The four ran as fast as they could towards the Valley of the End and tears started rolling down their faces when Genesis started screaming in absolute agony, Minato and Jiraya feeling their hearts break when they heard those agonizing sounds: "My son is suffering Dad we have to hurry and fin them before something happens to him!" Jiraya nodded and they went faster until about fifteen minutes later they broke through the tree line on the far edge of the Valley of the End. On top of the head of Madara Uchiha the boys had place Genesis down on the stone and sat in a small circle around him.

They each put a hand on his forehead and the other on his chest, gathered their chakra in them and said: "Royal Suppression Seal KAI!" The two seals glowed for a moment and then they shattered, a wave of chakra pushing the over the edge where they used the chakra to cling to the side enough to climb down slowly. Jiraya and Minato dove to the ground right before the wave of power hit, their eyes squeezed shut because of the brightness of the chakra and the debris in the air. The four boys looked up and their eyes widened when they saw the outlines of the nine bijuu roaring above Genesis before going back into his body that was soon encased in a silver, black and red light: "What in the worlds is that?" The four jerked their heads around and saw Minato and Jiraya standing on the water a short distance away, looks of complete shock on their faces.

The four were trying to think of what to do when there was a clap of thunder and a lightning bolt struck the water, the four boys jumping in time while Minato and his father were blown away into a far wall, lightning still crackling around them: "Do not try to question my beloveds Toad-tachi." the four of them opened their eyes and they became stars, drool and a little bit of blood dripping down their faces. His long blond hair was now crimson like his mother but with black streaks, his skin was a slightly darker shade and his eyes were now like rubies with black flecks in them. Instead of whiskers he now had nine stars on each cheek and a small tri-pronged kunai under each of his eyes. His ears were now slightly pointed and he had black and red wings folded on his back so they would not get in the way. And coming out of his tailbone were ten tails, each of them red with black as well: "Come my loves we should get the meeting with the Uchiha over with so we can return home." They each cleaned their faces up quickly before disappearing in boiling waters.

Back in the Valley of the End Jiraya slowly sat up and managed to lean against the rocks even though his entire body was protesting the movements. He looked over to his right and saw his son lying on the ground, tears in his eyes as he looked into the sky at the gathering clouds: "I know that taking Kushina-chan from Whirlpool was frowned upon bit I didn't know that their anger was so bad that they would hide my only son from me." "We all tried to warn you about the consequences of taking the Crown Princess but you would not listen. Even Kushina tried to warn you but it did no good. Now because of that we have to deal with the consequences." Minato just looked into the sky and thought about all he had learned about just recently, the tears pouring from his eyes when he thought about his son hating him.

Uchiha Compound

Inside of the compound the people were gathering to hear what Genesis had to say about their joining Whirlpool kingdom. When Sasuke was six some of the Uchiha tried to stage a coup against the Hokage and were all killed when they were caught. Around 150 Uchiha were left yet most of the people in the village did not treat them the same anymore. Most of the villagers were accepting now but the Uchiha no longer felt comfortable. Genesis stood in front of all of them in their meeting hall and started talking: "My dear Uchiha family; too long have you been persecuted for what a few of your now deceased clansmen have done in a moment of madness. Fire Country as well as Konoha treat you like the plague and the adults keep their children away for fear of something happening. I believe that you should all be treated with kindness and respect and honor as well. The Uchiha Clan is one of the two families who helped create Konoha and for that you should be treated like royalty. But because of those few insane members the villagers now believe the Uchiha name to be trash."

All of the people agreed and some of the children scooted forward to listen to his speech with awe in their eyes. He looked out over them and said: "It is the wish of the entire kingdom of Whirlpool that the Uchiha Clan join our country and be on the ruling councils. In this country each Clan only gets one elder to represent it but at my home you get two people for every twenty that you have so you would have thirteen people. We have a plot of land set aside for you that is half the size of Konoha and is like a village in its own right. Everything has already been set up and all we are waiting for now is your answer to our proposal. I will give you until nine tomorrow morning to inform me of what you have all decided. My fiancees and I will be at the Golden Leaf family Inn where we will be waiting for your answer with great anticipation. But you will still have our support should you refuse our offer." Genesis bowed deeply to them all and then the five of them left the Uchiha district so the clan could decide what they were going to do.

The five of them walked down the street and Genesis had retracted his wings and tails as well as put his mask back on so he could avoid having the men and women looking at him with either love or lust in their eyes and money signs in those who just wanted the power. They walked back to the Inn and went to the room where Genesis picked up some scrolls for them and asked: "Would you like to come to a formal dinner with me tonight? It has been so long since the last one." They nodded and he handed each of them a scroll with their names on them with clothes that they would be able to wear that night: "I am going to the public Onsen first and we will meet in four and a half hours at the Golden Dragon in the private banquet room or in front of the Inn if you would prefer." all of their eyes widened in delight and they each gave him a kiss before taking off to go and get ready for the night. Once they were gone Genesis picked up his own scroll and left to the Onsen by roof hopping so he could avoid those who were looking for him.

