TDWP: The Lady and Her Dragons Ch. 17

The vote for Chesterton went very badly, but as it was not an entirely unexpected outcome, Miranda seemed not to appear too concerned. Andrea, however, was on the cusp of livid. "Those lying liars." She was doing her best to not reveal how angry she was, but her eyes held a spark in them.

"Nearly three-fourth of the list," confirmed Emily grimly. She shot a look up and at the jovial space where Cruella held court. "That did not help at all."

"Oh," Miranda said easily, "I don't know about that. I think, given circumstances, we came out quite well. The girls were happy to watch and this was about as painless as it could get, given the long shot. I did not expect to win." She glanced up at her daughters. They and the young DeVils were engaged in an activity involving a laptop and remote controls under the watchful eye of Cruella, who apparently multi-tasked social niceties very, very well. It made her contemplate other things that Cruella might be good at.

"But...," Emily began, and then remembered that one did not question Miranda Priestly.

"Why?" Miranda, however, provided the end for her. "Because the smaller houses need fairer representation and the larger houses need some knocking down. Unfortunately, it was never going to be Chesterton, but I promised him I would back him, so we did what needed doing. Honor required it and now those who are interested will know we will follow through and we are also free to pick from the top three. We will discuss the who later."

"The smugness is near overpowering," Nigel said as he sat on their table rather than at it. He nodded at the opposition's side.

"Yes, well, they think they've dealt me a severe blow. I keep trying to act as if it has been, but the truth is, I'm just glad it's over." Miranda looped an arm around Andrea's waist. "Now, we will see who among those left on the list have a real interest in House Priestly. We already know about House Voris."

Andrea couldn't help the smile that crossed her face. The young Dragons had swaggered to the poll as they made their vote and they were very obvious in directing their allegiance toward Miranda.

Miranda continued, "Also, I want to speak with Deklyn about this afternoon's altercation. House Alcantra is being very pushy, and I have to wonder where my Elf-friends were when the hall was being set on fire."

"I imagine, if they weren't there..."

"They must have been quite busy, yes," Miranda said grimly.


Busy wasn't the only word for it; ensnared, distracted, and caught in traffic would account for some of it. It wasn't that all of Miranda's elf allies were in a state of battle, so much as several alarms that they had placed had been set off all at once. The need to immediately attend to all possible events pertaining had split the group and then in the hotel, they were split further, both by magical distractions and by the physical intervention of rival minions and elves. At the end, again, the involvement of authorities was inevitable, however despite blood and bruises, the important things remained unscathed. Even so, those who had to report to Deklyn were terrified of what the elder might say.

Deklyn, however, had been in the great hall when Cruella had arrived with the children and nodded at Jasper. The elder elf had known that the important parts of the house had all been in one place and ultimately under his watchful guard.

This, however, did not mean that there wouldn't be consequences.


"There's no reason to panic after the fact, Lily. We're all fine." Andy said to her wide eyed friend as she ignored Miranda's sliding gaze. They were fine, yes, but Andy, once she found out everything that had happened had been in the land of temper; until she'd been kissed out of it. The Dragon was finding it more and more amusing that she, of the two of them, was the one holding onto the reins of her emotions this go around. But then she'd known where all the important players were.

Her lips curled slightly upwards at the thought of Cruella's sheer deviltry and cleverness and the truth was that Andrea was actually miles ahead on her calm because of it too. Whatever the opposition's beliefs, and now Miranda had a much clearer picture of who the major participants were, both she and Andrea knew that no harm would ever come to her children though Cruella's hands. So she indulged in the privilege of watching her mate swing back to center for the comfort of her friend and squeezed Andrea's hip gently.

"But Andy, I should have..."

"... been exactly where you were. Unless you like being chased by fireballs?"

"Well, when you put it that way..." Lily propped her hands on her hips, "I will say, they got the hallway cleaned up as if nothing at all happened. Oh, and the suite has more rooms. And, there's a guy stationed out front now. He's even got a little desk."

Andrea was a little taken aback, "Sounds like..."

"Someone is doing their job, yes." Miranda nodded. "And, Lily, Andrea is correct. Kindly redirect all guilt to something useful."

Lily blinked a second or two and then just said, "Right."


Deklyn waited patiently in a secluded, now warded, corner of the hotel. The elder did not have to wait long, before a lanky person, suited for the occasion and only slightly scruffy at the moment, finally arrived. He slid into the seat opposite the elf.

