Derek was frustrated about how little he got to see Stiles these days. Stiles recently getting the much-awaited spotlight in the field and actually surprising everyone with his lacrosse skills left Derek with little to no time with him.

Stiles was either busy studying for tests or in lacrosse practice. Not that he wasn't proud and happy for Stiles' newly discovered talent, but he missed spending time with him.

To make things worse, his annoying brother was talking about Stiles all the time. And not that he was jealous or anything, but he hated how Scott was still spending time with Stiles in school and in lacrosse practice. Everyday.

Derek was looking at Stiles' Facebook page when he hears the front door open.

"Derek! I'm home!" Derek groans as Scott shouts.


Derek doesn't even bother to answer, his attention back to his boyfriend's timeline. Why were there so many people writing on his wall all of a sudden?

"Derek?" Scott peeks his head through the slightly open door.

"What?" Derek finally responds.

"Just checking if you were home." Scott jumps on Derek's bed.

"Okay. I'm here. Why are you in my room? Get out now!" Derek says, annoyed.

"Ohmygod, you won't believe what happened today at practice!" Scott says completely ignoring his brother.

"I don't really care. So get out." Derek says impatiently, not looking away from his computer screen.

"But it's about Stiles. You know, your…" Scott grimaces, "your boyfriend."

This perks Derek's interest. "Fine. Just tell me already. It's not like anything I say ever stopped you before." he says trying to hide his curiosity.

"So, today, at practice, Stiles totally beat Jackson's ass. He scored like the triple of what Jacks did. It was AWESOME. Like, how didn't anyone know that Stiles was amazing at lacrosse? How did YOU not know?"

Derek growls at that, annoyed at the implication that he doesn't know his boyfriend as well as he should.

"Whatever. Oh, and did I tell you that Stiles is getting pretty popular at school since he basically owned the last match? We went out to grab a bite after practice and there were a couple of girls… and boys from our school that were flirting with him." Scott gives a little mocking smile.

Derek's growls get even louder. He didn't like this at all. Why were there people flirting with his boyfriend, didn't they know Stiles was his? And why was his brother spending more time with his boyfriend than he was? Wait, was he actually jealous of his brother? No. Definitely not. Stiles could spend as much time as he wanted with Scott for all he cared.

"By the way, Stiles' dad is working late again so I invited him for dinner. And…" Scott continues talking, but Derek stopped listening after he heard the first sentence.

"Can't we just order some pizzas or something? I don't want to get food poisoning." Scott mocks him.

Derek had refused to order takeout. He wanted to make a home cooked meal, because… because he was sick of ordering food all the time, plus his mother didn't teach him how to cook for nothing. Yep, this had absolutely nothing to do with Stiles coming over or anything. So Derek had been in the kitchen for the past half hour preparing the lamb chops to perfection and making curly fries, which he knew were Stiles' favorite.

"God, we should have Stiles over more often." Scott teases.

Derek only responds with a hard cold glare.

Scott smirks. "What? You're going to tell me that it's just a coincidence that all of this is Stiles' favorite food?"

"Shut up Scott."

Scott was about to say something back, when the doorbell rings.

"He's here!" Scott smiles, rushing to the door. "Coming!"

Derek grabs a spoon and quickly glances at his reflection, making sure he didn't have anything on his face and that his hair was okay, before he resumes preparing the food, trying to look as casual as possible.

Scott and Stiles walk in the kitchen discussing tactics for tomorrow's lacrosse game.

"So pumped for tomorrow! It's going to be awesome."

Derek turns around and smiles as he sees his boyfriend. "Hey Stiles."

Stiles leans in and gives him a peck on the lips. "Hey creeper."

"Ew." Scott whines.

"The food smells amazing. Oh, are those curly fries? I love curly fries!"

Derek grins as he sees Stiles wet his lips. "It's not ready yet. So you'll have to wait a little."

"That's okay. Stiles and I will just go to the living room and chill. Can you call us when it's done?" Scott is already practically leaving the kitchen.

"Yea, sure." Derek replies, hoping Stiles will choose to stay with him instead.

To his disappointment, Stiles is following Scott out the kitchen. "Thanks Derek."

