Draco grunted, half-asleep and vaguely aware Harry was trying to crawl out from under his arm. He made an effort to grab at the wizard, his fingers briefly sliding over smooth, sleep-warm skin, but he missed and ended up clutching onto one of Harry's pillows instead. It was still warm and smelled like him, but it wasn't what he wanted.

"Harry," he whined, yawning widely as he tossed the pillow back to the bed with a petulant huff.

"Go back to sleep," Harry whispered, pulling on a pair of pajama bottoms. He usually remembered to slip back into them but he must've forgotten earlier; Draco had that affect on him. He chuckled softly when Draco whined again in protest and wiggled around on the bed, trying to reach for him without getting up or displacing the blankets. Lazy sod.

"I'll be right back," he murmured, pecking a quick kiss to the corner of a pouting mouth and slipped from their room before anymore protests (or attempts at pulling him back to bed) could be made.

He padded down the hallway, peeking into the boys' room as he passed. Both were asleep, sprawled out on their respective beds and snoring lightly. He smiled at the way Tony was draped across Gabe's chest, smoke rings puffing across his shoulder occasionally. Teddy would probably be mortified to know he'd fallen asleep clutching his baby sister's pastel pink unicorn plushy.

Unfortunately, his little missus was not in a similar state of peaceful rest, and Harry hurried towards her room. He peered over the cot's edge, smiling warmly at his fussy daughter. Her irritated snuffling turned into full blown wails of protest the moment she realized he was there. He made shushing noises as he leaned over the cot and scooped up the crying little girl. He bounced lightly, patting her bum. He murmured nonsense to her, hoping to calm her.

By the time she was in a fresh nappy and a clean babygro, her crying was down to sniffles and grumpy little huffs that reminded him of Draco.

"Are we hungry, my little Camy?" Harry cooed softly, already headed towards the kitchen. Wiggling legs, a pair of flailing arms and a loud whimper from his daughter as she gnawed on a pudgy fist was answer enough. He turned his head a little, already smiling at the expected sight of a sleepy, bed-headed Draco, when he heard a soft scoff.

Draco shook his head, smiling a little as he gently stroked along Camellia's pale blonde hair. It was a fright and he knew it had little to do with just coming from her cot. His poor little girl had Potter hair; even though it matched his coloring, it was as unruly and wild as Harry's. He adored it, though, and not just because she had that little bit of Malfoy trait. It just made him feel warm all over to see the way their daughter reflected him and Harry.

"It's bad enough you nearly named her Ophelia; now you're butchering the lovely name of Camellia?" he asked, raising an amused eyebrow.

He expected it, honestly; Harry was never one for proper names and the like—when it could be avoided, at any rate. He'd nipped any attempts at such habits for his own name, though; he refused flat-out and Harry hadn't argued when he realized how serious he was. He'd gladly hex anyone that dared to utter 'Drake' or 'Dray' within his hearing-range.

What he hadn't expected was a groggy Harry, eyes barely open against the numbing and pain potions in his system, to offer up the name 'Camellia' to be put on the birth certificate, surprising him (and his mother). Harry had sat up, struggling a little because his abdomen was still tender and healing, his fingers wiggling insistently for their daughter. He took a look at her and made a face that was between a grimace and a resigned sort of expression.

Apparently, one can't name a little girl Ophelia when she looked like a Camellia.

Draco thought it was complete rubbish, of course, but he went along with Harry anyway (even if he feared it was potion-induced lunacy) mainly because he was glad for any name other than Ophelia. It was a nice enough name, he just didn't fancy it for his little girl. He had tried to make Harry wait until later, hoping a clear head would help just in case he changed his mind, but Harry had been insistent.

He never really could say no to Harry.

As far as flower-inspired names went, Draco thought Camellia was a lovely one that stood on its own. The middle name of Jean wasn't one he could argue with, either. It flowed nicely and he didn't mind she shared it with her godmother. He only wished it hadn't made Hermione weep openly and hug him. Even if he did like the witch, she would occasionally be openly affectionate when he least expected it. Telling her about her goddaughter's name had been a horrendous experience—being cried on by a wet, weepy woman was something he did not want to experience again.

"Shut up," Harry whispered, grinning. He resumed patting Camellia's bum when she started fussing in earnest again. "I got her, go back to sleep."

Draco merely shook his head and followed Harry downstairs, passing him in the hallway and beating him into the kitchen. There wasn't much he was comfortable doing for their 3-month-old daughter, but he'd become very adept at mixing her bottles and running a heating charm on them with just the right amount of strength and time for the perfectly warmed bottle. He checked the temperature on his inner wrist—it was perfect, of course—and had it ready by the time Harry was entering the kitchen.

He displayed it with a flourish, even added in a cheeky little bow. "Madam's bottle," he murmured, smiling.

"Thanks," Harry murmured, giving Draco a quick kiss in thanks when he took the bottle. Camellia's hands were up and flailing and she was trying to grab the bottle as it was pressed to her mouth. He watched her eye lids drift closed in contentment as she took several greedy gulps before he looked back up at Draco. He did appreciate Draco's help (and bottle making skills), but he always felt bad when Draco woke up, too. Honestly, there wasn't any reason for both of them to be awake in the middle of the night.

And Draco had an early morning tomorrow.

But he didn't say anything; it wasn't worth an argument that was kind of stupid to begin with.

Draco always got a strange expression on his face—a mix of exasperation and determination—when he mentioned it, and the stubborn arse would scoff and get up anyway. Honestly, as much as he didn't like the idea of Draco's rest being disturbed (and he could handle middle-of-the-night feedings and nappy changes on his own, thankyouverymuch) he loved that Draco wanted to help and be a part of the minute details. He didn't exactly understand Draco's strange idea that he was pants at 'baby things' but he didn't push.

It had taken him time and practice to learn his way around, too.

He tried not to roll his eyes when Draco gently nudged him out of the kitchen and back upstairs. He went willingly though, smiling to himself at the way Draco's hand pressed against his lower back and his other hovered over Camellia's bottle. Her slightly-chubby fingers were nearly white in her efforts to hold the bottle on her own and he felt insanely proud. He leaned down and nuzzled her sleep-pinked cheek.

Draco lead them towards the master bedroom instead of the nursery. He knew Harry preferred the chair in their room and he wouldn't have to try very hard (or have far to go) to convince Harry back to bed, even knowing his fiancé would probably crawl in with their daughter between them. He watched Harry stare gooey eyed as Camellia sucked her bottle, emptying it quickly even though she looked half-asleep. In a surprisingly short amount of time, the hollow sucking sound that came from an empty bottle sounded in the quiet room.

He shuffled forward, nearly wringing his hands. "Can I?" he asked nodding meaningfully at a half-asleep Camellia.

Draco didn't know what he expected; possibly for Harry to say 'later' or to maybe just narrate the steps as he went about the normal after-bottle ritual. He blinked with surprise when he suddenly found himself with an armful of pliant, dozy daughter. He shot Harry a look of panic, but Harry merely lifted his arms up—a demonstration and silent hint for him to do the same.

He gently fitted Camellia against his shoulder, one hand behind her neck and another securely under her bum. He looked back at Harry and couldn't help smiling when Harry pantomimed the burping motion. He lifted his hand and took a deep breath before letting his hand come in contact with his daughter's back. His fears that he would hit too hard evaporated. He gave Harry a triumphant look and repeated the action, bouncing a little because he'd seen Harry do that.

"A little lower," Harry murmured, indicating Draco's hand position. Draco's next pat came lower on Camellia's back and he smiled. He hadn't expected Draco to want to wind their daughter; he'd always refrained in the past. Citing a fear of hitting too hard or recoiling from the idea of being vomited on. He watched as Draco bounced gently and patted Camy's back, feeling warm all over. He snickered when a loud, wet burp sounded from their dainty daughter and he immediately tossed a thin blanket over Draco's shoulder, tucking it around Camellia's sleepy face.

Just in case.

