Hey, y'all! I'm Katize Luka, and this is my first story. I will take suggestions for stories, but only if it is something I know about and like. Most of my stories will Vocaloid or anime of some sort, or Warriors. I hope you enjoy my stories!

I do not own Vocaloid or Vampire Knight, I simply wrote this story. Also, I am sorry if any of my stories are similar to anyone else's, I did not steal your ideas.

Vampireloids: Songs and Fangs

Len's mother finds out that he is gay, and, in rage, sends him to Cross Academy. There, he meets the mysterious Zero Kiriyuu, who may or may not be a vampire. But how does Len react? And what will he do when someone tries to drink his blood?

Chapter One: Banana Ice Cream and a New School

"Kaito, why do you like ice cream so much?" I ask Kaito. He grins at me as he scoops his banana flavoured ice cream into his mouth.

"Who doesn't like ice cream? And my new favourite is banana, for my boyfriend!" Kaito smiles at me and offers me a spoonful. I take it into my mouth gratefully, slowly licking the ice cream of the spoon before swallowing. Kaito takes the spoon out of my mouth and places it down beside the almost empty glass bowl. He leans across the table and kisses me gently on the mouth. I kiss back, and pout as he pulls away.

"Oh, Len, you're so cute," Kaito chuckles. I glare at him.

I glance down at my watch and gasp, pushing the chair across the floor. A loud screech fills the air.

"I have to go! Mom is gonna kill me! Darn it!" I exclaim. I kiss Kaito on the cheek and dash out the door and basically run home.

I breathe carefully as I walk through the garden gate and up the steps to the front door of the big yellow house. I always lose track of time when I am with Kaito. Mom told me to be at home by 5:30. The time I walked through the front entrance, calling out "hello", is 5:35. Darn. I'm pushing it.

"Len-onii-sama!" Rin cries racing around the corner. Rin is my younger sister. I am 15 and she is 13. Our older brother Rinto is 18 and Lenka, our youngest sister, is 8. Lenka scrambles around the corner crying "onii-sama!" and gives me a hug. I smile at them.

And then our mother, Lily, walks around the corner with Rinto behind her. Her arms are crossed and she has a stern expression on her face.

"Only by 5 minutes!" I tell her.

"That isn't what I'm worried about." Lily replies. "I am more worried about what Rinto saw as he was passing Every Flavour Ice Cream Shop at 4:30."

I look at her, pretending not to know what she is talking about, but I do. 4:30 is the time I went for ice cream with Kaito. Mom does not know about my relationship with Kaito, and if she did, she would strongly disapprove. She wouldn't understand how I felt, and would only consider her own feelings. That's why I don't tell her.

"And what was it that he saw?" I ask innocently.

"You and some blue-haired guy hanging out." Rinto answered.

"Wasn't me," I shrug, turning to head upstairs.

"I know you when I see you," Rinto says as Mom grabs my arm.

"I was just hanging out! You know, as friends."

"Do friends hold hands and kiss?" Mom asks threateningly.

"Onii-sama's gay?" Rin exclaims.

"What's gay mean?" Lenka asks. Rin whispers something in her ear, and Lenka's blue eyes widened. "Weird!" She glanced up at Len and began giggling hysterically.

"I can explain," I tell Mom.

"No need. I'm sending you to a remote private school." Mom crosses her arms and walks away.

"See, this is why I didn't tell you!" I call after her. "I knew you wouldn't be able to understand! It's all about you and how I'll embarrass you!"

"Cross Academy will be great for you! There are guys and girls there, so maybe you'll meet a cute girl and go out with her! It will be a lot different than the guys school! Start packing, you're leaving in the morning!" Mom calls from the kitchen. "Oh, there's a uniform, so you won't need too much clothing!"

"Don't you think this is a bit over the top?" I mutter as I drag myself up the stairs. As soon as I reach the door, I close it and pull out my cell phone. I dial Kaito's number. He picks up immediately.


"Kaito! I need comfort tonight. Can you come over? Oh, and come through the window, please."

"Uh, sure, Len. What's the rush? And why are you whispering?"

"I'll explain later. Bye!" I hang up quickly, breathing hard. A prickling sensation stings my eyes, and I feel the tears start to run out of my eyes. I sob quietly for about 10 minutes, then get over myself and collect my possessions.

A picture of Kaito and I, licking an ice cream cone and laughing. My stuffed banana that Kaito won for me at the fair last year. The charm bracelet that Rin and Lenka bought for my birthday present 3 years ago. A few sets of my current uniform, including the one that Miku, Gumi, Miki and Luka, my best friends, put pins on. A leek, a carrot, a cherry and a tuna. All their favourite foods. I laugh as I remember the day they gave them to me.

All of my favourite memories, becoming distant as I move faraway. How will I tell them? I cry again as I clutch the giant ice cream stuffy Kaito gave me on the day he asked me to be his boyfriend.

How will I survive somewhere else? I can't live without my friends and family! It's like she's trying to cut off all connections to my current life, Trying to make me start over. Mom would probably disapprove strongly of the majority of the stuff currently in my suitcase.

But you can't take away a person's memories.

Tap tap tap.

A sudden noise startles me awake. "Kaito?" I ask, looking at the window. A pair of dark blue eyes stare back at me. I smile sadly as I walk over to the window and let him in.

Kaito pulls me into his arms, and I hug him back. He puts his fingers under my chin and looks down at me.

"What's the matter, Len-kun?" he asks, touching his forehead to mine. I look down and bite my lip to prevent from crying.

"Len, are you going to tell me, or am I gonna have to find another to get it out of you?"

"Mom found out and is sending me to a private school across the country," I say quickly. I feel tears stream down my face as I look up at him. "I'll never get to see you again!"

"Oh, Len, is that why you're upset?" Kaito holds me closer, and I snuggle closer to him. "Well, then, if that's the case, then I'll have to make this the best night ever."

He presses his lips up against mine, and I kiss back, grateful to have someone I can talk to, for now at least.

Later that night, we are snuggled together on my bed. Kaito had packed paper and a couple of pens into my suitcase, insisting I write to him. I had eagerly agreed. But I know that this is the last time I can actually see him, feel him, kiss him. I know that this is goodbye.

I love him so much. Just so much.