He went into the Onsen, paid for a private bath and changed into his towel, his hair flowing around him like a black and red curtain. Genesis carefully washed himself and then sank into the water with a content look in his eyes. He was pouring water on his head and basking in the warm water when he heard giggling from the other side of the wall on the outside: "Dear Kami-sama that man does not learn does he?" Genesis snapped his fingers and a boiling ball of water appeared above Jiraya, who thought that peeping for his next book would help him feel better: "Surprise you filthy perverted asshole." Genesis waved a hand and the water fell on the unsuspecting pervert: "OH DEAR KAMI IT BUUUUURNS!" "Eeeek pervert!" The women dashed into the changing room and after a moment went to beat Jiraya until he passed out, the older man laying bleeding with welts and bruises all over his body.

Genesis stayed in the waters for about an hour and then reluctantly got out so he could get ready for the dinner later that night. He walked around the corner to find Jiraya leaning against a tree moaning in pain, his eyes squeezed shut. He stood in front of the pervert for a moment and then said as he walked away: "If this is the level of shinobi in Fire Country it is no wonder that many if not all of the other Nations hate you. My birth mother left a letter that said to give you a chance fro what I see I cannot do such a thing." Genesis walked back into the village and completely ignored everyone trying to get his attention, including the two ninja who were sent to give him a message from the Hokage and Fire Daimyo. He finally got irritated an turned to them with cold red eyes, the two shaking slightly as they looked at him: "What do you want Shinobi-san and Hooker-chan?"

The masked kunoichi bristled inside but then looked at him and said: "The Daimyo and the Yondaime wish..." "Let me stop you right there Hooker-chan. Fire Country and Whirlpool Kingdom are no longer allies so they have no rights whatsoever to ask anything of me or order me to do anything as I am not under their command. Should they wish for an audience with me then they must formally request it through my mother and father." The two disappeared to relay the message and Genesis went back to the Inn where he created some shadow clones to help him prepare for the formal dinner that he was going to have later.

Back at the Tower Minato and the Daimyo were waiting for Genesis to arrive so they could talk to him and try to repair their relationship and hopefully their alliance as well. A few moments later the two they had sent appeared in the office and Minato asked; "So where is he? Did the two of you not give him the message?" The two bowed in front of their leaders and the man said: "We tried to give him the message but he said that we had to formally request for a meeting through his mother and father if you wanted to speak with him in private." Minato jerked his head up and said: "But I am his father! And his mother died sixteen years ago!" "We are just relaying the message Hokage-sama and Daimyo-dono. But he was seen going into the family Inn on the other side of the village if you wise to change his mind."The two dismissed them and they sat in silence before Minato jumped up and took off for where Genesis was staying, the Daimyo leaving Konoha to return to the capital since they had lost their allies that day and the meetings were now canceled.

A few minutes later the manager for the Golden Leaf was at the desk organizing some of his paperwork when their front doors slammed open and an angry Yondaime stormed in: "Which room is Crown Prince Kazama staying in?" The man quickly regained his composure and said: "I am afraid that I cannot tell you that Hokage-sama. He is a guest here and we have a right to keep their privacy." "But he is my son and I have every right to see him!" "You have no rights whatsoever when it comes to my godson Namikaze-san." Minato turned around and saw Orochimaru standing there with the Kusanagi on his back and a neutral look on his face: "When Kushina; may she rest in peace was dying she signed over full and sole custody of Genesis to the king and queen. So King Arashi and Queen Juno are now his mother and father and law states that you must get their permission to gain an audience with their son."

Minato just looked at him and said in anger: "And why did you never say anything Orochimaru?" The eyes of Orochimaru narrowed in anger and he said: "Kushina begged you to join Whirlpool so that the two of you could be together with no problems but instead you took her away despite her wishes. Why do you think she no longer wanted to be a kunoichi? Despite you and the council begging her to train a team or an apprentice she would refuse and just stay home, only coming out to shop or meet you to eat. I would visit her when I had the time and she would cry on my shoulder that she wanted to go home yet could not bring herself to leave you, which is how she grew ill."

"Before the War started she discovered she was pregnant and used the excuse of being with child to return home, which you allowed her to do so she would not be in harms way." Orochimaru wiped a tear from his eye, took a breath and continued: "When we arrived she fell ill and I spent the entire ten months at her side, sending a reinforced blood clone to fight in my place. A month before she dies Kushina wrote that letter for you, made me the godfather of Genesis and gave sole custody of him to her parents."

"I have been visiting Whirlpool for the past sixteen years and have seen him grow strong without any of you. When he became a shinobi we told him about you and Konoha but he refused to come, even if for only a visit." Minato wiped a tear from his eye and said: "My own son wants nothing to do with me and my wife did not want to be here?" Orochimaru nodded and watched as Minato left the Inn with tears rolling down his face and mumbling to himself: "I am sorry for the disturbance owner-san." The owner smiled slightly and waved it off, Orochimaru smiling as well before walking to his training grounds to train some more with his beloved sword.

I am happy to have kept your attention on this story for this long and I hope you enjoy this chapter of it! I have not finished the next chapter of it so it may be awhile before I can post it. But please rate and review this please and hope to see you next chapter! Obi-chan