Errr. So. First attempt in English, yup yup. Little explanation.

This is highly inspired by the doujin crossover between Titanic and Hetalia, but it goes further in the other chapters. This fanfic is in French, but a friend of mine helped me with the English translation, hope there's not much mistakes… Human names, Anders is Ladonia.

I have already 22 chapters written in French, and I'll stop at 30. I'm late for the french part, but since I already have this translated a long time ago (since june actually %D), I just. Published it here, yeah. So. Feel free to tell me what's wrong and all, English isn't my mother tongue so I /make/ mistakes, and I'll be glad to have opinions and stuff.

I don't consider it as a crossover, yes, I takes scenes from the movie, but I try to say historically accurate, so, I'll just say it's an UA, where the Nations are, well, humans on a boat. Oh, and there will be some OCs, good OCs, not mine, I'll put credits for their authors like I did in French, obviously. Aaaand. That's all I can say right now.

Human names used, obviously. Anders is for Ladonia. The others are the official names.

Enjoy !

No, he couldn't believe this, he just couldn't. But yet, inexorably, the deck was dangerously tilting, making them stumble, amusing some children, not aware of the danger, who just slid down the slope. But he wasn't amused at all, he was scared, scared by this boat which sank into the meanders of the Atlantic Ocean. People hurried up against him, hardly hiding their anxiety and haste behind this mask of indifference and detachment appropriate for the aristocrats. Nose raised, some women, made up and restricted in their life jacket, judged their comfort and worried about their pointless possessions.

If he could, Tino would slap them, those women. But he was rather worried about making his way through the crowd, holding Peter by the arm, pushing aside the people who hurried up near life boats. Berwald, behind him, carried Anders like a potato bag; the little one was not walking fast enough for the Swede. Tino often cast looks back, making sure they were still following them. In spite of the ban to the men to rise in boats, Tino wanted to save the two kids. Get them on a boat; grant them the chance to survive the disaster which occurred under their stunned eyes.

Arrived near the rail, Tino pushed Peter in front of him, keeping him safe from those men who shouted the injustice, the others who pushed their crying fiancées in the boats. Tino pulled. Of course he wanted to do the same, throw the youngs in the boats, that they survive. But the only idea to part from them squeezed his heart. He could feel tears rising to his eyes, a ball formed in his throat. He sniffed and composed himself, with heavy heart, he looked up at Berwald, who had put down Anders on the ground. The two little boys stared at the adults, not understanding. Why did they not simply rise in the boat?

Then, Berwald took something out of his pocket and put it on Tino's head, before decking him out a shawl certainly pricked to a woman in the crowd. Unbelieving, the Finn let him do, looking at him with wide opened eyes. He only understood when Berwald opened the mouth, addressing one of the officers of edge in his approximate English.

"Here! There's a w'man and two ch'ldren left!"

His heart skipped a beating, mouth opened in a dumb protest, Tino was pulled towards the boat. He stared at Berwald, while he was settled on one of the wooden benches, in the middle of all those tearful women, the nose in their handkerchief, who sobbed while looking at their husband, father, fiancé or brother, among the rows of the men still standing on the deck. Only when someone put Peter on his knees, Tino realized what was happening.

"Berwald! No!" he shouted, trying to get off the boat

The Swede grabbed him by his shoulders and made him sit down, putting again Peter on his knees. He gave a blanket to Anders, who sat close, and turned to face Tino. A friendly smile decorated his usually so closed face. He recovered and stepped away from the edge, while the officers began the descent. Tino put down Peter next to him and got up, his hand stretched out towards the Swede.

"Berwald! Why? Don't do that! Get on! Quick!

_ W'men and ch'ldren f'rst, T'no."

Eyes filled with tears, Tino took Berwald's hand, trying to attract him. We didn't have to care about the rules, the life boat wasn't even full! There was still place for him after all. Anders and Peter stared at them, and didn't understand.

"Papa isn't coming? Peter said, with a blank voice

_ Nh.

_ Why? Why don't you come with us? Anders shouted, he began to understand

_ There's an'ther boat for dads. We just part for a little m'ment, just a little one."

Tino stretched out his arm, clung to this cold hand, Berwald's one, whereas the boat came down slowly. Tears tumbled down his cheeks in a crazy speed, while Berwald smiled to him sadly, to him, and to both boys who looked at him, startle.

"Don't let 'em go, T'no." Berwald said, while the boat still came down, and he released the Finn's hand, he was almost standing in the life boat.

Tino sat down, holding close Peter and Anders, he let uncontrolled sobs escape, eyes riveted the Swede's ones, which he would never see again, and who had just saved them.