Camellia didn't always spit up, she seemed to prefer keeping all her food in her belly, but he wanted to be prepared. He didn't want to traumatize Draco on his first try. He stood and leaned his chin on Draco's opposite shoulder, one hand on the blonde's waist and the other laying over the one Draco had on Camellia's back. It was truly a heart-warming scene, even if it centered around bodily functions, and he needed a moment to compose himself.


"That was easy," Draco murmured. He sounded disappointed and stunned, at the same time. He felt that way too. He'd been avoiding the task for so long, expecting it to be complicated or whatnot, and it wasn't. He tilted his head, his cheek resting on Camellia' soft, downy hair. He hummed some nonsense tune when he realized Camellia was starting to drift off back to sleep.

Harry hummed noncommittally in response, kissed Draco's temple before stepping back and towards their bed. He climbed into bed and settled back against the pillows, content to watch Draco. He wasn't at all surprised to see Camy nuzzle against Draco's shoulder, one chubby fist in his blonde hair, and drift off to sleep, her lips smacking gently as she settled. He laughed softly when Draco looked absolutely gobsmacked. And completely besotted.

"Should I put her down?" Draco whispered, rubbing and bouncing lightly still so his sleeping baby stayed that way. Camellia wasn't extraordinarily fussy but she did not appreciate her sleep being interrupted by outside sources. He didn't blame her, really. She already took after Harry in being a right cranky git upon waking. Though, she was a little cuter about it.

Harry shrugged and snuggled back down into bed, pulling the covers over himself. "She'll probably go," he said, yawning.

Draco nodded and disappeared down the hallway, hoping Camellia would go back into her own bed with no fuss. He really didn't mind the occasions Harry brought her into bed with them (not now that he knew neither of them would, or could, roll over and squish the poor girl), but he didn't think it was a habit any of them should get into. She was beautiful and precious but a very effective cock-block. He hoped he wasn't contributing to the neglect of his daughter merely for the chance to feel Harry up...

He rubbed a hand over the cot sheets, warming them a little. Then he checked her nappy (still dry) and gently eased her down, keeping her on her back like Harry said to. He carefully, and slowly, stepped back, his eyes trained on the cot and ready to snatch her back up if she started fussing again. Camellia's arms flailed for a moment when he put her down and she started making sucking sounds with her mouth, but she didn't wake back up.


This whole baby thing was easy, he thought with a smug smile. Of course, he knew it wasn't all going to be like this but he figured every new parent had a moment or two of self-delusion. Especially when the sleep deprivation kicked in and you were applauding yourself for not getting bodily fluids on you while you swap out a nappy or congratulating your infant for keeping an entire bottle inside their body long enough to digest it.

At least now he knew he could do it, because he was sure there would be nights it won't be so easy to get his darling daughter satisfied and back in her own bed. (Not that he was complaining, but they still had nights of Gabe or Teddy crawling in their bed, snuffling and needing a cuddle, because they'd had a nightmare. He never had the heart to refuse and got into the habit of wearing clothing to avoid the awkward 'naked' questions. Or even worse; cold little toes in delicate places.)

Draco crept back down the hallway and he didn't breathe until he was back under the duvet with Harry. He turned on his side and smiled a little when he saw that Harry was already back asleep, sprawled out on his back and snoring lightly. As much as he'd hoped to find Harry awake and willing to ditch their pyjama pants, Draco couldn't blame him for falling back asleep when given the chance. Harry made a sleepy noise and rolled over until he was practically on top of Draco's chest, snuggling into him and latching on like a warm, cuddly octopus.

Maybe it was a little sappy, but he loved when Harry did that. He nuzzled the top of Harry's head and willed himself to sleep as well. He had to be up early and he wasn't looking forward to his alarm charm going off in a few hours.


Harry frowned at his reflection, trying to smooth down his hair and adjust his robes at the same time. The wrinkles were imaginary at this point and his hair was just... Well. There. As usual. So, both issues were pretty hopeless at this point. He exhaled slowly, trying to calm down so his hands would stop trembling; hopefully he could rein in his nerves.

And maybe settle the herd of Hippogriffs in his stomach.

"You're not nervous. You want this," he murmured to his reflection. His little pep talk didn't magically work, though; there was still a slick, churning feeling in his gut and his palms were still sweaty. He would smooth them down his robes but he had a feeling the fine fabric wouldn't appreciate being smeared with palm-sweat. Of course, there was probably a charm on his robes for that sort of thing. Draco would think of such a thing, no doubt. It made perfect—

He jumped, startled from his inane inner ramblings, when he heard the door close and his frown deepened when he saw who came in.


Draco raised an eyebrow and just looked at Harry. "Harry."

Of course, he couldn't remain looking the picture of calm for long. Harry looked amazing, even if he was a little pale and sweaty. He wanted to grab him and smooth his hands down Harry's back until he was calm. Or shake him until he snapped out of whatever nerves had taken residence in his head. It nearly made him question his own lack of nerves, or maybe Harry's commitment, but he knew this wasn't Harry being scared about that part. Knowing his Harry, he was fretting over forgetting the Bonding rite intonation half-way through or convinced he'll trip on his robes (which were perfectly hemmed, so that would not be an issue).

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked, keeping his attention on fiddling with the buttons at the collar of his robes. He really wanted to loosen them, he was feeling choked and unable to pull in full breathes, but he knew Draco would fuss over them being undone and making him look 'unkempt'. There were just too many buttons and they were ridiculously small, too.

He tried to ignore the blonde; he didn't want to start babbling again about Muggle traditions about not seeing each other before the ceremony. Draco had given him an odd look which Harry interpreted to mean he was being immeasurably silly but he hadn't commented on it. He was aware Draco thought it was silly but he felt better for at least mentioning it.

Until Hermione had added in the whole 'bride' bit that had Draco reduced to actual giggles. Seeing the way Draco had hunched over, laughing and giggling, had almost been worth being referred to as a bride. Almost.

"I wanted to see you," Draco said, as if it were obvious. He smiled when Harry's eyes lifted from his buttons and met his in the mirror. He tried not to sigh when he saw the mess Harry was making of everything. He stepped closer and turned Harry with a firm grip on his shoulders and gently batted away the slightly trembling hands. One he got the buttons righted, he gripped Harry's hands in his and squeezed gently, rubbing his thumbs over the backs in an attempt at soothing. "You alright?"

Harry nodded, unable to say anything. He was still feeling a tad overwhelmed and Draco standing right in front of him, looking gorgeous in his white and silver formal robes, wasn't helping much. His mind was going in all sorts of directions and he just wanted to relax and enjoy the day. Really, he knew Draco—

His thoughts stopped as his eyes closed and he immediately sagged against Draco when he was pulled into a kiss. He felt his shoulders relaxing as Draco's thumbs gently stroked along his cheeks and jaw. By the time Draco pulled back, Harry was feeling very good indeed. "Thanks," he murmured, looking up at Draco through his lashes.

"You're welcome. But it was for me as much as you," Draco admitted. He carefully gathered Harry close, making sure he didn't get too enthusiastic and risk a wrinkle to either of their robes, and rubbed a hand lightly over Harry's back. "Feel better?" He felt Harry nod and he chuckled softly. He took another moment to enjoy the closeness before he broke the silence. "Why the nerves, love?"

Harry shrugged and brought a hand up to fiddle with one of the small, pearly buttons on Draco's robes. "I dunno, exactly," he muttered.

And he really didn't. He knew he wanted this, marriage and Bonding. He knew Draco wanted this, too, so he wasn't worried about the blonde changing his mind, leaving him alone at the alter (or whatever they'd have) or something like a silly Muggle film. His insecurities about Draco staying were long settled. The boys were thrilled and now that Camy was about three months old, his magic was no longer an issue.

He was just nervous.

"Well," Draco said slowly, resisting the urge to tighten his arms around Harry. "Have you changed your mind?" Harry vigorously shook his head 'no'. "Are you—" He broke off and cleared his throat, suddenly a little worried to voice his next concern. "Are you worried I've changed my mind?" he asked softly. Again, Harry shook his head. He released a small breath of relief. He honestly didn't think it was a concern since Harry seemed quite content and secure anymore. It hadn't been an issue for months but he feared this would be the day, of any, it could possibly resurface.