"Greetings Jasper," Deklyn said easily. "And where is your partner?"

"Doing his duty and watching over our Dragon," Jasper said protectively.

"And the Kits?"

"Are all being well cared for. She keeps a watchful eye."

"Is she the sort to let them out of her sight?"

Jasper glanced at the floor and then back up, "She is the sort to watch them day and night, should it be required and only allow them in the care of those she trusts if she can not."

"Does she trust you?"

"She does. She also has one who has sworn the blood oath. She trusts him and we support that."

"Ah. Then matters are in hand. You have heard of the problems?"

"Word did get to us, yes. Some of Her House were most amused at the troubles."

The slight curl of Deklyn's lip was barely noticeable on the otherwise serene face. "In another time, such amusement might lead to fair game."

"Fair game is already in play, on Her behalf, but there is no evidence that anyone in Her House should also be a target."

"Or rather, you simply have not found it yet."


"Still, I do not mean from Her to Her House, such things, while not unheard of, are not yet necessary, I think. No, I speak of House Priestly and the attack upon it." Deklyn's eyes now narrowed, "House Priestly has invoked protection upon Your Dragon, her Parents and her Holdings, but not upon Her House."

Jasper's eyes widened, but he forced his expression to settle. "We had not heard. Though she has assisted before hand. We assumed it was for purposes shared in common; work."

"You are hearing it now. My Dragon is concerned that certain persons will grow wise before their time. The Lady is anxious and young. She strives for control, but has very little of it. Therefore, we must be watchful. My Dragon allows me to convey this. She will invoke the Strike should she feel it is required, regardless of the Truce, should something … untoward happen to Her Dragon. Or her Kits."

"Oh." Jasper gulped. "I see."

"Guard them well while they are in your care, young one. The time draws quickly upon us."


Deklyn had one more duty to attend to and one that he was not completely sure of the wisdom of such action. However, his duty was to his Dragon. He put on his most impassive face and waited to be called.

"The Chancellor will see you now."

Deklyn entered the make-do office that had been created for the Chancellor during this event. Of course, with elves, make-do was often as real and ornate as the usual. He might as well have been stepping into the office of the Hidden Dragon's Palace. The elder elf bowed to the greying man. "It has been some time, Hesham. You asked to see me?"

"Deklyn, Welcome. Please sit." The Chancellor indicated a plush chair and took one that was cornered beside it so they almost faced each other. He offered a smile, somewhat tight, and one that did not quite reach his eyes. "Thank you for coming."

"I could do no else." Deklyn, who had been playing the game longer than Hesham had been alive, smiled and it did reach his eyes.

"Yes. Well. I won't keep you in suspense."

Deklyn hummed and then, very deliberately, sat back comfortably in the chair. "Oh, that's alright. I have nowhere else to go."

The chancellor appeared surprised. "I had heard that there were assaults upon House Priestly."

"Well, the proper authorities are now handling the issue. House Priestly remains content."

"Content." Hesham appeared to taste the word.

"Well, the Dragon has taken a mate, which I am sure you are aware. It has, how might one put it, changed the atmosphere."

"Yet she pushed for Chesterton..."

"I did not say old rivalries were completely unfinished. Merely, I wonder if they are at all important to her now."

Hesham blinked. "Rivalries, yes. That brings up the topic of their majesties..."

"Does it? How may we serve?"

Now the chancellor looked taken aback. He cleared his throat. "Then House Priestly has no interest in pursuing..."

"Right now, House Priestly is … occupied." Deklyn's expression warmed. "They might dabble in politics as one might normally, and there are things to be reckoned, as the House has now been attacked. Twice. But, if you are worried about intentions, I would not look toward them." He did not add that it would be better for the Chancellor to look toward his own ambitions.

"How interesting."

Deklyn shrugged. "Merely truth." At least for now.


It was suddenly as if their suite was a hub of the social scene. In a way, this was something Andy was familiar with. When Miranda put on the show, everyone played to her tune; on normal days they came to her, with the few exceptions. The young woman, however, was not feeling normal at all.