And just like that, Derek is alone at the kitchen, making the finishing touches to the meal, making sure everything was perfect. He can't help but feel hurt that Stiles just went along with Scott. He wasn't being clingy. He just thought that, since they hadn't seen each other in a while, Stiles would have stayed with him in the kitchen. This whole lacrosse thing was really starting to annoy him. The only thing that was on Stiles' mind was this stupid sport. Not to mention that now his boyfriend was attracting unwanted attention from half of his school.

Derek pours himself a glass of wine and takes a huge gulp. No. He was not going to be the jealous and possessive boyfriend… But what if Stiles felt that they weren't going to work out anymore? Before this Stiles hardly ever got noticed by other people, which is crazy, but Derek knew that it was only because he grew up having Stiles around playing with Scott that he had gotten to see how amazing Stiles was. Now it was different. Stiles was popular. He will start meeting a lot of new people. A lot of new people his age. And they will start growing even more and more apart, until Stiles eventually…

The alarm in the oven startles him. He just shakes out the unpleasant conclusion his mind was about to make. He takes out the lamb chops and sets them on a big dish, takes a last sip of his wine and calls for the boys.

Scott and Stiles rush to the dining room as Derek finishes setting everything up.

"Oh my God, everything looks and smells so good!" Stiles says enthusiastically.

"Yea. Derek is actually a really good cook. He just never ever makes me dinner." Scott sticks out his tongue at Derek.

"Are you complaining? Because there is a very nice TV dinner in the freezer."

"No, no. I'm good, thanks." Scott starts eating before Derek has the chance to change his mind.

"Derek, these curly fries are amazing. Best curly fries ever!" Stiles says, stuffing his mouth with more fries.

"Dude, slow down on the fries. You don't want to get a stomach ache on the day of the final match." Scott says nudging Stiles on his side.

"Yea, yea." Stiles says, not really listening to his friend's advice.

Scott's phone starts to ring. "Hey, it's Allison, I have to get this. I'll be right back." Scott walks out of the living room, leaving Stiles and Derek alone at last.

"So, do you want to sleepover here? A sleepover in my room, of course." Derek says, giving his best smirk.

Stiles bites his lips, but then scrunches up his face. "I can't. Not today. There's that big game tomorrow. I'm just really tired from practice. Rain check?"

Derek frowns. "Stiles, did I do something wrong?"

"What? No. Why would you ask me that?"

"Um.. maybe because you've been completely ignoring me these past few days."

"I haven't been ignoring you. I've been busy with practice. You know that!"

"Well, that isn't stopping you from hanging out with your other teammates! Lacrosse is basically taking over your life!" Derek starts to raise his voice.

"Derek, that's so unfair. I thought you would be happy for me." Stiles says, hurt.

"I am happy for you. In fact, I couldn't be happier."

"Well, that's a very weird way of showing your support. It almost seems like you don't want me to succeed."

"I want you to succeed more than anyone else! I'm so happy that you found something you love, but that doesn't give you an excuse to just neglect everything else that is important in your life."

"I'm not neglecting anything important!"

"Am I not important?" Derek looks upset.

"What? That's not what I meant! What kind of question is that? Of course you are important to me! You know very well that you are -"

Derek cuts him off. "Well, then why haven't you made time for me these couple of days? Why do I feel like even when you are with me, you're still distant?"

"I don't know! I'm sorry if you feel that way, but that's not my fault. I've been busy with practice and school. Jeez, I don't know if you don't remember anymore, but being in high school isn't really a walk in the park." Stiles can feel his hands getting sweaty, his skin getting hotter. He can't believe that they are fighting the day before his big game. He doesn't understand why Derek is blowing this whole thing out of proportions.

"You just don't get it…" Derek says, defeated.

"There is nothing to get. You are being overdramatic. I don't want to have this discussion today. Not right before the big match tomorrow." Stiles is still mad.

"There you go again! All you talk about is lacrosse! All you care about is that stupid sport!"

Stiles can't take this. He can feel Derek starting to get under his skin, he doesn't want to feel guilty for something he didn't do. He doesn't want to fight.

"Okay! Whatever then. Clearly you need some time to clear your head out. I'm leaving. Tell Scott I'll see him tomorrow."

And just like that Stiles gets up, turns his back to Derek and leaves through the front door, without saying another word.

