William Reid stepped out of his car and began heading towards his house. He had stayed at the office much longer than he had intended to, and even though it was mid-July, the sun had set over an hour ago.

As he put the keys in the door knob, he heard someone call his name. He whipped around and saw a man standing in the shadows. " Who's there? What do you want?" he called, slowly inching towards the man.

"Are- areyou Mr. William Reid?" the man mumbled once William was just a yard or so away.

"Yes. Yes, I am William Reid. How may I help you sir?". As soon as William confirmed who he was, the man pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at William.

"Get back in your car. Back seat. NOW! Give me your keys and keep quiet, or else-" he said pulling the trigger and shooting a blank. "Next time you won't be so lucky"

William did exactly what he was told and was about to ask what the man wanted, when he felt something cold and hard crash against his head and the world around him began to go dark.

The car then began to move and the unsub laughed at his success. well let's see if Dr. Reid enjoys his little surprise present