While they were away, watching the politics go south, their rooms had been subtly altered by the elves. Lily, it turned out, had been speaking literal truths. The sitting area had been expanded, and now Miranda held court in a central space, sitting regally in a chair that was suspiciously taller than the others. Andrea's chair was aligned beside the editor's, and it was probably a good thing for the distance the two separate chairs provided, as she was having more difficulty than one would have believed, keeping herself from dragging the chair even closer or even, just telling everyone to get out, so she could have "quality" time with Miranda.

As it was, it was Andrea who did most of the intimidating glowering at anyone who actually touched Miranda, even if all they did was offer their hand in greeting. The silver-haired woman was especially amused at the way some of those who arrived looked to her for refuge. That tiny ironic hilarity made it easier to keep the more pleasant aspect required as visitors paraded in to express a deeper interest in aligning affairs.

In the land of "mere" humanity, they might be comparatively prosperous, but in the realm of Dragons, these were the small houses, the ignored houses. They were the footmen and the plenty. Most large houses assumed they could be summoned at any time, helpless against the will of the great. Miranda's house had once been great. It had also once been composed of one Dragon child and a handful of elves.

She knew.

She could see it in their eyes, though the hesitation, the risk of being seen coming to her, even sideways, still held dangers, that they were aware that she knew - what it was like to be at the beck and call, what it was like to be counted as a loss, what it was like to be threatened with worse than extinction.

Most weren't yet ready to offer loyalty, but they were ready now, after watching her keep her word, to be seen with her at her suite, at her will. These were those who would never have even risked an appearance at Runway, but might have been seen in the greater public venues; at a distance.

Whatever level of rank might be held, they were also a form of stranger. Surprisingly bulky and muscular elves stood behind Miranda and at the doors, pistol at the side, sword at the back. It was archaic, but there was a certain symmetry to their presence.

The Elves also provided assistants. Emily, who was used to managing all of Miranda's affairs had been, not replaced, but promoted a rank, one might say, by her mating. They surreptitiously began managing her affairs as well. Thus, out of the corner of her eye, Miranda observed Emily, who was, in fact, used to giving orders, pointing and directing those assisting minions with graceful aplomb. What was different, was that the pinched and harried expression she'd gained over the years, had eased back to reveal one a mere imperious and demanding. If Miranda had any concerns, not that she would have let them show, about Runway's needs, they were allayed.

So she was able to focus.

The longer she "focused," however, the more disgruntled her Lady seemed to get. So, without missing a beat, during one particular introduction, Miranda simply reached over and took Andrea's hand.

It was an almost instantaneous transformation. Baleful glares and near voluble snarls turned into, if not Andrea's normal pleasant demeanor, at least not the building outright hostility. She realized then, that she might need to reconsider timetables. Neither Andrea, nor Cruella, had much wait in them.


It wasn't much after Miranda realized that Andrea needed some physical contact or she might literally explode, that a development of sorts occurred. It began with a murmur of astonishment and then an admonishment of "You can't go in there," followed by a rapid shift of bodies, which put themselves between Miranda, Andrea and whatever was daring to arrive and bypass the normal pleasantries.

Given the growls and the sense of immediate presence and danger, it could easily have devolved into violence; except that there was also an immediate call out of, "We Bring House Priestly Gifts and Blessing!" The intonation was both foreign and vaguely familiar.

"You must step back. You can't come …"

Andy stood up, finally releasing Miranda's hand, though reluctantly so, and said, "Wait!"

Motion stopped, but people did not move, so she moved forward herself, intending, she wasn't sure what. The ability to do much was kind of blocked. "Okay, guys, you have to move."

The bodyguards moved, but not in the direction she wanted. In fact, they seemed to solidify around her, forming even more of a protective presence. "What... This is ridiculous!"

"Andrea," Miranda said slowly, probably intending to be soothing, but which only compounded the younger woman's frustration, because now not only could she not see forward, she couldn't turn and see Miranda.

"If people don't move out of my way this instant, there will be regrets and it won't be mine."

A soft sniff of amusement came from the direction where Miranda was sitting. Andrea in a mood was turning into a treat to see.

A slow, not quite familiar drawl, one hinting at south and places that held french cuisine as a cultural norm, said, "I'd listen to the Lady of the House. She wears fire very well."

"Do as Andrea says," Miranda said, much more bluntly. "You're blocking my view." She was willing to tolerate the bodyguards, but not interference, with what was patently her business.

