Chapter 12: Overcoming the Darkness part 2

A/N: Ladies and gentlemen! The moment you've all been waiting for! The last chapter of An Odd Darkness! Sorry. Had to do that. Anyway, like I said this is the final chapter. After this, this story is over. But I might do a sequel later on. Probably after I finish my other stories. Enough talk! Let's get this show on the road!

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Code Lyoko. Stop asking me already!

In Lyoko, Odd let out a crazy, angry scream, scaring Aelita.

"Odd?" Aelita asked.

Odd wails angrily as black energy begins to flare from his body.

"Oh no!" Aelita said.

"Not good," Jeremy said, "Not good!"

"What's wrong?" Yumi said as she walked in the lab.

"It's happening again!" Jeremy said and Yumi said.

Odd lets out a crazed wail as he turns into his dark form.

"This can't be," Yumi said and Jeremy shook his head.

Odd let out crazed shrieks as the black energy forms a black dragon that roared at the monsters.

"Do it now!" Dark Odd said, and the dragon came down in flew into his body, incasing it into a black, flame-like aura, "You're in my way! Each and everyone of you will be swallowed into darkness! Swallow them now!"

The dragon came out of Dark Odd's body and heads towards the monsters. It destroyed the Blocks. Then it went in the air and destroyed the Hornets. It started to circle around the area, causing a major windstorm.

"Aelita, run!" Jeremy shouted, "Get out of there!"

But Aelita didn't listen. Instead, she tried to get through to Odd.

"Odd, don't do this, please!" Aelita shouted, "Stop it!"

Dark Odd turned and glared at her, the Xana symbol flaring in his red eyes, "Never!" He said in a deep, demonic voice, scaring her. He pointed his arm at her, while saying in his normal voice, "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" He fired black flames at her, hitting her and sending her flying into an ice boulder.

"Aelita, no!" Jeremy shouted as Dark Odd laughed maniacally.

"What's wrong with him?" Yumi asked in shock, "Why did he attack her like that?"

"It's not his fault," Jeremy said, "He's under the control of Xana's power. It's making him think everybody is his enemy."

"What can we do, Jeremy?" Yumi said.

"Nothing," Jeremy said sadly.

Black flames flared in Dark Odd's hands as he lets out a demonic howl.

"You're all in my way!" Dark Odd shouted as he fired black flames at the monsters.

"Odd, no!" Aelita shouted as she blocked the flames with her energy fields, "You don't have to do this!"

"You dare?!" Dark Odd asked angrily.

"Please, Odd, listen to me," Aelita said, walking slowly towards him, "You don't have to do this. There's another way you can win, but falling under Xana's power isn't the way to do it."

Dark Odd gasped at this.

"Please don't do this, Odd," Aelita continued, "I know you would never let Xana's power take over you, so why start now?" She was in front of him now as she puts her hand on his shoulder, "You can beat it, Odd. Don't give up."

'She's right,' Odd thought, 'I can't give up.'

'Don't listen to her!' Dark Odd's voice rung out in his head and Odd finds himself in his mind with Dark Odd floating in front of him.

"Why should you?" Dark Odd said, "After all, she doesn't know what she's talking about."

"Shut up!" Odd shouted, "I'm through listening to you!"

"You dare stand against me?!" Dark Odd growled, "You fool! I'm trying to help you stop Xana!"

"No, you're not!" Odd shouted, "You're trying to turn me into Xana, and I won't allow it. Laser arrow!"

He fired an arrow at Dark Odd, that passed right through him.

"What?" Odd asked in shock.

"Fool," Dark Odd said, "You think you can win against me?"

He fired black flames at Odd, who dodged just in time.

"You can't win against me, because I am you." Dark Odd said.

"We'll see about that!" Odd said, "Laser arrow!"

Odd fired an arrow, which Dark Odd countered by firing black flames, incinerating the arrow and hitting Odd, sending him flying.

"You can't win," Dark Odd said.

"I'll try," Odd said.

With that, they started attacking each other again.

Back in lyoko, Aelita watches as Odd's form begins to flash between dark and normal.

"Odd?" Aelita asked and a laser fire brought her to attention.

The tarantulas started firing at Aelita and Odd and Aelita activated her wings, grabbed Odd and flew behind an ice boulder.

"Odd," Aelita said as she looked at her friend.

Back in Odd's mind, Odd got hit by black flames and was sent flying into the ground.

Dark Odd laughed maniacally, "You can't win against me," He said, "You should just give up."

"No," Odd said, struggling to get up, "I refuse."

"You don't get it, do you?" Dark Odd said, "I am you and you are me. How can you possibly win against yourself?"

"Because I know you're not me!" Odd said, shocking his dark half, "You're just my inner darkness! And when there's darkness, there has to be light! I just have to find it."

"What are you talking about?" Dark Odd asked, then shouts as a bright light begins to flare from Odd.

"And I did!" Odd shouted, "I found that light!"

"No!" Dark Odd screamed, "Stop it!"

"I found that light within the bonds of my friends!" Odd shouted, "They are my light!"

Images of Aelita, Ulrich, Yumi, and Jeremy appeared in front of him.

"And they are the ones that can help me fight the darkness!" Odd said as he begun to glow brighter, "Get out of my head right now!"

Dark Odd screamed as the light begun to engulf him and the area.

In Lyoko, Odd screamed as he returned to his normal form and the black energy leaves his body.

"Odd!" Aelita yelled.

The black energy floated around in the air and disappeared.

Odd panted as he fell on his hands and knees.

"Odd," Aelita said as she knelt down next to him.

"Never better, princess" Odd said with a grin, "I finally beat it."

"You mean," Aelita said with hope.

"Yep," Odd said, "Xana's power went bye-bye."

"Yes!" Aelita exclaimed, "I knew you could do it!"

"You thought I wouldn't?" Odd asked jokingly, "Now come on, Let's take care of those guys and go home. I'm starving."

"Um, Odd," Aelita said, "You know you can't be hungry on Lyoko, right?"

"Yeah," Odd said, "But that doesn't mean we can't be hungry when we get back, right?"

Aelita laughed and with that they started fighting the monsters and they won.

After that, Aelita deactivated the tower and Jeremy activated a return to the past because Xana possessed everyone at the school.

Meanwhile, everyone was in Jeremy's room, discussing what happened on Lyoko.

"You won against Xana's power?" Ulrich asked, "How?"

"Simple," Odd said, "All I had to do was remember the bonds I have with you guys."

"Really, Odd?" Ulrich asked.

"Yeah," Odd said, "If it weren't for you guys, I would've been a goner for sure. Thanks."

"That's what friend are for, Odd," Yumi said, "Even if we're not there with you, we'll be there in spirit."

"Thanks," Odd said, "Now come on! I'm starving!"

"Odd, wait for us!" Ulrich said as he and Yumi ran after him.

"Will things go back to normal for us, Jeremy?" Aelita asked.

"Yep," Jeremy said, "I'm sure of it."

With that, they ran out of the room to join their friends.

A/N: That's it. And this story is over. I like to thank everyone who read and review this. If anyone wants to rewrite this story or use Dark Odd for their story, go ahead, I don't mind. Just don't take the credit. Anyways, see you all next time!