He hummed and carefully stroked along Harry's back, smoothing out the renewed tension that had tensed Harry up again. "So?"

Harry huffed and nuzzled against Draco, huffing with annoyance when he was gently pulled back a little. Sodding robes. "I don't know," he repeated, trying not to sound pissy. "I'm just nervous. It's a big deal and everyone is here. Your mum," he added, feeling his palms sweat again.

His relationship with Narcissa was better than he could've ever imagined it could be. But she was still a very reserved, pure-blooded witch that held traditions and all that near and dear. He was terrified of making a mistake in front of her. He didn't think it would affect their Bonding, but she'd finally know he was a completely hopeless case. He was pretty sure she couldn't change Draco's mind about the Bonding, and hopefully she wouldn't take her displeasure out on her grandchildren, but she could make things tense and awkward.

He didn't think she'd actually do that, but he hadn't been able to let the thought go since it popped in his head.

"Mother adores you, Harry," Draco said, trying not to laugh. Harry sounded quite worried about it and he knew laughing would only make things worse. "She'll be crying too much to worry about a few stumbles or muttered words."

Harry only hummed in response, nodding a little and trying to believe Draco. He did know his own mother, after all... He took a deep breath and felt a little better. Draco's hands gently smoothing and 'fixing' his robes was calming him a little more. He leaned against the blonde a little, resting their foreheads together. They both jumped a little when a loud chirping sounded from his wand as it vibrated on the dresser.

"Sorry, 'Mione set an alarm," Harry said, rolling his eyes as he retrieved the vibrating, chirping wand and tapped it to shut off the alarm. His eyes slowly widened as he stared up at Draco. "It's time," he whispered.

Draco nodded, chuckling softly, and pulled Harry into a kiss. By the time he disentangled his fingers from Harry's hair and stepped back, Harry looked calmer and a sight more flushed. He fixed the damage his fingers did, lingering a little before cupping the back of Harry's head before letting go. "Let's go, love."

"Yeah, let's do this," Harry said, nodding and squaring his shoulders.

Pansy dabbed at her eyes, grateful Jessica planned ahead and brought an entire package of handkerchiefs. Well, paper ones that could be tossed in the bin. Strange, wasteful things, but they were handy. She hadn't expected to be so overwhelmed but it was hard not to be affected by the completely sappy, Hufflepuff-worthy scene in front of her.

Both wizards looked resplendent in their robes as they stood in front of the Bonding officiant, their focus switching between the small wizard and each other.

Draco looked ecstatic, though he was subtle about it. It was a relief to know that all the people here would recognize the intense gaze and soft expression for what it was; Draco's complete adoration and full affection.

Harry had looked terrified at first but now he just looked thoroughly besotted and he was grinning like a fool. Not a surprise that, but it was sweet nonetheless. If you went for that sorta thing, of course.

She waved at Gabe when his attention wandered, smiling as the little boy bounced a little on his toes and trying to be subtle and quiet. She frowned a little when Gabe shook his head and waved again, looking pointedly at Jessica. The little shit...

"Oh, he's so adorable," Jessica whispered, leaning close to Pansy so she wasn't overheard or risk interrupting anything. Gabe was still gently bouncing on his toes and waving at her. She waved back and made a shushing gesture, twirling her finger, indicating Gabe should pay attention. She grinned when the little boy nodded seriously and his attention shifted to the two wizards currently chanting out the last few words of their Bonding Ceremony.

Pansy just made a soft noise, not agreeing or disagreeing. Sure, Gabe was cute, but she was still annoyed with the little brat for having eyes for her woman. Her eyes widened and she gasped softly as the Bonding incantation ended and the ceremony ended with a few swirls of bright golden light. She hadn't been to many Bonding Ceremonies, but this one seemed... special, for more reason than just how close she was to both grooms. The bright golden tendrils of magic was only now fading, shrinking and twisting into an entwined band of light that settled around Draco and Harry's clasped hands.

"Oh, so beautiful," Jessica whispered hoarsely, dabbing at her eyes again. She really should have worn water-proof mascara, but she hadn't expected to be so moved. She knew the wizards were devoted to each other but it was just something else to see it. Especially since Draco wasn't usually one to walk around looking thoroughly smitten, little cartoon hearts in his eyes whenever he looked at Harry (it was a nice change from the blonde's usual cool indifference).

She elbowed Pansy when the witch merely hummed again. She was about to chastise her girlfriend when she noticed her chin wobbling ever-so-slightly and the way Pansy was blinking rapidly. She wordlessly handed over another tissue, leaning in a little closer and patting at Pansy's knee before leaving it there.

Pansy turned her head enough to glare at her gooey-eyed girlfriend. "Shut up," she murmured, without any real annoyance behind it. She dabbed daintily at the corner of her eye. "It's romantic and beautiful," she muttered defensively. Even she could admit it would take a truly heart-less person to remain completely unaffected after that disgustingly schmoopy display.

"Yes, it is," Jessica agreed, giving Pansy a watery smile. She turned the hand on Pansy's knee over and wiggled her fingers. She ignored Pansy's put-upon sigh and hid a smirk when Pansy's fingers immediately slotted with hers despite the protest, squeezing gently. By the time she looked up again, the ceremony was over and the officiant's expression was caught between embarrassment and amusement when the wizards' ceremonial kiss turned into heated snogging.

Pansy snorted softly, completely unsurprised when Draco's hand started to wander and Harry made a rather indecent sound. "Oi!" She waved cheekily when Draco's head flew back, poor Harry following him for a beat, and he glared at her. Before she could point out they were about to shag with witnesses, he grinned.

"Well," Draco said, clearing his throat. It was a bit embarrassing that he'd needed a reminder that there were so many people there; he'd honestly forgotten in his complete absorption of Harry and their newly formed Bond. "Nothing to see here." He smiled a little at the expected collective chuckle.

Harry snickered and gently lowered Draco's hands, untangling long, pale fingers from his hair. He looked at the officiant and took the scroll being handed to him with a nod and a grateful smile. It wasn't in his hands long, just long enough to see both their charmed signatures at the bottom, before it popped away with a flash. He nearly panicked before he remembered it was charmed to file itself at the Ministry.

Merlin, everything still zinged with a tingly sort of warmth as the Bond settled. It was strange but amazing. He watched as Draco stepped away and let everyone know the stuffy, official bits were done and now it was time for the celebration portion of the day. His husband was practically glowing and it took a careful, knowing eye to notice Draco was still a little shaky from the magical exchange as well.

Congratulations came from everyone, as well as hand shakes, hugs and kisses to his cheeks. Even Narcissa hugged him, patting his back a little awkwardly before she stepped away and headed for the table laden with champagne flutes and delicate finger-foods. He kept close to Draco, feeling a little uneasy whenever he strayed too far for too long. Draco must have been feeling something similar because his hand rarely strayed from his waist or shoulders unless he absolutely had to.

It seemed to be a side-effect from their Bonding and he really hoped it didn't last long. As much as he loved spending time with Draco, he didn't fancy having to follow him about like a loyal crup puppy for Merlin alone knew how long.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted, hefting Camellia up on her shoulder. The little girl's head was moving a little and she was looking around with wide eyes at all the people and noise. She patted Camy's back when her legs kicked and she made a soft noise of distress. "She's starting to fuss," she said, transferring the little girl to Harry with barely a word of warning. Not that Harry needed it; he was taking the baby before she finished speaking.

Harry bounced a little, rubbing gentle circles on Camy's back. He adjusted the frilly dress she was wearing, pulling the skirt down over her bottom. "Hello, love," he cooed at his daughter before his attention was back on Hermione. "You alright, 'Mione? Did you eat? Were you sitting? You should be sitting. Do you need a drink? Oh, Merlin, there's champagne everywhere!"

