A/N: Welcome to the next chapter of The Games We Play…I'm glad you are here and I hope you will enjoy Rebirth Of A Mockingjay

As always Please Read and Review


Chapter One: Back in Thirteen…Again

Katniss POV

"Miranda…Josh…Where are you? Peeta, answer me please!"

"They can't hear you, Miss Everdeen."

I spin around gasping at the sight before me. I have returned to Snow's personal rose garden in the Capitol. No, he's dead. He can't be here… where ever here is. His cruel laughter stops my frantic train of thought.

"You are very right, Miss Everdeen. I am dead, but in an interesting twist of fate I'm stuck in limbo."

"What are you talking about?"

"It seems I'm getting a second chance to redeem myself," Snow explained smelling a bright blood red rose.

"You can't redeem yourself for all the awful things you did. You murdered so many innocent lives."

"Yet here I sit, Miss Everdeen. You are right I should be burning in a pit of fire, but someone else thinks other wise."

"So, what does any of this have to do with me?"

"You have a choice to make, Miss Everdeen."

"Excuse me?"

"I believe I spoke very clearly, Miss Everdeen. You can either return to your life and family or you can join your father. The choice is completely up to you."

"I want to be with Peeta and my babies," I say watching Snow intently.

Snow smiled and nodded his head. "You choose exactly how I thought you would. I am glad Mr. Mellark was able to rid himself of my hijacking. Please express my apologies for putting him through that."

I raise my eye brows in shock. "Your apology isn't going to change what you put us through."

"As I have told you Miss Everdeen, you and I were too focused on each other instead of the bigger picture. Do not make the same mistake again. Darius Thatcher will do what ever it takes to destroy you. He intends to make you pay for what you did to his mother."

"He sounds like someone we both know," I snap.

"Yes, he reminds me of myself at that age. He is a very determined young man."

"I all ready know what kind of man Darius Thatcher is. Why do you care?"

"I care because I am trying to redeem myself. Children are precious and I should have realized that sooner. Instead I sought to maintain my hold on power and it cost me dearly. Remember Miss Everdeen, do not drop your guard," Snow said as a thick fog enveloped me.

"Her vitals are finally starting to rise. That's a very good sign," a voice said.

"Peeta," I whisper as I force my eyes open then blink against the bright light in the room.

"Miss Everdeen, welcome back to the world of the living," a doctor said smiling down at me.

"Josh and Miranda how are they?" I ask seeing Peeta sleeping peacefully in a chair beside the bed.

"Your babies are doing very well for being preemies. They will be able to be released in a month as long as they continue to do well."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"You were out for a couple of days. I was afraid I was going to have to insert a feeding tube if you didn't wake up soon."

I nod my head then wince as my body protests the movement. "Well, I'm awake."

"As I can see," the doctor replied. "Forgive me, I'm sure you are wondering who I am. I'm doctor Cassandra Jackson. I'm the head OBGYN in District Thirteen."

"It's nice to meet you, Dr. Jackson. Thank you for all you and your team have done for me and my babies," I say smiling up at the woman before me.

"You are very welcome, Miss Everdeen. Well, I'll let you rest," Dr. Jackson said quietly stepping from the room.

I look around the room sighing knowing I was once again under ground. How in the world did the people of thirteen do it day in and day out? I suppose if this was all I knew I could do it too. I glance at Peeta as he begins to stir in his chair. The moment his blue eyes open I see the sparkle in them that I missed. He was on his feet the moment he realized I was awake.

"Hey, gray eyes, it's about time you woke up. You scared the crap out of me," Peeta said leaning down to brush my bangs out of my eyes.

I smile as I reach up and touch his face. "I'm sorry, Peeta. It wasn't my intention."

"I didn't say it was your fault, Kat. This was something you couldn't control. But you better not do it again," he said smirking down at me.

"I'm not planning on it. Have you seen the kids since they were born?"

"Yeah, I have. They are beautiful and perfect. I know they can't wait until Mommy comes to see them."

"Well, I can't wait to see them. Peeta, when did you eat last?" I ask hearing his stomach growl.

"It's been a while. I haven't been very hungry between worrying about you and the kids."

"Well, you don't need to get sick. Go get something to eat."

"No, I'm fine, Kat."

"No, Peeta, it's not fine."

"Is he starving himself again?" Haymitch asked as he entered the room.

"Okay, I'll go but only to get you two to stop ganging up on me," Peeta said throwing his hands up in defeat.

"It's only because we love you," I say smiling up at him.

"She loves you. Me, I love ganging up on you," Haymitch said.

"Very funny, Haymitch," Peeta said before leaning down toward me. "I'll be back soon."

