Chapter 19

I've struggled with this. So apologies for leaving it for so long.'Cosy' is my speciality and this chapter starts off that way, but then shifts quite dramatically to the difficult part.

I'm trying to keep this fresh. So will set my mind to the task of where I want it to go and how I want it to get there.

Please take the time to read from the beginning if you can. It makes the change in Constance's character a bit more believable that way, although I am aware it is a 'Mary Sue' - but we all like to read them :)

The unusual warm weather continued into October, bouncing golden rays of sunlight through the castle's pane-less windows. Pupils at the school tried to make the most of the sun, knowing that winter was soon to be upon them and that the castle's fires were never enough to stop them from shivering. However they couldn't stop feeling disappointed as the days started turning to night more and more quickly. Aurelia felt the weather was a perfect analogy for the way she felt. Winter was coming, and with it darkness would come too, for her mother seemed to be getting sicker by the day.

Days began to blur into one. Aurelia spent her time balancing her busy schooldays with visiting Cecilia in hospital. Constance would always accompany her, getting her through each visit with her oddly comforting, trademark briskness.

One particularly warm early Winter weekend, Aurelia was coerced into a walk with her aunt, who was wanting to pick some wild herbs for that week's potion making and saw it as both a learning and bonding opportunity for her niece.

"Its always ideal to pick herbs the morning after a full moon, as they are at their most potent," Constance explained briskly, marching her unenthusiastic charge along the riverbank.

Aurelia remained silent, thinking that potent herbs were the last thing she cared about.

"Are you planning on ignoring me the whole way?" Constance asked pointedly, with a hint of amusement.

Aurelia almost laughed at her aunt's dramatic tone. She gave a small smile which led into a sigh, "sorry, Miss, I was just thinking."

Constance eyed her pityingly, "I guess you have got a lot on your mind. You do realise that you don't have to call me Miss out of school don't you?"

"I know, I'm just not really used to it. I rarely get to call you auntie, it feels like we're forever in school." Aurelia explained.

"I suppose we are," Constance acknowledged. "And then at weekends I make you do extra work," Constance rolled her eyes as that realisation hit her.

"I don't mind, I know it's for my benefit. And it's working, I haven't messed up a potion in weeks," Aurelia reassured her.

"A fact that we need to celebrate," Constance decided with an unusual change of heart. "I tell you what, let's go to Cosies, pick up some brunch and find somewhere nice to eat it."

"But what about herb picking?" Aurelia questioned, she didn't want Constance to miss out on what she had planned just for her benefit.

"We can do it after. A compromise of sorts," Constance replied in a satisfied tone of voice.

"Okay," Aurelia agreed, her tone audibly brighter.


They were an odd sight for anyone to behold that day. The adult - dark, upright and stern in full witches' regalia minus the hat and broom, and the teenager - fair and casual, wearing a simple shirt and jeans, covered by a soft woollen coat. They certainly stole a few weird looks from passers-by as they ate their takeaway sandwiches at the villager's favourite picnic spot.

Aurelia chatted away quite contentedly, enjoying her aunt's unwavering attention.

"Has everyone been kinder to you?" Constance asked concernedly

"Ethel and Drusilla still shoot me a few glares from time to time. But I think they're too scared of you to cause any real problems. Mildred is particularly relieved they're leaving us alone."

"Yes, she hasn't been in trouble for a while actually. They both bring out the worst in each other," Constance grimaced.

"I think Ethel has the power to bring out the worst in everyone," Aurelia retorted, defending her friend.

Constance didn't reply. It wouldn't be professional for her to make any further comment. Besides, she did not want to admit to her niece that she had perhaps been mistakenly taken in by the 'butter wouldn't melt' persona that Ethel had perfected over the years.

"How are you finding everything else?" Constance inquired after a moment or two.

"Fine," Aurelia gave a small smile, "I like it at Cackles, if that's what you mean?"

"I'm glad, you are working really hard. Miss Cackle is very happy to have such an excellent Spells student."

"and you an excellent potions student?" Aurelia finished with a smirk.

"You're getting there."

"Must have a rather excellent teacher," Aurelia replied, "or particularly strict and frightening."

"I have to be strict, when I've cheeky pupils like you to deal with," Constance replied, eye-brow raised in a challenging fashion. "Now, if you have finished eating - we have some more herbs to collect - and I want more enthusiasm from you now we've eaten."
"Yes Miss Hardbroom," Aurelia replied in a mock dead-pan serious voice.

Constance gave a small chortle, wishing that every morning could be as perfect as this one.


It happened that very evening. The call which they had been dreading came first to Miss Cackle, who with a particularly heavy heart passed the phone over to her deputy, knowing what the call had to be about. Constance's eyes, so usually passive, began to glaze over as what they had been dreading was confirmed.

Aurelia didn't need to be told; her aunt's gaunt expression did that for her. The girl let out a strangled sob and immediately clutched at her figure of support.

Amelia watched the scene in front of her with tears in her eyes. They had been well prepared for this moment, but no amount of preparation could help them with the reality.

She noticed how Aurelia's wide, lost eyes sought comfort from Constance's strong dark gaze. Amelia knew right at that moment that they would be ok, with time on their side. Her close friend and colleague had such strength and a fierce protection of her young charge. Their bond was now deep, and it would be needed now more than ever.
