Chanté here. This is my shortest chapter to date, at only 908 words, but I thought it was past time I update the story. So please enjoy and review. Also, keep your awesome ideas coming!

Day fifty-eight of the Nate and Sully friendship

Sully's employer has rung Sully that morning, calling to inform him that everything had been placed together and he should begin working today. Sully went to go see him, leaving Nate at the motel with a book and a bowl of fruit. After the bowl of fruit had been vacant for a few hours, Sully returned with folders and books full of clues about his new task. Once Sully returned, Nate asked him about his new job and what he was supposed to do. "So what does Mr Shady Man actually want?" Nate asked, eyeing the stacks of paper Sully was supposed to go through. Sully handed Nate a piece of paper, indicating the picture dominating the page.

"Have you ever heard of the Oracle of Dephic?" Sully asked Nate, Nate stared at the page, trying to see if the picture or name triggered any memories.

"No." Nate replied, before adding "Oracle? As in Priest?" Sully took back the piece of paper.

"As in Priestess. The Oracle of Delphic, known as Pythia to her friends, was the most prestigious Priestess of her time. She's from Greek mythology, but apparently she was real. She told prophecies to those who would listen, and they always came true. Now, see her?" Sully handed Nate another piece of paper. The Pythia woman was sitting in a cauldron. "Myth has it, that this cauldron was the source of her power. Anyone who owns it will have the ability to foresee the future. And that I what Mr Shady Man is after." Nate looked up from the picture and watched Sully rush around in an attempt to organise the papers. Sully kept picking up papers, skimmed the first few lines, and then put them down again.

"How long did he give you?" Nate questioned, with Sully sparing a glance at Nate.

"A few weeks, five months tops. Any chance you read Greek, kid?" Nate's eyes widened at five months, but he kept quiet in his protest.

"Uh, crap, no." Nate realised what Sully meant. Neither of them could read Greek, so translating all the papers would probably take about five months. "Any chance any of this is written in Latin? Or, fingers crossed, English?" Nate replied, with Sully shaking his head.

"Huh. This is going to be harder than I thought."

Four hours later, Sully had successfully translated both sides of a piece of paper. Sully cried out in triumph, while Nate rolled his eyes. "Well done. Now you only have another" Nate looked down at the papers, judging how much was left "thousand papers to do. Keep up the good work." Sully's celebration cut short and he looked over the table at Nate.

"Keep raining on my parade, kid. Maybe it's high time we learnt a little Greek, eh?" Sully asked. Nate shook his head.

"How is it that you've travelled the world, and you've met so many people, yet you've never become close friends with anyone who can read Greek?" Nate asked, incredulously. Sully shrugged a reply and went back to work. Half an hour later, with Nate watching his mentor get more and more frustrated, he thought he should lend a hand. Nate picked up a few pieces of paper with his casted hand. The doctor had said that because Nate had gotten into the incident, he would have to keep his cast on for another week. This meant that in nine days, Nate was getting this dirty yet aesthetically pleasing cast off. After the incident, the only time Nate and Sully spoke about it was at the doctors. Sully just sighed and shook his head at the swelling and bruises decorating Nate's body, but didn't say another word. He was proud that the kid had stuck up for himself, probably more proud then he should have been, but he felt he was quickly discovering that Nate was a whole lot of trouble. Still, Sully was quite fond of him, so he didn't really mind. Nate stared at the papers, not really focusing, his mind busy. "Why don't you just hire someone who can read it?" Sully looked up at Nate, who had gotten up to retrieve a complimentary motel phonebook. Nate brought it over to Sully's side of the table, and Sully leant forward in his chair to get a better look. Sully appeared thoughtful while Nate opened the book.

"It's strange, isn't it?" Nate looked sideways at Sully, to see Sully was getting out his cigars.

"What is?" Nate replied, only half paying attention.

"Well, your future girlfriend or wife could be in this phonebook. Yet, you'll never know enough to find them." Sully looked down at the phonebook to see Nate was breezing through the Fs. "Her last name could be Firth of Fitzpatrick, but you'll never know enough to look for her in the phonebook until you actually meet her. That's pretty strange, don't you think?" Nate stopped and looked down at Sully.

"I'll don't think I'll ever get married. I think I have commitment issues." Nate mumbled. "Besides, my life is crap. I wouldn't want to share it with anybody. 'Cept you, of course." He smiled at Sully, and Sully chuckled.

"No, there's a dame out there that you won't be afraid to commit to, kid. You just have to find her." Nate rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you the romantic today? Here, I found someone you should hire..."