"I'll be here. I can't go anywhere else."

"Maybe you can later," Peeta said planting a soft kiss on my lips that left me wanting more.

"I'd love to see the kids."

"I know, but it's up to Dr. Jackson."

"I know," I reply as Peeta stands up straight. "I love you."

"I love you too, Kat," Peeta replied as he walked out of the room.

Haymitch quickly placed himself in Peeta's discarded chair. The look he gives me tells me he's been itching to talk to me. I take a deep breath waiting for him to begin. My calm expression must irritate him as his expression changes into an even deeper frown.

"Just spit it out Haymitch, because I know you have questions."

"Yeah, I do, Sweetheart. Question number one what the hell is going on? How is it possible for you and Peeta to only be gone a minute, but when you return you're pregnant with twins?"

"Well, Peeta and I were actually gone a lot longer than a minute. We were gone for almost a year. We traveled thirty-one years into the future."

"Thirty-one years… was I still around?"

I smile remembering what Rue had told me about the future. "Haymitch, you know I can't tell you that. Do you remember Rue telling Peeta and I not to trust a man named Dar?"

"Yeah, I remember. What about him?"

"The man she was referring to is Darius Thatcher. He is very determined to finish what his mother began and to make me pay for killing her."

"Wait a minute you lost me, Sweetheart. You killed Alma Coin not someone named Thatcher," Haymitch said frowning at me.

"Alma Coin's last name was actually Thatcher. She lied about who she was in order to get her foot into District Thirteen and eventually get herself elected as their President. Her ultimate goal was what we all realized almost too late to step in and simply replace Snow as President of Panem. She had no intention of changing anything for the people. You saw that when she suggested another Hunger Game. Her son has every intention of bringing the Hunger Games back."

Haymitch shook his head and rubbed the stubble on his face. "Katniss, that is completely insane. The people just won their freedom from oppression. Why would they allow another round of oppression to start again?"

"Haymitch, you don't understand. Thatcher is a very smart man. I'm also very sure Coin had a back-up plan. He's young enough to put that plan into action. We need to warn Paylor."

"Warn her about what, Sweetheart? We have nothing to warn her about. All we can do is wait," Haymitch said rising to his feet as Peeta walked back into the room.

"Haymitch, mark my word, if we wait too long it'll be too late," I say watching Haymitch nod his head before walking out of the room.

"What was that about?" Peeta asked taking a seat again beside my bed.

"Haymitch was curious about what happened to us."

"And you told him about Thatcher?"

"We have to warn them, Peeta," I insist.

"I agree with you Kat, but put yourself in their shoes. We don't have any physical proof to hang him with. It's basically our word against his," Peeta said brushing his hand softly against mine.

"I know, but I can't stand just laying here knowing what we know about what he will do," I say taking Peeta's hand into mine.

"That's the key word, Kat. Will do… it hasn't happened yet. We can still stop him. We just have to keep our guard up."

"What?" I ask giving Peeta a surprised look.

"I said we just have to keep our guard up," Peeta repeated.

"That's what Snow told me."

"When?" Peeta asked clearly confused.

"When I was asleep. I was in his rose garden with him. He told me I had to keep my guard up. Oh, he also apologized for torturing and hijacking you."

Peeta raised his eye brows. "He did? Well, that is a first," he said smiling.

I return the smile as I squeeze his hand. "It's a first I agree," I say sighing. "When can I get out of this bed and see the kids?"

"Not until tomorrow, Miss Everdeen. You just woke up after a major trauma," Dr. Jackson said walking into the room with a chart in her hand.

"But I feel fine, Dr. Jackson. I haven't seen my babies since they were born."

"I know you haven't Miss Everdeen, but I don't want to risk a relapse. Just give me twenty-four hours."

I sigh but nod my head in agreement. I know I probably wouldn't be able to hold them, but just seeing them would do me a world of good. Peeta squeezed my hand before standing up to give me a kiss. I gladly accept is comfort knowing how much he wanted me to spend time with our two new borns. Time dragged by but before long I was fast asleep with Peeta at my side. The next morning I wake up feeling refreshed and well rested.

The moment Dr. Jackson enters my room; I give her the sweetest smile I can. "You are a very determined young woman, Miss Everdeen," Dr. Jackson said laughing softly as Peeta stirred beside me. "All right, Mr. Mellark can take you to the intensive care nursery in a wheelchair. I don't want you over doing it. Do you understand?"

"I completely understand, Dr. Jackson. Thank you," I say feeling my heart soar.

"You're welcome," Dr. Jackson said making a note in my chart before walking out of the room.

"Let me guess, I need to get a wheelchair," Peeta said as his bright blue eyes looked at me.

