles, Me or her?" I say pointing to Nudge.

"That's what you guys were arguing about? Really?" Iggy asks sighing.

"Shut up and answer the question!" I whisper shout.

"Yeah, we really wanna know," Nudge says.

"Fine, hold out both your arms," Iggy says rolling his eyes.

We did. He did his touch thing where it's almost like he wasn't touching but he was. It's weird but so cool! It's like the wind touching your skin.

"Gazzy's," Iggy says walking away.

Nudge pouts. "But Jeeeeeffff."

"Hey, I told you the answer. Don't blame if you don't like it."

"Told ya," I say cackling.

"Shut up," she says.

Iggy chuckles and leaves with Tess. "Bye guys."

"Bye, hey I see Max, let's go," I say.

"Okay, bye Jeff, bye Tess, nice meeting you," Nudge says.

Tess waves.

"I like her," Nudge says.

"She's okay."

"You just say that cause you don't appreciate romance," Nudge says walking.

"Uh huh." Pssh, right cause I'm a guy. Of course I don't. Not at all.

"Hi Max," I say.

"Wasn't this great? I can't believe we're in the White House! I want to be the president someday," Nudge says excitedly.

"And I'll be vice president," I offered.

"You guys would be great," Max says politely. For some reason that didn't sound very sincere. I don't think she means it. Poor Max.

Max looks around. Her eyes land on Fang.

He's with a girl.

Wait is that the girl that he kissed that was not Max? I don't like her, she she she's no good for him! She's all smiley and not as pretty and and not Max!

Max is looking at Iggy.

I glare at them.

Fang caught my eye for a second and raises his eyebrow.

I put my finger to my throat and did a slicing motion.

His eyes widened a little.

Max looks sad.

I was about to say something when she gets a panicked look on her face. Uh oh.

"Nudge. Where's Angel?"

Oh no!

Nudge looks around. "I don't see her. Maybe the bathroom?"

Max starts walking over to Fang. They're talking now.

I start panicking. Max and Fang will find her, they will find her, they will find her. My baby sister's fine. She has to be. I just got her back. Please be okay, Angel.

Suddenly, I looked in some direction. There she was! Smiling...with Celeste...and and and the President.

What's happening?

Angel walks up to us. "Hi Max, I got lost. Mr. Danning brought me back," she says all calm. What?

"Hi, uh, Ariel," Max says not really knowing what to say. "Uh. Thanks. Sir."

"No problem, miss. Your sister knew you'd be worried. You've go yourself a remarkable girl here," the President said.

"Yes, we certainly do, thank you for finding her. And bringing her back," Max says.

This lady who I think is Angel's teacher, just starts appologizing and thank youing over and over to him.

"My pleasure," he says. "You take care now, don't go getting lost anymore."

"I won't, thank you for finding me," Angel says all cutely. He pats her head. The President of the United States patted her head.

Max looks around then kneels down to Angel. "I can't believe this happened. Are you okay?"

Angel nods. "I was worried, cause I looked up and my whole class was gone. So I went down a hall, and then another hall, and the the president met me. But nothing weird happened. None of those guys turned into Erasers or anything."

"Okaaay, just stick close from now on. I don't want to lose you again," Max says.

I walked up to Angel. "You lier, you got 'lost' on purpose, didn't you?"

"Maybe, maybe not," she says.

AN: Thank you for reading and keeping up with me after all this time.

So, like it, hate it, tell me what you think.

Review, review, review.