Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any character from the series.

Why no Trial?

After leaving Harry Potter at the Dursleys' doorstop, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore went to the Ministry for a talk to Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Bartemius Crouch Senior. "Good evening, Barty."

"Good evening, Albus. What can I do for the Chief Warlock?"

"I got word Sirius Black was finally captured but that unfortunately he managed to kill Peter Pettigrew and twelve muggles before that."

"Yes, he was captured but it's up to the Wizengamot to decide which crimes he's guilty of."

"Come on, Barty. Everybody knows Sirius Black is guilty. There's no point in wasting time with a trial for him."

"Albus!" Crouch was shocked. "If we start sending people with Azkaban without allowing them a trial whenever we feel there's no chance they're innocent, we might send some innocents as well. Besides, I'm not sure if Black is really guilty."

"Didn't he confess?"

"He might have said it was his fault but, until he tells what he did to make it his fault, I'll consider that statement too vague to be an actual confession."

"He told Voldemort where the Potters were hiding."

"The only basis for this accusation is the unproven assumption he was the Secret-Keeper."

"He was! I gave testimony confirming it!"

"Your testimony confirms the Potters intended to ask Sirius Black to become their Secret-Keeper but it doesn't tell if he agreed or not." Crouch argued.

"Witnesses confirmed Peter Pettigrew called Black out for the betrayal." Dumbledore pleaded.

"Pettigrew never told his reasons to believe Black was the Secret Keeper." Crouch replied. "We have no proof he wasn't mistaken."

"Black killed Peter and those muggles!"

"Unfortunately, the Aurors who arrested Black forgot to check his wand and Peter Pettigrew's." Crouch sadly stated. "Black can claim Pettigrew accidentally killed himself and those muggles while trying to kill Black and we'll not be able to tell if he's lying or…"

Crouch was interrupted by Dumbledore casting a Compulsion Charm. 'I'm sorry for doing it, Barty, but it's necessary for the Greater Good that Sirius Black is never allowed a chance to worm his way out of punishment.'

Unfortunately, the Compulsion Charm was so good Crouch prevented other accused Death Eaters from pleading their case on trials.

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