"Harry!" Hermione said through a laugh, patting Harry's shoulder, interrupting him before he really got going into a full-on panic mode. "It's fine. I'm fine." She rolled her eyes and couldn't help patting her lower stomach. Even with Harry going into strange new depths of being protective, she didn't regret telling him about the good news that she was expecting her first child. Of course, Harry's fretting only got worse in the past few weeks now that she was sporting a little bump.

Arnold wasn't much better, honestly. She couldn't sit without pillows appearing out of nowhere (a fine trick for a Muggle) and she was already getting sick of herbal tea. But otherwise, she was thrilled and eagerly awaiting their first child.

Harry nodded, nuzzling Camellia's cheek for a moment. "Right. Sorry," he said, wincing a little. He knew Hermione had a shorter temper when it came to him fussing, but he honestly couldn't help it. She'd been there for him and he only wanted to return the favor. She was his oldest and best friend, he didn't think there was anything she'd ask for that he wouldn't give her. He smiled at Arnold when he joined them, a full plate in each hand.

"Thanks, love," Hermione said, kissing Arnold's cheek and taking her plate with a happy little sound. She eyed Draco a few steps away, his attention occupied with helping Gabe out of his dress robes. She laughed softly as Gabe's hair flew up around his head, a dark halo of static from the robes being removed hastily. Draco proceeded to show Gabe how to fold his robes so it didn't crease and Gabe was watching with interest. The moment he got his neatly folded robes from Draco, he tucked the bundle under his arm and ran off towards Jessica.

"So," she said, turning to Harry and smacking him lightly in the chest with the back of her hand. She grinned at him. "Married."

Harry nodded, grinning like an idiot, still bouncing a calming Camy. "Yup. Married." Somehow his grin got even bigger as it echoed in his thoughts—he was married.

"I'm so very happy for you, Harry," Hermione said, smiling softly. Her eyes prickled and she sniffed before carefully leaning in and hugging Harry tightly. It was almost awkward; between the full plate she refused to put down, her growing belly, and poor Camellia in the way. Harry's free arm wrapped around her and she nearly squeaked with how tightly he squeezed.

"Thanks," Harry murmured, letting Hermione go. Her plate was tipping dangerously and he was pretty sure he had squeezed her a bit too hard. Not that she complained. He felt someone sidle closer and he leaned into Draco, knowing exactly who it was. An arm slid around him and he rested his head on his husband's shoulder. Husband. He stifled a giddy giggle and managed to keep from smiling like a loon. He took the proffered bottle from his husband with a murmured 'thanks' and offered it to Camy, who took it eagerly and latched on with a gurbled sound of excitement, her stockinged legs kicking happily.

Draco smiled at Hermione and Arnold, inclining his head. He couldn't help himself from reaching out at gently patting Hermione's protruding belly. He had thought he'd only find Harry's belly attractive—it was a different sort of fascination with Hermione's, though. It certainly didn't excite him in the same way but he found himself feeling pleased for Hermione (and Arnold). He was mostly grateful Arnold wasn't the sort to glare and threatened people that touched his wife's belly.

"Thank you for coming," he said, as if they'd do anything else. Hermione would have to be in active labor to have missed it.

"I wouldn't miss it," Hermione said seriously. She nibbled on a small carrot, narrowly avoiding dripping ranch sauce on her dress, and watched Harry and Draco openly. Draco's attention had shifted back to Harry, he was watching Camellia drain her bottle with a small smile on his face. She sniffled again, nodding her thanks when Arnold immediately handed her a tissue. "Thanks, love," she murmured before poking Harry in the shoulder. "So. Honeymoon?"

Harry removed the empty bottle from Camy's slack mouth and shifted her to his other shoulder, gently patting her when she fused at being moved before settling back down with a sleepy yawn. "We leave tomorrow morning," he confirmed.

He'd been an absolute mess since Draco told him what he had planned and had threatened to not go, or just cancel it all, at least half a dozen times. It would only be a week but he'd never been apart from his children for that long. It still made him uneasy and chew his lip with uncertainty. He so wanted to have that alone time with Draco, though.

Camy was his biggest concern but his traitorous daughter loved being around other people and he knew as long as she was fed and kept clean, she wouldn't make a fuss. Teddy and Gabe both loved staying with Pansy and Jessica and were actually looking forward to him and Draco being gone. It was enough to make him want to cry, quite honestly, and he blamed lingering hormones whenever he looked misty and Draco gave him that knowing, patient, look. So, he'd settled into a sort of apprehensive excitement about their honeymoon.

"Good," Hermione said, nodding once and munching her carrot with quick little bites. "I'm lookin forward to our turn," she said happily.

Harry was nervous not knowing when that would be... He trusted Pansy (and Jessica) but it made him twitchy not having a detailed itinerary. They all knew it and seemed to derive some sort of sick pleasure in keeping everything so vague. "Which will be when?"

"Whenever," Hermione said, waving Harry off. Pansy had said she'd just call when she'd had enough playing house—which she figured would be approximately three days. She was alright with that arrangement; as much as she preferred having everything planned out and the details sorted, she kind of liked the spontaneity factor. She had nothing else going that would make taking the boys, and the dog, early inconvenient. Pansy was having a harder time knowing she'd be taking Angus as well than anything else.

Which was silly; Angus was neat and well behaved. As long as his bed was in a warm spot and he had a short walk when he felt the urge to move, the dog wouldn't be much of a bother at all.

Harry enjoyed the rest of the reception, showing off his beautiful daughter and getting more warm wishes and congratulations on his Bonding/Marriage. (They might've snuck off an hour after the ceremony to have a half-clothed fumble, snickering about consummated Bonds before they were both trying to stifle their panting and moaning since they'd forgotten to use a privacy ward on the bathroom they'd ducked into.) He'd been able to keep a few paces away from Draco by the time they were getting the boys to bed, carrying them up to their beds from where they'd both fallen asleep on the sofa. He and Draco were both exhausted; by the time they fell into bed, both were asleep the moment they hit the soft surface. Even Draco fell into bed half-dressed and tired enough to snuggle against him with an undignified snore.

By the time they were ready to leave the next morning, Harry was making another round of hugs, squeezing his children until they were pawing him off with yelps and protests. He'd been a wreck when he woke up and Draco had to give up part of the secret plans for their honeymoon before he would calm down. It was ridiculous, he knew that, but it was a very real thing to see their bags packed and know he would be gone for a week.

A lovely (even if it would be very fancy and expensive) Muggle hotel in America (New York, apparently) helped ease his worries. He'd been nervous about blundering around an elite Wizarding resort on top of his apprehension of leaving. He didn't even care they'd be taking a Port-Key instead of an airplane.


Harry stood behind Draco, watching silently and trying to decide how he felt about the situation. He stepped closer when he noticed Draco's hand slide around and rest at the small of his back, his fingers spread ever-so-slightly in silent invitation. He, as subtly as he could, laced their fingers together and peeked around Draco's arm, offering an apologetic smile. It probably wouldn't make the woman feel any better, but he wasn't about to sweep in and save her from his husband's wrath, though.

The receptionist wasn't responsible for their room being given away. (At least, he didn't think so.) And even if she was, making a scene at the front desk of a posh, 5-star hotel, probably wasn't the way to go about getting the situation fixed. Though, under the slight sneer and cool, clipped tone, Harry could tell Draco was actually enjoying himself and merely bidding his time until a manger came to rectify the problem properly.

Unfortunately for her, she was the only one around at the moment and therefore the sole target to the full brunt of a Malfoy (er, Potter-Malfoy) snit.

He probably should feel bad; it had been awhile since he had seen this side of Draco. The snobbish, chin-raised-as-I-berate-you-as-you-obviously-deserve side. He'd almost thought (maybe hoped, a teensy bit) it had vanished. He certainly hadn't seen it directed at him or the boys in the time since they'd reconnected.

He was still a bit bemused about it all, quite honestly. It was almost enough to make him forget the fluttery feeling that had his palms sweating and his body feeling flushed. Even if there was a delay, he knew exactly what was going to happen the moment they got in their room and it was enough to make him antsy and light-headed with anticipation. It wasn't no where near their first time together, but it was their first time as Bonded spouses. No kids to interrupt or worry about making sure the silencing charms were activated properly or jumping on the bed in the middle of the night so they had to make sure there were no naked sleeping times.

