About a month later, Yao was finally discharged from the hospital. His wound had more or less healed, and a large scar had developed over it. Yao thought it looked disgusting, but Arthur thought it looked sexy.

Right now, Arthur had blindfolded Yao and was massaging his feet. Yao leaned his head back on the headboard of the bed as he sighed in contentment. He couldn't see what Arthur was doing, but because of that, Arthur's ministrations were felt more intensely.

Arthur stole a glance at Yao's face. Although he could not see his eyes, Arthur knew that Yao's eyes were sparkling with mirth.

As Arthur's finger brushed the base of Yao's foot, Yao let out a little snort and giggled.

Arthur looked at Yao. "Are you ticklish?"

"What's that, aru?"

"Ticklish," Arthur repeated. "Don't you know that feeling?"

Yao shook his head. Suddenly, Arthur started tickling his stomach, and Yao let out a loud guffaw, squirming away from Arthur. "Stop! Stop, aru!" Yao cried through his laughter.

Immediately, the tickling stopped. Yao felt Arthur press his lips against his and kissed him deeply. Eventually, Yao opened his mouth for Arthur's tongue to enter, and their tongues twirled around each other. When they broke apart, Yao was no doubt breathless.

When Arthur moved to unbutton Yao's shirt, he paused and looked at Yao. "May I?" he asked softly.

Yao didn't trust himself to speak. Even though he couldn't see it, he knew Arthur's gaze was boring straight into him. Yao nodded.

Slowly and sensually, Arthur unbuttoned Yao's shirt as he kissed Yao's neck.

Yao moved to undo the blindfold. When the blindfold was dropped over the edge of the bed, Yao squinted as his eyes had to get used to the bright light of the room. When his eyes had finally adjusted themselves, Yao was met with Arthur's gentle smile.

Arthur's expression quickly changed. "You sure about this?" Arthur asked unsurely. He didn't want to do anything that Yao didn't want him to.

Yao swallowed and nodded. "Yes," he replied quietly.

Arthur moved Yao to a lying position, with him hovering above Yao. He continued his efforts to unbutton Yao's shirt. When Yao's chest was exposed, Arthur began tracing his finger lightly over Yao's chest. He found Yao's nipple and took it into his hand, rolling it between his fingers. He ran his tongue over the scar on Yao's stomach.

Yao moaned and shuddered delightfully as Arthur licked his new scar. It was still tender and very sensitive to touch. Yao encircled his arms around Arthur's neck and kissed the top of Arthur's head gently.

The couple plunged into bliss as they made love, slowly exploring each other's bodies and submitting into their passions for one another.

The next day, when Yao woke up, sunlight was streaming in through the window. He looked over the bed and saw the blindfold he was wearing the previous night tossed carelessly on the ground, along with his and Arthur's clothes. Arthur's bed had too many pillows (but Arthur claimed they kept him comfortable at night), and Yao could see two of them on the floor on the other side of the room. Yao glanced to his left, where Arthur was still snoozing. He had a hand draped around Yao's small waist.

Yao smiled fondly at his lover. He gently pushed Arthur's hand away and got out of bed to go to the bathroom. Yao realised that he was naked, so he hastily grabbed his boxers from the floor and pulled them on.

After doing his business and taking a quick shower, Yao felt fresher. He was now wearing a red T-shirt and jeans. Yao made his way towards the bed to rouse his sleeping boyfriend. "Arthur," Yao shook the blonde man softly and pinched his nose lightly. "Wake up, sleepyhead, aru."

"Hm?" Arthur opened a bleary eye. As soon as he caught sight of Yao, he broke into a wide smile. "Good morning, love," he said. "Sleep well?"

Yao nodded happily. "You want to go for breakfast, aru?"

"Yeah, sure," Arthur said as he sat up. He gathered Yao into his arms. "I love you," he murmured.

Yao buried his face into the crook of Arthur's neck. "I love you too," he mumbled.

Arthur released Yao and smiled. He kissed Yao on the head. He then noticed that he, too, was naked. "Let me put on some clothes and brush my teeth first, then we'll go out for breakfast."

Yao nodded. He averted his eyes as Arthur got dressed. Despite the fact that they had just consummated their bond the previous night, Yao still felt uncomfortable about seeing another naked man.

As soon as Arthur was dressed, he made his way into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Shortly after, Arthur reappeared from the bathroom and took Yao's hand. They went downstairs together. As they headed out, Yao stole a glance at Arthur's handsome face. Yao grinned to himself, as he thought of the events of the previous months and of how they got together, and he realised that the best thing that could have happened to him was being thrown out of heaven.

Arthur looked sideways at Yao. "What are you smiling about?"

Yao leaned forward and kissed Arthur on the cheek. "Nothing," he replied, still smiling. "Just glad about how things turned out, aru."