I quickly nod my head. "Yes, please," I reply as Peeta climbed out of the small hospital bed he had slid next to mine the night before.

Peeta chuckled as he stretched his body. "For someone who was terrified of having kids, you are very eager to see them."

"A lot has changed since I felt them moving around inside of me," I say smiling. "This protective feeling I have is very strong."

Peeta nodded as he leaned close toward me. "Heaven help anyone who tries to hurt them?"

"I'll sink an arrow in them so fast they won't know what hit them," I say leaning forward to receive his gentle kiss.

"That's what I thought. I'll be right back with that wheelchair."

I nod my head as I settle myself in my bed. It was going to feel so good getting out of this room. I had seen enough hospitals and hospital rooms for one lifetime. The sooner I could go home to twelve with Josh and Miranda the happier I'd be. I slowly sit up as Peeta returns with the wheelchair. Ten minutes later, we are on our way to thirteen's intensive care nursery.

I can't stop myself from shaking as the nurses buzz us inside the small room. The sight of Josh and Miranda in their own incubator units brings tears to my eyes. I knew they would be smaller than full term babies, but they look so fragile and helpless. They both have a head full of hair. Josh of course is sporting Peeta's blond curls, and Miranda has my dark locks.

"They are so tiny, but they're beautiful," I cry.

"They are fighters just like their mother," Peeta said rubbing my shoulders.

"And like their father," I return smiling up over my shoulder.

Peeta smiled but shook his head. "You are so much stronger than I am, Kat."

"I'm not, Peeta. I'm a broken wreck without you," I say honestly. "You had to deal with constant abuse from your mother, then the hijacking. Oh, let's not forget you lost your leg."

"And yet I sit here because of you, Kat. You never stopped loving me, and you were there every time I needed someone to ground me. You've lost your father and sister. You had to grow up quickly to keep your family alive. You even kept me alive in two arenas," Peeta said leaning down to kiss my cheek. "No, I take that back, because it was three arenas not two."

"Yes, how could we ever forget about the third arena," I say smiling as I focus my eyes on the babies. "Peeta, I have a middle name for Miranda, but I wanted to see what you thought."

"What's that?"

"Isabella… Miranda Isabella Mellark," I say laying my hand gently on the glass of Miranda's incubator.

"I think it's perfect. I love it, Kat. Why don't we take a trip to the surface," Peeta suggested.

"But I'm not ready to leave, Peeta. I practically just got here," I protest.

"I promise I'll bring you back. Right now I want to get some color back into your skin. You're too pale, and I know how much you hate being underground."

"All right," I say softly. "Mommy will be back real soon. I promise," I say before Peeta pulls me away from the kids.

The trip to the surface is quick thankfully. The last elevator opens to the fresh scent of the forest. I close my eyes as the warm heat of the sun hits my face warming my insides. My body reawakened with the sounds of nature all around me. It felt like I was home, and somehow Peeta knew this was something else I needed.

"Kat, I know this isn't home, but I don't think I can wait until we can get back home."

"Wait until we get back home for what, Peeta?" I ask glancing over at him.

"To ask you a question I've been dying to ask you," Peeta replied pulling out a small box from his pants pocket.

"Oh, my God, Peeta," I gasp as he sinks down onto one knee.

"The last time I did this it wasn't real. This time there are no cameras and no Snow threatening our lives. It's just you and me right here right now. I still love you with all my heart, and everything I said to you that night with Cesar still applies. You complete me Katniss Everdeen, and I simply can't imagine the rest of my life without you by my side. Will you do me the great honor of agreeing to be my wife?"

Tears of joy stream down my face as Peeta opens the box containing the engagement ring. How many times had I wished for this day to come once I realized how much I loved Peeta? It was defiantly way too many to count. I take the small box with shaking hands. Nestled inside is a band of gold with a row of white diamonds along the sides of the band and diamonds in the heart on top of the ring. A large pearl sat in the center of the heart of diamonds completing the look.

"This represents the pearl you gave me on the beach doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does."

"It's beautiful, Peeta. And yes, I will marry you," I say handing the box back to him and holding out my left hand.

I notice his hands are shaking as well as he takes the ring from the box and slides it onto my hand. "I love you," he said bringing my hand up to his lips.

"I love you too, Peeta. Let's go tell Josh and Miranda the good news," I suggest.

Peeta laughed as he climbed to his feet before kissing me passionately. "I knew you'd want to go tell them."

I smile as I nod my head. "You did say you'd bring me back later."

"I did didn't I? Well, we'll stay until they kick us out. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like a wonderful plan, Mr. Mellark."

"Good, I'm glad you agree Mrs. Mellark," he said as we head back to the intensive care nursery.