It was exciting and he couldn't wait to get behind closed doors.

Maybe that's why Draco was being such a git? The blonde never did take being denied or delayed gratification very well...

"Draco," Harry murmured, tugging lightly at their interlaced hands.

Draco paused, mid-rant, and aimed a glare over his shoulder. He sighed loudly when he caught the look on Harry's face. He had wondered how long it would take before Harry stepped in, the soft-hearted prat. He nearly acquiesced to the silent plea in those lovely green eyes. But, he resisted; he refused to give in. This sort of treatment was intolerable, even for Muggles. He had made this reservation weeks ago and he was damned if this setback was going to ruin everything he had planned.

"Yes, dear?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and unable to help the small (teensy, really) smirk.

"Aren't there any other rooms? At all?" Harry asked, gaze flicking towards the receptionist.

She snapped out of her reverie, probably enjoying the moment of peace from the angry blonde, and she immediately angled herself towards her computer terminal. Her fingers started moving, clicking the keyboard rapidly, her eyes blinking rapidly as she looked for a suitable replacement. Where the hell was the manager? She wasn't paid enough to deal with this kind of aggravation...

Draco's lips pursed. "I don't want any other room. I reserved the honeymoon suite and that's the room I want. It isn't my problem they can't manage to keep a simple reservation clear, now is it?"

"No," Harry said softly, shuffling closer. He really couldn't argue that point. As unobtrusively as possible, he slid his free hand around Draco's waist and gently squeezed his hip. "Let her find something better, yeah?" He didn't know if there was anything better, but he didn't know what else to say.

Draco huffed softly and tried to find it in himself to argue. He couldn't though; the look Harry was giving him, in conjunction with that hand on him that was now moving in gentle caresses, kneads, and circles, made it impossible to keep his strop long enough to continue his concerns about the ability of this hotel to satisfy him. Plus, it just made the idea of getting into a room, any room, that much more appealing. He eyed the receptionist and sneered when he noticed she was no longer clicking away and was staring at them, wide-eyed and pink-cheeked. Nosy cow.

"Did you find something?" he asked coolly.

The receptionist jumped, again coming out of her day-dreams and tried not to make a squeaking sound. She'd dealt with plenty of over-bearing, rich arseholes that thought they should be able to just breeze in and get the best. Of course, she was aware there had been a booking but computer errors happened all the time! But that wasn't what the snob wanted to hear.

Of course, now she realized part of the reason for his absolute shit attitude. Honeymoon suite, which meant he was probably frustrated and pissed off he didn't have his husband backed against a door seconds after they first got here. She almost felt bad for the other guy; he was going to have a time calming the irritated blonde down (even if it looked like he was used to doing it). She cleared her throat and angled the computer screen towards the blonde.

"We have two rooms available of a similar cost—" she started. She tried not to roll her eyes or huff when she was immediately interrupted. She was honestly expecting it.

"I'm sure you do, but I require an upgrade. Complimentary, of course."

Harry squeezed Draco's hip, applying just enough pressure to be uncomfortable. "Draco," he murmured in a warning tone.

"I really don't think it's unreasonable, Harry. I'm sure someone with authority would be happy to agree," Draco drawled, doing his best to look down his nose at the receptionist. It didn't help the woman reminded him of a Weasley. She was gaping at him like a simpleton, too, and her eyes were wide as she fumbled with the telephone. He ignored Harry's put upon sigh, patted the hand still on his hip, and waited for a proper solution.

Harry and the receptionist both relaxed when a tall man in an expensive suit came over, introduced himself as a manger of some sort and began speaking with Draco. Harry rolled his eyes at the man's apologetic tones and professionally appropriate amount of respectful sincerity. However, it was a little impressive at how quickly he had Draco nodding along and feeling like he was finally getting somewhere.

He was tempted to take notes for the next time Draco went into a strop over something similar.

Harry stared, wide-eyed, as the door opened. "Holy shit," he murmured, looking around. It looked the they had half of the damn hotel in here. There was an actual foyer and there were at least 4 rooms—judging by the number of doors he could count. Who needed four rooms? He didn't even want to guess why there was a piano in the corner... But the full kitchen might come in handy.

Naturally, the suite was tastefully done in dark, rich colors. Lots of wood, leather and silk, too. Harry's gaze roamed, trying to take it all in.

"Acceptable," Draco sniffed, dismissing the man carrying their luggage. He glared when Harry hurried to stuff some Muggle money in the man's hand before he could shut the door on him. "Why did you do that?" he asked, mainly out of curiosity. He knew he had a (slightly) regrettable lack of knowledge about Muggle customs. Did every peon get paid extra money just for doing their job?

Harry rolled his eyes and allowed Draco to pull him closer when the blonde reached for him. "You're supposed to, love. It's called tipping and it makes it bearable to put up with people like you."

"Ah. That's quite clever," Draco admitted, his voice slightly muffled by Harry's neck. He absently wondered if he'd have gone through as many assistants if he'd given the incompetent oafs a Galleon or two every time they got a task right. He wouldn't have spent much, but still.

He only got a distracted hum when he nipped at Harry's neck and slid his hands along Harry's sides. "Stop gawking at the room," he muttered, slightly annoyed that his ministrations were being ignored by his husband. Harry shouldn't be that impressed, having been exposed to sights much grander; the Manor's foyer alone was larger than the room.

Harry chuckled softly and turned, giving Draco his full attention. "Sorry, it's just... so big," he breathed, wriggling purposefully against Draco and smirking when Draco's eyes fluttered closed with a soft groan. "Did yelling at that poor woman seriously turn you on?" he asked, holding in a snicker.

"No," Draco said slowly, opening his eyes and glaring down at Harry. The cheeky arse. It had actually started the moment the room situation had been sorted. Harry wiggling and saying provocative things just completed the transition. "I'm still mad at her," he said with a sniff as his hands wandered down to Harry's arse. "She held us up. We should've been in here, naked and sweaty, ten minutes ago." He scowled when Harry grinned up at him. "What?"

"You're pouting."

Draco scoffed and slapped a hand down on a denim covered cheek in retaliation. "I do not pout. Malfoys do not pout," he added, just in case Harry forgot. Since his hand was there, he gave the captured cheek a squeeze.

"Potter-Malfoy," Harry corrected, grinning and nipping at Draco's chin. Draco's answering smile made warmth bloom in his chest and settle lower. "And yeah, you prats do pout. You ever see Gabe do it? He's a master pouter. Takes after you, you know."

Draco scoffed again, trying to sort out a way to disagree but show pride in Gabe's mastery at manipulation. And for taking after him. But then he'd have to admit he did, on occasion, pout. Thankfully, Harry's eagerness saved him from having to answer further when he was forcefully grabbed by the neck and brought into a kiss.

Fuck pouting and whether or not he did it; he had better uses for his lips.

By the time they'd made it to the bed, they were both still slightly damp from the shower and almost breathing normally once again. Draco was pondering the merits of putting in a teak shower bench into their shower stall at home, marveling at the handy-ness of such a thing. He didn't quite get the usefulness of it past a solid surface to facilitate shower-sex, but there had to be a practical reason for it.

Of course, the quiet was disturbed and Draco found himself unsurprised. Harry often took advantage of his drowsy, sated state to talk.

"Did you ever believe we'd end up like this?" Harry murmured, hoping he was still understandable even with the way his cheek was squashed against Draco's chest; he really didn't want to move. He trailed his finger along Draco's chest, his gaze on his ring finger, waiting for an answer.

"No," Draco said after a few moments thinking.

And he hadn't. He'd thought about it, as fantasy and post-coital dreams, but he never thought it would've actually happened. Not until very recently.

