Lucy Pov

And so our adventures began.

It really was strange how such a person could have such a devastating and unusual weakness. I sweat dropped as Dragneel passed out ashen faced on the seat across from me. He had awoken earlier, quite loudly too- only to be silenced by Titania again. Luckily for him, Scarlet was napping peacefully besides me.

Fullbuster and Scarlet were very curious at their new teammate.

" So..." Fullbuster shifted awkwardly.

" Yes?" I asked politely. Here it comes. Hes going to get nosy and digging around in my past. What will I say? I could bluff... after all it was a necessary skill for a daughter of the most affluent man in the world to posses But even so... Lucy had never enjoyed it. I could change the topic. No... They would ask eventually.I feel so conflicted...



Cold water doused me from head to toe.

" Stupid girl! Don't think that just because you're from the Heartfilia family means that you're better than the rest of us!" The little girl who flung the bucket of water ran away to the giggles and high fives of my classmates.

I stood there silently un-responding to their taunts. Warm wet tracks dripped down my cheeks. I cried silently, standing alone.

Suddenly a voice chimed through the courtyard. " Oi! What are you kids doing? Stop it!"

" Kya! It's Sensei! Run!"

Scene change

"Ah, sokka. I see. Thank you very much for informing us about this. Don't worry. Action will be taken as soon as possible." My 'guardian' stated calmly." As for you young man... I'll make sure to recommend you to my superior."

A grin crossed his face. " Hai! Thank you very much!"

Tears streaked down my cheeks once again. I watched numbly as sensei and the guardian spoke happily.

I was alone again. Abandoned.


I fidgeted quietly. What a brilliant time for a flashback to pop up. Painful memories... I really should be honest with them. They are very kind...


I can't take the chance. I'll lie for now.

" So... You are a dragonslayer right?" He asked curiously. I nodded, unsure where this conversation was going.

" You said you were a 'Celestial' dragonslayer. So..What do you eat?" He looked down uneasily.

I couldn't help it. I had panicked and thought he would ask about my past or how I got the injuries. I laughed in relief. Fullbuster stared at me in surprise and confusion.

" Gomen. I was just taken back for a minute." I sighed. " I eat "celestial elements". I can eat the Earth, or Fiore it self. Most of the time I eat rocks or dirt as they are the most common. I can eat the air or sunlight or even moonlight. In fact, I can eat almost everything. Of course, certain materials will give me a higher energy boost then others. Polluted materials do no good either. I get the -" I paused.

" Sorry. I was going on wasn't I?" I mentally slapped myself. I would have to be troubling there people fro the next while. I might as well be nice about it.

" No. Please. It is all very interesting." Scarlet spoke up. I had thought that she had fallen asleep. I guess we had woken her up.

" Never mind." I muttered gruffly.

The three of us soon settled into a comfortable silence.


" We're hereeeeeeee!" Dragneel jumped around exuberantly. " I'm finally freeeee!"

We had just arrived at the mayor's house. Dragneel had eventually recovered from his illness and was as loud as ever.

Scarlet knocked on the door.

" Hello?"

To be continued