It was like the Red Sea parting as people shifted to one side or the other, so Miranda and Andrea could see, both each other and those who had made their presence known so abruptly.

Andrea gasped and took a step forward. As a journalist, she was always curious, even when there was a hint of danger. She was not sure she could trust her eyes, but she seemed to remember the shape of at least one of the people revealed. "How do I know you?"

"Lady Andrea," the very tall person, a woman, at the forefront said and then bowed. "All honor to you, your House and the Great Miranda."

"Okay." The word was strung out, as the writer tried to catch up from the great emotional swings and the fact that the voice seemed very familiar. She looked back at Miranda and felt immediately encouraged. Though the older woman's expression held no deep impressions of what-to-do, Andrea had a sense of support and warm curiosity. "Who are you again?"

"We are Clan Bastis. We have not been formally introduced, but you have met our people before. Today, in fact, and..." Now the speaker hesitated. "... at your abode."

Andrea blinked and suddenly stood up straighter. "I remember." Her voice wasn't quite cold, but neither was it entirely receptive.

The woman bowed her head slightly. "It was an error on the part of those who arrange such things. It is now known that there is a mated bond, and thus those of your House need no longer fear our might."

Andrea did not even have to look back to see Miranda's expression, since the woman's boast was followed quickly by an instinctive stepping back. Yet, at the same time, this was supposedly a time of shoring up. Andrea let her shoulders settle and brought her hands to her hips. "Well, I do recall that something to that effect might have been mentioned. Not the entire idea, however. And it doesn't quite explain why you are here."

The woman's eyes, a deep shade of green, flashed briefly toward Miranda before settling quickly back on Andrea, whose aspect was apparently much less dangerous. Miranda suppressed a grin that she just knew would be dragonish. They must not have stayed very long after the battle began in earnest if they thought that.

"Clan Bastis has said, but will clarify. Two witnesses to your most recent adventures have made it known that House Priestly's enemies gather. Clan Bastis has prophesies, as do many other Clans and Houses. The stars speak of the time of change. Now is that time. This Clan wishes to align itself correctly so that it may, as it always has, continue to thrive. We come to pledge ourselves, to do Honor to your House, and to Bless it."

"Well, Miranda is the one you need to speak to about pledging, at this point. It's an honor to, uh, have met you, I'm sure. And," Andrea glanced back at her lover, who arched a brow, "blessings, are always nice." As soon as the words left her mouth, she recalled that her cats in Ohio, tended to think that things like dead mice constituted excellent gifts and blessings. Especially on freshly made beds and laundered clothes.

The woman smiled widely, "Excellent." She pointed at two hench-persons, whose arms were piled deep with wrapped gifts, and then at another woman, who was sleek, but not tall at all and bedecked in a flowing, colorful gown of reds, greens and golds and hefty looking jewelry.

Andy held up a hand. "Wait." Then she propped that hand on her hip, and used the other one like an accompanying instrument to her point. "I'm only recently introduced to the world of magic, which I'm guessing might have to do with some of what you think you want to do for us. However, there's the niggling problem of you being part of that gang that attacked us. Recognizing, of course, that you did leave. However, Miranda happens to be someone I love, and I'm kind of protective of her. I'm not opposed to magic on the face of it, but..."

"Your will to guard your mate is as it should be. We have broken our ties with the other Dragons. It was only one of paper contract and cash. The pledge we will make to your House will be one of oath and blood. After that, you will have no need to doubt us."

"Will this include the whole of Bastis, or just your clan?"

The woman in the bangles and the lumpy jewelry and the swirly dress grinned. "The Lady is wise to ask. Bastis has many families, but only one clan. If the clan binds the oath, then all are bound."

"Do you have rival clans of like type? And will that become our obligation if we allow this?"

The same woman answered, "Clan Bastis handles its own affairs as needed, yet even the Dragons know of war and that it is good to have allies. Yes? It would be dire indeed for Bastis to call for its friends."

"You'll have to talk to Miranda then. But you'll have to wait your turn. There were others ahead of you." Andrea, with simple gestures, pointed to those who were also there to meet with the silver-haired woman.

The shapeshifters glanced around, as if noticing for the first time the presence of others. This time it was the green eyed woman who spoke. "You speak fairly, Lady of the House. We will wait."


With that, Andrea returned to where she had been seated. This time it was she who took Miranda's hand, without any hesitation at all.