"Oh," Harry said, hoping he'd successfully hidden the disappointment in his voice. He certainly had thought about it. Of course, it was mostly before Draco had left... It was ridiculous to be bothered by the fact that Draco, apparently, hadn't had silly daydreams about marriage. He knew dwelling on a negative answer was daft, they were Bonded after all, and he tried to let it go.

Draco sighed softly, almost annoyed at Harry. He should've known better; Harry often got sappy after a vigorous shag. Of course, it was bound to be worse when they'd worn themselves out with more than one go—especially since the last was a slow, mind-melting round of love making that still had his toes uncurling and his fingertips tingling.

"That's not to say I never thought about it, love," he clarified. He grabbed at the hand Harry had on his chest and slotted their fingers together. He kissed Harry's knuckles before letting their joined hands rest on his chest. He could almost be annoyed at how easily Harry made him want to do sappy things. He wasn't, of course, and he was happy to do it more often than not. "I just never let myself think it could be reality," he admitted softly.

He didn't want to admit aloud that it was such wants and urges that had lead to him leaving in the first place. It was very unlikely Harry would be comforted with that admission.

Harry sighed softly. He could understand that. "Oh," he said again. He shifted, wiggling closer and tucking his leg between Draco's and settling comfortably along his side. He worried his bottom lip a little, thinking. "But you did think about it?"

"Yes, Harry," Draco said with a soft put-upon sigh. "I did." He felt Harry smile against his chest and he scoffed softly, playfully smacking at Harry's bare shoulder. His hand cupped the area a moment later, resting comfortably. "Does that settle some sort of cruel Gryffindor need to make me say such things aloud?"

Harry chuckled and wiggled his head, "Nope, I was merely curious. I'm sure you'll call me a big ol' sap or something, but I used to think about it a lot. Especially after I found out about Gabe."

It was almost embarrassing how often he let himself drift off into daydreams, imagining Draco would come charging back in, sweep him up and proclaim his undying devotion. Sometimes they rode off on a dragon in his more colorful dreams. It was completely ridiculous, of course, but he'd still had that secret urge to have that more with Draco.

Harry felt Draco's chest heave and hitch and he propped himself up on his elbow to look at Draco. He made a soft noise of alarm when he realize Draco's eyes were suspiciously shiny and the blonde was gnawing on his bottom lip. He suddenly felt like a real arse for ruining the blissful atmosphere they'd been in only moments before.

"Hey, it's alright, love. I didn't mean to upset you. I mean, we're here now, yeah?"

Draco nodded. "I know," he finally managed. It really wasn't Harry's fault that he'd managed to upset himself thinking about all those missed years. He had no one to blame but himself and dwelling on it was probably going to have him turning into a blubbering idiot in a short amount of time. He didn't protest when Harry wrapped himself around his chest, his face pressed to his shoulder. He sighed softly when Harry's hand slid along his chest and down his arm, linking their hands together again.

He was pretty sure the way their ring fingers lined up was deliberate, too. He rather liked the way their bonding tattoos lined up. He huffed softly, smiling. "It's fine. I'm fine, Harry."

"I know," Harry immediately answered. Even if he didn't fully agree, Draco wasn't one to dwell on what he considered moments of weakness. He stared at their entwined fingers and the way their bonding tattoos lined up and rested against each other. It still felt surreal to realize they'd actually Bonded and even staring at the evidence made it hard to believe. He caressed the marks with his thumb and sighed softly. He felt Draco shift under him and he decided a change of subject was needed.

Draco beat him to it, though.

"Well, now that we've shagged on every flat surface, should we venture out and see what lies beyond our room?"

Harry snorted softly in amusement. It sounded like a good idea but they'd been about to fall asleep moments ago. He yawned, "Nap first?"

"Alright," Draco agreed, settling down into the bed. He wrapped his arms around Harry, unsurprised to hear soft snores moments later. Luckily, he hadn't made any plans at all for their first night and he let himself drift off as well, not even bothering with an alarm.

Draco was rather proud it took Harry an entire 26 hours before he was looking for his mobile. He handed it over wordlessly, smiling when Harry yanked him into a kiss that was obviously a 'thank you'. Probably partly for his silence on the matter of calling home so soon as well as for finding his (fully charged, thank Merlin) mobile for him.

"Hey!" Harry said happily the moment he got an answer. "How're you guys?" He didn't even know who answered, not that it really mattered.

"Daddy!" Gabe yelled, getting everyone's attention. "We're great! Aunt Pansy let us stay up and watch movies!"

Harry chuckled and hoped it wasn't anything past a PG rating. Pansy tended to forget that his children were not little adults and he'd caught them watching questionable things under her watch before. "That sounds like fun."

"Uh huh," Gabe said, settling himself on the stairs. "And we had pizza. And noodles. And waffles you stick in the toaster!" He looked around to make sure he was alone and lowered his voice, "Aunt Pansy can't cook. She burned our cheesy noodles yesterday."

Harry laughed, not at all surprised. He was about to answer but had to stifle another laugh when there was a muted sound of a scuffle before Teddy's voice was heard. "Hey dad! Are you having fun?"

"Yes," Harry said, relaxing back into the sofa with a happy smile. "Are you boys behaving?" He could almost hear Teddy's eyes rolling as he sighed softly.

"Yeah, 'course. Aunt Pansy said she'd attempt macaroni and cheese again if we didn't behave," Teddy said, giggling. He didn't know you could burn water, but Aunt Pansy had managed it. Aunt Jessica's face pinched up like she was trying not to laugh and just called for pizza. "Did you want to talk to her?"

Harry debated, but just said "No, that's fine," mostly because he didn't want Pansy to make fun of him for only being able to wait a day before calling and checking up on everyone. He felt better, though. "Alright, well, since no one is missing me, I'll just go back to the beach."

"I miss you daddy!" Gabe yelled into the mobile, bumping into Teddy and practically screaming in his ear. He winced when Teddy smacked at him. "Daddy! Teddy hit me!" He stuck his tongue out when Teddy glared at him, trying to cover the speaker so daddy wouldn't hear.

Harry snorted, amused more than he probably should be Gabe was tattling over the phone. He waited until he heard Teddy shift to mobile back up to his ear before saying anything though. "Don't hit your brother," he said, mostly out of habit, and getting a muttered 'yes, dad' in return. "Does Aunt Pansy know you have her mobile?"

"Yeah, she figured it was you and let Gabe answer it," Teddy said, pushing Gabe over a little on the steps so he could sit down, too. He heard his dad groan softly. "It's OK, we're fine. OK?" He knew him and pop were meant to be having a vacation, so he didn't want his dad to be sad. Or worried. "Is there really a beach?" he asked. Beaches were fun, even if it smelled funny and sand got everywhere.

Harry cleared his throat, unsure and a little embarrassed he had no idea where they were or what was outside their hotel. Yet. But he was pretty sure there weren't beaches close by and he doubted Draco wanted to visit on. Sand and sun and Malfoys didn't exactly mix. "Ah, no. Lots of shops, though," he guessed. Draco liked to shop, so it wasn't exactly a hard guess.

"Oh, pop'll like that," Teddy said. He spent a few minutes talking, answering all of his dad's questions, assuring him they all were fine. He didn't know what to say about Camy, though, since she was fine and happy since Aunt Pansy learned how to make a bottle and kept her changed. He saw Aunt Pansy coming and hurried to finish his call since her hand was outstretched and she was smiling in that way that always made dad roll his eyes.

"OK! Bye dad! Love you! And pop! Have fun!" he said before giving the mobile back to an amused witch. He ran off, hoping to get back to the video games Aunt Pansy had before Gabe got to them.

Pansy let Gabe shout into the mobile, trying not to grimace when he planted a wet kiss on the smooth surface before running off after Teddy, shouting about being player one. She wiped it off on her jeans with a little grimace. "How's it going, Potter?"

"Fine," Harry said simply, refusing to give into her suggestive tone. Merlin, he could practically hear her lewdly wiggling eyebrows, the nosy witch. "Thanks for letting the boys talk," he said, smiling a little. Pansy was such a push-over it was endearing. Especially since she tried to hide it. "I just wanted to check in."

