OTTO: My epic buddy, Chi-Chan 11 and I decided to write a series of Hetalia horror drabbles. So here it is!

First story; A SuFin version of Buried Alive, Finland being the dead wife, and Sweden being the distraught husband. I want to say that this isn't a scary horror story, but it's sadder because of our little Finny. . . Uhm, I'm a huge SuFin fan, so sorry if anyone hates me for killing off Finland.

No summary, because I think "Hetalia horror drabbles" is pretty self explanatory. ChiChi came up with the idea to use SuFin and Buried Alive, and I wrote it. Hope you love.

WARNING: Human names used, Sweden cussing, Sweden losing his cool like a boss, and "dead" Finland.


OTTO and ChiChi.

Berwald sat on the chair in the waiting room, sobbing silently into his hands. He couldn't believe that the only man he'd ever loved was now dead. He removed his hands from his face and leaned back, shaking his head as he stared at the stained hospital ceiling. He felt as though his heart had snapped in tw-, no! He no longer felt as if he had a heart. He turned his head slightly to gaze blurrily at the Emergency Room his "wife" had just been pronounced dead in.

No. He refused to believe that his lovely little Tino was dead! There was no way he could be! Berwald balled his fists in rage at Doctor Alfred F. Jones' stupidity. 'How dare he lie to me?' Berwald thought. 'There's no way that Tino is dead!' Insane with rage, the tall Swede stormed into the ER, almost running into the stupid American that had falsely claimed his Finnish lover to be dead.

"I got a probl'm w'th ya, J'nes!" He yelled at the shorter man. "Ya see, th're aint no way th't T'no's dead! Th're's no f'ckin' w'y!"

The American shook his head at the rough English. "Hey, look dude. The guy's already dead. There's nothin' we can do about it, bro."

Berwald's entire body shook with hatred for Dr. Jones. In a desperate flash, Berwald was across the room, gripping the hand of Tino's eternally sleeping body, sobbing against his small chest. He just couldn't stop. He loved little Tino so much, and he absolutely couldn't let him go yet!

Jones tried his very best to get Berwald away from the lifeless Tino, but the Swede wouldn't budge. Soon, after exhausting every method he dared attempt to get the tall man away, the American called for security to drag him out.

That night, sleep wouldn't come to poor, upset Berwald. He tried to fall asleep, he really did! He just couldn't, knowing that his beloved was buried in a gruesome coffin in the burial plot behind their beautiful home, just outside Berwald's window. Who could sleep with that knowledge.

All that night, Berwald called Dr. Jones' office, furious at him, but the man always hung up shortly after. Around two a.m. the next morning, Dr. Jones' came to the house with a sedative that put him right to sleep, then left. Unfortunately, sleep brought the poor Swede a terrible nightmare.
In his nightmare he saw the love of his life, tiny Tino, franticly clawing at the lid of the coffin. His lovely blue eyes were panicked, and his face was twisted in fear, cold sweat rolling down his face. The poor man huffed and puffed, but grew more and more purple each time he attempted to draw a breath.

Berwald awoke screaming.

"J'nes!" Berwald shouted when the doctor picked up the phone. "Ya need t' d'g 'p T'no! He aint dead, d'mn 't!"

"Mr. Oxenstierna." Dr. Jones started sleepily. "It's only been an hour, dude. Lemme get some sleep. . . In reply, no. I will not dig up your husband."

". . . He w's meh w'fe. . ." Berwald corrected sadly, then hung up the phone.

The same process happened for a week, each time Berwald more frantic and psychotic than the last, until Alfred F. Jones finally gave in.

Eight days after Tino had been buried, the Doctor had his body exhumed from the soft, muddy earth. Berwald was the first to run to the coffin, prying the bolted-down-lid off with his bare hands. Everyone gasped, save for poor Berwald who broke down in loud, choking sobs.

Tino lay in the coffin, body and face twisted in frozen panic, but slightly relaxed. His long fingernails had been shredded and dried blood crusted over his fingers. On the lid of the coffin, there were scratch marks straight through to the other side, and dirt had fallen into the coffin, covering the nice suit Tino had been buried in.

Doctor Jones was fired, and arrested for manslaughter. Berwald hung himself in his bedroom, facing the gravestone of his lover almost a year later. Poor little Tino suffered most of all, having to suffocate for three days before dying in the coffin.

Some people who visit the old house that Berwald and Tino lived in, say that they can still hear a man sobbing in the master bedroom, and shrieks and scratching noises in the back yard. It appears that, though this tragedy occurred many years ago, Tino and Berwald Oxenstierna are still with us, forever trapped in the house they shared when they lived.

Oh my God, don't kill me! I didn't mean for it to be that gruesome! I love SuFin, but I had to make them suffer. *Shot*

Q.Q Pleas, no one hate me. . .

Well, hoped those of you psychos actually reading this enjoyed that story. Next one will probably be UsUk "The Hook".

Read, Review, Look forward to the next chapter.

Peace always,


P.S. I'm going Goth, so my stories will be darker from now on.