DISCLAIMER: owns twilight and Heather Doll owns the story I'm just translating it.

Chapter 1: It can't be

The sound of the singing birds and the sunlight coming through the window woke her up from one of her nightmares.

She sat up on the bed slowly until she was leaned against the headboard. She took the alarm clock from the nightstand; it was six o'clock on the morning.

Another day in which she was waking up earlier than what she need to. Another day in which the only thing she wanted to do was stay in bed and sleep.

Another day in which she had to get up and go to the hell, which for other teenagers was High School.

She was also a teenager, but she was not like the rest of them. It was a year since she had moved from Forks to Los Angeles because her father had been promoted and he passed from being a simple Chief of police in a small town to Lieutenant of FBI. Weird? Yes, but not impossible. A year ago, a group of drug dealers decided to camp in Forks and they committed some murders. Charlie, as the Chief of police had worked with the FBI and thanks to his help and courage they got to know where they were hidden. Ever since then the FBI took notice of him and when they offered the job Charlie didn't hesitate for a moment.

That was the day her torture began. She was smarter than your average teenager of her age, so she was one course ahead and they had given her a scholarship for one of the most prestigious and expensive High Schools in the state.

The Cardinal Newman High School looked like a really prestigious School from the outside, like the ones that only accept children from famous or wealthy people. Scholarship students were also allowed but they were actually very few, the only ones who actually pulled their own weight. Parents paid good money to the teachers to make sure their kids would pass without any effort. The school was full of snobs and brainless girls for whom the most important things were money, fashion and who would they sleep with the next weekend. It was hell for a middle-class, intelligent and not very sociable girl.

The only good thing waiting for her that day was that she was going to see him after the short winter break. Thinking about him gave her enough strength to get out of bed and go to school. Her father already left for work and her mother always slept until late. Her mother was lately rarely seen, always tired, barely eating and sleeping all day. That had Bella really worried, her mother had been acting like that for three months and she wasn't worried at all, she didn't even go to see a doctor, not that she knew one at least. After having breakfast she took her things and turned the car on and went to school.

The bell's ring said it was lunch time. She was walking slowly towards the cafeteria when she spotted him. He was as handsome as always, with his tousled bronze hair, the view of his bulging muscles from exercising a lot under that black t-shirt and his deep emerald-green eyes drove her crazy. He was putting his things in the locker. Bella's feet drove her behind him. It was completely insane to do it, nobody could see them together but she couldn't help it. It had been almost a month since the first and the last time she had seen him. She was totally euphoric. When he turned around she could see on his face a lot of emotions: surprise was the first, then nervousness and finally disgust and anger; the latter two confused her.

-Hello, Edward- he looked around making sure no one was watching us before he spoke.

-What the hell are you doing here? - He demanded without any kind of remorse.

-I don' know if it's clear for you or not, but what happened between us was just a one night thing and it was a mistake. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing.

Those hurtful words broke her heart, but she was making an effort not to let any tear drop in that moment, she would have time for it later.

-Isabella, forget about it and don't ever talk to me again- he finished by closing the locker and walked off quickly without looking back, not caring that he was leaving a broken heart behind.

Bella´s heart was beating frantically and her ears were ringing as a consequence, her face was wet from the tears and it was getting hard to breathe.

Everything began to spin, and before she could do anything, everything turned black and she stopped thinking.

-Isabella, Isabella, wake up! - A sweet voice reached to her ears waking her up. She opened her eyes with some difficulty and observed that everything around her was white and smelled like disinfectant. She was in a hospital but she didn't remember how she got there.

-What happened?-She asked in a whisper.

-You fainted at school and as you didn't wake up they brought you to the hospital. One of your teachers - the one who brought you here - is outside and you parents are on their way. How do you feel? - The nurse asked.

-Tired. My head hurts and my throat is dry-she answered.

-Don't worry, the headache will pass soon. Here, have a little bit of water- the nurse handed her a glass of water which she accepted gladly.

-From now on you should take a lot of care of yourself, you know that right? You have to eat properly, no effort and no strong emotions. You'll need to take a few days off to rest, so you can't go to school. Your condition it's delicate and we don't want anything bad to happen, alright?

-Umm, sorry but I don't get it- she said confused.

-Don't you know? - She asked confused.

-Know what?

-You're pregnant Isabella.

Pregnant? Me? That's impossible, isn't it?

Hello, I hope you enjoy it, I read this story some days ago and I loved it! I'm just translating it, the story is complete so I would update (hopefully) soon :)

Thanks to "m0t0b33" for pre-reading :)

Reviews please!

Nina McCarthy