"Yeah, it's fine. We're all still alive and well," Pansy said. She was tempted to ask for Draco but she really didn't want to keep the couple from their honeymoon and just let Harry go with a suggestive 'have fun!'. She tucked her mobile back in her pocket and went back into the living room. Gabe had the remote for her DVD player and was ready to hit play the moment Jessica got back with the popcorn refill. Teddy ran in a moment later, abandoning the video game when he heard mention of Monsters Vs. Aliens.

Harry dropped his mobile onto the bed, plopping down next to it with a sigh. He rubbed at his face, a hand covering his eyes. "Everyone's fine. Nobody misses me," he mumbled, knowing Draco was close enough to hear him.

"I'm sure they do," Draco said, moving closer to the bed. He eased himself atop Harry's body, straddling him but hovering slightly. He gently pulled Harry's hand off his face and smiled down at him. "It's only been a day, love." He honestly expected to have to pry little boys off his husband when they left, but Gabe and Teddy had been excited enough to wave goodbye to them, pleased with the prospect of a sleep-over with their aunts.

Of course, he didn't honestly expect that to last and was counting the hours when the boys realized it wasn't just for a day and they'd get weepy, wailing phone calls.

Harry, though, looked completely put-out and he couldn't have that.

Draco lowered himself until he resting on Harry's thighs and leaned over, propping himself up on his hands. "You're not going to pout, are you?"

"No," Harry muttered. He wasn't pouting. Really, he should be pleased his children weren't crying and wailing about missing them. Pansy would never look after them again...

Draco hummed and shifted his weight so he could lift a hand, running a thumb over Harry's slightly protruding lower lip. "Looks like a pout to me," he murmured, a hint of a smirk on his lips.

"You would know," Harry said, the corner of his lips twitching. He wondered if Draco realized he'd opened himself up for that... And he grinned when Draco's face scrunched into an adorable moue of annoyance. He felt his heart-rate kick up when Draco lowered himself so they were close enough for their noses to touch.

With a little effort, Draco kept his expression of indignation on his face. It wasn't easy, not with the way Harry was now looking at him, the beginnings of an aroused flush on his face and his eyes wide. It was almost ridiculous, at times, how quickly and easily he could arouse the other wizard. And extremely satisfying. The feeling was entirely mutual, of course. He was nearly distracted when Harry's tongue slid out to wet his bottom lip.

"I would not," he finally said, closing the tiny gap between them. He angled his head and kissed Harry that was just this side of chaste. He smirked when he pulled back. Of course, the lips that had been eager and pliant against his moved into a pout again. He leaned away until he was upright again, laughing outright when Harry's pout deepened to ridiculous proportions. He climbed off of Harry and held out a hand, yanking Harry upright by his shirt when the dark-haired wizard just stayed there looking confused.

"As much as I'd love to continue that," Draco murmured, kissing Harry and palming his arse for a moment. "We have reservations."

Harry grumbled but allowed himself to be lead towards the massive walk-in closet. The few clothes he brought looked ridiculous in the large space, but Draco had insisted. He watched Draco sort through his clothes, going through them and trying to find something appropriate for their plans.

"Where are we going?"

Draco paused and regarded Harry for a moment. Harry was no longer pouting but he did look a little petulant, leaning against the doorjamb with his arms loosely crossed. Probably because he'd halted what was promising to be a nicer alternative to dinner out. He nearly laughed aloud; as if there wouldn't be time later. He fully intended to bend Harry over every soft (and flat) surface of their suite by the time the week was done.

"Dinner," he said simply, preferring to keep their plans a surprise.

"That's all I'm getting, eh?" Harry mused. Draco nodded and smirked at him over his shoulder. He nearly pointed out it was too early for dinner, but decided not to. He just took the clothes hanging from Draco's finger when the blonde turned around.

Later, when they ended up going all the way to Paris for dinner, Harry didn't mind the surprise. Hearing Draco order in French, being a complete gentleman and ordering for them both, was a hell of a turn-on, too.

Harry added a pile of socks to the bag, looking around to make sure he got everything. The only thing left out was what he and Draco would wear home. The week had flown by and as much as he'd enjoyed the time alone with his husband, he was eager to be home. He slowly looked down when hands slid around his sides and wrapped around his stomach. He nearly rolled his eyes; they were checking out in an hour, for crying out loud.

"Draco," he murmured, trying to ignore insistent hands now splaying over his lower stomach, and leaned over to zip the suitcase. He groaned softly when it brought his arse flush with Draco's groin. A naked, aroused groin. The thin fabric of his boxer-briefs was hardly any sort of barrier... "Draco," he said again, trying to put a little warning into it this time. Apparently, his husband didn't give a toss and wriggled against him.

Draco hummed and bent down to kiss along Harry's neck. "We've an hour," he murmured, adding a few gentle nips between his kisses. Thankfully, Harry was only wearing his pants and he had them down Harry's hips and thighs with his thumbs. Harry's protests died with a soft moan and kicked his pants away without any further prodding. He smiled, feeling a little smug and pleased he'd gotten his way so quickly and easily. An hour should be just enough time...

Harry sighed and reached back, winding his fingers through Draco's hair, angling his head so there was more room for lips and teeth. He didn't pay any attention to the way Draco maneuvered him, used to it by now, but they didn't wind up on the still-rumpled bed. He gasped, blinking when he realized he was inches away from being pressed against the large window in their room.

"Draco! No."

Draco pressed his hips into Harry, running a hand down his chest and stomach. "We won't fall through," he said reassuringly, sliding his hands down Harry's thighs and pressing a line of open-mouthed kisses along Harry's shoulders. He teased his knuckles along the underside of Harry's erection, smothering a smile against the back of Harry' neck when Harry's hips twitched into the touch and he moaned.

"I'm not worried about that," Harry muttered. He knew windows this high up were sturdy... And the view was lovely. But he really didn't fancy giving anyone a show. "People will see." He bit his lip, holding in the sound that wanted to come out when Draco's thumb teased at the head of his prick.

Draco huffed softly and peeked over Harry's shoulder. The closest buildings might afford others a view if they had those Muggle looking glasses, but for the most part they were high up enough, he really didn't think it would be possible to see him press his husband to the glass and shag him stupid. "No, they won't."

He gently pushed until Harry was nearly against the glass, a soft gasp coming from Harry as he brushed against the cool glass.

Harry's next protests died in another moan as Draco's hands moved; one sliding across his chest to rest over his nipples and the other sliding down his hips, along his thighs and wrapped around his cock. He arched back, unable to help himself, and his palms hit the glass with a soft thud. "Oh fuck," he breathed when one of Draco's hands left his erection (apparently his cock wasn't all that bothered by the whole idea; he was completely hard and starting to leak) and trailed around, sliding between his cheeks. He shuddered, his forehead falling forward to rest against the glass.

"I've been wanting to do this for ages," Draco murmured, dragging his slick fingers along Harry's cleft. He nuzzled at Harry's wild hair and inhaled deeply, enjoying the musky scent of his husband's arousal. He used his knee to urge Harry's legs apart, smiling when Harry shifted eagerly with no complaints, hips rolling for a better angle. He kept his touch maddeningly gentle at first, palming stiff nipples with his left hand as his right gently circled and teased.

Draco nipped a thrumming pulse point, nose teasing Harry's jaw. "I wanted to take advantage of that balcony." His gaze flicked to the fenced off balcony just past the large window. As much as he had wanted to drag Harry out there, naked and bent over the table or one of the chaise lounges, he didn't think his husband would've gone for it. And since they were in a Muggle building, a privacy ward would've been out of the question. But still... this was just as good.

He easily slipped two fingers into Harry's heat, resting his forehead on Harry's shoulder and taking a few breathes to compose himself. He was insanely turned on and he didn't know if he he could spend much longer teasing Harry. Plus, they had the lesser part of an hour. They'd still need to shower... He moaned softly, leaning back enough to stare at his fingers disappearing into Harry, listening to the sounds his husband was making. It was looking to be one of those times either of them would barely manage five minutes.