A part of Derek wanted to go running after his boyfriend, to wrap his arms around him, to tell him he was sorry, that he didn't want to fight. But he couldn't swallow his pride. Deep inside he still thought he had all the right reasons to be mad at Stiles.

"Where's Stiles?" Scott asks giving Derek a puzzled look when he returns to the dining room.

"He left early." Derek responds coldly.

"What did you do?"

Derek didn't like his brother's accusatory tone.

"Nothing Scott! I didn't do anything!"

Scott doesn't answer. He doesn't know what to say, which creates a heavy and awkward silence in the room. Making both of them uncomfortable.

"I'm going to my room. Clean up the table when you're done." Derek doesn't even glance up to see the annoyed look on his brother's face, his mind was still going over the fight he just had with Stiles. And even though he was starting to rethink about whether his outburst had been reasonable or not, there was one thing he was sure about; the dinner definitely didn't go according to plan.

It was the night of the final match. Derek was still annoyed at Stiles about what happened last night, but he was not going to act like a child and not go to the game. Besides, he was slowly starting to feel guilty about the way he just snapped at him. It wasn't like Stiles was deliberately not seeing him. He should have tried to understand Stiles more. He wanted to show him that he did support him.

"Derek! Let's go! We're late." his mother shouts. "I have to take the late shift, again. So we need to hurry. I don't want to miss Scott's last game of the season."

"Okay. I'm all set. Let's go."

When they arrive, the game had already started. They hurry to the bleachers and take the seats next to Sheriff Stilinski.

"Hey Melissa. Derek." the Sheriff smiled.

Derek was glad that the Sheriff had finally got around accepting his relationship with Stiles. The Sheriff didn't have a problem at all with his son dating a guy, the problem had been that this guy was six years older than his son. It took him two months to finally be okay with their relationship, and now that he finally had, Derek and the Sheriff had developed a very cordial relationship themselves.

"Hello John. Did we miss anything?" Melissa asked.

"Nothing much. The game is tied so far. Scott's been playing great."

"Oh, and by the looks of it, so is Stiles." Melissa returns the compliment.

Both Sheriff and Derek grin proudly. She was right, Stiles was on the field, running around, catching the ball, and passing it around, with the whole school cheering him on. How he kept this talent undiscovered all these years was still a mystery to him.

Derek started to feel even guiltier about the way he acted last night. Lacrosse was clearly something Stiles loved doing, and he couldn't blame him for wanting to spend most of his time practicing. Stiles was finally being recognized and instead of just supporting him, Derek had argued with him about it.

Derek sees that Stiles is now looking at him, waving. Derek smiles, waves back and joins in on the cheer.

The match is over. Stiles had, once more, scored the decisive victory point of the game. A big crowd was now rushing to congratulate the players. Derek slowly made his way towards Stiles, letting a bunch of teenage girls and a few guys rush in front of him to congratulate his boyfriend. Stiles had a huge grin on his face, laughing and high-fiving everyone. He seemed so happy. How could he have been so immature and selfish about something that makes Stiles this happy?

Stiles freezes when he sees Derek, then his face immediately lights up and he rushes towards him.

"You came!" Stiles seems surprised.

"Of course I did. I wouldn't miss your game for anything." Derek gives him a warm smile.

"I didn't think you'd come after what happened yesterday." Stiles looks guilty and apologetic. "And I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday."

Derek frowns. "I'm the one who should be apologizing. Not you."

"No. It's my fault. You totally have the right to be mad at me. I was a lousy boyfriend these couple of days. I'm sorry that I've been so MIA. I really didn't mean to. And I'm sorry that I just walked out yesterday. I was just –"

Derek cuts him off with a kiss. Stiles stiffens, completely caught off guard, but relaxes the moment he feels Derek's warm breath inside his mouth. All the cheering and chatter completely tuned out, Stiles feels Derek's arms embracing his cold and clammy body. He lets out a little whimper when he feels Derek's lips parting. Stiles grabs Derek and pulls him closer, not wanting to let go of the kiss.

"Hey Stiles! You were aweso-" Scott groans as he walks in on his best friend kissing his brother. "Ugh, Derek! You life ruiner!"

Stiles and Derek both chuckle.

"This is not funny! I am going to have nightmares again!"

Stiles looks at his best friend and just shrugs. "Sorry man. The heart wants what it wants." And he leans in for another kiss.