"Oh Merlin," Harry groaned, arching against Draco, silently asking for more and deeper. Draco leaned against him, his chest flush against his back, and he just barely caught himself on the glass from the sudden move. His head dropped down to his chin, his fingers splayed and nearly white against the glass and he moaned softly as long, agile fingers worked at him.

"Just— Oh, fuck, just do it," he breathed. He nearly fell against the glass when Draco's two fingers became three and finally wriggled with purpose and splayed inside of him. Pleasure sizzled through him when those clever fingers hit all the right spots. They'd left their room a few times to sight-see or get souvenirs (Harry insisted), but for the most part they've spent the week shagging like bunnies and he really didn't need the prep.

Harry shifted his hips in invitation and Draco pressed in, apparently just as eager. He voiced a low grunting moan as he was pressed flush against the glass again, Draco's heaving chest pressing against him wonderfully. The cool glass actually felt good this time, cooling his heated skin as his forehead rested against it.

His hands splayed on the glass kept him steady enough as Draco started to move. His eyes fluttered closed when Draco's hand slid down his arm, leaving tingling goosebumps in its wake, linking their fingers together. Draco's other hand was an almost bruising hold on his hip, fingers digging in every time Draco rolled his hips and thrust forward. His eyes open briefly, his gaze drawn to way he was leaving streaks on the glass; it was a little gross and obscene but still made him groan as heat pooled low. He shivered as his leaking, flushed cock brushed against the cool glass.

Harry no longer cared that he was standing in front of a window, naked and being fucked in full view. Not when Draco was murmuring filthy things between sweet endearments, whispers of his name and 'husband' puffing against his ear and kissed into his neck. Not when a pale hand snaked around his hip and wrapped around him with exquisite pressure and timing.

His head dropped back onto Draco's shoulder, lolling when Draco nuzzled and kissed along the flushed skin. He managed to free a hand without smacking face-first into the glass, fisting it in Draco's messy pale hair and yanking him forward enough for a heated kiss. Draco moaned into his mouth, instead of complaining about the way he was pulling blonde hair or the almost painful clash of teeth and tongues.

"Fuck. Harry," Draco panted, his eyes tightly closed. He sped up his movements, faltering for a few beats when Harry tightened around him and smeared glass as he came. Harry was fully pressed along the glass now; flushed, panting and pliant. Draco hissed out a curse when his cheeky bastard of a husband deliberately tightened around him and he grabbed both hips in a tight hold, grinded in and coming with a whimpered moan.

He sagged against Harry's back, dimly aware he was squashing his husband between his sated body and cool glass. Harry didn't complain though, he just made a satisfied little sound and reached back enough to squeeze his arse in a hand and pet along his flank. It took a few moments but he was able to gently ease himself out and away, turning Harry around and kissing him breathless.


Harry nodded and sighed, draping himself over Draco's shoulders. "Wash me," he demanded, leaning against his husband's chest.

Draco chuckled softly, unable to refuse. It was his fault they needed a shower, after all.



Harry practically threw their luggage down as he squatted low enough to catch a Gabe-shaped blur. He caught his little boy with a soft oomph, plopping onto his bum and barely resisting the urge to smother the wiggling body with hugs and kisses. He swallowed the tight feeling and the urge to start weeping like an idiot and hugged a wiggling Gabe. Merlin, he missed his children.

"Miss me?" he asked, pulling back and giving Gabe a smile. He laughed delightedly when Gabe nodded vigorously, his dark, messy hair flopping and flying about his head. He noted Gabe need a haircut before his thoughts broke when he was hugged tightly again.

"Yeah, lots!" Gabe said, wide-eyed. He dove back in for another hug. Daddy had the best hugs and he'd missed them! Aunt Jessica had good hugs, warm and squishy, but they just weren't the same. "Papa!" he yelled as he caught sight of pale blonde hair, untangling himself from his daddy and running full-tilt at papa. He was caught easily and he whooped excitedly as he was picked up, hugged and spun around.

Harry eyed Teddy standing by the steps and raised an eyebrow. He was just about to wonder aloud if Teddy was too old for hugs when he was suddenly being squeezed by a bright orange haired Teddy. He hugged back and rubbed at Teddy's back when he realized Teddy was sniffling softly. "You alright, Teddy?" he asked, worried.

"Yeah," Teddy said, leaning back and wiping at his face. He felt like such a baby! "Sorry, dad..." he mumbled. "Missed you." He looked up, surprised to see his dad was all red-eyed, too. He felt a little better about crying like a baby. His hair shifted to pale blonde and he looked up with wide grey eyes, "Did you bring us presents?"

Harry shared a look with Draco and they both burst out laughing. Before he could answer Teddy, he caught sight of Hermione, a happily flailing, wide-eyed Camellia in her grasp. He nodded to Teddy and made grabby hands towards the witch, smiling with relief and a chest-tightening feeling of happiness when he hefted his daughter into his arms.

It'd only been a week, but he was convinced she'd grown since he'd last seen her. He carefully hugged her little wiggling body, tickling her belly and chuckling when Camy broke out into delighted laughter. He nuzzled her, inhaling her light baby smell.

"Thanks, 'Mione," he said, looking up from Camy's flushed, smiling face. She'd latched on to his index finger and was gnawing on it.

Hermione waved a hand. "Not a problem, Harry. You're welcome," she added. "Surprisingly, everyone was on their best behavior. We had a bit of a discussion about bed-time, though," she said, looking towards a sheepish Teddy for a moment. She grinned at the little boy; she had actually been a little impressed he'd tried to talk her into an 8.30 bedtime. It had almost worked...

"Staying for dinner?" Draco asked Hermione, plucking his daughter from Harry's arms. He was surprised he didn't get a protest, but Harry did shuffle closer to press against his side so he could stay in her eye-line. He was tempted to tease the wizard but he shared the urge to be close. He had found himself missing the controlled chaos of his children during their time away, as well. He ran a finger gently down one chubby cheek, smiling when his daughter gurgled happily at him.

Hermione shrugged, handing a bottle to Draco when she remembered she'd been about to feed Camellia when the ruckus started. She smiled as Camy's feet kicked and Draco eased the bottle into her mouth with ease. "Sure," she finally answered. "The boys requested chicken, so I was going to see how well I could handle Chicken Tetrazzini."

Gabe and Teddy shared a look before turning towards their dad. "Are you gonna make it?" Gabe asked, hoping his daddy would say 'yes'.

"I can help Aunt Hermione?" Harry offered, attention mostly on Hermione to see how she'd react. He didn't want to thwart her efforts at cooking, but it wasn't a secret her efforts were... questionable. Plus, he didn't want her to be on her feet that long, but he wasn't going to say that aloud and risk a hand upside his head. Hermione shrugged her acceptance and he grinned as he walked past her towards the kitchen. He gave Angus a scritch as he passed the dog, chuckling softly when Angus whuffed happily at him as his tail wagged a mile a minute.

The unpacking could wait; he was just happy to be home and dinner needed to be started soon. He anticipated Hermione's questions and got right down to describing their trip, leaving more intimate details out, as he took ingredients out.

Draco wandered towards the closest sofa, bouncing a happily suckling Camellia, smiling widely when Gabe and Teddy scrambled after him asking about presents and if their 'honeymoons' had been fun. He settled himself on the sofa, Camellia warm against his chest and his boys on either side of him.

He answered questions (as vaguely as possible when necessary), both boys wiggling with excitement. He propped Camellia onto his shoulder, laughing occasionally as Teddy and Gabe took turns telling him (and later Harry when he joined them from the kitchen) about their week with their various sitters. Aunt Pansy apparently was the most fun 'cause she took them to a pool, making sure they both had charmed floaties on their arms.

Draco leaned against the sofa, letting his sons' voices wash over him as he snuggled into his daughter's sleep-warm weight against his chest. He realized he was happy; truly happy and content now that his life was no longer uncertain.

(A/N: Ugh. I'm officially apologizing for the cheesy end LOL Thanks for reading! ʘ‿ʘ)